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Chapter 4. Web console overview

The Virtualization section of the OpenShift Container Platform web console contains the following pages for managing and monitoring your OpenShift Virtualization environment.

Table 4.1. Virtualization pages

Overview page

Manage and monitor the OpenShift Virtualization environment.

Catalog page

Create VirtualMachines from a catalog of templates.

VirtualMachines page

Configure and monitor VirtualMachines.

Templates page

Create and manage templates.

DataSources page

Create and manage DataSources for VirtualMachine boot sources.

MigrationPolicies page

Create and manage MigrationPolicies for workloads.

Table 4.2. Key

icon pencil

Edit icon

icon link

Link icon

4.1. Overview page

The Overview page displays resources, metrics, migration progress, and cluster-level settings.

Example 4.1. Overview page


Download virtctl icon link

Download the virtctl command line tool to manage resources.

Overview tab

Resources, usage, alerts, and status.

Top consumers tab

Top consumers of CPU, memory, and storage resources.

Migrations tab

Status of live migrations.

Settings tab

Cluster-wide settings, including live migration limits and user permissions.

4.1.1. Overview tab

The Overview tab displays resources, usage, alerts, and status.

Example 4.2. Overview tab


"Getting started resources" card

  • "Quick Starts" tile: Learn how to create, import, and run VirtualMachines with step-by-step instructions and tasks.
  • "Feature highlights" tile: Read the latest information about key virtualization features.
  • "Related operators" tile: Install Operators such as the Kubernetes NMState Operator or the OpenShift Data Foundation Operator.

"VirtualMachines" tile

Number of VirtualMachines, with a chart showing the last 7 days' trend.

"vCPU usage" tile

vCPU usage, with a chart showing the last 7 days' trend.

"Memory" tile

Memory usage, with a chart showing the last 7 days' trend.

"Storage" tile

Storage usage, with a chart showing the last 7 days' trend.

"Alerts" tile

OpenShift Virtualization alerts, grouped by severity.

"VirtualMachine statuses" tile

Number of VirtualMachines, grouped by status.

"VirtualMachines per template" chart

Number of VirtualMachines created from templates, grouped by template name.

4.1.2. Top consumers tab

The Top consumers tab displays the top consumers of CPU, memory, and storage.

Example 4.3. Top consumers tab


View virtualization dashboard icon link

Link to Observe Dashboards, which displays the top consumers for OpenShift Virtualization.

Time period list

Select a time period to filter the results.

Top consumers list

Select the number of top consumers to filter the results.

"CPU" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest CPU usage.

"Memory" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest memory usage.

"Memory swap traffic" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest memory swap traffic.

"vCPU wait" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest vCPU wait periods.

"Storage throughput" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest storage throughput usage.

"Storage IOPS" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest storage input/output operations per second usage.

4.1.3. Migrations tab

The Migrations tab displays the status of VirtualMachineInstance migrations.

Example 4.4. Migrations tab


Time period list

Select a time period to filter VirtualMachineInstanceMigrations.

VirtualMachineInstanceMigrations table

List of VirtualMachineInstance migrations.

4.1.4. Settings tab

The Settings tab displays cluster-wide settings on the following tabs:

Table 4.3. Tabs on Settings tab

General tab

OpenShift Virtualization version and update status.

Live migration tab

Live migration limits and network settings.

Templates project tab

Project for Red Hat templates.

User permissions tab

Cluster-wide user permissions. General tab

The General tab displays the OpenShift Virtualization version and update status.

Example 4.5. General tab


Service name

OpenShift Virtualization


Red Hat

Installed version


Update status

Example: Up to date


Channel selected for updates. Live migration tab

You can configure live migration on the Live migration tab.

Example 4.6. Live migration tab


Max. migrations per cluster field

Select the maximum number of live migrations per cluster.

Max. migrations per node field

Select the maximum number of live migrations per node.

Live migration network list

Select a dedicated secondary network for live migration. Templates project tab

You can select a project for templates on the Templates project tab.

Example 4.7. Templates project tab


Project list

Select a project in which to store Red Hat templates. The default template project is openshift.

If you want to define multiple template projects, you must clone the templates on the Templates page for each project. User permissions tab

The User permissions tab displays cluster-wide user permissions for tasks.

Example 4.8. User permissions tab


User Permissions table

List of tasks, such as Share templates, and permissions.

4.2. Catalog page

You can create a VirtualMachine by selecting a template on the Catalog page.

Example 4.9. Catalog page


Templates project list

Select the project in which your templates are located.

By default, Red Hat templates are stored in the openshift project. You can edit the template project on the Overview Settings Template project tab.

All items|Default templates

Click Default templates to display only default templates.

