
Chapter 13. Configuring External Authentication

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By using external authentication you can derive user and user group permissions from user group membership in an external identity provider. When you use external authentication, you do not have to create these users and maintain their group membership manually on Satellite Server.

Important User and Group Account Information

All user and group accounts must be local accounts. This is to ensure that there are no authentication conflicts between local accounts on your Satellite Server and accounts in your Active Directory domain.

Your system is not affected by this conflict if your user and group accounts exist in both /etc/passwd and /etc/group files. For example, to check if entries for puppet, apache, foreman and foreman-proxy groups exist in both /etc/passwd and /etc/group files, enter the following commands:

# cat /etc/passwd | grep 'puppet\|apache\|foreman\|foreman-proxy'
# cat /etc/group | grep 'puppet\|apache\|foreman\|foreman-proxy'

Scenarios for Configuring External Authentication

Red Hat Satellite supports the following general scenarios for configuring external authentication:

  • Using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server as an external identity provider. LDAP is a set of open protocols used to access centrally stored information over a network. With Satellite, you can manage LDAP entirely through the Satellite web UI. For more information, see Section 13.1, “Using LDAP”. Though you can use LDAP to connect to a Red Hat Identity Management or AD server, the setup does not support server discovery, cross-forest trusts, or single sign-on with Kerberos in Satellite’s web UI.
  • Using a Red Hat Identity Management server as an external identity provider. Red Hat Identity Management deals with the management of individual identities, their credentials and privileges used in a networking environment. Configuration using Red Hat Identity Management cannot be completed using only the Satellite web UI and requires some interaction with the CLI. For more information see Section 13.2, “Using Red Hat Identity Management”.
  • Using Active Directory (AD) integrated with Red Hat Identity Management through cross-forest Kerberos trust as an external identity provider. For more information see Section 13.3.5, “Active Directory with Cross-Forest Trust”.
  • Using Red Hat Single Sign-On as an OpenID provider for external authentication to Satellite. For more information, see Section 13.8, “Configuring Satellite with Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication”.
  • Using Red Hat Single Sign-On as an OpenID provider for external authentication to Satellite with TOTP. For more information, see Section 13.9, “Configuring Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication with TOTP”.

As well as providing access to Satellite Server, hosts provisioned with Satellite can also be integrated with Red Hat Identity Management realms. Red Hat Satellite has a realm feature that automatically manages the life cycle of any system registered to a realm or domain provider. For more information, see Section 13.7, “External Authentication for Provisioned Hosts”.

Table 13.1. Authentication Overview
TypeAuthenticationUser Groups

Red Hat Identity Management

Kerberos or LDAP


Active Directory

Kerberos or LDAP





13.1. Using LDAP

Satellite supports LDAP authentication using one or multiple LDAP directories.

If you require Red Hat Satellite to use TLS to establish a secure LDAP connection (LDAPS), first obtain certificates used by the LDAP server you are connecting to and mark them as trusted on the base operating system of your Satellite Server as described below. If your LDAP server uses a certificate chain with intermediate certificate authorities, all of the root and intermediate certificates in the chain must be trusted, so ensure all certificates are obtained. If you do not require secure LDAP at this time, proceed to Section 13.1.2, “Configuring Red Hat Satellite to use LDAP”.

Using SSSD Configuration

Though direct LDAP integration is covered in this section, Red Hat recommends that you use SSSD and configure it against Red Hat Identity Management, AD, or an LDAP server. SSSD improves the consistency of the authentication process. For more information about the preferred configurations, see Section 13.3, “Using Active Directory”. You can also cache the SSSD credentials and use them for LDAP authentication. For more information on SSSD, see Configuring SSSD in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 System-Level Authentication Guide.

13.1.1. Configuring TLS for Secure LDAP

Use the Satellite CLI to configure TLS for secure LDAP (LDAPS).


  1. Obtain the Certificate from the LDAP Server.

    1. If you use Active Directory Certificate Services, export the Enterprise PKI CA Certificate using the Base-64 encoded X.509 format. See How to configure Active Directory authentication with TLS on Satellite 6 for information on creating and exporting a CA certificate from an Active Directory server.
    2. Download the LDAP server certificate to a temporary location on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system where Satellite Server is installed and remove it when finished.

      For example, /tmp/example.crt. The filename extensions .cer and .crt are only conventions and can refer to DER binary or PEM ASCII format certificates.

  2. Trust the Certificate from the LDAP Server.

    Red Hat Satellite Server requires the CA certificates for LDAP authentication to be individual files in /etc/pki/tls/certs/ directory.

    1. Use the install command to install the imported certificate into the /etc/pki/tls/certs/ directory with the correct permissions:

      # install /tmp/example.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/
    2. Enter the following command as root to trust the example.crt certificate obtained from the LDAP server:

      # ln -s example.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/$(openssl \
      x509 -noout -hash -in \
    3. Restart the httpd service:

      # systemctl restart httpd

13.1.2. Configuring Red Hat Satellite to use LDAP

In the Satellite web UI, configure Satellite to use LDAP.

Note that if you need single sign-on functionality with Kerberos on Satellite’s web UI, you should use Red Hat Identity Management and AD external authentication instead. See Using Red Hat Identity Management or Using Active Directory for more information on those options.


  1. Set the Network Information System (NIS) service boolean to true to prevent SELinux from stopping outgoing LDAP connections:

    # setsebool -P nis_enabled on
  2. Navigate to Administer > LDAP Authentication.
  3. Click Create Authentication Source.
  4. On the LDAP server tab, enter the LDAP server’s name, host name, port, and server type. The default port is 389, the default server type is POSIX (alternatively you can select FreeIPA or Active Directory depending on the type of authentication server). For TLS encrypted connections, select the LDAPS check box to enable encryption. The port should change to 636, which is the default for LDAPS.
  5. On the Account tab, enter the account information and domain name details. See Section 13.1.3, “Description of LDAP Settings” for descriptions and examples.
  6. On the Attribute mappings tab, map LDAP attributes to Satellite attributes. You can map login name, first name, last name, email address, and photo attributes. See Section 13.1.4, “Example Settings for LDAP Connections” for examples.
  7. On the Locations tab, select locations from the left table. Selected locations are assigned to users created from the LDAP authentication source, and available after their first login.
  8. On the Organizations tab, select organizations from the left table. Selected organizations are assigned to users created from the LDAP authentication source, and available after their first login.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. Configure new accounts for LDAP users:

    • If you did not select Automatically Create Accounts In Satellite check box, see Section 5.1.1, “Creating a User” to create user accounts manually.
    • If you selected the Automatically Create Accounts In Satellite check box, LDAP users can now log in to Satellite using their LDAP accounts and passwords. After they log in for the first time, the Satellite administrator has to assign roles to them manually. See Section 5.1.2, “Assigning Roles to a User” to assign user accounts appropriate roles in Satellite.

