
Chapter 3. Upgrading a standalone Manager remote database environment

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3.1. Upgrading a Remote Database Environment from Red Hat Virtualization 4.3 to 4.4

Upgrading your environment from 4.3 to 4.4 involves the following steps:

Upgrade Considerations

  • When planning to upgrade, see Red Hat Virtualization 4.4 upgrade considerations and known issues.
  • When upgrading from Open Virtual Network (OVN) and Open vSwitch (OvS) 2.11 to OVN 2021 and OvS 2.15, the process is transparent to the user as long as the following conditions are met:

    • The Manager is upgraded first.
    • The ovirt-provider-ovn security groups must be disabled, before the host upgrade, for all OVN networks that are expected to work between hosts with OVN/OvS version 2.11.
    • The hosts are upgraded to match OVN version 2021 or higher and OvS version 2.15. You must complete this step in the Administration Portal, so you can properly reconfigure OVN and refresh the certificates.
    • The host is rebooted after an upgrade.

To verify whether the provider and OVN were configured successfully on the host, check the OVN configured flag on the General tab for the host. If the OVN Configured is set to No, click Management Refresh Capabilities. This setting is also available in the REST API. If refreshing the capabilities fails, you can configure OVN by reinstalling the host from Manager 4.4 or higher.

3.1.1. Prerequisites

  • Plan for any necessary virtual machine downtime. After you update the clusters' compatibility versions during the upgrade, a new hardware configuration is automatically applied to each virtual machine once it reboots. You must reboot any running or suspended virtual machines as soon as possible to apply the configuration changes.
  • Ensure your environment meets the requirements for Red Hat Virtualization 4.4. For a complete list of prerequisites, see the Planning and Prerequisites Guide.
  • When upgrading Red Hat Virtualization Manager, it is recommended that you use one of the existing hosts. If you decide to use a new host, you must assign a unique name to the new host and then add it to the existing cluster before you begin the upgrade procedure.

3.1.2. Analyzing the Environment

It is recommended to run the Log Collection Analysis tool and the Image Discrepancies tool prior to performing updates and for troubleshooting. These tools analyze your environment for known issues that might prevent you from performing an update, and provide recommendations to resolve them.

3.1.3. Log Collection Analysis tool

Run the Log Collection Analysis tool prior to performing updates and for troubleshooting. The tool analyzes your environment for known issues that might prevent you from performing an update, and provides recommendations to resolve them. The tool gathers detailed information about your system and presents it as an HTML file.


  • Ensure the Manager has the correct repositories enabled. For the list of required repositories, see Enabling the Red Hat Virtualization Manager Repositories for Red Hat Virtualization 4.3.

    Updates to the Red Hat Virtualization Manager are released through the Content Delivery Network.


  1. Install the Log Collection Analysis tool on the Manager machine:

    # yum install rhv-log-collector-analyzer
  2. Run the tool:

    # rhv-log-collector-analyzer --live

    A detailed report is displayed.

    By default, the report is saved to a file called analyzer_report.html.

    To save the file to a specific location, use the --html flag and specify the location:

    # rhv-log-collector-analyzer --live --html=/directory/filename.html
  3. You can use the ELinks text mode web browser to read the analyzer reports within the terminal. To install the ELinks browser:

    # yum install -y elinks
  4. Launch ELinks and open analyzer_report.html.

    # elinks /home/user1/analyzer_report.html

    To navigate the report, use the following commands in ELinks:

    • Insert to scroll up
    • Delete to scroll down
    • PageUp to page up
    • PageDown to page down
    • Left Bracket to scroll left
    • Right Bracket to scroll right Monitoring snapshot health with the image discrepancies tool

The RHV Image Discrepancies tool analyzes image data in the Storage Domain and RHV Database. It alerts you if it finds discrepancies in volumes and volume attributes, but does not fix those discrepancies. Use this tool in a variety of scenarios, such as:

  • Before upgrading versions, to avoid carrying over broken volumes or chains to the new version.
  • Following a failed storage operation, to detect volumes or attributes in a bad state.
  • After restoring the RHV database or storage from backup.
  • Periodically, to detect potential problems before they worsen.
  • To analyze a snapshot- or live storage migration-related issues, and to verify system health after fixing these types of problems.


