Chapter 6. Upgrading sites from Red Hat Application Interconnect version 1
This release of Red Hat Service Interconnect is compatible with Red Hat Application Interconnect version 1, however Red Hat recommends upgrading all sites to version 1.4.
Update all sites to ensure the same version of Service Interconnect is running across your service network. You can expect some minimal downtime during the update process.
To upgrade a site:
$ skupper update
If you enabled the console previously, which was the default, the upgraded site will also have the console enabled. The default for Service Interconnect 1.4 is that the console is not enabled. The console for Service Interconnect is a Technology Preview feature as described in Chapter 3, Technology Preview features.
To upgrade a gateway, delete the gateway and recreate it.
Port negotiation limitation
If your protocol negotiates the communication port, for example active FTP, you cannot use that protocol to communicate across a service network.