
Chapter 1. Installing the Skupper CLI

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The Skupper CLI provides a method to create both Kubernetes and Podman sites.


Podman sites are a Technology Preview feature as described in Release Notes


  • Your subscription has been activated and your system is registered. For more information about using the Customer Portal to activate your Red Hat subscription and register your system for packages, see Chapter 6, Using your subscription.


  1. Use the subscription-manager command to subscribe to the required package repositories. Replace <version> with 1 for the main release stream or 1.4 for the long term support release stream.

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
    $ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=service-interconnect-_<version>_-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
    $ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=service-interconnect-_<version>_-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms
  2. Use the yum or dnf command to install the skupper command:

    $ sudo dnf install skupper-cli
  3. If you want to run skupper to create a podman site on RHEL 8, you need to configure podman to use netavark if it is not already configured:

    1. Check if netavark is configured as the podman network backend:

      $ podman info | grep networkBackend
    2. If netavark is not listed as the backend, install it:

      $ sudo dnf install netavark
    3. Configure podman to use netavark by making sure the following lines exist in the /etc/containers/containers.conf file:

      network_backend = "netavark"
    4. Verify the new configuration by repeating step a.

Additional information

  • See Getting Started for instructions about creating a site.
  • Use man containers.conf to view more information about podman configuration.
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