
Chapter 3. Common concepts

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3.1. Types

The API uses the type concept to describe the different kinds of objects accepted and returned.

There are three relevant kinds of types:

Primitive types
Describe simple kinds of objects, like strings or integers.
Enumerated types
Describe lists of valid values like VmStatus or DiskFormat.
Structured types
Describe structured objects, with multiple attributes and links, like Vm or Disk.

3.2. Identified types

Many of the types used by the API represent identified objects, objects that have an unique identifier and exist independently of other objects. The types used to describe those objects extend the Identified type, which contains the following set of common attributes:




Each object in the virtualization infrastructure contains an id, which acts as an unique identifier.



The canonical location of the object as an absolute path.



A user-supplied human readable name for the object. The name name is unique across all objects of the same type.



A free-form user-supplied human readable description of the object.


Currently for most types of objects the id attribute is actually a randomly generated UUID, but this is an implementation detail, and users should not rely on that, as it may change in the future. Instead users should assume that these identifiers are just strings.

3.3. Objects

Objects are the individual instances of the types supported by the API. For example, the virtual machine with identifier 123 is an object of the Vm type.

3.4. Collections

A collection is a set of objects of the same type.

3.5. Representations

The state of objects needs to be represented when it is transferred beetween the client and the server. The API supports XML and JSON as the representation of the state of objects, both for input and output.

3.5.1. XML representation

The XML representation of an object consists of an XML element corresponding to the type of the object, XML attributes for the id and href attributes, and nested XML elements for the rest of the attributes. For example, the XML representation for a virtual machine appears as follows:

<vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123">
  <description>My VM</description>

The XML representation of a collection of objects consists of an XML element, named after the type of the objects, in plural. This contains the representations of the objects of the collection. For example, the XML respresentation for a collection of virtual machines appears as follows:

  <vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123">
    <description>Your VM</description>
  <vm id="456" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/456">
    <description>My description</description>

In the XML representation of objects the id and href attributes are the only ones that are represented as XML attributes, the rest are represented as nested XML elements.

3.5.2. JSON representation

The JSON representation of an object consists of a JSON document containing a name/value pair for each attribute (including id and href). For example, the JSON representation of a virtual machine appears as follows:

  "id": "123",
  "href": "/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123",
  "name": "myvm",
  "description": "My VM",
  "memory": 1073741824,

The JSON representation of a collection of objects consists of a JSON document containg a name/value pair (named ater the type of the objects, in singular) which in turn contains an array with the representations of the objects of the collection. For example, the JSON respresentation for a collection of virtual machines appears as follows:

  "vm": [
      "id": "123",
      "href": "/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123",
      "name": "myvm",
      "description": "My VM",
      "memory": 1073741824,
      "id": "456",
      "href": "/ovirt-engine/api/vms/456",
      "name": "yourvm",
      "description": "Your VM",
      "memory": 2147483648,

3.6. Services

Services are the parts of the server responsible for retrieving, adding updating, removing and executing actions on the objects supported by the API.

There are two relevant kinds of services:

Services that manage a collection of objects
These services are reponsible for listing existing objects and adding new objects. For example, the Vms service is responsible for managing the collection of virtual machines available in the system.
Services that manage a specific object
These services are responsible for retrieving, updating, deleting and executing actions in specific objects. For example, the Vm service is responsible for managing a specific virtual machine.

Each service is accessible via a particular path within the server. For example, the service that manages the collection of virtual machines available in the system is available in the via the path /vms, and the service that manages the virtual machine 123 is available via the path /vms/123.

All kinds of services have a set of methods that represent the operations that they can perform. The services that manage collections of objects usually have the list and add methods. The services that manage specific objects usually have the get, update and remove methods. In addition, services may also have action methods, that represent less common operations. For example, the Vm service has a start method that is used to start a virtual machine.

For the more usual methods there is a direct mapping between the name of the method and the name of the HTTP method:

Method nameHTTP method











The path used in the HTTP request is the path of the service, with the /ovirt-engine/api prefix.