Boot source available checkbox

Select the checkbox to display templates with an available boot source.

Operating system checkboxes

Select checkboxes to display templates with selected operating systems.

Workload checkboxes

Select checkboxes to display templates with selected workloads.

Search field

Search templates by keyword.

Template tiles

Click a template tile to view template details and to create a VirtualMachine.

4.3. VirtualMachines page

You can create and manage VirtualMachines on the VirtualMachines page.

Example 4.10. VirtualMachines page


Create From catalog

Create a VirtualMachine on the Catalog page.

Create With YAML

Create a VirtualMachine by editing a YAML configuration file.

Filter field

Filter VirtualMachines by status, template, operating system, or node.

Search field

Search for VirtualMachines by name or by label.

VirtualMachines table

List of VirtualMachines.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a VirtualMachine to select Stop, Restart, Pause, Clone, Migrate, Copy SSH command, Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.

Click a VirtualMachine to navigate to the VirtualMachine details page.

4.3.1. VirtualMachine details page

You can configure a VirtualMachine on the VirtualMachine details page.

Example 4.11. VirtualMachine details page


Actions menu

Click the Actions menu to select Stop, Restart, Pause, Clone, Migrate, Copy SSH command, Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.

Overview tab

Resource usage, alerts, disks, and devices.

Details tab

VirtualMachine configurations.

Metrics tab

Memory, CPU, storage, network, and migration metrics.

YAML tab

VirtualMachine YAML configuration file.

Scheduling tab

Scheduling configurations.

Environment tab

Config map, secret, and service account management.

Events tab

VirtualMachine event stream.

Console tab

Console session management.

Network interfaces tab

Network interface management.

Disks tab

Disk management.

Scripts tab

Cloud-init and SSH key management.

Snapshots tab

Snapshot management. Overview tab

The Overview tab displays resource usage, alerts, and configuration information.

Example 4.12. Overview tab


"Details" tile

General VirtualMachine information.

"Utilization" tile

CPU, Memory, Storage, and Network transfer charts.

"Hardware devices" tile

GPU and host devices.

"Alerts" tile

OpenShift Virtualization alerts, grouped by severity.

"Snapshots" tile

Take snapshot icon link and Snapshots table.

"Network interfaces" tile

Network interfaces table.

"Disks" tile

Disks table. Details tab

You can configure the VirtualMachine on the Details tab.

Example 4.13. Details tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.


VirtualMachine name.


VirtualMachine namespace.


Click the edit icon to edit the labels.


Click the edit icon to edit the annotations.


Click the edit icon to enter a description.

Operating system

Operating system name.


Click the edit icon to edit the CPU|Memory request.

The number of CPUs is calculated by using the following formula: sockets * threads * cores.

Machine type

VirtualMachine machine type.

Boot mode

Click the edit icon to edit the boot mode.

Start in pause mode

Click the edit icon to enable this setting.


Name of the template used to create the VirtualMachine.

Created at

VirtualMachine creation date.


VirtualMachine owner.


VirtualMachine status.


virt-launcher pod name.


VirtualMachineInstance name.

Boot order

Click the edit icon to select a boot source.

IP address

IP address of the VirtualMachine.


Hostname of the VirtualMachine.

Time zone

Time zone of the VirtualMachine.


Node on which the VirtualMachine is running.

Workload profile

Click the edit icon to edit the workload profile.

SSH using virtctl

Click the copy icon to copy the virtctl ssh command to the clipboard.

SSH over NodePort

Selecting Create a Service to expose your VirtualMachine for SSH access generates an ssh -p <port> command. Click the copy icon to copy the command to the clipboard.

GPU devices

Click the edit icon to add a GPU device.

Host devices

Click the edit icon to add a host device.

Services section

View services.

Active users section

View active users. Metrics tab

The Metrics tab displays memory, CPU, storage, network, and migration usage charts.

Example 4.14. Metrics tab


Time range list

Select a time range to filter the results.

Virtualization dashboard icon link

Link to the Workloads tab of the current project.

Utilization section

Memory, CPU, and Network interface charts.

Storage section

Storage total read/write and Storage iops total read/write charts.

Network section

Network in, Network out, and Network bandwidth charts.

Migration section

Migration and KV data transfer rate charts. YAML tab

You can configure the VirtualMachine by editing the YAML file on the YAML tab.

Example 4.15. YAML tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Save button

Save changes to the YAML file.

Reload button

Discard your changes and reload the YAML file.

Cancel button

Exit the YAML tab.

Download button

Download the YAML file to your local machine. Scheduling tab

You can configure scheduling on the Scheduling tab.

Example 4.16. Scheduling tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Node selector

Click the edit icon to add a label to specify qualifying nodes.


