5.4. Load Balancing Policy: Evenly_Distributed
An evenly distributed load balancing policy selects the host for a new virtual machine according to lowest CPU or memory utilization. The maximum service level is the maximum CPU and memory utilization that is allowed for hosts in a cluster, beyond which environment performance will degrade. The Evenly_Distributed policy allows an administrator to set a maximum service level for running virtual machines. The length of time a host is allowed to continue at this maximum service level before the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager intervenes is also set by an administrator. If a host has reached the maximum service level and stays there for more than the set time, virtual machines on that host are migrated one by one to the host in the cluster that has the lowest CPU or memory utilization. Host resources are checked once per minute, and one virtual machine is migrated at a time until the host CPU and memory utilization is below the maximum service threshold.