
Chapter 20. The Admin CLI

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In previous chapters, we described how to use the Red Hat Single Sign-On Admin Console to perform administrative tasks. You can also perform those tasks from the command-line interface (CLI) by using the Admin CLI command-line tool.

20.1. Installing the Admin CLI

The Admin CLI is packaged inside Red Hat Single Sign-On Server distribution. You can find execution scripts inside the bin directory.

The Linux script is called, and the script for Windows is called kcadm.bat.

You can add the Red Hat Single Sign-On server directory to your PATH to use the client from any location on your file system.

For example, on:

  • Linux:
  • Windows:
c:\> set PATH=%PATH%;%KEYCLOAK_HOME%\bin
c:\> kcadm

We assume the KEYCLOAK_HOME environment (env) variable is set to the path where you extracted the Red Hat Single Sign-On Server distribution.


To avoid repetition, the rest of this document only gives Windows examples in places where the difference in the CLI is more than just in the kcadm command name.

20.2. Using the Admin CLI

The Admin CLI works by making HTTP requests to Admin REST endpoints. Access to them is protected and requires authentication.


Consult the Admin REST API documentation for details about JSON attributes for specific endpoints.

  1. Start an authenticated session by providing credentials, that is, logging in. You are ready to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations.

    For example, on

    • Linux:

      $ config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm demo --user admin --client admin
      $ create realms -s realm=demorealm -s enabled=true -o
      $ CID=$( create clients -r demorealm -s clientId=my_client -s 'redirectUris=["http://localhost:8980/myapp/*"]' -i)
      $ get clients/$CID/installation/providers/keycloak-oidc-keycloak-json
    • Windows:

      c:\> kcadm config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm demo --user admin --client admin
      c:\> kcadm create realms -s realm=demorealm -s enabled=true -o
      c:\> kcadm create clients -r demorealm -s clientId=my_client -s "redirectUris=[\"http://localhost:8980/myapp/*\"]" -i > clientid.txt
      c:\> set /p CID=<clientid.txt
      c:\> kcadm get clients/%CID%/installation/providers/keycloak-oidc-keycloak-json
  2. In a production environment, you must access Red Hat Single Sign-On with https: to avoid exposing tokens to network sniffers. If a server’s certificate is not issued by one of the trusted certificate authorities (CAs) that are included in Java’s default certificate truststore, prepare a truststore.jks file and instruct the Admin CLI to use it.

    For example, on:

    • Linux:

      $ config truststore --trustpass $PASSWORD ~/.keycloak/truststore.jks
    • Windows:

      c:\> kcadm config truststore --trustpass %PASSWORD% %HOMEPATH%\.keycloak\truststore.jks

20.3. Authenticating

When you log in with the Admin CLI, you specify a server endpoint URL and a realm, and then you specify a user name. Another option is to specify only a clientId, which results in using a special "service account". When you log in using a user name, you must use a password for the specified user. When you log in using a clientId, you only need the client secret, not the user password. You could also use Signed JWT instead of the client secret.

Make sure the account used for the session has the proper permissions to invoke Admin REST API operations. For example, the realm-admin role of the realm-management client allows the user to administer the realm within which the user is defined.

There are two primary mechanisms for authentication. One mechanism uses kcadm config credentials to start an authenticated session.

$ config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm master --user admin --password admin

This approach maintains an authenticated session between the kcadm command invocations by saving the obtained access token and the associated refresh token. It may also maintain other secrets in a private configuration file. See next chapter for more information on the configuration file.

The second approach only authenticates each command invocation for the duration of that invocation. This approach increases the load on the server and the time spent with roundtrips obtaining tokens. The benefit of this approach is not needing to save any tokens between invocations, which means nothing is saved to disk. This mode is used when the --no-config argument is specified.

For example, when performing an operation, we specify all the information required for authentication.

$ get realms --no-config --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm master --user admin --password admin

Run the help command for more information on using the Admin CLI.

Run the config credentials --help command for more information about starting an authenticated session.

20.4. Working with alternative configurations

By default, the Admin CLI automatically maintains a configuration file called kcadm.config located under the user’s home directory. In Linux-based systems, the full path name is $HOME/.keycloak/kcadm.config. On Windows, the full path name is %HOMEPATH%\.keycloak\kcadm.config. You can use the --config option to point to a different file or location so you can maintain multiple authenticated sessions in parallel.


It is best to perform operations tied to a single configuration file from a single thread.

Make sure you do not make the configuration file visible to other users on the system. It contains access tokens and secrets that should be kept private. By default, the ~/.keycloak directory and its content are created automatically with proper access limits. If the directory already exists, its permissions are not updated.

If your unique circumstances require you to avoid storing secrets inside a configuration file, you can do so. It will be less convenient and you will have to make more token requests. To not store secrets, use the --no-config option with all your commands and specify all the authentication information needed by the config credentials command with each kcadm invocation.

20.5. Basic operations and resource URIs

The Admin CLI allows you to generically perform CRUD operations against Admin REST API endpoints with additional commands that simplify performing certain tasks.

The main usage pattern is listed below, where the create, get, update, and delete commands are mapped to the HTTP verbs POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE, respectively.


ENDPOINT is a target resource URI and can either be absolute (starting with http: or https:) or relative, used to compose an absolute URL of the following format:


For example, if you authenticate against the server http://localhost:8080/auth and realm is master, then using users as ENDPOINT results in the resource URL http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/realms/master/users.

If you set ENDPOINT to clients, the effective resource URI would be http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/realms/master/clients.

There is a realms endpoint that is treated slightly differently because it is the container for realms. It resolves to:


There is also a serverinfo endpoint, which is treated the same way because it is independent of realms.

When you authenticate as a user with realm-admin powers, you might need to perform commands on multiple realms. In that case, specify the -r option to tell explicitly which realm the command should be executed against. Instead of using REALM as specified via the --realm option of config credentials, the TARGET_REALM is used.


For example,

$ config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm master --user admin --password admin
$ create users -s username=testuser -s enabled=true -r demorealm

In this example, you start a session authenticated as the admin user in the master realm. You then perform a POST call against the resource URL http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/realms/demorealm/users.

The create and update commands send a JSON body to the server by default. You can use -f FILENAME to read a premade document from a file. When you can use -f - option, the message body is read from standard input. You can also specify individual attributes and their values as seen in the previous create users example. They are composed into a JSON body and sent to the server.

There are several ways to update a resource using the update command. You can first determine the current state of a resource and save it to a file, and then edit that file and send it to the server for updating.

