
Chapter 1. Red Hat Virtualization Upgrade Overview

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This guide explains how to upgrade your current environment to Red Hat Virtualization 4.2.

Two upgrade paths are documented here:

  • Local Database: Both Data Warehouse and the Manager database are installed on the Manager.
  • Remote Database: Data Warehouse is on a separate machine.

To upgrade a self-hosted engine, see Upgrading a Self-Hosted Engine Environment in the Self-Hosted Engine Guide.

Select the appropriate instructions for your environment from the following table. If your Manager and host versions differ (if you have previously upgraded the Manager but not the hosts), follow the instructions that match the Manager’s version.

Table 1.1. Supported Upgrade Paths
Current Manager versionTarget Manager versionRelevant section



Local database environment: Chapter 2, Upgrading from 3.6 to Red Hat Virtualization 4.2

Remote database environment: Chapter 5, Upgrading a Remote Database Environment from 3.6 to Red Hat Virtualization 4.2



Local database environment: Chapter 3, Upgrading from 4.0 to Red Hat Virtualization 4.2

Remote database environment: Chapter 6, Upgrading a Remote Database Environment from 4.0 to Red Hat Virtualization 4.2



Local database environment: Chapter 4, Upgrading from 4.1 to Red Hat Virtualization 4.2

Remote database environment: Chapter 7, Upgrading a Remote Database Environment from 4.1 to Red Hat Virtualization 4.2



Appendix A, Updates between Minor Releases

For interactive upgrade instructions, you can also use the RHV Upgrade Helper available at This application asks you to provide information about your upgrade path and your current environment, and presents the relevant steps for upgrade as well as steps to prevent known issues specific to your upgrade scenario.

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