Click the edit icon to add a toleration to specify qualifying nodes.

Affinity rules

Click the edit icon to add an affinity rule.

Descheduler switch

Enable or disable the descheduler. The descheduler evicts a running pod so that the pod can be rescheduled onto a more suitable node.

Dedicated resources

Click the edit icon to select Schedule this workload with dedicated resources (guaranteed policy).

Eviction strategy

Click the edit icon to select LiveMigrate as the VirtualMachineInstance eviction strategy. Environment tab

You can manage config maps, secrets, and service accounts on the Environment tab.

Example 4.17. Environment tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Add Config Map, Secret or Service Account icon link

Click the link and select a config map, secret, or service account from the resource list. Events tab

The Events tab displays a list of VirtualMachine events. Console tab

You can open a console session to the VirtualMachine on the Console tab.

Example 4.18. Console tab


Guest login credentials section

Expand Guest login credentials to view the credentials created with cloud-init. Click the copy icon to copy the credentials to the clipboard.

Console list

Select VNC console or Serial console.

You can select Desktop viewer to connect to Windows VirtualMachines by using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). You must install an RDP client on a machine on the same network.

Send key list

Select a key-stroke combination to send to the console.

Disconnect button

Disconnect the console connection.

You must manually disconnect the console connection if you open a new console session. Otherwise, the first console session continues to run in the background. Network interfaces tab

You can manage network interfaces on the Network interfaces tab.

Example 4.19. Network interfaces tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Add network interface button

Add a network interface to the VirtualMachine.

Filter field

Filter by interface type.

Search field

Search for a network interface by name or by label.

Network interface table

List of network interfaces.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a network interface to select Edit or Delete. Disks tab

You can manage disks on the Disks tab.

Example 4.20. Disks tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Add disk button

Add a disk to the VirtualMachine.

Filter field

Filter by disk type.

Search field

Search for a disk by name.

Disks table

List of VirtualMachine disks.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a disk to select Edit or Detach.

File systems table

List of VirtualMachine file systems. Scripts tab

You can manage the cloud-init and SSH keys of the VirtualMachine on the Scripts tab.

Example 4.21. Scripts tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.


Click the edit icon to edit the cloud-init settings.

Authorized SSH Key

Click the edit icon to create a new secret or to attach an existing secret. Snapshots tab

You can create snapshots and restore VirtualMachines from snapshots on the Snapshots tab.

Example 4.22. Snapshots tab


Take snapshot button

Create a snapshot.

Filter field

Filter snapshots by status.

Search field

Search for snapshots by name or by label.

Snapshot table

List of snapshots.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a snapshot to select Edit labels, Edit annotations, Edit VirtualMachineSnapshot, Delete VirtualMachineSnapshot.

4.4. Templates page

You can create, edit, and clone VirtualMachine templates on the Templates page.


You cannot edit a Red Hat template. You can clone a Red Hat template and edit it to create a custom template.

Example 4.23. Templates page


Create Template button

Create a template by editing a YAML configuration file.

Filter field

Filter templates by type, boot source, template provider, or operating system.

Search field

Search for templates by name or by label.

Templates table

List of templates.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a template to select Edit, Clone, Edit boot source, Edit boot source reference, Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.

4.4.1. Template details page

You can view template settings and edit custom templates on the Template details page.

Example 4.24. Template details page


Actions menu

Click the Actions menu to select Edit, Clone, Edit boot source, Edit boot source reference, Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.

Details tab

Template settings and configurations.

YAML tab

YAML configuration file.

Scheduling tab

Scheduling configurations.

Network interfaces tab

Network interface management.

Disks tab

Disk management.

Scripts tab

Cloud-init, SSH key, and Sysprep management.

Parameters tab

Parameters. Details tab

You can configure a custom template on the Details tab.

Example 4.25. Details tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.


Template name.


Template namespace.


Click the edit icon to edit the labels.


Click the edit icon to edit the annotations.

Display name

Click the edit icon to edit the display name.


Click the edit icon to enter a description.

Operating system

Operating system name.


Click the edit icon to edit the CPU|Memory request.

The number of CPUs is calculated by using the following formula: sockets * threads * cores.

Machine type

Template machine type.

Boot mode

Click the edit icon to edit the boot mode.

Base template

Name of the base template used to create this template.

Created at

Template creation date.


Template owner.

Boot order

Template boot order.

Boot source

Boot source availability.


Template provider.


Template support level.

GPU devices

Click the edit icon to add a GPU device.

Host devices

Click the edit icon to add a host device. YAML tab

You can configure a custom template by editing the YAML file on the YAML tab.

