
Chapter 140. KafkaMirrorMaker2ClusterSpec schema reference

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Used in: KafkaMirrorMaker2Spec

Full list of KafkaMirrorMaker2ClusterSpec schema properties

Configures Kafka clusters for mirroring.

140.1. config

Use the config properties to configure Kafka options.

Standard Apache Kafka configuration may be provided, restricted to those properties not managed directly by Streams for Apache Kafka.

For client connection using a specific cipher suite for a TLS version, you can configure allowed ssl properties. You can also configure the ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm property to enable or disable hostname verification.

140.2. KafkaMirrorMaker2ClusterSpec schema properties

PropertyProperty typeDescription



Alias used to reference the Kafka cluster.



A comma-separated list of host:port pairs for establishing the connection to the Kafka cluster.



TLS configuration for connecting MirrorMaker 2 connectors to a cluster.


KafkaClientAuthenticationTls, KafkaClientAuthenticationScramSha256, KafkaClientAuthenticationScramSha512, KafkaClientAuthenticationPlain, KafkaClientAuthenticationOAuth

Authentication configuration for connecting to the cluster.



The MirrorMaker 2 cluster config. Properties with the following prefixes cannot be set: ssl., sasl., security., listeners, plugin.path, rest., bootstrap.servers, consumer.interceptor.classes, producer.interceptor.classes (with the exception of: ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm, ssl.cipher.suites, ssl.protocol, ssl.enabled.protocols).

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