  • Required Versions: this tool was introduced in RHV version 4.3.8 with rhv-log-collector-analyzer-0.2.15-0.el7ev.
  • Because data collection runs simultaneously at different places and is not atomic, stop all activity in the environment that can modify the storage domains. That is, do not create or remove snapshots, edit, move, create, or remove disks. Otherwise, false detection of inconsistencies may occur. Virtual Machines can remain running normally during the process.


  1. To run the tool, enter the following command on the RHV Manager:

    # rhv-image-discrepancies
  2. If the tool finds discrepancies, rerun it to confirm the results, especially if there is a chance some operations were performed while the tool was running.

This tool includes any Export and ISO storage domains and may report discrepancies for them. If so, these can be ignored, as these storage domains do not have entries for images in the RHV database.

Understanding the results

The tool reports the following:

  • If there are volumes that appear on the storage but are not in the database, or appear in the database but are not on the storage.
  • If some volume attributes differ between the storage and the database.

Sample output:

 Checking storage domain c277ad93-0973-43d9-a0ca-22199bc8e801
    Looking for missing images...
    No missing images found
    Checking discrepancies between SD/DB attributes...
    image ef325650-4b39-43cf-9e00-62b9f7659020 has a different attribute capacity on storage(2696984576) and on DB(2696986624)
    image 852613ce-79ee-4adc-a56a-ea650dcb4cfa has a different attribute capacity on storage(5424252928) and on DB(5424254976)

 Checking storage domain c64637b4-f0e8-408c-b8af-6a52946113e2
    Looking for missing images...
    No missing images found
    Checking discrepancies between SD/DB attributes...
    No discrepancies found

You can now update the Manager to the latest version of 4.3.

3.1.4. Updating the Red Hat Virtualization Manager


  • Ensure the Manager has the correct repositories enabled. For the list of required repositories, see Enabling the Red Hat Virtualization Manager Repositories for Red Hat Virtualization 4.3.

    Updates to the Red Hat Virtualization Manager are released through the Content Delivery Network.


  1. On the Manager machine, check if updated packages are available:

    # engine-upgrade-check
  2. Update the setup packages:

    # yum update ovirt\*setup\* rh\*vm-setup-plugins
  3. Update the Red Hat Virtualization Manager with the engine-setup script. The engine-setup script prompts you with some configuration questions, then stops the ovirt-engine service, downloads and installs the updated packages, backs up and updates the database, performs post-installation configuration, and starts the ovirt-engine service.

    # engine-setup

    When the script completes successfully, the following message appears:

    Execution of setup completed successfully

    The engine-setup script is also used during the Red Hat Virtualization Manager installation process, and it stores the configuration values supplied. During an update, the stored values are displayed when previewing the configuration, and might not be up to date if engine-config was used to update configuration after installation. For example, if engine-config was used to update SANWipeAfterDelete to true after installation, engine-setup will output "Default SAN wipe after delete: False" in the configuration preview. However, the updated values will not be overwritten by engine-setup.


    The update process might take some time. Do not stop the process before it completes.

  4. Update the base operating system and any optional packages installed on the Manager:

    # yum update --nobest

    If you encounter a required Ansible package conflict during the update, see Cannot perform yum update on my RHV manager (ansible conflict).


    If any kernel packages were updated, reboot the machine to complete the update.

You can now upgrade the Manager to 4.4.

3.1.5. Upgrading the Red Hat Virtualization Manager from 4.3 to 4.4

Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.4 is only supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 8.2 to 8.6. You need to do a clean installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 and Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.4, even if you are using the same physical machine that you use to run RHV Manager 4.3.

The upgrade process requires restoring Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.3 backup files onto the Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.4 machine.


  • All data centers and clusters in the environment must have the cluster compatibility level set to version 4.2 or 4.3.
  • All virtual machines in the environment must have the cluster compatibility level set to version 4.3.
  • If you use an external CA to sign HTTPS certificates, follow the steps in Replacing the Red Hat Virtualization Manager CA Certificate in the Administration Guide. The backup and restore include the 3rd-party certificate, so you should be able to log in to the Administration portal after the upgrade. Ensure the CA certificate is added to system-wide trust stores of all clients to ensure the foreign menu of virt-viewer works. See BZ#1313379 for more information.

Connected hosts and virtual machines can continue to work while the Manager is being upgraded.


