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Chapter 2. Upgrading your broker

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2.1. About upgrades

Red Hat releases new versions of AMQ Broker to the Customer Portal. Update your brokers to the newest version to ensure that you have the latest enhancements and fixes. In general, Red Hat releases a new version of AMQ Broker in one of three ways:

Major Release
A major upgrade or migration is required when an application is transitioned from one major release to the next, for example, from AMQ Broker 6 to AMQ Broker 7. This type of upgrade is not addressed in this guide.
Minor Release
AMQ Broker periodically provides minor releases, which are updates that include new features, as well as bug and security fixes. If you plan to upgrade from one AMQ Broker minor release to another, for example, from AMQ Broker 7.0 to AMQ Broker 7.1, code changes should not be required for applications that do not use private, unsupported, or tech preview components.
Micro Release
AMQ Broker also periodically provides micro releases that contain minor enhancements and fixes. Micro releases increment the minor release version by the last digit, for example from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2. A micro release should not require code changes, however, some releases may require configuration changes.

2.2. Upgrading older 7.x versions

2.2.1. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.0.x to 7.0.y

The procedure for upgrading AMQ Broker from one version of 7.0 to another is similar to the one for installation: you download an archive from the Customer Portal and then extract it.

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.0.x broker for different operating systems. Upgrading from 7.0.x to 7.0.y on Linux

The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  • Before upgrading AMQ Broker, review the release notes for the target release.

    The release notes describe important enhancements, known issues, and changes to behavior in the target release.

    For more information, see the AMQ Broker 7.0 Release Notes.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal by following the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker jboss-amq-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. In the following example, the directory /opt/redhat is used.

    sudo mv jboss-amq-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. The archive is kept in a compressed format. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive by using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip jboss-amq-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip
  5. Stop the broker if it is running.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  7. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, a line similar to the one below is displayed at the end of its log file, which can be found at <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.0.0.amq-700005-redhat-1 [4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile configuration file to set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  9. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  10. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the log file <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log and find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log after the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.1.0.amq-700005-redhat-1 [, nodeID=4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] Upgrading from 7.0.x to 7.0.y on Windows


  • Before upgrading AMQ Broker, review the release notes for the target release.

    The release notes describe important enhancements, known issues, and changes to behavior in the target release.

    For more information, see the AMQ Broker 7.0 Release Notes.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal by following the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.
  4. Stop the broker if it is running by entering the following command.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. Back up the broker by using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, a line similar to the one below is displayed at the end of its log file, which can be found at <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.0.0.amq-700005-redhat-1 [4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  7. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile configuration file to set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  8. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  9. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the log file <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log and find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log after the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.1.0.amq-700005-redhat-1 [, nodeID=4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45]

2.2.2. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.0.x to 7.1.0

AMQ Broker 7.1.0 includes configuration files and settings that were not included with previous versions. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.0.x to 7.1.0 requires adding these new files and settings to your existing 7.0.x broker instances. The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.0.x broker instance to 7.1.0 for different operating systems.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console. Upgrading from 7.0.x to 7.1.0 on Linux

Before you can upgrade a 7.0.x broker, you need to install Red Hat AMQ Broker 7.1.0 and create a temporary broker instance. This will generate the 7.1.0 configuration files required to upgrade a 7.0.x broker.


  • Before upgrading AMQ Broker, review the release notes for the target release.

    The release notes describe important enhancements, known issues, and changes to behavior in the target release.

    For more information, see the AMQ Broker 7.1 Release Notes.

  • Before upgrading your 7.0.x brokers, you must first install version 7.1.

    For steps on installing 7.1 on Linux, see Installing AMQ Broker.


  1. If it is running, stop the 7.0.x broker you want to upgrade:

    $ <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  2. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  3. Open the file artemis.profile in the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/ directory of the 7.0.x broker.