For example:

$ get realms/demorealm > demorealm.json
$ vi demorealm.json
$ update realms/demorealm -f demorealm.json

This method updates the resource on the server with all the attributes in the sent JSON document.

Another option is to perform an on-the-fly update using the -s, --set options to set new values.

For example:

$ update realms/demorealm -s enabled=false

That method only updates the enabled attribute to false.

By default, the update command first performs a get and then merges the new attribute values with existing values. This is the preferred behavior. In some cases, the endpoint may support the PUT command but not the GET command. You can use the -n option to perform a "no-merge" update, which performs a PUT command without first running a GET command.

20.6. Realm operations

Creating a new realm

Use the create command on the realms endpoint to create a new enabled realm, and set the attributes to realm and enabled.

$ create realms -s realm=demorealm -s enabled=true

A realm is not enabled by default. By enabling it, you can use a realm immediately for authentication.

A description for a new object can also be in a JSON format.

$ create realms -f demorealm.json

You can send a JSON document with realm attributes directly from a file or piped to a standard input.

For example, on:

  • Linux:
$ create realms -f - << EOF
{ "realm": "demorealm", "enabled": true }
  • Windows:
c:\> echo { "realm": "demorealm", "enabled": true } | kcadm create realms -f -

Listing existing realms

The following command returns a list of all realms.

$ get realms

A list of realms is additionally filtered on the server to return only realms a user can see.

Returning the entire realm description often provides too much information. Most users are interested only in a subset of attributes, such as realm name and whether the realm is enabled. You can specify which attributes to return by using the --fields option.

$ get realms --fields realm,enabled

You can also display the result as comma separated values.

$ get realms --fields realm --format csv --noquotes

Getting a specific realm

You append a realm name to a collection URI to get an individual realm.

$ get realms/master

Updating a realm

  1. Use the -s option to set new values for the attributes when you want to change only some of the realm’s attributes.

    For example:

    $ update realms/demorealm -s enabled=false
  2. If you want to set all writable attributes with new values, run a get command, edit the current values in the JSON file, and resubmit.

    For example:

    $ get realms/demorealm > demorealm.json
    $ vi demorealm.json
    $ update realms/demorealm -f demorealm.json

Deleting a realm

Run the following command to delete a realm.

$ delete realms/demorealm

Turning on all login page options for the realm

Set the attributes controlling specific capabilities to true.

For example:

$ update realms/demorealm -s registrationAllowed=true -s registrationEmailAsUsername=true -s rememberMe=true -s verifyEmail=true -s resetPasswordAllowed=true -s editUsernameAllowed=true

Listing the realm keys

Use the get operation on the keys endpoint of the target realm.

$ get keys -r demorealm

Generating new realm keys

  1. Get the ID of the target realm before adding a new RSA-generated key pair.

    For example:

    $ get realms/demorealm --fields id --format csv --noquotes
  2. Add a new key provider with a higher priority than the existing providers as revealed by get keys -r demorealm.

    For example, on:

    • Linux:

      $ create components -r demorealm -s name=rsa-generated -s providerId=rsa-generated -s providerType=org.keycloak.keys.KeyProvider -s parentId=959844c1-d149-41d7-8359-6aa527fca0b0 -s 'config.priority=["101"]' -s 'config.enabled=["true"]' -s '["true"]' -s 'config.keySize=["2048"]'
    • Windows:

      c:\> kcadm create components -r demorealm -s name=rsa-generated -s providerId=rsa-generated -s providerType=org.keycloak.keys.KeyProvider -s parentId=959844c1-d149-41d7-8359-6aa527fca0b0 -s "config.priority=[\"101\"]" -s "config.enabled=[\"true\"]" -s "[\"true\"]" -s "config.keySize=[\"2048\"]"
  3. Set the parentId attribute to the value of the target realm’s ID.

    The newly added key should now become the active key as revealed by get keys -r demorealm.

Adding new realm keys from a Java Key Store file

  1. Add a new key provider to add a new key pair already prepared as a JKS file on the server.

    For example, on:

    • Linux:

      $ create components -r demorealm -s name=java-keystore -s providerId=java-keystore -s providerType=org.keycloak.keys.KeyProvider -s parentId=959844c1-d149-41d7-8359-6aa527fca0b0 -s 'config.priority=["101"]' -s 'config.enabled=["true"]' -s '["true"]' -s 'config.keystore=["/opt/keycloak/keystore.jks"]' -s 'config.keystorePassword=["secret"]' -s 'config.keyPassword=["secret"]' -s 'config.alias=["localhost"]'
    • Windows:

      c:\> kcadm create components -r demorealm -s name=java-keystore -s providerId=java-keystore -s providerType=org.keycloak.keys.KeyProvider -s parentId=959844c1-d149-41d7-8359-6aa527fca0b0 -s "config.priority=[\"101\"]" -s "config.enabled=[\"true\"]" -s "[\"true\"]" -s "config.keystore=[\"/opt/keycloak/keystore.jks\"]" -s "config.keystorePassword=[\"secret\"]" -s "config.keyPassword=[\"secret\"]" -s "config.alias=[\"localhost\"]"
  2. Make sure to change the attribute values for keystore, keystorePassword, keyPassword, and alias to match your specific keystore.
  3. Set the parentId attribute to the value of the target realm’s ID.

Making the key passive or disabling the key

  1. Identify the key you want to make passive

    $ get keys -r demorealm
  2. Use the key’s providerId attribute to construct an endpoint URI, such as components/PROVIDER_ID.
  3. Perform an update.

    For example, on:

    • Linux:

      $ update components/PROVIDER_ID -r demorealm -s '["false"]'
    • Windows:

      c:\> kcadm update components/PROVIDER_ID -r demorealm -s "[\"false\"]"

      You can update other key attributes.

  4. Set a new enabled value to disable the key, for example, config.enabled=["false"].
  5. Set a new priority value to change the key’s priority, for example, config.priority=["110"].

Deleting an old key

  1. Make sure the key you are deleting has been passive and disabled to prevent any existing tokens held by applications and users from abruptly failing to work.
  2. Identify the key you want to make passive.

    $ get keys -r demorealm
  3. Use the providerId of that key to perform a delete.

    $ delete components/PROVIDER_ID -r demorealm

Configuring event logging for a realm

Use the update command on the events/config endpoint.

The eventsListeners attribute contains a list of EventListenerProviderFactory IDs that specify all event listeners receiving events. Separately, there are attributes that control a built-in event storage, which allows querying past events via the Admin REST API. There is separate control over logging of service calls (eventsEnabled) and auditing events triggered during Admin Console or Admin REST API (adminEventsEnabled). You may want to set up expiry of old events so that your database does not fill up; eventsExpiration is set to time-to-live expressed in seconds.