  1. Log in to the Manager machine.
  2. Back up the Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.3 environment.

    # engine-backup --scope=all --mode=backup --file=backup.bck --log=backuplog.log
  3. Copy the backup file to a storage device outside of the RHV environment.
  4. Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6. See Performing a standard RHEL installation for more information.
  5. Complete the steps to install Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.4, including running the command yum install rhvm, but do not run engine-setup. See one of the Installing Red Hat Virtualization guides for more information.
  6. Copy the backup file to the Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.4 machine and restore it.

    # engine-backup --mode=restore --file=backup.bck --provision-all-databases

    If the backup contained grants for extra database users, this command creates the extra users with random passwords. You must change these passwords manually if the extra users require access to the restored system. See

  7. Ensure the Manager has the correct repositories enabled. For the list of required repositories, see Enabling the Red Hat Virtualization Manager Repositories for Red Hat Virtualization 4.4.

    Updates to the Red Hat Virtualization Manager are released through the Content Delivery Network.

  8. Install optional extension packages if they were installed on the Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.3 machine.

    # yum install ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-misc

    The ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap is deprecated. For new installations, use Red Hat Single Sign On. For more information, see Installing and Configuring Red Hat Single Sign-On in the Administration Guide.


    The configuration for these package extensions must be manually reapplied because they are not migrated as part of the backup and restore process.

  9. Configure the Manager by running the engine-setup command:

    # engine-setup
  10. Decommission the Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.3 machine if a different machine is used for Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.4. Two different Managers must not manage the same hosts or storage.

The Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.4 is now installed, with the cluster compatibility version set to 4.2 or 4.3, whichever was the preexisting cluster compatibility version.

Now you need to upgrade the remote databases in your environment.


'engine-setup' also stops the Data Warehouse service on the remote Data Warehouse machine.

If you intend to postpone the next parts of this procedure, log in to the Data Warehouse machine and start the Data Warehouse service:

# systemctl start ovirt-engine-dwhd.service

3.1.6. Upgrading the remote Data Warehouse service and database

Run this procedure on the remote machine with the Data Warehouse service and database.

Notice that part of this procedure requires you to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6, or Red Hat Virtualization Host 4.4.


  • You are logged in to the Data Warehouse machine.
  • A storage device outside the RHV environment.


  1. Back up the Data Warehouse machine.


    Grafana is not supported on RHV 4.3, but on RHV 4.4, this command also includes the Grafana service and the Grafana database.

    # engine-backup --file=<backupfile>
  2. Copy the backup file to a storage device.
  3. Stop and disable the Data Warehouse service:

    # systemctl stop ovirt-engine-dwhd
    # systemctl disable ovirt-engine-dwhd
  4. Reinstall the Data Warehouse machine with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6, or Red Hat Virtualization Host 4.4.
  5. Prepare a PostgreSQL database. For information, see Preparing a Remote PostgreSQL Database in Installing Red Hat Virtualization as a standalone Manager with remote databases.
  6. Enable the correct repositories on the server and install the Data Warehouse service. For detailed instructions, see Installing and Configuring Data Warehouse on a Separate Machine for Red Hat Virtualization 4.4. Complete the steps in that procedure up to and including the dnf install ovirt-engine-dwh-setup command. Then continue to the next step in this procedure.
  7. Copy the backup file from the storage device to the Data Warehouse machine.
  8. Restore the backup file:

    # engine-backup --mode=restore --file=backup.bck --provision-all-databases
  9. On the Data Warehouse machine, run the engine-setup command:

    # engine-setup
  10. On the Manager machine, restart the Manager to connect it to the Data Warehouse database:

    # systemctl restart ovirt-engine

Additional resources

You can now update the hosts.

3.1.7. Migrating hosts and virtual machines from RHV 4.3 to 4.4

You can migrate hosts and virtual machines from Red Hat Virtualization 4.3 to 4.4 such that you minimize the downtime of virtual machines in your environment.

This process requires migrating all virtual machines from one host so as to make that host available to upgrade to RHV 4.4. After the upgrade, you can reattach the host to the Manager.


When installing or reinstalling the host’s operating system, Red Hat strongly recommends that you first detach any existing non-OS storage that is attached to the host to avoid accidental initialization of these disks, and with that, potential data loss.


CPU-passthrough virtual machines might not migrate properly from RHV 4.3 to RHV 4.4.

RHV 4.3 and RHV 4.4 are based on RHEL 7 and RHEL 8, respectively, which have different kernel versions with different CPU flags and microcodes. This can cause problems in migrating CPU-passthrough virtual machines.