    1. Update the ARTEMIS_HOME property so that its value refers to the installation directory for AMQ Broker 7.1.0:

    2. On the line below the one you updated, add the property ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_URI and assign it a value that refers to the 7.0.x broker instance directory:

    3. Update the JAVA_ARGS property by adding the jolokia.policyLocation parameter and assigning it the following value:

  4. Create a 7.1.0 broker instance. The creation procedure generates the configuration files required to upgrade from 7.0.x to 7.1.0. In the following example, note that the instance is created in the directory upgrade_tmp:

    $ <7.1.0_install_dir>/bin/artemis create --allow-anonymous --user admin --password admin upgrade_tmp
  5. Copy configuration files from the etc directory of the temporary 7.1.0 instance into the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/ directory of the 7.0.x broker.

    1. Copy the management.xml file:

      $ cp <temporary_7.1.0_broker_instance_dir>/etc/management.xml <7.0_broker_instance_dir>/etc/
    2. Copy the jolokia-access.xml file:

      $ cp <temporary_7.1.0_broker_instance_dir>/etc/jolokia-access.xml <7.0_broker_instance_dir>/etc/
  6. Open up the bootstrap.xml file in the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/ directory of the 7.0.x broker.

    1. Comment out or delete the following two lines:

      <app url="jolokia" war="jolokia.war"/>
      <app url="hawtio" war="hawtio-no-slf4j.war"/>
    2. Add the following to replace the two lines removed in the previous step:

      <app url="console" war="console.war"/>
  7. Start the broker that you upgraded:

    $ <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run

Additional Resources

For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance. Upgrading from 7.0.x to 7.1.0 on Windows

Before you can upgrade a 7.0.x broker, you need to install Red Hat AMQ Broker 7.1.0 and create a temporary broker instance. This will generate the 7.1.0 configuration files required to upgrade a 7.0.x broker.


  • Before upgrading AMQ Broker, review the release notes for the target release.

    The release notes describe important enhancements, known issues, and changes to behavior in the target release.

    For more information, see the AMQ Broker 7.1 Release Notes.

  • Before upgrading your 7.0.x brokers, you must first install version 7.1.

    For steps on installing 7.1 on Windows, see Installing AMQ Broker.


  1. If it is running, stop the 7.0.x broker you want to upgrade:

    > <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  2. Back up the instance directory of the broker by using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  3. Open the file artemis.profile in the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/ directory of the 7.0.x broker.

    1. Update the ARTEMIS_HOME property so that its value refers to the installation directory for AMQ Broker 7.1.0:

    2. On the line below the one you updated, add the property ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_URI and assign it a value that refers to the 7.0.x broker instance directory:

    3. Update the JAVA_ARGS property by adding the jolokia.policyLocation parameter and assigning it the following value:

  4. Create a 7.1.0 broker instance. The creation procedure generates the configuration files required to upgrade from 7.0.x to 7.1.0. In the following example, note that the instance is created in the directory upgrade_tmp:

    > <7.1.0_install_dir>/bin/artemis create --allow-anonymous --user admin --password admin upgrade_tmp
  5. Copy configuration files from the etc directory of the temporary 7.1.0 instance into the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/ directory of the 7.0.x broker.

    1. Copy the management.xml file:

      > cp <temporary_7.1.0_broker_instance_dir>/etc/management.xml <7.0_broker_instance_dir>/etc/
    2. Copy the jolokia-access.xml file:

      > cp <temporary_7.1.0_broker_instance_dir>/etc/jolokia-access.xml <7.0_broker_instance_dir>/etc/
  6. Open up the bootstrap.xml file in the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/ directory of the 7.0.x broker.

    1. Comment out or delete the following two lines:

      <app url="jolokia" war="jolokia.war"/>
      <app url="hawtio" war="hawtio-no-slf4j.war"/>
    2. Add the following to replace the two lines removed in the previous step:

      <app url="console" war="console.war"/>
  7. Start the broker that you upgraded:

    > <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start

Additional Resources

For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.

