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Chapter 6. OpenShift Pipelines release notes

OpenShift Pipelines is a cloud-native CI/CD experience based on the Tekton project which provides:

  • Standard Kubernetes-native pipeline definitions (CRDs).
  • Serverless pipelines with no CI server management overhead.
  • Extensibility to build images using any Kubernetes tool, such as S2I, Buildah, JIB, and Kaniko.
  • Portability across any Kubernetes distribution.
  • Powerful CLI for interacting with pipelines.
  • Integrated user experience with the Developer perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

For an overview of OpenShift Pipelines, see Understanding OpenShift Pipelines.

6.1. Getting support

If you experience difficulty with a procedure described in this documentation, visit the Red Hat Customer Portal to learn more about Red Hat Technology Preview features support scope.

For questions and feedback, you can send an email to the product team at

6.2. Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Technology Preview 1.0

6.2.1. New features

OpenShift Pipelines Technology Preview (TP) 1.0 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.4. OpenShift Pipelines TP 1.0 is updated to support:

  • Tekton Pipelines 0.11.3
  • Tekton tkn CLI 0.9.0
  • Tekton Triggers 0.4.0
  • ClusterTasks based on Tekton Catalog 0.11

In addition to the fixes and stability improvements, here is a highlight of what’s new in OpenShift Pipelines 1.0. Pipelines

  • Support for v1beta1 API Version.
  • Support for an improved LimitRange. Previously, LimitRange was specified exclusively for the TaskRun and the PipelineRun. Now there is no need to explicitly specify the LimitRange. The minimum LimitRange across the namespace is used.
  • Support for sharing data between Tasks using TaskResults and TaskParams.
  • Pipelines can now be configured to not overwrite the HOME environment variable and workingDir of Steps.
  • Similar to Task Steps, sidecars now support script mode.
  • You can now specify a different scheduler name in TaskRun podTemplate.
  • Support for variable substitution using Star Array Notation.
  • Tekton Controller can now be configured to monitor an individual namespace.
  • A new description field is now added to the specification of Pipeline, Task, ClusterTask, Resource, and Condition.
  • Addition of proxy parameters to Git PipelineResources. Pipelines CLI

  • The describe subcommand is now added for the following tkn resources: eventlistener, condition, triggertemplate, clustertask, and triggerbinding.
  • Support added for v1beta1 to the following commands along with backward comptibility for v1alpha1: clustertask, task, pipeline, pipelinerun, and taskrun.
  • The following commands can now list output from all namespaces using the --all-namespaces flag option:

    • tkn task list
    • tkn pipeline list
    • tkn taskrun list
    • tkn pipelinerun list

      The output of these commands is also enhanced to display information without headers using the --no-headers flag option.

  • You can now start a Pipeline using default parameter values by specifying --use-param-defaults flag in the tkn pipelines start command.
  • Support for Workspace is now added to tkn pipeline start and tkn task start commands.
  • A new clustertriggerbinding command is now added with the following subcommands: describe, delete, and list.
  • You can now directly start a pipeline run using a local or remote yaml file.
  • The describe subcommand now displays an enhanced and detailed output. With the addition of new fields, such as description, timeout, param description, and sidecar status, the command output now provides more detailed information about a specific tkn resource.
  • The tkn task log command now displays logs directly if only one task is present in the namespace. Triggers

  • Triggers can now create both v1alpha1 and v1beta1 Pipeline resources.
  • Support for new Common Expression Language (CEL) interceptor function - compareSecret. This function securely compares strings to secrets in CEL expressions.
  • Support for authentication and authorization at the EventListener Trigger level.

6.2.2. Deprecated features

The following items are deprecated in this release:

  • The environment variable $HOME, and variable workingDir in the Steps specification are deprecated and might be changed in a future release. Currently in a Step container, HOME and workingDir are overwritten to /tekton/home and /workspace respectively.

    In a later release, these two fields will not be modified, and will be set to values defined in the container image and Task YAML. For this release, use flags disable-home-env-overwrite and disable-working-directory-overwrite to disable overwriting of the HOME and workingDir variables.