  • Hosts for RHV 4.4 require Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 8.2 to 8.6. A clean installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6, or Red Hat Virtualization Host 4.4 is required, even if you are using the same physical machine that you use to run hosts for RHV 4.3.
  • Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.4 is installed and running.
  • The compatibility level of the data center and cluster to which the hosts belong is set to 4.2 or 4.3. All data centers and clusters in the environment must have the cluster compatibility level set to version 4.2 or 4.3 before you start the procedure.


  1. Pick a host to upgrade and migrate that host’s virtual machines to another host in the same cluster. You can use Live Migration to minimize virtual machine downtime. For more information, see Migrating Virtual Machines Between Hosts in the Virtual Machine Management Guide.
  2. Put the host into maintenance mode and remove the host from the Manager. For more information, see Removing a Host in the Administration Guide.
  3. Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6, or RHVH 4.4. For more information, see Installing Hosts for Red Hat Virtualization in one of the Installing Red Hat Virtualization guides.
  4. Install the appropriate packages to enable the host for RHV 4.4. For more information, see Installing Hosts for Red Hat Virtualization in one of the Installing Red Hat Virtualization guides.
  5. Add this host to the Manager, assigning it to the same cluster. You can now migrate virtual machines onto this host. For more information, see Adding Standard Hosts to the Manager in one of the Installing Red Hat Virtualization guides.

Repeat these steps to migrate virtual machines and upgrade hosts for the rest of the hosts in the same cluster, one by one, until all are running Red Hat Virtualization 4.4.

3.1.8. Upgrading RHVH while preserving local storage

Environments with local storage cannot migrate virtual machines to a host in another cluster because the local storage is not shared with other storage domains. To upgrade RHVH 4.3 hosts that have a local storage domain, reinstall the host while preserving the local storage, create a new local storage domain in the 4.4 environment, and import the previous local storage into the new domain.


  • Red Hat Virtualization Manager 4.4 is installed and running.
  • The compatibility level of the data center and cluster to which the host belongs is set to 4.2 or 4.3.


  1. Ensure that the local storage on the RHVH 4.3 host’s local storage is in maintenance mode before starting this process. Complete these steps:

    1. Open the Data Centers tab.
    2. Click the Storage tab in the Details pane and select the storage domain in the results list.
    3. Click Maintenance.
  2. Reinstall the Red Hat Virtualization Host, as described in Installing Red Hat Virtualization Host in the Installation Guide.


    When selecting the device on which to install RHVH from the Installation Destination screen, do not select the device(s) storing the virtual machines. Only select the device where the operating system should be installed.

    If you are using Kickstart to install the host, ensure that you preserve the devices containing the virtual machines by adding the following to the Kickstart file, replacing `device` with the relevant device.

    # clearpart --all --drives=device

    For more information on using Kickstart, see Kickstart references in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Performing an advanced RHEL installation.

  3. On the reinstalled host, create a directory, for example /data in which to recover the previous environment.

    # mkdir /data
  4. Mount the previous local storage in the new directory. In our example, /dev/sdX1 is the local storage:

    # mount /dev/sdX1 /data
  5. Set the following permissions for the new directory.

    # chown -R 36:36 /data
    # chmod -R 0755 /data
  6. Red Hat recommends that you also automatically mount the local storage via /etc/fstab in case the server requires a reboot:

    # blkid | grep -i sdX1
    /dev/sdX1: UUID="a81a6879-3764-48d0-8b21-2898c318ef7c" TYPE="ext4"
    # vi /etc/fstab
    UUID="a81a6879-3764-48d0-8b21-2898c318ef7c" /data    ext4    defaults     0       0
  7. In the Administration Portal, create a data center and select Local in the Storage Type drop-down menu.
  8. Configure a cluster on the new data center. See Creating a New Cluster in the Administration Guide for more information.
  9. Add the host to the Manager. See Adding Standard Hosts to the Red Hat Virtualization Manager in one of the Installing Red Hat Virtualization guides for more information.
  10. On the host, create a new directory that will be used to create the initial local storage domain. For example:

    # mkdir -p /localfs
    # chown 36:36 /localfs
    # chmod -R 0755 /localfs
  11. In the Administration Portal, open the Storage tab and click New Domain to create a new local storage domain.
  12. Set the name to localfs and set the path to /localfs.
  13. Once the local storage is active, click Import Domain and set the domain’s details. For example, define Data as the name, Local on Host as the storage type and /data as the path.
  14. Click OK to confirm the message that appears informing you that storage domains are already attached to the data center.
  15. Activate the new storage domain:

    1. Open the Data Centers tab.
    2. Click the Storage tab in the details pane and select the new data storage domain in the results list.
    3. Click Activate.
  16. Once the new storage domain is active, import the virtual machines and their disks:

    1. In the Storage tab, select data.
    2. Select the VM Import tab in the details pane, select the virtual machines and click Import. See Importing Virtual Machines from a Data Domain in the Virtual Machine Management Guide for more details.
  17. Once you have ensured that all virtual machines have been successfully imported and are functioning properly, you can move localfs to maintenance mode.
  18. Click the Storage tab and select localfs from the results list.