13.1.3. Description of LDAP Settings

The following table provides a description for each setting in the Account tab.

Table 13.2. Account Tab Settings


The user name of the LDAP account that has read access to the LDAP server. User name is not required if the server allows anonymous reading, otherwise use the full path to the user’s object. For example:


The $login variable stores the username entered on the login page as a literal string. The value is accessed when the variable is expanded.

The variable cannot be used with external user groups from an LDAP source because Satellite needs to retrieve the group list without the user logging in. Use either an anonymous, or dedicated service user.

Account password

The LDAP password for the user defined in the Account username field. This field can remain blank if the Account username is using the $login variable.

Base DN

The top level domain name of the LDAP directory.

Groups base DN

The top level domain name of the LDAP directory tree that contains groups.

LDAP filter

A filter to restrict LDAP queries.

Automatically Create Accounts In Satellite

If this check box is selected, Satellite creates user accounts for LDAP users when they log in to Satellite for the first time. After they log in for the first time, the Satellite administrator has to assign roles to them manually. See Section 5.1.2, “Assigning Roles to a User” to assign user accounts appropriate roles in Satellite.

Usergroup Sync

If this option is selected, the user group membership of a user is automatically synchronized when the user logs in, which ensures the membership is always up to date. If this option is cleared, Satellite relies on a cron job to regularly synchronize group membership (every 30 minutes by default). See To Configure an External User Group: for further context.

13.1.4. Example Settings for LDAP Connections

The following table shows example settings for different types of LDAP connections. The example below uses a dedicated service account called redhat that has bind, read, and search permissions on the user and group entries. Note that LDAP attribute names are case sensitive.

Table 13.3. Example Settings for Active Directory, Free IPA or Red Hat Identity Management and POSIX LDAP Connections
SettingActive DirectoryFreeIPA or Red Hat Identity ManagementPOSIX (OpenLDAP)



uid=redhat,cn=users, cn=accounts,dc=example, dc=com

uid=redhat,ou=users, dc=example,dc=com

Account password




Base DN




Groups Base DN


cn=groups,cn=accounts, dc=example,dc=com

cn=employee,ou=userclass, dc=example,dc=com

Login name attribute




First name attribute




Last name attribute




Email address attribute




Photo attribute





userPrincipalName allows the use of whitespace in usernames. The login name attribute sAMAccountName (which is not listed in the table above) provides backwards compatibility with legacy Microsoft systems. sAMAccountName does not allow the use of whitespace in usernames.

13.1.5. Example LDAP Filters

As an administrator, you can create LDAP filters to restrict the access of specific users to Satellite.

Table 13.4. Example filters for allowing specific users to login

User1, User3


User2, User3


User1, User2, User3


LDAP directory structure

The LDAP directory structure that the filters in the example use:

   |----- CN=Users
         |----- CN=Group1
         |----- CN=Group2
         |----- CN=User1
         |----- CN=User2
         |----- CN=User3

LDAP group membership

The group membership that the filters in the example use:



User1, User3


User2, User3

13.2. Using Red Hat Identity Management

This section shows how to integrate Red Hat Satellite Server with a Red Hat Identity Management server and how to enable host-based access control.


You can attach Red Hat Identity Management as an external authentication source with no single sign-on support. For more information, see Section 13.1, “Using LDAP”.


  • Satellite Server has to run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 or later.
  • The base operating system of Satellite Server must be enrolled in the Red Hat Identity Management domain by the Red Hat Identity Management administrator of your organization.

The examples in this chapter assume separation between Red Hat Identity Management and Satellite configuration. However, if you have administrator privileges for both servers, you can configure Red Hat Identity Management as described in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Linux Domain Identity, Authentication, and Policy Guide.

13.2.1. Configuring Red Hat Identity Management Authentication on Satellite Server

In the Satellite CLI, configure Red Hat Identity Management authentication by first creating a host entry on the Red Hat Identity Management server.


  1. On the Red Hat Identity Management server, to authenticate, enter the following command and enter your password when prompted:

    # kinit admin
  2. To verify that you have authenticated, enter the following command:

    # klist
  3. On the Red Hat Identity Management server, create a host entry for Satellite Server and generate a one-time password, for example:

    # ipa host-add --random hostname

    The generated one-time password must be used on the client to complete Red Hat Identity Management-enrollment.

    For more information on host configuration properties, see About Host Entry Configuration Properties in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Linux Domain Identity, Authentication, and Policy guide.

  4. Create an HTTP service for Satellite Server, for example:

    # ipa service-add HTTP/hostname

    For more information on managing services, see Managing Services in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Linux Domain Identity, Authentication, and Policy guide.

  5. On Satellite Server, install the IPA client:


    This command might restart Satellite services during the installation of the package. For more information about installing and updating packages on Satellite, see Section 11.5, “Managing Packages on the Base Operating System of Satellite or Capsule”.

    # satellite-maintain packages install ipa-client
  6. On Satellite Server, enter the following command as root to configure Red Hat Identity Management-enrollment:

    # ipa-client-install --password OTP

    Replace OTP with the one-time password provided by the Red Hat Identity Management administrator.

  7. If Satellite Server is running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, execute the following command:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms

    The installer is dependent on packages which, on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, are in the optional repository rhel-7-server-optional-rpms.

  8. Set foreman-ipa-authentication to true, using the following command:

    # satellite-installer --foreman-ipa-authentication=true
  9. Restart the satellite-maintain services:

    # satellite-maintain service restart

External users can now log in to Satellite using their Red Hat Identity Management credentials. They can now choose to either log in to Satellite Server directly using their username and password or take advantage of the configured Kerberos single sign-on and obtain a ticket on their client machine and be logged in automatically. The two-factor authentication with one-time password (2FA OTP) is also supported. If the user in Red Hat Identity Management is configured for 2FA, and Satellite Server is running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, this user can also authenticate to Satellite with an OTP.