  • The following commands are deprecated and might be removed in the future release:

    • tkn pipeline create
    • tkn task create
  • The -f flag with the tkn resource create command is now deprecated. It might be removed in the future release.
  • The -t flag and the --timeout flag (with seconds format) for the tkn clustertask create command are now deprecated. Only duration timeout format is now supported, for example 1h30s. These deprecated flags might be removed in the future release.

6.2.3. Known issues

  • If you are upgrading from an older version of OpenShift Pipelines, you must delete your existing deployments before upgrading to OpenShift Pipelines version 1.0. To delete an existing deployment, you must first delete Custom Resources and then uninstall the OpenShift Pipelines Operator. For more details, see the uninstalling OpenShift Pipelines section.
  • Submitting the same v1alpha1 Tasks more than once results in an error. Use oc replace instead of oc apply when re-submitting a v1alpha1 Task.
  • The buildah ClusterTask does not work when a new user is added to a container.

    When the Operator is installed, the --storage-driver flag for the buildah ClusterTask is not specified, therefore the flag is set to its default value. In some cases, this causes the storage driver to be set incorrectly. When a new user is added, the incorrect storage-driver results in the failure of the buildah ClusterTask with the following error:

    useradd: /etc/passwd.8: lock file already used
    useradd: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later.

    As a workaround, manually set the --storage-driver flag value to overlay in the buildah-task.yaml file:

    1. Login to your cluster as a cluster-admin:

      $ oc login -u <login> -p <password>
    2. Use the oc edit command to edit buildah ClusterTask:

      $ oc edit clustertask buildah

      The current version of the buildah clustertask YAML file opens in the editor set by your EDITOR environment variable.

    3. Under the steps field, locate the following command field:

       command: ['buildah', 'bud', '--format=$(params.FORMAT)', '--tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY)', '--layers', '-f', '$(params.DOCKERFILE)', '-t', '$(resources.outputs.image.url)', '$(params.CONTEXT)']
    4. Replace the command field with the following:

       command: ['buildah', '--storage-driver=overlay', 'bud', '--format=$(params.FORMAT)', '--tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY)', '--no-cache', '-f', '$(params.DOCKERFILE)', '-t', '$(params.IMAGE)', '$(params.CONTEXT)']
    5. Save the file and exit.

    Alternatively, you can also modify the buildah ClusterTask YAML file directly on the web console by navigating to Pipelines Cluster Tasks buildah. Select Edit Cluster Task from the Actions menu and replace the command field as shown in the previous procedure.

6.2.4. Fixed issues

  • Previously, the DeploymentConfig Task triggered a new deployment build even when an image build was already in progress. This caused the deployment of the Pipeline to fail. With this fix, the deploy task command is now replaced with the oc rollout status command which waits for the in-progress deployment to finish.
  • Support for APP_NAME parameter is now added in Pipeline templates.
  • Previously, the Pipeline template for Java S2I failed to look up the image in the registry. With this fix, the image is looked up using the existing image PipelineResources instead of the user provided IMAGE_NAME parameter.
  • All the OpenShift Pipelines images are now based on the Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI).
  • Previously, when the Pipeline was installed in a namespace other than tekton-pipelines, the tkn version command displayed the Pipeline version as unknown. With this fix, the tkn version command now displays the correct Pipeline version in any namespace.
  • The -c flag is no longer supported for the tkn version command.
  • Non-admin users can now list the ClusterTriggerBindings.
  • The EventListener CompareSecret function is now fixed for the CEL Interceptor.
  • The list, describe, and start subcommands for task and clustertask now correctly display the output in case a Task and ClusterTask have the same name.
  • Previously, the OpenShift Pipelines Operator modified the privileged security context constraints (SCCs), which caused an error during cluster upgrade. This error is now fixed.
  • In the tekton-pipelines namespace, the timeouts of all TaskRuns and PipelineRuns are now set to the value of default-timeout-minutes field using the ConfigMap.
  • Previously, the Pipelines section in the web console was not displayed for non-admin users. This issue is now resolved.
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