Here is an example of setting up a built-in event listener that receives all the events and logs them through jboss-logging. (Using a logger called, error events are logged as WARN, and others are logged as DEBUG.)

For example, on:

  • Linux:
$ update events/config -r demorealm -s 'eventsListeners=["jboss-logging"]'
  • Windows:
c:\> kcadm update events/config -r demorealm -s "eventsListeners=[\"jboss-logging\"]"

Here is an example of turning on storage of all available ERROR events—not including auditing events—for 2 days so they can be retrieved via Admin REST.

For example, on:

  • Linux:
  • Windows:

Here is an example of how to reset stored event types to all available event types; setting to empty list is the same as enumerating all.

$ update events/config -r demorealm -s enabledEventTypes=[]

Here is an example of how to enable storage of auditing events.

$ update events/config -r demorealm -s adminEventsEnabled=true -s adminEventsDetailsEnabled=true

Here is an example of how to get the last 100 events; they are ordered from newest to oldest.

$ get events --offset 0 --limit 100

Here is an example of how to delete all saved events.

$ kcadm delete events

Flushing the caches

  1. Use the create command and one of the following endpoints: clear-realm-cache, clear-user-cache, or clear-keys-cache.
  2. Set realm to the same value as the target realm.

    For example:

    $ create clear-realm-cache -r demorealm -s realm=demorealm
    $ create clear-user-cache -r demorealm -s realm=demorealm
    $ create clear-keys-cache -r demorealm -s realm=demorealm

Importing a realm from exported .json file

  1. Use the create command on the partialImport endpoint.
  2. Set ifResourceExists to one of FAIL, SKIP, OVERWRITE.
  3. Use -f to submit the exported realm .json file

    For example:

    $ create partialImport -r demorealm2 -s ifResourceExists=FAIL -o -f demorealm.json

    If realm does not yet exist, you first have to create it.

    For example:

    $ create realms -s realm=demorealm2 -s enabled=true

20.7. Role operations

Creating a realm role

Use the roles endpoint to create a realm role.

$ create roles -r demorealm -s name=user -s 'description=Regular user with limited set of permissions'

Creating a client role

  1. Identify the client first and then use the get command to list available clients when creating a client role.

    $ get clients -r demorealm --fields id,clientId
  2. Create a new role by using the clientId attribute to construct an endpoint URI, such as clients/ID/roles.

    For example:

    $ create clients/a95b6af3-0bdc-4878-ae2e-6d61a4eca9a0/roles -r demorealm -s name=editor -s 'description=Editor can edit, and publish any article'

Listing realm roles

Use the get command on the roles endpoint to list existing realm roles.

$ get roles -r demorealm

You can also use the get-roles command.

$ get-roles -r demorealm

Listing client roles

There is a dedicated get-roles command to simplify listing realm and client roles. It is an extension of the get command and behaves the same with additional semantics for listing roles.

Use the get-roles command, passing it either the clientId attribute (via the --cclientid option) or id (via the --cid option) to identify the client to list client roles.

For example:

$ get-roles -r demorealm --cclientid realm-management

Getting a specific realm role

Use the get command and the role name to construct an endpoint URI for a specific realm role: roles/ROLE_NAME, where user is the name of the existing role.

For example:

$ get roles/user -r demorealm

You can also use the special get-roles command, passing it a role name (via the --rolename option) or ID (via the --roleid option).

For example:

$ get-roles -r demorealm --rolename user

Getting a specific client role

Use a dedicated get-roles command, passing it either the clientId attribute (via the --cclientid option) or ID (via the --cid option) to identify the client, and passing it either the role name (via the --rolename option) or ID (via the --roleid) to identify a specific client role.

For example:

$ get-roles -r demorealm --cclientid realm-management --rolename manage-clients

Updating a realm role

Use the update command with the same endpoint URI that you used to get a specific realm role.

For example:

$ update roles/user -r demorealm -s 'description=Role representing a regular user'

Updating a client role

Use the update command with the same endpoint URI that you used to get a specific client role.

For example:

$ update clients/a95b6af3-0bdc-4878-ae2e-6d61a4eca9a0/roles/editor -r demorealm -s 'description=User that can edit, and publish articles'

Deleting a realm role

Use the delete command with the same endpoint URI that you used to get a specific realm role.

For example:

$ delete roles/user -r demorealm

Deleting a client role

Use the delete command with the same endpoint URI that you used to get a specific client role.

For example:

$ delete clients/a95b6af3-0bdc-4878-ae2e-6d61a4eca9a0/roles/editor -r demorealm

Listing assigned, available, and effective realm roles for a composite role

Use a dedicated get-roles command to list assigned, available, and effective realm roles for a composite role.

  1. To list assigned realm roles for the composite role, you can specify the target composite role by either name (via the --rname option) or ID (via the --rid option).

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --rname testrole
  2. Use the additional --effective option to list effective realm roles.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --rname testrole --effective
  3. Use the --available option to list realm roles that can still be added to the composite role.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --rname testrole --available

Listing assigned, available, and effective client roles for a composite role

Use a dedicated get-roles command to list assigned, available, and effective client roles for a composite role.

  1. To list assigned client roles for the composite role, you can specify the target composite role by either name (via the --rname option) or ID (via the --rid option) and client by either the clientId attribute (via the --cclientid option) or ID (via the --cid option).

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --rname testrole --cclientid realm-management
  2. Use the additional --effective option to list effective realm roles.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --rname testrole --cclientid realm-management --effective
  3. Use the --available option to list realm roles that can still be added to the target composite role.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --rname testrole --cclientid realm-management --available

Adding realm roles to a composite role

There is a dedicated add-roles command that can be used for adding realm roles and client roles.

The following example adds the user role to the composite role testrole.

$ add-roles --rname testrole --rolename user -r demorealm

Removing realm roles from a composite role

There is a dedicated remove-roles command that can be used to remove realm roles and client roles.

The following example removes the user role from the target composite role testrole.

$ remove-roles --rname testrole --rolename user -r demorealm

Adding client roles to a realm role

Use a dedicated add-roles command that can be used for adding realm roles and client roles.

The following example adds the roles defined on the client realm-management - create-client role and the view-users role to the testrole composite role.