13.2.2. Configuring Host-Based Authentication Control

HBAC rules define which machine within the domain a Red Hat Identity Management user is allowed to access. You can configure HBAC on the Red Hat Identity Management server to prevent selected users from accessing Satellite Server. With this approach, you can prevent Satellite from creating database entries for users that are not allowed to log in. For more information on HBAC, see Configuring Host-Based Access Control in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Linux Domain Identity, Authentication, and Policy guide.

On the Red Hat Identity Management server, configure Host-Based Authentication Control (HBAC).


  1. On the Red Hat Identity Management server, to authenticate, enter the following command and enter your password when prompted:

    # kinit admin
  2. To verify that you have authenticated, enter the following command:

    # klist
  3. Create HBAC service and rule on the Red Hat Identity Management server and link them together. The following examples use the PAM service name satellite-prod. Execute the following commands on the Red Hat Identity Management server:

    # ipa hbacsvc-add satellite-prod
    # ipa hbacrule-add allow_satellite_prod
    # ipa hbacrule-add-service allow_satellite_prod --hbacsvcs=satellite-prod
  4. Add the user who is to have access to the service satellite-prod, and the hostname of Satellite Server:

    # ipa hbacrule-add-user allow_satellite_prod --user=username
    # ipa hbacrule-add-host allow_satellite_prod

    Alternatively, host groups and user groups can be added to the allowsatellite_prod_ rule.

  5. To check the status of the rule, execute:

    # ipa hbacrule-find satellite-prod
    # ipa hbactest --user=username --service=satellite-prod
  6. Ensure the allow_all rule is disabled on the Red Hat Identity Management server. For instructions on how to do so without disrupting other services see the How to configure HBAC rules in IdM article on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  7. Configure the Red Hat Identity Management integration with Satellite Server as described in Section 13.2.1, “Configuring Red Hat Identity Management Authentication on Satellite Server”. On Satellite Server, define the PAM service as root:

    # satellite-installer --foreman-pam-service=satellite-prod

13.3. Using Active Directory

This section shows how to use direct Active Directory (AD) as an external authentication source for Satellite Server.


You can attach Active Directory as an external authentication source with no single sign-on support. For more information, see Section 13.1, “Using LDAP”. For an example configuration, see How to configure Active Directory authentication with TLS on Satellite 6.

Direct AD integration means that Satellite Server is joined directly to the AD domain where the identity is stored. The recommended setup consists of two steps:

13.3.1. GSS-Proxy

The traditional process of Kerberos authentication in Apache requires the Apache process to have read access to the keytab file. GSS-Proxy allows you to implement stricter privilege separation for the Apache server by removing access to the keytab file while preserving Kerberos authentication functionality. When using AD as an external authentication source for Satellite, it is recommended to implement GSS-proxy, because the keys in the keytab file are the same as the host keys.


The AD integration requires Red Hat Satellite Server to be deployed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 or later.

Perform the following procedures on Red Hat Enterprise Linux that acts as a base operating system for your Satellite Server. For the examples in this section EXAMPLE.ORG is the Kerberos realm for the AD domain. By completing the procedures, users that belong to the EXAMPLE.ORG realm can log in to Satellite Server.

13.3.2. Enrolling Satellite Server with the AD Server

In the Satellite CLI, enroll Satellite Server with the Active Directory server.


  • GSS-proxy and nfs-utils are installed.

    Installing GSS-proxy and nfs-utils:

    # satellite-maintain packages install gssproxy nfs-utils


  1. Install the required packages:

    # satellite-maintain packages install sssd adcli realmd ipa-python-compat krb5-workstation samba-common-tools
  2. Enroll Satellite Server with the AD server. You may need to have administrator permissions to perform the following command:

    # realm join -v EXAMPLE.ORG

13.3.3. Configuring Direct AD Integration with GSS-proxy

In the Satellite CLI, configure the direct Active Directory integration with GSS-proxy.



  1. Create the /etc/ipa/ directory and the default.conf file:

    # mkdir /etc/ipa
    # touch /etc/ipa/default.conf
  2. To the default.conf file, add the following content:

    server = unused
    realm = EXAMPLE.ORG
  3. Create the /etc/net-keytab.conf file with the following content:

    workgroup = EXAMPLE
    realm = EXAMPLE.ORG
    kerberos method = system keytab
    security = ads
  4. Determine the effective user ID of the Apache user:

    # id apache

    Apache user must not have access to the keytab file.

  5. Create the /etc/gssproxy/00-http.conf file with the following content:

    mechs = krb5
    cred_store = keytab:/etc/krb5.keytab
    cred_store = ccache:/var/lib/gssproxy/clients/krb5cc_%U
    euid = ID_of_Apache_User
  6. Create a keytab entry:

    # KRB5_KTNAME=FILE:/etc/httpd/conf/http.keytab net ads keytab add HTTP -U administrator -d3 -s /etc/net-keytab.conf
    # chown root.apache /etc/httpd/conf/http.keytab
    # chmod 640 /etc/httpd/conf/http.keytab
  7. Enable IPA authenication in Satellite:

    # satellite-installer --foreman-ipa-authentication=true
  8. Start and enable the gssproxy service:

    # systemctl restart gssproxy.service
    # systemctl enable gssproxy.service
  9. Configure the Apache server to use the gssproxy service:

    1. Create the /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service file with the following content:

      .include /lib/systemd/system/httpd.service
    2. Apply changes to the service:

      # systemctl daemon-reload
  10. Start and enable the httpd service:

    # systemctl restart httpd.service
  11. Verify that SSO is working as expected.

    With a running Apache server, users making HTTP requests against the server are authenticated if the client has a valid Kerberos ticket.

    1. Retrieve the Kerberos ticket of the LDAP user, using the following command:

      # kinit ldapuser
    2. View the Kerberos ticket, using the following command:

      # klist
    3. View output from successful SSO-based authentication, using the following command:

      # curl -k -u : --negotiate

      This returns the following response:

      <html><body>You are being <a href="">redirected</a>.</body></html>

13.3.4. Kerberos Configuration in Web Browsers

For information on configuring the Firefox browser see Configuring Firefox to Use Kerberos for Single Sign-On in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux System-Level Authentication guide.