2.2.3. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.1.x to 7.2.0

AMQ Broker 7.2.0 includes configuration files and settings that were not included with 7.0.x versions. If you are running 7.0.x instances, you must first upgrade those broker instances from 7.0.x to 7.1.0 before upgrading to 7.2.0. The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.1.x broker instance to 7.2.0 for different operating systems.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console. Upgrading from 7.1.x to 7.2.0 on Linux


The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal by following the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. In the following example, the directory /opt/redhat is used.

    sudo mv amq-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive by using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip jboss-amq-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip
  5. Stop the broker if it is running.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  7. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, a line similar to the one below is displayed at the end of its log file, which can be found at <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.5.0.amq-720001-redhat-1 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile configuration file to set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  9. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  10. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the log file <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log and find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log after the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.5.0.amq-720001-redhat-1 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory. Upgrading from 7.1.x to 7.2.0 on Windows


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal by following the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.
  4. Stop the broker if it is running by entering the following command.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. Back up the broker by using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, a line similar to the one below is displayed at the end of its log file, which can be found at <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.0.0.amq-700005-redhat-1 [4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  7. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd and <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration files to set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  8. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  9. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the log file <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log and find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log after the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.5.0.amq-720001-redhat-1 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.2.4. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.2.x to 7.3.0

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.2.x broker instance to 7.3.0 for different operating systems. Resolve exception due to deprecated dispatch console

Starting in version 7.3.0, AMQ Broker no longer ships with the Hawtio dispatch console plugin dispatch-hawtio-console.war. Previously, the dispatch console was used to manage AMQ Interconnect. However, AMQ Interconnect now uses its own, standalone web console. This change affects the upgrade procedures in the sections that follow.

If you take no further action before upgrading your broker instance to 7.3.0, the upgrade process produces an exception that looks like the following:

2019-04-11 18:00:41,334 WARN  [org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext] Failed startup of context o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@1ef3efa8{/dispatch-hawtio-console,null,null}{/opt/amqbroker/amq-broker-7.3.0/web/dispatch-hawtio-console.war}: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/amqbroker/amq-broker-7.3.0/web/dispatch-hawtio-console.war.

You can safely ignore the preceding exception without affecting the success of your upgrade.

However, if you would prefer not to see this exception during your upgrade, you must first remove a reference to the Hawtio dispatch console plugin in the bootstrap.xml file of your existing broker instance. The bootstrap.xml file is in the {instance_directory}/etc/ directory of your broker instance. The following example shows some of the contents of the bootstrap.xml file for a AMQ Broker 7.2.4 instance:

<broker xmlns="http://activemq.org/schema">
   <!-- The web server is only bound to localhost by default -->
   <web bind="http://localhost:8161" path="web">
       <app url="redhat-branding" war="redhat-branding.war"/>
       <app url="artemis-plugin" war="artemis-plugin.war"/>
       <app url="dispatch-hawtio-console" war="dispatch-hawtio-console.war"/>
       <app url="console" war="console.war"/>

To avoid an exception when upgrading AMQ Broker to version 7.3.0, delete the line <app url="dispatch-hawtio-console" war="dispatch-hawtio-console.war"/>, as shown in the preceding example. Then, save the modified bootstrap file and start the upgrade process, as described in the sections that follow.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console. Upgrading from 7.2.x to 7.3.0 on Linux


The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal by following the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. In the following example, the directory /opt/redhat is used.

    sudo mv amq-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive by using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip jboss-amq-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip
  5. Stop the broker if it is running.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  7. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, a line similar to the one below is displayed at the end of its log file, which can be found at <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.6.3.amq-720001-redhat-1 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile configuration file to set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  9. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  10. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the log file <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log and find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log after the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.7.0.redhat-00054 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory. Upgrading from 7.2.x to 7.3.0 on Windows


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal by following the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.
  4. Stop the broker if it is running by entering the following command.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. Back up the broker by using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, a line similar to the one below is displayed at the end of its log file, which can be found at <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.6.3.amq-720001-redhat-1 [4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  7. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd and <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration files to set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd configuration file to set the JAVA_ARGS environment variable to reference the correct log manager version.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration file to set the bootstrap class path start argument to reference the correct log manager version.

  10. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  11. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the log file <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log and find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log after the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.7.0.redhat-00054 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.2.5. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.3.0 broker instance to 7.4.0 for different operating systems.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console. Upgrading from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0 on Linux


The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded. The following example shows a user called amq-broker.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-broker-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. The following example uses /opt/redhat.

    sudo mv amq-broker-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip amq-broker-7.x.x.redhat-1.zip
  5. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  7. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.7.0.redhat-00054 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile configuration file.