$ add-roles -r demorealm --rname testrole --cclientid realm-management --rolename create-client --rolename view-users

Adding client roles to a client role

  1. Determine the ID of the composite client role by using the get-roles command.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --cclientid test-client --rolename operations
  2. Assume that there is a client with a clientId attribute of test-client, a client role called support, and another client role called operations, which becomes a composite role, that has an ID of "fc400897-ef6a-4e8c-872b-1581b7fa8a71".
  3. Use the following example to add another role to the composite role.

    $ add-roles -r demorealm --cclientid test-client --rid fc400897-ef6a-4e8c-872b-1581b7fa8a71 --rolename support
  4. List the roles of a composite role by using the get-roles --all command.

    For example:

    $ get-roles --rid fc400897-ef6a-4e8c-872b-1581b7fa8a71 --all

Removing client roles from a composite role

Use a dedicated remove-roles command to remove client roles from a composite role.

Use the following example to remove two roles defined on the client realm-management - create-client role and the view-users role from the testrole composite role.

$ remove-roles -r demorealm --rname testrole --cclientid realm-management --rolename create-client --rolename view-users

Adding client roles to a group

Use a dedicated add-roles command that can be used for adding realm roles and client roles.

The following example adds the roles defined on the client realm-management - create-client role and the view-users role to the Group group (via the --gname option). The group can alternatively be specified by ID (via the --gid option).

See Group operations for more operations that can be performed to groups.

$ add-roles -r demorealm --gname Group --cclientid realm-management --rolename create-client --rolename view-users

Removing client roles from a group

Use a dedicated remove-roles command to remove client roles from a group.

Use the following example to remove two roles defined on the client realm management - create-client role and the view-users role from the Group group.

See Group operations for more operations that can be performed to groups.

$ remove-roles -r demorealm --gname Group --cclientid realm-management --rolename create-client --rolename view-users

20.8. Client operations

Creating a client

  1. Run the create command on a clients endpoint to create a new client.

    For example:

    $ create clients -r demorealm -s clientId=myapp -s enabled=true
  2. Specify a secret if you want to set a secret for adapters to authenticate.

    For example:

    $ create clients -r demorealm -s clientId=myapp -s enabled=true -s clientAuthenticatorType=client-secret -s secret=d0b8122f-8dfb-46b7-b68a-f5cc4e25d000

Listing clients

Use the get command on the clients endpoint to list clients.

For example:

$ get clients -r demorealm --fields id,clientId

This example filters the output to list only the id and clientId attributes.

Getting a specific client

Use a client’s ID to construct an endpoint URI that targets a specific client, such as clients/ID.

For example:

$ get clients/c7b8547f-e748-4333-95d0-410b76b3f4a3 -r demorealm

Getting the current secret for a specific client

Use a client’s ID to construct an endpoint URI, such as clients/ID/client-secret.

For example:

$ get clients/$CID/client-secret

Getting an adapter configuration file (keycloak.json) for a specific client

Use a client’s ID to construct an endpoint URI that targets a specific client, such as clients/ID/installation/providers/keycloak-oidc-keycloak-json.

For example:

$ get clients/c7b8547f-e748-4333-95d0-410b76b3f4a3/installation/providers/keycloak-oidc-keycloak-json -r demorealm

Getting a WildFly subsystem adapter configuration for a specific client

Use a client’s ID to construct an endpoint URI that targets a specific client, such as clients/ID/installation/providers/keycloak-oidc-jboss-subsystem.

For example:

$ get clients/c7b8547f-e748-4333-95d0-410b76b3f4a3/installation/providers/keycloak-oidc-jboss-subsystem -r demorealm

Getting a Docker-v2 example configuration for a specific client

Use a client’s ID to construct an endpoint URI that targets a specific client, such as clients/ID/installation/providers/docker-v2-compose-yaml.

Note that response will be in .zip format.

For example:

$ get http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/realms/demorealm/clients/8f271c35-44e3-446f-8953-b0893810ebe7/installation/providers/docker-v2-compose-yaml -r demorealm >

Updating a client

Use the update command with the same endpoint URI that you used to get a specific client.

For example, on:

  • Linux:
$ update clients/c7b8547f-e748-4333-95d0-410b76b3f4a3 -r demorealm -s enabled=false -s publicClient=true -s 'redirectUris=["http://localhost:8080/myapp/*"]' -s baseUrl=http://localhost:8080/myapp -s adminUrl=http://localhost:8080/myapp
  • Windows:
c:\> kcadm update clients/c7b8547f-e748-4333-95d0-410b76b3f4a3 -r demorealm -s enabled=false -s publicClient=true -s "redirectUris=[\"http://localhost:8080/myapp/*\"]" -s baseUrl=http://localhost:8080/myapp -s adminUrl=http://localhost:8080/myapp

Deleting a client

Use the delete command with the same endpoint URI that you used to get a specific client.

For example:

$ delete clients/c7b8547f-e748-4333-95d0-410b76b3f4a3 -r demorealm

Adding or removing roles for client’s service account

Service account for the client is just a special kind of user account with username service-account-CLIENT_ID. You can perform user operations on this account as if it was a regular user.

20.9. User operations

Creating a user

Run the create command on the users endpoint to create a new user.

For example:

$ create users -r demorealm -s username=testuser -s enabled=true

Listing users

Use the users endpoint to list users. The target user will have to change the password the next time they log in.

For example:

$ get users -r demorealm --offset 0 --limit 1000

You can filter users by username, firstName, lastName, or email.

For example:

$ get users -r demorealm -q
$ get users -r demorealm -q username=testuser

Filtering does not use exact matching. For example, the above example would match the value of the username attribute against the *testuser* pattern.

You can also filter across multiple attributes by specifying multiple -q options, which return only users that match the condition for all the attributes.

Getting a specific user

Use a user’s ID to compose an endpoint URI, such as users/USER_ID.

For example:

$ get users/0ba7a3fd-6fd8-48cd-a60b-2e8fd82d56e2 -r demorealm

Updating a user

Use the update command with the same endpoint URI that you used to get a specific user.

For example, on:

  • Linux:
$ update users/0ba7a3fd-6fd8-48cd-a60b-2e8fd82d56e2 -r demorealm -s 'requiredActions=["VERIFY_EMAIL","UPDATE_PROFILE","CONFIGURE_TOTP","UPDATE_PASSWORD"]'
  • Windows:
c:\> kcadm update users/0ba7a3fd-6fd8-48cd-a60b-2e8fd82d56e2 -r demorealm -s "requiredActions=[\"VERIFY_EMAIL\",\"UPDATE_PROFILE\",\"CONFIGURE_TOTP\",\"UPDATE_PASSWORD\"]"

Deleting a user

Use the delete command with the same endpoint URI that you used to get a specific user.