If you use the Internet Explorer browser, add Satellite Server to the list of Local Intranet or Trusted sites, and turn on the Enable Integrated Windows Authentication setting. See the Internet Explorer documentation for details.


With direct AD integration, HBAC through Red Hat Identity Management is not available. As an alternative, you can use Group Policy Objects (GPO) that enable administrators to centrally manage policies in AD environments. To ensure correct GPO to PAM service mapping, use the following sssd configuration:

access_provider = ad
ad_gpo_access_control = enforcing
ad_gpo_map_service = +foreman

Here, foreman is the PAM service name. For more information on GPOs, please refer to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Windows Integration Guide.

13.3.5. Active Directory with Cross-Forest Trust

Kerberos can create cross-forest trust that defines a relationship between two otherwise separate domain forests. A domain forest is a hierarchical structure of domains; both AD and Red Hat Identity Management constitute a forest. With a trust relationship enabled between AD and Red Hat Identity Management, users of AD can access Linux hosts and services using a single set of credentials. For more information on cross-forest trusts, see Creating Cross-forest Trusts with Active Directory and Identity Management in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Windows Integration guide.

From the Satellite point of view, the configuration process is the same as integration with Red Hat Identity Management server without cross-forest trust configured. Satellite Server has to be enrolled in the IPM domain and integrated as described in Section 13.2, “Using Red Hat Identity Management”.

13.3.6. Configuring the Red Hat Identity Management Server to Use Cross-Forest Trust

On the Red Hat Identity Management server, configure the server to use cross-forest trust.


  1. Enable HBAC:

    1. Create an external group and add the AD group to it.
    2. Add the new external group to a POSIX group.
    3. Use the POSIX group in a HBAC rule.
  2. Configure sssd to transfer additional attributes of AD users.

    • Add the AD user attributes to the nss and domain sections in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf.

      For example:

      user_attributes=+mail, +sn, +givenname
      ldap_user_extra_attrs=mail, sn, givenname

13.4. Configuring External User Groups

Satellite does not associate external users with their user group automatically. You must create a user group with the same name as in the external source on Satellite. Members of the external user group then automatically become members of the Satellite user group and receive the associated permissions.

The configuration of external user groups depends on the type of external authentication.

To assign additional permissions to an external user, add this user to an internal user group that has no external mapping specified. Then assign the required roles to this group.


  • If you use an LDAP server, configure Satellite to use LDAP authentication. For more information see Section 13.1, “Using LDAP”.

    When using external user groups from an LDAP source, you cannot use the $login variable as a substitute for the account user name. You must use either an anonymous or dedicated service user.

  • If you use a Red Hat Identity Management or AD server, configure Satellite to use Red Hat Identity Management or AD authentication. For more information, see Chapter 13, Configuring External Authentication.
  • Ensure that at least one external user authenticates for the first time.
  • Retain a copy of the external group names you want to use. To find the group membership of external users, enter the following command:

    # id username

To Configure an External User Group:

  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Administer > User Groups, and click Create User Group.
  2. Specify the name of the new user group. Do not select any users to avoid adding users automatically when you refresh the external user group.
  3. Click the Roles tab and select the roles you want to assign to the user group. Alternatively, select the Administrator check box to assign all available permissions.
  4. Click the External groups tab, then click Add external user group, and select an authentication source from the Auth source drop-down menu.

    Specify the exact name of the external group in the Name field.

  5. Click Submit.

13.5. Refreshing External User Groups for LDAP

To set the LDAP source to synchronize user group membership automatically on user login, in the Auth Source page, select the Usergroup Sync option. If this option is not selected, LDAP user groups are refreshed automatically through a scheduled cron job synchronizing the LDAP Authentication source every 30 minutes by default.

If the user groups in the LDAP Authentication source change in the lapse of time between scheduled tasks, the user can be assigned to incorrect external user groups. This is corrected automatically when the scheduled task runs.

Use this procedure to refresh the LDAP source manually.


  1. Navigate to Administer > Usergroups and select a user group.
  2. Navigate to the External Groups tab and click Refresh to the right of the required user group.

CLI procedure

  • Enter the following command:

    # foreman-rake ldap:refresh_usergroups

13.6. Refreshing External User Groups for Red Hat Identity Management or AD

External user groups based on Red Hat Identity Management or AD are refreshed only when a group member logs in to Satellite. It is not possible to alter user membership of external user groups in the Satellite web UI, such changes are overwritten on the next group refresh.

13.7. External Authentication for Provisioned Hosts

Use this section to configure Satellite Server or Capsule Server for Red Hat Identity Management realm support, then add hosts to the Red Hat Identity Management realm group.


You require the following setup to configure external authentication for provisioned hosts:

  • Satellite Server that is registered to the Content Delivery Network or an external Capsule Server that is registered to Satellite Server.
  • A deployed realm or domain provider such as Red Hat Identity Management.

To install and configure Red Hat Identity Management packages on Red Hat Satellite Server or Red Hat Satellite Capsule Server:

To use Red Hat Identity Management for provisioned hosts, complete the following steps to install and configure Red Hat Identity Management packages on Red Hat Satellite Server or Red Hat Satellite Capsule Server:

  1. Install the ipa-client package on Satellite Server or Capsule Server:

    # satellite-maintain packages install ipa-client
  2. Configure the server as a Red Hat Identity Management client:

    # ipa-client-install
  3. Create a realm proxy user, realm-capsule, and the relevant roles in Red Hat Identity Management:

    # foreman-prepare-realm admin realm-capsule

    Note the principal name that returns and your Red Hat Identity Management server configuration details because you require them for the following procedure.