Example 4.26. YAML tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Save button

Save changes to the YAML file.

Reload button

Discard your changes and reload the YAML file.

Cancel button

Exit the YAML tab.

Download button

Download the YAML file to your local machine. Scheduling tab

You can configure scheduling on the Scheduling tab.

Example 4.27. Scheduling tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Node selector

Click the edit icon to add a label to specify qualifying nodes.


Click the edit icon to add a toleration to specify qualifying nodes.

Affinity rules

Click the edit icon to add an affinity rule.

Descheduler switch

Enable or disable the descheduler. The descheduler evicts a running pod so that the pod can be rescheduled onto a more suitable node.

Dedicated resources

Click the edit icon to select Schedule this workload with dedicated resources (guaranteed policy).

Eviction strategy

Click the edit icon to select LiveMigrate as the VirtualMachineInstance eviction strategy. Network interfaces tab

You can manage network interfaces on the Network interfaces tab.

Example 4.28. Network interfaces tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Add network interface button

Add a network interface to the template.

Filter field

Filter by interface type.

Search field

Search for a network interface by name or by label.

Network interface table

List of network interfaces.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a network interface to select Edit or Delete. Disks tab

You can manage disks on the Disks tab.

Example 4.29. Disks tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Add disk button

Add a disk to the template.

Filter field

Filter by disk type.

Search field

Search for a disk by name.

Disks table

List of template disks.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a disk to select Edit or Detach. Scripts tab

You can manage the cloud-init settings, SSH keys, and Sysprep answer files on the Scripts tab.

Example 4.30. Scripts tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.


Click the edit icon to edit the cloud-init settings.

Authorized SSH Key

Click the edit icon to create a new secret or to attach an existing secret.


Click the edit icon to upload an Autounattend.xml or Unattend.xml answer file to automate Windows VirtualMachine setup. Parameters tab

You can edit selected template settings on the Parameters tab.

Example 4.31. Parameters tab


VM name

Select Generated (expression) for a generated value, Value to set a default value, or None from the Default value type list.

Data source namespace

Select Generated (expression) for a generated value, Value to set a default value, or None from the Default value type list.

Cloud user password

Select Generated (expression) for a generated value, Value to set a default value, or None from the Default value type list.

4.5. DataSources page

You can create and configure DataSources for VirtualMachine boot sources on the DataSources page.

When you create a DataSource, a DataImportCron resource defines a cron job to poll and import the disk image unless you disable automatic boot source updates.

Example 4.32. DataSources page


Create DataSource With form

Create a DataSource by entering the registry URL, disk size, number of revisions, and cron expression in a form.

Create DataSources With YAML

Create a DataSource by editing a YAML configuration file.

Filter field

Filter DataSources by attributes such as DataImportCron available.

Search field

Search for a DataSource by name or by label.

DataSources table

List of DataSources.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a DataSource to select Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.

Click a DataSource to view the DataSource details page.

4.5.1. DataSource details page

You can configure a DataSource on the DataSource details page.

Example 4.33. DataSource details page


Details tab

Configure a DataSource by editing a form.

YAML tab

Configure a DataSource by editing a YAML configuration file.

Actions menu

Select Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.


DataSource name.


DataSource namespace.


Click the edit icon to edit the labels.


Click the edit icon to edit the annotations.


Displays the status conditions of the DataSource.

4.6. MigrationPolicies page

You can manage MigrationPolicies for your workloads on the MigrationPolicies page.

Example 4.34. MigrationPolicies page


Create MigrationPolicy With form

Create a MigrationPolicy by entering configurations and labels in a form.

Create MigrationPolicy With YAML

Create a MigrationPolicy by editing a YAML configuration file.

Name | Label search field

Search for a MigrationPolicy by name or by label.

MigrationPolicies table

List of MigrationPolicies.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a MigrationPolicy to select Edit or Delete.

Click a MigrationPolicy to view the MigrationPolicy details page.

4.6.1. MigrationPolicy details page

You can configure a MigrationPolicy on the MigrationPolicy details page.

Example 4.35. MigrationPolicy details page


Details tab

Configure a MigrationPolicy by editing a form.

YAML tab

Configure a MigrationPolicy by editing a YAML configuration file.

Actions menu

Select Edit or Delete.


MigrationPolicy name.


MigrationPolicy description.


Click the edit icon to update the MigrationPolicy configurations.

Bandwidth per migration

Bandwidth request per migration. For unlimited bandwidth, set the value to 0.

Auto converge

Auto converge policy.


Post-copy policy.

Completion timeout

Completion timeout value in seconds.

Project labels

Click Edit to edit the project labels.

VirtualMachine labels

Click Edit to edit the VirtualMachine labels.

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