For example:

$ delete users/0ba7a3fd-6fd8-48cd-a60b-2e8fd82d56e2 -r demorealm

Resetting a user’s password

Use the dedicated set-password command to reset a user’s password.

For example:

$ set-password -r demorealm --username testuser --new-password NEWPASSWORD --temporary

That command sets a temporary password for the user. The target user will have to change the password the next time they log in.

You can use --userid if you want to specify the user by using the id attribute.

You can achieve the same result using the update command on an endpoint constructed from the one you used to get a specific user, such as users/USER_ID/reset-password.

For example:

$ update users/0ba7a3fd-6fd8-48cd-a60b-2e8fd82d56e2/reset-password -r demorealm -s type=password -s value=NEWPASSWORD -s temporary=true -n

The last parameter (-n) ensures that only the PUT command is performed without a prior GET command. It is necessary in this instance because the reset-password endpoint does not support GET.

Listing assigned, available, and effective realm roles for a user

You can use a dedicated get-roles command to list assigned, available, and effective realm roles for a user.

  1. Specify the target user by either user name or ID to list assigned realm roles for the user.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --uusername testuser
  2. Use the additional --effective option to list effective realm roles.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --uusername testuser --effective
  3. Use the --available option to list realm roles that can still be added to the user.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --uusername testuser --available

Listing assigned, available, and effective client roles for a user

Use a dedicated get-roles command to list assigned, available, and effective client roles for a user.

  1. Specify the target user by either a user name (via the --uusername option) or an ID (via the --uid option) and client by either a clientId attribute (via the --cclientid option) or an ID (via the --cid option) to list assigned client roles for the user.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --uusername testuser --cclientid realm-management
  2. Use the additional --effective option to list effective realm roles.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --uusername testuser --cclientid realm-management --effective
  3. Use the --available option to list realm roles that can still be added to the user.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --uusername testuser --cclientid realm-management --available

Adding realm roles to a user

Use a dedicated add-roles command to add realm roles to a user.

Use the following example to add the user role to user testuser.

$ add-roles --uusername testuser --rolename user -r demorealm

Removing realm roles from a user

Use a dedicated remove-roles command to remove realm roles from a user.

Use the following example to remove the user role from the user testuser.

$ remove-roles --uusername testuser --rolename user -r demorealm

Adding client roles to a user

Use a dedicated add-roles command to add client roles to a user.

Use the following example to add two roles defined on the client realm management - create-client role and the view-users role to the user testuser.

$ add-roles -r demorealm --uusername testuser --cclientid realm-management --rolename create-client --rolename view-users

Removing client roles from a user

Use a dedicated remove-roles command to remove client roles from a user.

Use the following example to remove two roles defined on the realm management client.

$ remove-roles -r demorealm --uusername testuser --cclientid realm-management --rolename create-client --rolename view-users

Listing a user’s sessions

  1. Identify the user’s ID, and then use it to compose an endpoint URI, such as users/ID/sessions.
  2. Use the get command to retrieve a list of the user’s sessions.

    For example:

    $kcadm get users/6da5ab89-3397-4205-afaa-e201ff638f9e/sessions

Logging out a user from a specific session

  1. Determine the session’s ID as described above.
  2. Use the session’s ID to compose an endpoint URI, such as sessions/ID.
  3. Use the delete command to invalidate the session.

    For example:

    $ delete sessions/d0eaa7cc-8c5d-489d-811a-69d3c4ec84d1

Logging out a user from all sessions

You need a user’s ID to construct an endpoint URI, such as users/ID/logout.

Use the create command to perform POST on that endpoint URI.

For example:

$ create users/6da5ab89-3397-4205-afaa-e201ff638f9e/logout -r demorealm -s realm=demorealm -s user=6da5ab89-3397-4205-afaa-e201ff638f9e

20.10. Group operations

Creating a group

Use the create command on the groups endpoint to create a new group.

For example:

$ create groups -r demorealm -s name=Group

Listing groups

Use the get command on the groups endpoint to list groups.

For example:

$ get groups -r demorealm

Getting a specific group

Use the group’s ID to construct an endpoint URI, such as groups/GROUP_ID.

For example:

$ get groups/51204821-0580-46db-8f2d-27106c6b5ded -r demorealm

Updating a group

Use the update command with the same endpoint URI that you used to get a specific group.

For example:

$ update groups/51204821-0580-46db-8f2d-27106c6b5ded -s '[""]' -r demorealm

Deleting a group

Use the delete command with the same endpoint URI that you used to get a specific group.

For example:

$ delete groups/51204821-0580-46db-8f2d-27106c6b5ded -r demorealm

Creating a subgroup

Find the ID of the parent group by listing groups, and then use that ID to construct an endpoint URI, such as groups/GROUP_ID/children.

For example:

$ create groups/51204821-0580-46db-8f2d-27106c6b5ded/children -r demorealm -s name=SubGroup

Moving a group under another group

  1. Find the ID of an existing parent group and of an existing child group.
  2. Use the parent group’s ID to construct an endpoint URI, such as groups/PARENT_GROUP_ID/children.
  3. Run the create command on this endpoint and pass the child group’s ID as a JSON body.

For example:

$ create groups/51204821-0580-46db-8f2d-27106c6b5ded/children -r demorealm -s id=08d410c6-d585-4059-bb07-54dcb92c5094

Get groups for a specific user

Use a user’s ID to determine a user’s membership in groups to compose an endpoint URI, such as users/USER_ID/groups.

For example:

$ get users/b544f379-5fc4-49e5-8a8d-5cfb71f46f53/groups -r demorealm

Adding a user to a group

Use the update command with an endpoint URI composed from user’s ID and a group’s ID, such as users/USER_ID/groups/GROUP_ID, to add a user to a group.

For example:

$ update users/b544f379-5fc4-49e5-8a8d-5cfb71f46f53/groups/ce01117a-7426-4670-a29a-5c118056fe20 -r demorealm -s realm=demorealm -s userId=b544f379-5fc4-49e5-8a8d-5cfb71f46f53 -s groupId=ce01117a-7426-4670-a29a-5c118056fe20 -n

Removing a user from a group

Use the delete command on the same endpoint URI as used for adding a user to a group, such as users/USER_ID/groups/GROUP_ID, to remove a user from a group.

For example:

$ delete users/b544f379-5fc4-49e5-8a8d-5cfb71f46f53/groups/ce01117a-7426-4670-a29a-5c118056fe20 -r demorealm

Listing assigned, available, and effective realm roles for a group

Use a dedicated get-roles command to list assigned, available, and effective realm roles for a group.