To configure Satellite Server or Capsule Server for Red Hat Identity Management Realm Support:

Complete the following procedure on Satellite and every Capsule that you want to use:

  1. Copy the /root/freeipa.keytab file to any Capsule Server that you want to include in the same principal and realm:

    # scp /root/freeipa.keytab
  2. Move the /root/freeipa.keytab file to the /etc/foreman-proxy directory and set the ownership settings to the foreman-proxy user:

    # mv /root/freeipa.keytab /etc/foreman-proxy
    # chown foreman-proxy:foreman-proxy /etc/foreman-proxy/freeipa.keytab
  3. Enter the following command on all Capsules that you want to include in the realm. If you use the integrated Capsule on Satellite, enter this command on Satellite Server:

    # satellite-installer --foreman-proxy-realm true \
    --foreman-proxy-realm-keytab /etc/foreman-proxy/freeipa.keytab \
    --foreman-proxy-realm-principal realm-capsule@EXAMPLE.COM \
    --foreman-proxy-realm-provider freeipa

    You can also use these options when you first configure the Red Hat Satellite Server.

  4. Ensure that the most updated versions of the ca-certificates package is installed and trust the Red Hat Identity Management Certificate Authority:

    # cp /etc/ipa/ca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ipa.crt
    # update-ca-trust enable
    # update-ca-trust
  5. Optional: If you configure Red Hat Identity Management on an existing Satellite Server or Capsule Server, complete the following steps to ensure that the configuration changes take effect:

    1. Restart the foreman-proxy service:

      # systemctl restart foreman-proxy
    2. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Infrastructure > Capsules.
    3. Locate the Capsule you have configured for Red Hat Identity Management and from the list in the Actions column, select Refresh.

To create a realm for the Red Hat Identity Management-enabled Capsule

After you configure your integrated or external Capsule with Red Hat Identity Management, you must create a realm and add the Red Hat Identity Management-configured Capsule to the realm.

To create a realm, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Infrastructure > Realms and click Create Realm.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the realm.
  3. From the Realm Type list, select the type of realm.
  4. From the Realm Capsule list, select Capsule Server where you have configured Red Hat Identity Management.
  5. Click the Locations tab and from the Locations list, select the location where you want to add the new realm.
  6. Click the Organizations tab and from the Organizations list, select the organization where you want to add the new realm.
  7. Click Submit.

Updating Host Groups with Realm Information

You must update any host groups that you want to use with the new realm information.

  1. Navigate to Configure > Host Groups, select the host group that you want to update, and click the Network tab.
  2. From the Realm list, select the realm you create as part of this procedure, and then click Submit.

Adding Hosts to a Red Hat Identity Management Host Group

Red Hat Identity Management supports the ability to set up automatic membership rules based on a system’s attributes. Red Hat Satellite’s realm feature provides administrators with the ability to map the Red Hat Satellite host groups to the Red Hat Identity Management parameter userclass which allow administrators to configure automembership.

When nested host groups are used, they are sent to the Red Hat Identity Management server as they are displayed in the Red Hat Satellite User Interface. For example, "Parent/Child/Child".

Satellite Server or Capsule Server sends updates to the Red Hat Identity Management server, however automembership rules are only applied at initial registration.

To Add Hosts to a Red Hat Identity Management Host Group:

  1. On the Red Hat Identity Management server, create a host group:

    # ipa hostgroup-add hostgroup_name --desc=hostgroup_description
  2. Create an automembership rule:

    # ipa automember-add --type=hostgroup hostgroup_name automember_rule

    Where you can use the following options:

    • automember-add flags the group as an automember group.
    • --type=hostgroup identifies that the target group is a host group, not a user group.
    • automember_rule adds the name you want to identify the automember rule by.
  3. Define an automembership condition based on the userclass attribute:

    # ipa automember-add-condition --key=userclass --type=hostgroup --inclusive-regex=^webserver hostgroup_name
    Added condition(s) to "hostgroup_name"
    Automember Rule: automember_rule
    Inclusive Regex: userclass=^webserver
    Number of conditions added 1

    Where you can use the following options:

    • automember-add-condition adds regular expression conditions to identify group members.
    • --key=userclass specifies the key attribute as userclass.
    • --type=hostgroup identifies that the target group is a host group, not a user group.
    • --inclusive-regex= ^webserver identifies matching values with a regular expression pattern.
    • hostgroup_name - identifies the target host group’s name.

When a system is added to Satellite Server’s hostgroup_name host group, it is added automatically to the Red Hat Identity Management server’s "hostgroup_name" host group. Red Hat Identity Management host groups allow for Host-Based Access Controls (HBAC), sudo policies and other Red Hat Identity Management functions.

13.8. Configuring Satellite with Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication

Use this section to configure Satellite to use Red Hat Single Sign-On as an OpenID provider for external authentication.

13.8.1. Prerequisites for Configuring Satellite with Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication

Before configuring Satellite with Red Hat Single Sign-On external authentication, ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • A working installation of Red Hat Single Sign-On server that uses HTTPS instead of HTTP.
  • A Red Hat Single Sign-On account with admin privileges.
  • A realm for Satellite user accounts created in Red Hat Single Sign-On.
  • If the certificates or the CA are self-signed, ensure that they are added to the end-user certificate trust store.
  • Users imported or added to Red Hat Single Sign-On.

    If you have an existing user database configured such as LDAP or Kerberos, you can import users from it by configuring user federation. For more information, see User Storage Federation in the Red Hat Single Sign-On Server Administration Guide.

    If you do not have an existing user database configured, you can manually create users in Red Hat Single Sign-On. For more information, see Creating New Users in the Red Hat Single Sign-On Server Administration Guide.

13.8.2. Registering Satellite as a Red Hat Single Sign-On Client

Use this procedure to register Satellite to Red Hat Single Sign-On as a client and configure Satellite to use Red Hat Single Sign-On as an authentication source.

You can configure Satellite and Red Hat Single Sign-On with two different authentication methods:

  1. Users authenticate to Satellite using the Satellite web UI.
  2. Users authenticate to Satellite using the Satellite CLI.

You must decide on how you want your users to authenticate in advance because both methods require different Satellite clients to be registered to Red Hat Single Sign-On and configured. The steps to register and configure Satellite client in Red Hat Single Sign-On are distinguished within the procedure.

You can also register two different Satellite clients to Red Hat Single Sign-On if you want to use both authentication methods and configure both clients accordingly.


  1. On the Satellite server, install the following packages:

    # satellite-maintain packages install mod_auth_openidc keycloak-httpd-client-install
  2. Register Satellite to Red Hat Single Sign-On as a client. Note that you the registration process for logging in using the web UI and the CLI are different. You can register two clients Satellite clients to Red Hat Single Sign-On to be able to log in to Satellite from the web UI and the CLI.