    1. Click the Data Center tab in the details pane.
    2. Click Maintenance, then click OK to move the storage domain to maintenance mode.
    3. Click Detach. The Detach Storage confirmation window opens.
    4. Click OK.

You have now upgraded the host to version 4.4, created a new local storage domain, and imported the 4.3 storage domain and its virtual machines.

You can now update the cluster compatibility version.

3.1.9. Changing the Cluster Compatibility Version

Red Hat Virtualization clusters have a compatibility version. The cluster compatibility version indicates the features of Red Hat Virtualization supported by all of the hosts in the cluster. The cluster compatibility is set according to the version of the least capable host operating system in the cluster.


  • To change the cluster compatibility level, you must first update all the hosts in your cluster to a level that supports your desired compatibility level. Check if there is an icon next to the host indicating an update is available.


  • Virtio NICs are enumerated as a different device after upgrading the cluster compatibility level to 4.6. Therefore, the NICs might need to be reconfigured. Red Hat recommends that you test the virtual machines before you upgrade the cluster by setting the cluster compatibility level to 4.6 on the virtual machine and verifying the network connection.

    If the network connection for the virtual machine fails, configure the virtual machine with a custom emulated machine that matches the current emulated machine, for example pc-q35-rhel8.3.0 for 4.5 compatibility version, before upgrading the cluster.


  1. In the Administration Portal, click Compute Clusters.
  2. Select the cluster to change and click Edit.
  3. On the General tab, change the Compatibility Version to the desired value.
  4. Click OK. The Change Cluster Compatibility Version confirmation dialog opens.
  5. Click OK to confirm.

An error message might warn that some virtual machines and templates are incorrectly configured. To fix this error, edit each virtual machine manually. The Edit Virtual Machine window provides additional validations and warnings that show what to correct. Sometimes the issue is automatically corrected and the virtual machine’s configuration just needs to be saved again. After editing each virtual machine, you will be able to change the cluster compatibility version.

You can now update the cluster compatibility version for virtual machines in the cluster.

3.1.10. Changing Virtual Machine Cluster Compatibility

After updating a cluster’s compatibility version, you must update the cluster compatibility version of all running or suspended virtual machines by rebooting them from the Administration Portal, or using the REST API, or from within the guest operating system. Virtual machines that require a reboot are marked with the pending changes icon ( pendingchanges ).

Although you can wait to reboot the virtual machines at a convenient time, rebooting immediately is highly recommended so that the virtual machines use the latest configuration. Any virtual machine that has not been rebooted runs with the previous configuration, and subsequent configuration changes made to the virtual machine might overwrite its pending cluster compatibility changes.


  1. In the Administration Portal, click Compute Virtual Machines.
  2. Check which virtual machines require a reboot. In the Vms: search bar, enter the following query:


    The search results show all virtual machines with pending changes.

  3. Select each virtual machine and click Restart. Alternatively, if necessary you can reboot a virtual machine from within the virtual machine itself.

When the virtual machine starts, the new compatibility version is automatically applied.


You cannot change the cluster compatibility version of a virtual machine snapshot that is in preview. You must first commit or undo the preview.

You can now update the data center compatibility version.

3.1.11. Changing the Data Center Compatibility Version

Red Hat Virtualization data centers have a compatibility version. The compatibility version indicates the version of Red Hat Virtualization with which the data center is intended to be compatible. All clusters in the data center must support the desired compatibility level.


  • To change the data center compatibility level, you must first update the compatibility version of all clusters and virtual machines in the data center.


  1. In the Administration Portal, click Compute Data Centers.
  2. Select the data center to change and click Edit.
  3. Change the Compatibility Version to the desired value.
  4. Click OK. The Change Data Center Compatibility Version confirmation dialog opens.
  5. Click OK to confirm.
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