  1. Specify the target group by name (via the --gname option), path (via the [command] --gpath option), or ID (via the --gid option) to list assigned realm roles for the group.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --gname Group
  2. Use the additional --effective option to list effective realm roles.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --gname Group --effective
  3. Use the --available option to list realm roles that can still be added to the group.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --gname Group --available

Listing assigned, available, and effective client roles for a group

Use a dedicated get-roles command to list assigned, available, and effective client roles for a group.

  1. Specify the target group by either name (via the --gname option) or ID (via the --gid option), and client by either the clientId attribute (via the [command] --cclientid option) or ID (via the --id option) to list assigned client roles for the user.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --gname Group --cclientid realm-management
  2. Use the additional --effective option to list effective realm roles.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --gname Group --cclientid realm-management --effective
  3. Use the --available option to list realm roles that can still be added to the group.

    For example:

    $ get-roles -r demorealm --gname Group --cclientid realm-management --available

20.11. Identity provider operations

Listing available identity providers

Use the serverinfo endpoint to list available identity providers.

For example:

$ get serverinfo -r demorealm --fields 'identityProviders(*)'

The serverinfo endpoint is handled similarly to the realms endpoint in that it is not resolved relative to a target realm because it exists outside any specific realm.

Listing configured identity providers

Use the identity-provider/instances endpoint.

For example:

$ get identity-provider/instances -r demorealm --fields alias,providerId,enabled

Getting a specific configured identity provider

Use the alias attribute of the identity provider to construct an endpoint URI, such as identity-provider/instances/ALIAS, to get a specific identity provider.

For example:

$ get identity-provider/instances/facebook -r demorealm

Removing a specific configured identity provider

Use the delete command with the same endpoint URI that you used to get a specific configured identity provider to remove a specific configured identity provider.

For example:

$ delete identity-provider/instances/facebook -r demorealm

Configuring a Keycloak OpenID Connect identity provider

  1. Use keycloak-oidc as the providerId when creating a new identity provider instance.
  2. Provide the config attributes: authorizationUrl, tokenUrl, clientId, and clientSecret.

    For example:

    $ create identity-provider/instances -r demorealm -s alias=keycloak-oidc -s providerId=keycloak-oidc -s enabled=true -s 'config.useJwksUrl="true"' -s config.authorizationUrl=http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/demorealm/protocol/openid-connect/auth -s config.tokenUrl=http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/demorealm/protocol/openid-connect/token -s config.clientId=demo-oidc-provider -s config.clientSecret=secret

Configuring an OpenID Connect identity provider

Configure the generic OpenID Connect provider the same way you configure the Keycloak OpenID Connect provider, except that you set the providerId attribute value to oidc.

Configuring a SAML 2 identity provider

  1. Use saml as the providerId.
  2. Provide the config attributes: singleSignOnServiceUrl, nameIDPolicyFormat, and signatureAlgorithm.

For example:

$ create identity-provider/instances -r demorealm -s alias=saml -s providerId=saml -s enabled=true -s 'config.useJwksUrl="true"' -s config.singleSignOnServiceUrl=http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/saml-broker-realm/protocol/saml -s config.nameIDPolicyFormat=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent -s config.signatureAlgorithm=RSA_SHA256

Configuring a Facebook identity provider

  1. Use facebook as the providerId.
  2. Provide the config attributes: clientId and clientSecret. You can find these attributes in the Facebook Developers application configuration page for your application.

    For example:

    $ create identity-provider/instances -r demorealm -s alias=facebook -s providerId=facebook -s enabled=true  -s 'config.useJwksUrl="true"' -s config.clientId=FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID -s config.clientSecret=FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET

Configuring a Google identity provider

  1. Use google as the providerId.
  2. Provide the config attributes: clientId and clientSecret. You can find these attributes in the Google Developers application configuration page for your application.

    For example:

    $ create identity-provider/instances -r demorealm -s alias=google -s providerId=google -s enabled=true  -s 'config.useJwksUrl="true"' -s config.clientId=GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID -s config.clientSecret=GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET

Configuring a Twitter identity provider

  1. Use twitter as the providerId.
  2. Provide the config attributes clientId and clientSecret. You can find these attributes in the Twitter Application Management application configuration page for your application.

    For example:

    $ create identity-provider/instances -r demorealm -s alias=google -s providerId=google -s enabled=true  -s 'config.useJwksUrl="true"' -s config.clientId=TWITTER_API_KEY -s config.clientSecret=TWITTER_API_SECRET

Configuring a GitHub identity provider

  1. Use github as the providerId.
  2. Provide the config attributes clientId and clientSecret. You can find these attributes in the GitHub Developer Application Settings page for your application.

    For example:

    $ create identity-provider/instances -r demorealm -s alias=github -s providerId=github -s enabled=true  -s 'config.useJwksUrl="true"' -s config.clientId=GITHUB_CLIENT_ID -s config.clientSecret=GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET

Configuring a LinkedIn identity provider

  1. Use linkedin as the providerId.
  2. Provide the config attributes clientId and clientSecret. You can find these attributes in the LinkedIn Developer Console application page for your application.

    For example:

    $ create identity-provider/instances -r demorealm -s alias=linkedin -s providerId=linkedin -s enabled=true  -s 'config.useJwksUrl="true"' -s config.clientId=LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID -s config.clientSecret=LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET

Configuring a Microsoft Live identity provider

  1. Use microsoft as the providerId.
  2. Provide the config attributes clientId and clientSecret. You can find these attributes in the Microsoft Application Registration Portal page for your application.

    For example:

    $ create identity-provider/instances -r demorealm -s alias=microsoft -s providerId=microsoft -s enabled=true  -s 'config.useJwksUrl="true"' -s config.clientId=MICROSOFT_APP_ID -s config.clientSecret=MICROSOFT_PASSWORD

Configuring a Stack Overflow identity provider

  1. Use stackoverflow command as the providerId.
  2. Provide the config attributes clientId, clientSecret, and key. You can find these attributes in the Stack Apps OAuth page for your application.