    1. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

    2. Edit the JAVA_ARGS property. Add the bootstrap class path argument, which references a dependent file for the log manager.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/bootstrap.xml configuration file. In the <web> configuration element, add a reference to the metrics plugin file for AMQ Broker.

    <app url="metrics" war="metrics.war"/>
  10. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  11. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.9.0.redhat-00001 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory. Upgrading from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0 on Windows


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.
  4. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. Back up the broker using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.7.0.redhat-00054 [4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  7. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd and <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration files. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd configuration file. Set the JAVA_ARGS environment variable to reference the correct log manager version and dependent file.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration file. Set the bootstrap class path start argument to reference the correct log manager version and dependent file.

  10. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\bootstrap.xml configuration file. In the <web> configuration element, add a reference to the metrics plugin file for AMQ Broker.

    <app url="metrics" war="metrics.war"/>
  11. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  12. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.9.0.redhat-00001 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.3. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.4.0 to 7.4.x


AMQ Broker 7.4 has been designated as a Long Term Support (LTS) release version. Bug fixes and security advisories will be made available for AMQ Broker 7.4 in a series of micro releases (7.4.1, 7.4.2, and so on) for a period of at least 12 months. This means that you will be able to get recent bug fixes and security advisories for AMQ Broker without having to upgrade to a new minor release. For more information, see Long Term Support for AMQ Broker.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console.

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.4.0 broker instance to 7.4.x for different operating systems.

2.3.1. Upgrading from 7.4.0 to 7.4.x on Linux


The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded. The following example shows a user called amq-broker.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-broker-7.4.x.redhat-1.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. The following example uses /opt/redhat.

    sudo mv amq-broker-7.4.x.redhat-1.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip amq-broker-7.4.x.redhat-1.zip
  5. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  7. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.7.0.redhat-00054 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile configuration file. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  9. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  10. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.9.0.redhat-00001 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.3.2. Upgrading from 7.4.0 to 7.4.x on Windows


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.
  4. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. Back up the broker using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.7.0.redhat-00054 [4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  7. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd and <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration files. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  8. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  9. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.9.0.redhat-00001 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.4. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.4.x to 7.5.0

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.4.x broker instance to 7.5.0 for different operating systems.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console.

2.4.1. Upgrading from 7.4.x to 7.5.0 on Linux


The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded. The following example shows a user called amq-broker.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-broker-7.5.0.redhat-1.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. The following example uses /opt/redhat.

    sudo mv amq-broker-7.5.0.redhat-1.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip amq-broker-7.5.0.redhat-1.zip
  5. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  7. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.7.0.redhat-00054 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile configuration file.

    1. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

    2. Edit the JAVA_ARGS property. Add the bootstrap class path argument, which references a dependent file for the log manager.

  9. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  10. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.9.0.redhat-00001 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.4.2. Upgrading from 7.4.x to 7.5.0 on Windows


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.
  4. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. Back up the broker using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.7.0.redhat-00054 [4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  7. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd and <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration files. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd configuration file. Set the JAVA_ARGS environment variable to reference the correct log manager version and dependent file.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration file. Set the bootstrap class path start argument to reference the correct log manager version and dependent file.

  10. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  11. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.9.0.redhat-00001 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.5. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.5.0 to 7.6.0

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.5.0 broker instance to 7.6.0 for different operating systems.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console.

2.5.1. Upgrading from 7.5.0 to 7.6.0 on Linux


The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded. The following example shows a user called amq-broker.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-broker-7.6.0.redhat-1.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. The following example uses /opt/redhat.

    sudo mv amq-broker-7.6.0.redhat-1.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip amq-broker-7.6.0.redhat-1.zip
  5. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  7. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.9.0.redhat-00054 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile configuration file.

    1. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

    2. Edit the JAVA_ARGS property. Add the bootstrap class path argument, which references a dependent file for the log manager.

  9. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  10. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.11.0.redhat-00001 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.5.2. Upgrading from 7.5.0 to 7.6.0 on Windows


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.
  4. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. Back up the broker using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.9.0.redhat-00054 [4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  7. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd and <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration files. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd configuration file. Set the JAVA_ARGS environment variable to reference the correct log manager version and dependent file.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration file. Set the bootstrap class path start argument to reference the correct log manager version and dependent file.