For example, the request to list the virtual machines should be like this, using the HTTP GET method and the path /vms:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms

For action methods the HTTP method is always POST, and the name of the method is added as a suffix to the path. For example, the request to start virtual machine 123 should look like this, using the HTTP POST method and the path /vms/123/start:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/start

Each method has a set of parameters.

Parameters are classified into two categories:

Main parameter
The main parameter corresponds the object or collection that is retrieved, added or updated. This only applies to the add, get, list and update methods, and there will be exactly one such main parameter per method.
Secondary parameters
The rest of the parameters.

For example, the operation that adds a virtual machine (see here) has three parameters: vm, clone and clone_permissions. The main parameter is vm, as it describes the object that is added. The clone and clone_permissions parameters are secondary parameters.

The main parameter, when used for input, must be included in the body of the HTTP request. For example, when adding a virtual machine, the vm parameter, of type Vm, must be included in the request body. So the complete request to add a virtual machine, including all the HTTP details, must look like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer fqbR1ftzh8wBCviLxJcYuV5oSDI=
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml

  <description>My VM</description>

When used for output, the main parameters are included in the response body. For example, when adding a virtual machine, the vm parameter will be included in the response body. So the complete response body will look like this:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/xml

<vm href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123" id="123">
  <description>My VM</description>

Secondary parameters are only allowed for input (except for action methods, which are described later), and they must be included as query parameters. For example, when adding a virtual machine with the clone parameter set to true, the complete request must look like this:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms?clone=true HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer fqbR1ftzh8wBCviLxJcYuV5oSDI=
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml

  <description>My VM</description>

Action methods only have secondary parameters. They can be used for input and output, and they should be included in the request body, wrapped with an action element. For example, the action method used to start a virtual machine (see here) has a vm parameter to describe how the virtual machine should be started, and a use_cloud_init parameter to specify if cloud-init should be used to configure the guest operating system. So the complete request to start virtual machine 123 using cloud-init will look like this when using XML:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/start HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer fqbR1ftzh8wBCviLxJcYuV5oSDI=
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml


3.7. Searching

The list method of some services has a search parameter that can be used to specify search criteria. When used, the server will only return objects within the collection that satisfy those criteria. For example, the following request will return only the virtual machine named myvm:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3Dmyvm

3.7.1. Maximum results parameter

Use the max parameter to limit the number of objects returned. For example, the following request will only return one virtual machine, regardless of how many are available in the system:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?max=1

A search request without the max parameter will return all the objects. Specifying the max parameter is recommended to reduce the impact of requests in the overall performance of the system.

3.7.2. Case sensitivity

By default queries are not case sensitive. For example, the following request will return the virtual machines named myvm, MyVM and MYVM:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3Dmyvm

The optional case_sensitive boolean parameter can be used to change this behaviour. For example, to get exactly the virtual machine named myhost, and not MyHost or MYHOST, send a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3D=myvm&case_sensitive=true

3.7.3. Search syntax

The search parameters use the same syntax as the Red Hat Virtualization query language:

(criteria) [sortby (element) asc|desc]

The sortby clause is optional and only needed when ordering results.

Example search queries:




Returns a list of all hosts running virtual machines that are up.


Returns a list of all virtual machines running on the specified domain.


Returns a list of all virtual machines belonging to users with the user name mary.


severity > normal sortby time

Returns a list of all events with severity higher than normal and sorted by the the value of their time attribute.


severity > normal sortby time desc

Returns a list of all events with severity higher than normal and sorted by the the value of their time attribute in descending order.

The value of the search parameter must be URL-encoded to translate reserved characters, such as operators and spaces. For example, the equal sign should be encoded as %3D:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3Dmyvm

3.7.4. Wildcards

The asterisk can be used as part of a value, to indicate that any string matches, including the emtpy string. For example, the following request will return all the virtual machines with names beginning with myvm, such as myvm, myvm2, myvma or myvm-webserver:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3Dmyvm*

3.7.5. Pagination

Some Red Hat Virtualization environments contain large collections of objects. Retrieving all of them with one request isn’t practical, and hurts performace. To allow retrieving them page by page the search parameter supports an optional page clause. This, combined with the max parameter, is the basis for paging. For example, to get the first page of virtual machines, with a page size of 10 virtual machines, send request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=page%201&max=10

The search parameter is URL-encoded, the actual value of the search parameter, before encoding, is page 1, so this is actually requesting the first page.