    For example:

    $ create identity-provider/instances -r demorealm -s alias=stackoverflow -s providerId=stackoverflow -s enabled=true  -s 'config.useJwksUrl="true"' -s config.clientId=STACKAPPS_CLIENT_ID -s config.clientSecret=STACKAPPS_CLIENT_SECRET -s config.key=STACKAPPS_KEY

20.12. Storage provider operations

Configuring a Kerberos storage provider

  1. Use the create command against the components endpoint.
  2. Specify realm id as a value of the parentId attribute.
  3. Specify kerberos as the value of the providerId attribute, and as the value of the providerType attribute.
  4. For example:

    $ create components -r demorealm -s parentId=demorealmId -s id=demokerberos -s name=demokerberos -s providerId=kerberos -s -s 'config.priority=["0"]' -s 'config.debug=["false"]' -s 'config.allowPasswordAuthentication=["true"]' -s 'config.editMode=["UNSYNCED"]' -s 'config.updateProfileFirstLogin=["true"]' -s 'config.allowKerberosAuthentication=["true"]' -s 'config.kerberosRealm=["KEYCLOAK.ORG"]' -s 'config.keyTab=["http.keytab"]' -s 'config.serverPrincipal=["HTTP/localhost@KEYCLOAK.ORG"]' -s 'config.cachePolicy=["DEFAULT"]'

Configuring an LDAP user storage provider

  1. Use the create command against the components endpoint.
  2. Specify ldap as a value of the providerId attribute, and as the value of the providerType attribute.
  3. Provide the realm ID as the value of the parentId attribute.
  4. Use the following example to create a Kerberos-integrated LDAP provider.

    $ create components -r demorealm -s name=kerberos-ldap-provider -s providerId=ldap -s -s parentId=3d9c572b-8f33-483f-98a6-8bb421667867  -s 'config.priority=["1"]' -s 'config.fullSyncPeriod=["-1"]' -s 'config.changedSyncPeriod=["-1"]' -s 'config.cachePolicy=["DEFAULT"]' -s config.evictionDay=[] -s config.evictionHour=[] -s config.evictionMinute=[] -s config.maxLifespan=[] -s 'config.batchSizeForSync=["1000"]' -s 'config.editMode=["WRITABLE"]' -s 'config.syncRegistrations=["false"]' -s 'config.vendor=["other"]' -s 'config.usernameLDAPAttribute=["uid"]' -s 'config.rdnLDAPAttribute=["uid"]' -s 'config.uuidLDAPAttribute=["entryUUID"]' -s 'config.userObjectClasses=["inetOrgPerson, organizationalPerson"]' -s 'config.connectionUrl=["ldap://localhost:10389"]'  -s 'config.usersDn=["ou=People,dc=keycloak,dc=org"]' -s 'config.authType=["simple"]' -s 'config.bindDn=["uid=admin,ou=system"]' -s 'config.bindCredential=["secret"]' -s 'config.searchScope=["1"]' -s 'config.useTruststoreSpi=["ldapsOnly"]' -s 'config.connectionPooling=["true"]' -s 'config.pagination=["true"]' -s 'config.allowKerberosAuthentication=["true"]' -s 'config.serverPrincipal=["HTTP/localhost@KEYCLOAK.ORG"]' -s 'config.keyTab=["http.keytab"]' -s 'config.kerberosRealm=["KEYCLOAK.ORG"]' -s 'config.debug=["true"]' -s 'config.useKerberosForPasswordAuthentication=["true"]'

Removing a user storage provider instance

  1. Use the storage provider instance’s id attribute to compose an endpoint URI, such as components/ID.
  2. Run the delete command against this endpoint.

    For example:

    $ delete components/3d9c572b-8f33-483f-98a6-8bb421667867 -r demorealm

Triggering synchronization of all users for a specific user storage provider

  1. Use the storage provider’s id attribute to compose an endpoint URI, such as user-storage/ID_OF_USER_STORAGE_INSTANCE/sync.
  2. Add the action=triggerFullSync query parameter and run the create command.

    For example:

    $ create user-storage/b7c63d02-b62a-4fc1-977c-947d6a09e1ea/sync?action=triggerFullSync

Triggering synchronization of changed users for a specific user storage provider

  1. Use the storage provider’s id attribute to compose an endpoint URI, such as user-storage/ID_OF_USER_STORAGE_INSTANCE/sync.
  2. Add the action=triggerChangedUsersSync query parameter and run the create command.

    For example:

    $ create user-storage/b7c63d02-b62a-4fc1-977c-947d6a09e1ea/sync?action=triggerChangedUsersSync

Test LDAP user storage connectivity

  1. Run the get command on the testLDAPConnection endpoint.
  2. Provide query parameters bindCredential, bindDn, connectionUrl, and useTruststoreSpi, and then set the action query parameter to testConnection.

    For example:

    $ create testLDAPConnection -s action=testConnection -s bindCredential=secret -s bindDn=uid=admin,ou=system -s connectionUrl=ldap://localhost:10389 -s useTruststoreSpi=ldapsOnly

Test LDAP user storage authentication

  1. Run the get command on the testLDAPConnection endpoint.
  2. Provide the query parameters bindCredential, bindDn, connectionUrl, and useTruststoreSpi, and then set the action query parameter to testAuthentication.

    For example:

    $ create testLDAPConnection -s action=testAuthentication -s bindCredential=secret -s bindDn=uid=admin,ou=system -s connectionUrl=ldap://localhost:10389 -s useTruststoreSpi=ldapsOnly

20.13. Adding mappers

Adding a hardcoded role LDAP mapper

  1. Run the create command on the components endpoint.
  2. Set the providerType attribute to
  3. Set the parentId attribute to the ID of the LDAP provider instance.
  4. Set the providerId attribute to hardcoded-ldap-role-mapper. Make sure to provide a value of role configuration parameter.

    For example:

    $ create components -r demorealm -s name=hardcoded-ldap-role-mapper -s providerId=hardcoded-ldap-role-mapper -s -s parentId=b7c63d02-b62a-4fc1-977c-947d6a09e1ea -s 'config.role=["realm-management.create-client"]'

Adding an MS Active Directory mapper

  1. Run the create command on the components endpoint.
  2. Set the providerType attribute to
  3. Set the parentId attribute to the ID of the LDAP provider instance.
  4. Set the providerId attribute to msad-user-account-control-mapper.

    For example:

    $ create components -r demorealm -s name=msad-user-account-control-mapper -s providerId=msad-user-account-control-mapper -s -s parentId=b7c63d02-b62a-4fc1-977c-947d6a09e1ea

Adding a user attribute LDAP mapper

  1. Run the create command on the components endpoint.
  2. Set the providerType attribute to
  3. Set the parentId attribute to the ID of the LDAP provider instance.
  4. Set the providerId attribute to user-attribute-ldap-mapper.