  10. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  11. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.11.0.redhat-00001 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.6. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.6.0 to 7.7.0

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.6.0 broker instance to 7.7.0 for different operating systems.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console.

2.6.1. Upgrading from 7.6.0 to 7.7.0 on Linux


The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded. The following example shows a user called amq-broker.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-broker-7.7.0.redhat-1.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. The following example uses /opt/redhat.

    sudo mv amq-broker-7.7.0.redhat-1.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip amq-broker-7.7.0.redhat-1.zip
  5. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  7. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.11.0.redhat-00001 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile configuration file.

    1. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted. For example:

    2. Locate the JAVA_ARGS property. Ensure that the bootstrap class path argument references the required version of a dependent file for the log manager, as shown below.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/logging.properties configuration file.

    1. On the list of additional loggers to be configured, include the org.apache.activemq.audit.resource resource logger that was added in AMQ Broker 7.7.0.

    2. Before the Console handler configuration section, add a default configuration for the resource logger.

      # Console handler configuration
  10. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  11. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Mesq.audit.resource.handlers=AUDIT_FILE
    sage Broker version 2.13.0.redhat-00003 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.6.2. Upgrading from 7.6.0 to 7.7.0 on Windows


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.
  4. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. Back up the broker using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.11.0.redhat-00001 [4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  7. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd and <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration files. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd configuration file. Ensure that the JAVA_ARGS environment variable references the correct versions for the log manager and dependent file, as shown below.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration file. Ensure that the bootstrap class path start argument references the correct versions for the log manager and dependent file, as shown below.

  10. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\logging.properties configuration file.

    1. On the list of additional loggers to be configured, include the org.apache.activemq.audit.resource resource logger that was added in AMQ Broker 7.7.0.

    2. Before the Console handler configuration section, add a default configuration for the resource logger.

      # Console handler configuration
  11. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  12. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.13.0.redhat-00003 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.7. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.7.0 to 7.8.0

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.7.0 broker instance to 7.8.0 for different operating systems.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console.

2.7.1. Upgrading from 7.7.0 to 7.8.0 on Linux


The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded. The following example shows a user called amq-broker.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-broker-7.8.0.redhat-1.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. The following example uses /opt/redhat.

    sudo mv amq-broker-7.8.0.redhat-1.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip amq-broker-7.8.0.redhat-1.zip
  5. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  7. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.13.0.redhat-00003 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile configuration file.

    1. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted. For example:

    2. Locate the JAVA_ARGS property. Ensure that the bootstrap class path argument references the required version of a dependent file for the log manager, as shown below.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/bootstrap.xml configuration file. In the web element, update the name of the .war file required by AMQ Management Console in 7.8.

    <web bind="http://localhost:8161" path="web">
        <app url="console" war="hawtio.war"/>
  10. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  11. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Mesq.audit.resource.handlers=AUDIT_FILE
    sage Broker version 2.16.0.redhat-00007 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.7.2. Upgrading from 7.7.0 to 7.8.0 on Windows


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.
  4. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. Back up the broker using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.13.0.redhat-00003 [4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  7. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd and <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration files. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd configuration file. Ensure that the JAVA_ARGS environment variable references the correct versions for the log manager and dependent file, as shown below.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration file. Ensure that the bootstrap class path start argument references the correct versions for the log manager and dependent file, as shown below.

  10. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\bootstrap.xml configuration file. In the web element, update the name of the .war file required by AMQ Management Console in 7.8.

    <web bind="http://localhost:8161" path="web">
        <app url="console" war="hawtio.war"/>
  11. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  12. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.16.0.redhat-00007 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.8. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.8.x to 7.9.x

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.8.x broker instance to 7.9.x for different operating systems.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console.

2.8.1. Upgrading from 7.8.x to 7.9.x on Linux


The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded. The following example shows a user called amq-broker.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. The following example uses /opt/redhat.

    sudo mv amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip
  5. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  7. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.13.0.redhat-00003 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile configuration file.