Increase the page value to retrieve the next page:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=page%202&max=10

The page clause can be used in conjunction with other clauses inside the search parameter. For example, the following request will return the second page of virtual machines, but sorting by name:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=sortby%20name%20page%202&max=10

The API is stateless; it is not possible to retain a state between different requests since all requests are independent from each other. As a result, if a status change occurs between your requests, then the page results may be inconsistent.

For example, if you request a specific page from a list of virtual machines, and virtual machines are created or removed before you request the next page, then your results may be missing some of them, or contain duplicates.

3.8. Following links

The API returns references to related objects as links. For example, when a virtual machine is retrieved it contains links to its disk attachments and network interface cards:

<vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123">
  <link rel="diskattachments" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments"/>
  <link rel="nics" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/nics"/>

The complete description of those linked objects can be retrieved by sending separate requests:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments
GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/nics

However, in some situations it is more convenient for the application using the API to retrieve the linked information in the same request. This is useful, for example, when the additional network round trips introduce an unacceptable overhead, or when the multiple requests complicate the code of the application in an unacceptable way. For those use cases the API provides a follow parameter that allows the application to retrieve the linked information using only one request.

The value of the follow parameter is a list of strings, separated by commas. Each of those strings is the path of the linked object. For example, to retrieve the disk attachments and the NICs in the example above the request should be like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123?follow=disk_attachments,nics

That will return an response like this:

<vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123">
    <disk_attachment id="456" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments/456">
      <disk id="789" href="/ovirt-engine/api/disks/789"/>
    <nic id="234" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/nics/234">

The path to the linked object can be a single word, as in the previous example, or it can be a sequence of words, separated by dots, to request nested data. For example, the previous example used disk_attachments in order to retrieve the complete description of the disk attachments, but each disk attachment contains a link to the disk, which wasn’t followed. In order to also follow the links to the disks, the following request can be used:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123?follow=disk_attachments.disk

That will result in the following response:

<vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123">
    <disk_attachment id="456" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/diskattachments/456">
      <disk id="789" href="/ovirt-engine/api/disks/789">
        <description>My disk</description>

The path can be made as deep as needed. For example, to also get the statistics of the disks:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123?follow=disk_attachments.disk.statistics

Multiple path elements and multiple paths can be combined. For example, to get the disk attachments and the network interface cards, both with their statistics:

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123?follow=disk_attachments.disk.statistics,nics.statistics

Almost all the operations that retrieve objects support the follow parameter, but make sure to explicitly check the reference documentation, as some operations may not support it, or may provide advice on how to use it to get the best performance.


Using the follow parameter moves the overhead from the client side to the server side. When you request additional data, the server must fetch and merge it with the basic data. That consumes CPU and memory in the server side, and will in most cases require additional database queries. That may adversely affect the performance of the server, especially in large scale environments. Make sure to test your application in a realistic environment, and use the follow parameter only when justified.

3.9. Permissions

Many of the services that manage a single object provide a reference to a permissions service that manages the permissions assigned to that object. Each permission contains links to the user or group, the role and the object. For example, the permissions assigned to a specific virtual machine can be retrieved sending a request like this:

GET /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/permissions

The response body will look like this:

  <permission id="456" href="/ovirt-engien/api/vms/123/permissions/456">
    <user id="789" href="/ovirt-engine/api/users/789"/>
    <role id="abc" href="/ovirt-engine/api/roles/abc"/>
    <vm id="123" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms/123"/>

A permission is added to an object sending a POST request with a permission representation to this service. Each new permission requires a role and a user.

3.10. Handling errors

Some errors require further explanation beyond a standard HTTP status code. For example, the API reports an unsuccessful object state update or action with a fault in the response body. The fault contains the reason and detail attributes. For example, when the server receives a request to create a virtual machine without the mandatory name attribute it will respond with the following HTTP response line:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

And the following response body:

  <reason>Incomplete parameters</reason>
  <detail>Vm [name] required for add</detail>
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