    For example:

    $ create components -r demorealm -s name=user-attribute-ldap-mapper -s providerId=user-attribute-ldap-mapper -s -s parentId=b7c63d02-b62a-4fc1-977c-947d6a09e1ea -s 'config."user.model.attribute"=["email"]' -s 'config."ldap.attribute"=["mail"]' -s 'config."read.only"=["false"]' -s 'config.""=["false"]' -s 'config.""=["false"]'

Adding a group LDAP mapper

  1. Run the create command on the components endpoint.
  2. Set the providerType attribute to
  3. Set the parentId attribute to the ID of the LDAP provider instance.
  4. Set the providerId attribute to group-ldap-mapper.

    For example:

    $ create components -r demorealm -s name=group-ldap-mapper -s providerId=group-ldap-mapper -s -s parentId=b7c63d02-b62a-4fc1-977c-947d6a09e1ea -s 'config."groups.dn"=[]' -s 'config.""=["cn"]' -s 'config."group.object.classes"=["groupOfNames"]' -s 'config.""=["true"]' -s 'config."membership.ldap.attribute"=["member"]' -s 'config."membership.attribute.type"=["DN"]' -s 'config."groups.ldap.filter"=[]' -s 'config.mode=["LDAP_ONLY"]' -s 'config."user.roles.retrieve.strategy"=["LOAD_GROUPS_BY_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE"]' -s 'config.""=["admins-group"]' -s 'config."drop.non.existing.groups.during.sync"=["false"]' -s 'config.roles=["admins"]' -s 'config.groups=["admins-group"]' -s '[]' -s 'config.preserve=["true"]' -s 'config.membership=["member"]'

Adding a full name LDAP mapper

  1. Run the create command on the components endpoint.
  2. Set the providerType attribute to
  3. Set the parentId attribute to the ID of the LDAP provider instance.
  4. Set the providerId attribute to full-name-ldap-mapper.

    For example:

    $ create components -r demorealm -s name=full-name-ldap-mapper -s providerId=full-name-ldap-mapper -s -s parentId=b7c63d02-b62a-4fc1-977c-947d6a09e1ea -s 'config.""=["cn"]' -s 'config."read.only"=["false"]' -s 'config."write.only"=["true"]'

20.14. Authentication operations

Setting a password policy

  1. Set the realm’s passwordPolicy attribute to an enumeration expression that includes the specific policy provider ID and optional configuration.
  2. Use the following example to set a password policy to default values. The default values include:

    • 27,500 hashing iterations
    • at least one special character
    • at least one uppercase character
    • at least one digit character
    • not be equal to a user’s username
    • be at least eight characters long

      $ update realms/demorealm -s 'passwordPolicy="hashIterations and specialChars and upperCase and digits and notUsername and length"'
  3. If you want to use values different from defaults, pass the configuration in brackets.
  4. Use the following example to set a password policy to:

    • 25,000 hash iterations
    • at least two special characters
    • at least two uppercase characters
    • at least two lowercase characters
    • at least two digits
    • be at least nine characters long
    • not be equal to a user’s username
    • not repeat for at least four changes back

      $ update realms/demorealm -s 'passwordPolicy="hashIterations(25000) and specialChars(2) and upperCase(2) and lowerCase(2) and digits(2) and length(9) and notUsername and passwordHistory(4)"'

Getting the current password policy

Get the current realm configuration and filter everything but the passwordPolicy attribute.

Use the following example to display passwordPolicy for demorealm.

$ get realms/demorealm --fields passwordPolicy

Listing authentication flows

Run the get command on the authentication/flows endpoint.

For example:

$ get authentication/flows -r demorealm

Getting a specific authentication flow

Run the get command on the authentication/flows/FLOW_ID endpoint.

For example:

$ get authentication/flows/febfd772-e1a1-42fb-b8ae-00c0566fafb8 -r demorealm

Listing executions for a flow

Run the get command on the authentication/flows/FLOW_ALIAS/executions endpoint.

For example:

$ get authentication/flows/Copy%20of%20browser/executions -r demorealm

Adding configuration to an execution

  1. Get execution for a flow, and take note of its ID
  2. Run the create command on the authentication/executions/{executionId}/config endpoint.

For example:

$ kcadm create "authentication/executions/a3147129-c402-4760-86d9-3f2345e401c7/config" -r examplerealm -b '{"config":{"x509-cert-auth.mapping-source-selection":"Match SubjectDN using regular expression","x509-cert-auth.regular-expression":"(.*?)(?:$)","x509-cert-auth.mapper-selection":"Custom Attribute Mapper","x509-cert-auth.mapper-selection.user-attribute-name":"usercertificate","x509-cert-auth.crl-checking-enabled":"","x509-cert-auth.crldp-checking-enabled":false,"x509-cert-auth.crl-relative-path":"crl.pem","x509-cert-auth.ocsp-checking-enabled":"","x509-cert-auth.ocsp-responder-uri":"","x509-cert-auth.keyusage":"","x509-cert-auth.extendedkeyusage":"","x509-cert-auth.confirmation-page-disallowed":""},"alias":"my_otp_config"}'

Getting configuration for an execution

  1. Get execution for a flow, and get its authenticationConfig attribute, containing the config ID.
  2. Run the get command on the authentication/config/ID endpoint.

For example:

$ kcadm get "authentication/config/dd91611a-d25c-421a-87e2-227c18421833" -r examplerealm

Updating configuration for an execution

  1. Get execution for a flow, and get its authenticationConfig attribute, containing the config ID.
  2. Run the update command on the authentication/config/ID endpoint.

For example:

$ kcadm update "authentication/config/dd91611a-d25c-421a-87e2-227c18421833" -r examplerealm -b '{"id":"dd91611a-d25c-421a-87e2-227c18421833","alias":"my_otp_config","config":{"x509-cert-auth.extendedkeyusage":"","x509-cert-auth.mapper-selection.user-attribute-name":"usercertificate","x509-cert-auth.ocsp-responder-uri":"","x509-cert-auth.regular-expression":"(.*?)(?:$)","x509-cert-auth.crl-checking-enabled":"true","x509-cert-auth.confirmation-page-disallowed":"","x509-cert-auth.keyusage":"","x509-cert-auth.mapper-selection":"Custom Attribute Mapper","x509-cert-auth.crl-relative-path":"crl.pem","x509-cert-auth.crldp-checking-enabled":"false","x509-cert-auth.mapping-source-selection":"Match SubjectDN using regular expression","x509-cert-auth.ocsp-checking-enabled":""}}'

Deleting configuration for an execution

  1. Get execution for a flow, and get its authenticationConfig attribute, containing the config ID.
  2. Run the delete command on the authentication/config/ID endpoint.

For example:

$ kcadm delete "authentication/config/dd91611a-d25c-421a-87e2-227c18421833" -r examplerealm
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