    • If you want you users to authenticate to Satellite using the web UI, create a client as follows:

      # keycloak-httpd-client-install --app-name foreman-openidc \
      --keycloak-server-url "" \
      --keycloak-admin-username "admin" \
      --keycloak-realm "Satellite_Realm" \
      --keycloak-admin-realm master \
      --keycloak-auth-role root-admin \
      -t openidc -l /users/extlogin --force

      Enter the password for the administer account when prompted. This command creates a client for Satellite in Red Hat Single Sign-On.

      Then, configure Satellite to use Red Hat Single Sign-On as an authentication source:

      # satellite-installer --foreman-keycloak true \
      --foreman-keycloak-app-name "foreman-openidc" \
      --foreman-keycloak-realm "Satellite_Realm"
    • If you want your users to authenticate to Satellite using the CLI, create a client as follows:

      # keycloak-httpd-client-install --app-name hammer-openidc \
      --keycloak-server-url "" \
      --keycloak-admin-username "admin" \
      --keycloak-realm "Satellite_Realm" \
      --keycloak-admin-realm master \
      --keycloak-auth-role root-admin \
      -t openidc -l /users/extlogin --force

      Enter the password for the administer account when prompted. This command creates a client for Satellite in Red Hat Single Sign-On.

  3. Restart the httpd service:

    # systemctl restart httpd

13.8.3. Configuring the Satellite Client in Red Hat Single Sign-On

Use this procedure to configure the Satellite client in the Red Hat Single Sign-On web UI and create group and audience mappers for the Satellite client.


  1. In the Red Hat Single Sign-On web UI, navigate to Clients and click the Satellite client.
  2. Configure access type:

    • If you want your users to authenticate to Satellite using the web UI, from the Access Type list, select confidential.
    • If you want your users to authenticate to Satellite using the CLI, from the Access Type list, select public.
  3. In the Valid redirect URI fields, add a valid redirect URI.

    • If you want your users to authenticate to Satellite using the web UI, in the blank field below the existing URI, enter a URI in the form Note that you must add the string /users/extlogin after the Satellite FQDN.

      After completing this step, the Satellite client for logging in using the web UI must have the following Valid Redirect URIs:
    • If you want your users to authenticate to Satellite using the CLI, in the blank field below the existing URI, enter urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob.

      After completing this step, the Satellite client for logging in using the CLI must have the following Valid Redirect URIs:
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click the Mappers tab and click Create to add an audience mapper.
  6. In the Name field, enter a name for the audience mapper.
  7. From the Mapper Type list, select Audience.
  8. From the Included Client Audience list, select the Satellite client.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Create to add a group mapper so that you can specify authorization in Satellite based on group membership.
  11. In the Name field, enter a name for the group mapper.
  12. From the Mapper Type list, select Group Membership.
  13. In the Token Claim Name field, enter groups.
  14. Set the Full group path setting to OFF.
  15. Click Save.

13.8.4. Configuring Satellite Settings for Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication

Use this section to configure Satellite for Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication using the Satellite web UI or the CLI. Configuring Satellite Settings for Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication Using the Web UI

Use this procedure to configure Satellite settings for Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication using the Satellite web UI.

Note that you can navigate to the following URL within your realm to obtain values to configure Satellite settings:


  • Ensure that the Access Type setting in the Satellite client in the Red Hat Single Sign-On web UI is set to confidential


  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Administer > Settings, and click the Authentication tab.
  2. Locate the Authorize login delegation row, and in the Value column, set the value to Yes.
  3. Locate the Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate row, and in the Value column, set the value to External.
  4. Locate the Login delegation logout URL row, and in the Value column, set the value to
  5. Locate the OIDC Algorithm row, and in the Value column, set the algorithm for encoding on Red Hat Single Sign-On to RS256.
  6. Locate the OIDC Audience row, and in the Value column, set the value to the client ID for Red Hat Single Sign-On.
  7. Locate the OIDC Issuer row, and in the Value column, set the value to
  8. Locate the OIDC JWKs URL row, and in the Value column, set the value to
  9. Navigate to Administer > Authentication Sources and click External.
  10. Click Create LDAP Authentication Source and select the Red Hat Single Sign-On server.
  11. Click the Locations tab and add locations that can use the Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication source.
  12. Click the Organizations tab and add organizations that can use the Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication source.
  13. Click Submit. Configuring Satellite Settings for Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication Using the CLI

Use this procedure to configure Satellite settings for Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication using the Satellite CLI.

Note that you can navigate to the following URL within your realm to obtain values to configure Satellite settings:


  • Ensure that the Access Type setting in the Satellite client in the Red Hat Single Sign-On web UI is set to public


  1. On Satellite, set the login delegation to true so that users can authenticate using the Open IDC protocol:

    # hammer settings set --name authorize_login_delegation --value true
  2. Set the login delegation logout URL:

    # hammer settings set --name login_delegation_logout_url \
  3. Set the algorithm for encoding on Red Hat Single Sign-On, for example, RS256:

    # hammer settings set --name oidc_algorithm --value 'RS256'
  4. Open the URL and note the values to populate the options in the following steps.
  5. Add the value for the Hammer client in the Open IDC audience:

    # hammer settings set --name oidc_audience \
    --value "['']"

    If you register several Red Hat Single Sign-On clients to Satellite, ensure that you append all audiences in the array. For example:

    # hammer settings set --name oidc_audience \
    --value "['', '']"
  6. Set the value for the Open IDC issuer:

    # hammer settings set --name oidc_issuer \
    --value ""
  7. Set the value for Open IDC Java Web Token (JWT):

    # hammer settings set --name oidc_jwks_url \
    --value ""
  8. Retrieve the ID of the Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication source:

    # hammer auth-source external list
  9. Set the location and organization:

    # hammer auth-source external update --id Authentication Source ID \
    --location-ids Location ID --organization-ids Organization ID

13.8.5. Logging in to the Satellite Web UI Using Red Hat Single Sign-On

Use this procedure to log in to the Satellite web UI using Red Hat Single Sign-On.


  • In your browser, log in to Satellite and enter your credentials.

13.8.6. Logging in to the Satellite CLI Using Red Hat Single Sign-On

Use this procedure to authenticate to the Satellite CLI using the code grant type.


  1. To authenticate to the Satellite CLI using the code grant type, enter the following command:

    # hammer auth login oauth \
    --two-factor \
    --oidc-token-endpoint '' \
    --oidc-authorization-endpoint '' \
    --oidc-client-id '' \
    --oidc-redirect-uri urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob

    The command prompts you to enter a success code.

  2. To retrieve the success code, navigate to the URL that the command returns and provide the required information.
  3. Copy the success code that the web UI returns.
  4. In the command prompt of hammer auth login oauth, enter the success code to authenticate to the Satellite CLI.

13.8.7. Configuring Group Mapping for Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication

Optionally, to implement the Role Based Access Control (RBAC), create a group in Satellite, assign a role to this group, and then map an Active Directory group to the Satellite group. As a result, anyone in the given group in Red Hat Single Sign-On are logged in under the corresponding Satellite group. This example configures users of the Satellite-admin user group in the Active Directory to authenticate as users with administrator privileges on Satellite.


  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Administer > User Groups, and click the Create User Group button.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the user group. The name should not be the same as in the Active Directory.
  3. Do not add users and user groups to the right-hand columns. Click the Roles tab.
  4. Select the Administer check box.
  5. Click the External Groups tab.
  6. Click Add external user group.
  7. In the Name field, enter the name of the Active Directory group.
  8. From the list, select EXTERNAL.

13.9. Configuring Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication with TOTP

Use this section to configure Satellite to use Red Hat Single Sign-On as an OpenID provider for external authentication with TOTP cards.

13.9.1. Prerequisites for Configuring Satellite with Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication

Before configuring Satellite with Red Hat Single Sign-On external authentication, ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • A working installation of Red Hat Single Sign-On server that uses HTTPS instead of HTTP.
  • A Red Hat Single Sign-On account with admin privileges.
  • A realm for Satellite user accounts created in Red Hat Single Sign-On.
  • If the certificates or the CA are self-signed, ensure that they are added to the end-user certificate trust store.
  • Users imported or added to Red Hat Single Sign-On.

    If you have an existing user database configured such as LDAP or Kerberos, you can import users from it by configuring user federation. For more information, see User Storage Federation in the Red Hat Single Sign-On Server Administration Guide.

    If you do not have an existing user database configured, you can manually create users in Red Hat Single Sign-On. For more information, see Creating New Users in the Red Hat Single Sign-On Server Administration Guide.

13.9.2. Registering Satellite as a Red Hat Single Sign-On Client

Use this procedure to register Satellite to Red Hat Single Sign-On as a client and configure Satellite to use Red Hat Single Sign-On as an authentication source.

You can configure Satellite and Red Hat Single Sign-On with two different authentication methods:

  1. Users authenticate to Satellite using the Satellite web UI.
  2. Users authenticate to Satellite using the Satellite CLI.

You must decide on how you want your users to authenticate in advance because both methods require different Satellite clients to be registered to Red Hat Single Sign-On and configured. The steps to register and configure Satellite client in Red Hat Single Sign-On are distinguished within the procedure.

You can also register two different Satellite clients to Red Hat Single Sign-On if you want to use both authentication methods and configure both clients accordingly.


  1. On the Satellite server, install the following packages:

    # satellite-maintain packages install mod_auth_openidc keycloak-httpd-client-install
  2. Register Satellite to Red Hat Single Sign-On as a client. Note that you the registration process for logging in using the web UI and the CLI are different. You can register two clients Satellite clients to Red Hat Single Sign-On to be able to log in to Satellite from the web UI and the CLI.

    • If you want you users to authenticate to Satellite using the web UI, create a client as follows:

      # keycloak-httpd-client-install --app-name foreman-openidc \
      --keycloak-server-url "" \
      --keycloak-admin-username "admin" \
      --keycloak-realm "Satellite_Realm" \
      --keycloak-admin-realm master \
      --keycloak-auth-role root-admin \
      -t openidc -l /users/extlogin --force

      Enter the password for the administer account when prompted. This command creates a client for Satellite in Red Hat Single Sign-On.

      Then, configure Satellite to use Red Hat Single Sign-On as an authentication source:

      # satellite-installer --foreman-keycloak true \
      --foreman-keycloak-app-name "foreman-openidc" \
      --foreman-keycloak-realm "Satellite_Realm"
    • If you want your users to authenticate to Satellite using the CLI, create a client as follows:

      # keycloak-httpd-client-install --app-name hammer-openidc \
      --keycloak-server-url "" \
      --keycloak-admin-username "admin" \
      --keycloak-realm "Satellite_Realm" \
      --keycloak-admin-realm master \
      --keycloak-auth-role root-admin \
      -t openidc -l /users/extlogin --force

      Enter the password for the administer account when prompted. This command creates a client for Satellite in Red Hat Single Sign-On.

  3. Restart the httpd service:

    # systemctl restart httpd

13.9.3. Configuring the Satellite Client in Red Hat Single Sign-On

Use this procedure to configure the Satellite client in the Red Hat Single Sign-On web UI and create group and audience mappers for the Satellite client.


  1. In the Red Hat Single Sign-On web UI, navigate to Clients and click the Satellite client.
  2. Configure access type:

    • If you want your users to authenticate to Satellite using the web UI, from the Access Type list, select confidential.
    • If you want your users to authenticate to Satellite using the CLI, from the Access Type list, select public.
  3. In the Valid redirect URI fields, add a valid redirect URI.

    • If you want your users to authenticate to Satellite using the web UI, in the blank field below the existing URI, enter a URI in the form Note that you must add the string /users/extlogin after the Satellite FQDN.

      After completing this step, the Satellite client for logging in using the web UI must have the following Valid Redirect URIs:
    • If you want your users to authenticate to Satellite using the CLI, in the blank field below the existing URI, enter urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob.

      After completing this step, the Satellite client for logging in using the CLI must have the following Valid Redirect URIs:
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click the Mappers tab and click Create to add an audience mapper.
  6. In the Name field, enter a name for the audience mapper.
  7. From the Mapper Type list, select Audience.
  8. From the Included Client Audience list, select the Satellite client.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Create to add a group mapper so that you can specify authorization in Satellite based on group membership.
  11. In the Name field, enter a name for the group mapper.
  12. From the Mapper Type list, select Group Membership.
  13. In the Token Claim Name field, enter groups.
  14. Set the Full group path setting to OFF.
  15. Click Save.

13.9.4. Configuring Satellite Settings for Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication

Use this section to configure Satellite for Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication using the Satellite web UI or the CLI. Configuring Satellite Settings for Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication Using the Web UI

Use this procedure to configure Satellite settings for Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication using the Satellite web UI.

Note that you can navigate to the following URL within your realm to obtain values to configure Satellite settings:


  • Ensure that the Access Type setting in the Satellite client in the Red Hat Single Sign-On web UI is set to confidential


  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Administer > Settings, and click the Authentication tab.
  2. Locate the Authorize login delegation row, and in the Value column, set the value to Yes.
  3. Locate the Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate row, and in the Value column, set the value to External.
  4. Locate the Login delegation logout URL row, and in the Value column, set the value to
  5. Locate the OIDC Algorithm row, and in the Value column, set the algorithm for encoding on Red Hat Single Sign-On to RS256.
  6. Locate the OIDC Audience row, and in the Value column, set the value to the client ID for Red Hat Single Sign-On.
  7. Locate the OIDC Issuer row, and in the Value column, set the value to
  8. Locate the OIDC JWKs URL row, and in the Value column, set the value to
  9. Navigate to Administer > Authentication Sources and click External.
  10. Click Create LDAP Authentication Source and select the Red Hat Single Sign-On server.
  11. Click the Locations tab and add locations that can use the Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication source.
  12. Click the Organizations tab and add organizations that can use the Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication source.
  13. Click Submit. Configuring Satellite Settings for Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication Using the CLI

Use this procedure to configure Satellite settings for Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication using the Satellite CLI.

Note that you can navigate to the following URL within your realm to obtain values to configure Satellite settings:


  • Ensure that the Access Type setting in the Satellite client in the Red Hat Single Sign-On web UI is set to public


  1. On Satellite, set the login delegation to true so that users can authenticate using the Open IDC protocol:

    # hammer settings set --name authorize_login_delegation --value true
  2. Set the login delegation logout URL:

    # hammer settings set --name login_delegation_logout_url \
  3. Set the algorithm for encoding on Red Hat Single Sign-On, for example, RS256:

    # hammer settings set --name oidc_algorithm --value 'RS256'
  4. Open the URL and note the values to populate the options in the following steps.
  5. Add the value for the Hammer client in the Open IDC audience:

    # hammer settings set --name oidc_audience \
    --value "['']"

    If you register several Red Hat Single Sign-On clients to Satellite, ensure that you append all audiences in the array. For example:

    # hammer settings set --name oidc_audience \
    --value "['', '']"
  6. Set the value for the Open IDC issuer:

    # hammer settings set --name oidc_issuer \
    --value ""
  7. Set the value for Open IDC Java Web Token (JWT):

    # hammer settings set --name oidc_jwks_url \
    --value ""
  8. Retrieve the ID of the Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication source:

    # hammer auth-source external list
  9. Set the location and organization:

    # hammer auth-source external update --id Authentication Source ID \
    --location-ids Location ID --organization-ids Organization ID

13.9.5. Configuring Satellite with Red Hat Single Sign-On for TOTP Authentication

Use this procedure to configure Satellite to use Red Hat Single Sign-On as an OpenID provider for external authentication with Time-based One-time Password (TOTP).


  1. In the Red Hat Single Sign-On web UI, navigate to the Satellite realm.
  2. Navigate to Authentication, and click the OTP Policy tab.
  3. Ensure that the Supported Applications field includes FreeOTP or Google Authenticator.
  4. Configure the OTP settings to suit your requirements.
  5. Optional: If you want to use TOTP authentication as a default authentication method for all users, click the Flows tab, and to the right of the OTP Form setting, select REQUIRED.
  6. Click the Required Actions tab.
  7. To the right of the Configure OTP row, select the Default Action check box.

13.9.6. Logging in to the Satellite Web UI Using Red Hat Single Sign-On TOTP Authentication

Use this procedure to log in to the Satellite web UI using Red Hat Single Sign-On TOTP authentication.


  1. Log in to Satellite, Satellite redirects you to the Red Hat Single Sign-On login screen.
  2. Enter your username and password, and click Log In.
  3. The first attempt to log in, Red Hat Single Sign-On requests you to configure your client by scanning the barcode and entering the pin displayed.
  4. After you configure your client and enter a valid PIN, Red Hat Single Sign-On redirects you to Satellite and logs you in.

13.9.7. Logging in to the Satellite CLI Using Red Hat Single Sign-On

Use this procedure to authenticate to the Satellite CLI using the code grant type.


  1. To authenticate to the Satellite CLI using the code grant type, enter the following command:

    # hammer auth login oauth \
    --two-factor \
    --oidc-token-endpoint '' \
    --oidc-authorization-endpoint '' \
    --oidc-client-id '' \
    --oidc-redirect-uri urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob

    The command prompts you to enter a success code.

  2. To retrieve the success code, navigate to the URL that the command returns and provide the required information.
  3. Copy the success code that the web UI returns.
  4. In the command prompt of hammer auth login oauth, enter the success code to authenticate to the Satellite CLI.

13.9.8. Configuring Group Mapping for Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication

Optionally, to implement the Role Based Access Control (RBAC), create a group in Satellite, assign a role to this group, and then map an Active Directory group to the Satellite group. As a result, anyone in the given group in Red Hat Single Sign-On are logged in under the corresponding Satellite group. This example configures users of the Satellite-admin user group in the Active Directory to authenticate as users with administrator privileges on Satellite.


  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Administer > User Groups, and click the Create User Group button.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the user group. The name should not be the same as in the Active Directory.
  3. Do not add users and user groups to the right-hand columns. Click the Roles tab.
  4. Select the Administer check box.
  5. Click the External Groups tab.
  6. Click Add external user group.
  7. In the Name field, enter the name of the Active Directory group.
  8. From the list, select EXTERNAL.

13.10. Disabling Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication

If you want to disable Red Hat Single Sign-On authentication in Satellite, complete this procedure.


  • Enter the following command to disable Red Hat Single Sign-On Authentication:

    # satellite-installer --reset-foreman-keycloak
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