    1. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted. For example:

    2. Locate the JAVA_ARGS property. Ensure that the bootstrap class path argument references the required version of a dependent file for the log manager, as shown below.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/bootstrap.xml configuration file. In the web element, update the name of the .war file required by AMQ Management Console in 7.9.

    <web bind="http://localhost:8161" path="web">
        <app url="console" war="hawtio.war"/>
  10. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  11. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Mes
    INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    sage Broker version 2.18.0.redhat-00010 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.8.2. Upgrading from 7.8.x to 7.9.x on Windows


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.
  4. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. Back up the broker using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder amd select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.13.0.redhat-00003 [4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  7. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd and <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration files. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd configuration file. Ensure that the JAVA_ARGS environment variable references the correct versions for the log manager and dependent file, as shown below.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration file. Ensure that the bootstrap class path start argument references the correct versions for the log manager and dependent file, as shown below.

  10. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\bootstrap.xml configuration file. In the web element, update the name of the .war file required by AMQ Management Console in 7.9.

    <web bind="http://localhost:8161" path="web">
        <app url="console" war="hawtio.war"/>
  11. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  12. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.18.0.redhat-00010 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.9. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.9.x to 7.10.x

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.9.x broker instance to 7.10.x for different operating systems.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console.

2.9.1. Upgrading from 7.9.x to 7.10.x on Linux


The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  • At a minimum, AMQ Broker 7.10.x requires Java version 11 to run. Ensure that each AMQ Broker host is running Java version 11 or higher. For more information on supported configurations, see Red Hat AMQ Broker 7 Supported Configurations.
  • If AMQ Broker 7.9 is configured to persist message data in a database, the data type of the HOLDER_EXPIRATION_TIME column is timestamp in the node manager database table. In AMQ Broker 7.10, the data type of the column changed to number. Before you upgrade to AMQ Broker 7.10.x, you must drop the node manager table, that is, remove it from the database. After you drop the table, it is recreated with the new schema when you restart the upgraded broker. In a shared store high availability (HA) configuration, the node manager table is shared between brokers. Therefore, you must ensure that all brokers that share the table are stopped before you drop the table. The following example drops a node manager table called NODE_MANAGER_TABLE:


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded. The following example shows a user called amq-broker.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. The following example uses /opt/redhat.

    sudo mv amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip
  5. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  7. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.18.0.redhat-00010 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile configuration file.

    1. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted. For example:

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/bootstrap.xml configuration file.

    In the web element, update the name of the .war file required by AMQ Management Console in 7.10.x.

    <web path="web">
        <binding uri="https://localhost:8161"
        <app url="console" war="hawtio.war"/>

    In the broker xmlns element, change the schema value from "http://activemq.org/schema" to "http://activemq.apache.org/schema".

    <broker xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/schema">
  10. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/management.xml file.

    In the management-context xmlns element, change the schema value from "http://activemq.org/schema" to "http://activemq.apache.org/schema".

    <management-context xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/schema">
  11. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  12. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Mes
    INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    sage Broker version 2.21.0.redhat-00025 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.9.2. Upgrading from 7.9.x to 7.10.x on Windows


  • At a minimum, AMQ Broker 7.10.x requires Java version 11 to run. Ensure that each AMQ Broker host is running Java version 11 or higher. For more information on supported configurations, see Red Hat AMQ Broker 7 Supported Configurations.
  • If AMQ Broker 7.9 is configured to persist message data in a database, the data type of the HOLDER_EXPIRATION_TIME column is timestamp in the node manager database table. In AMQ Broker 7.10, the data type of the column changed to number. Before you upgrade to AMQ Broker 7.10.x, you must drop the node manager table, that is, remove it from the database. After you drop the table, it is recreated with the new schema when you restart the upgraded broker. In a shared store high availability (HA) configuration, the node manager table is shared between brokers. Therefore, you must ensure that all brokers that share the table are stopped before you drop the table. The following example drops a node manager table called NODE_MANAGER_TABLE:


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.
  4. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. Back up the broker using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.18.0.redhat-00010[4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  7. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd and <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration files. Set the ARTEMIS_HOME property to the new directory created when the archive was extracted.

  8. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile.cmd configuration file. Ensure that the JAVA_ARGS environment variable references the correct versions for the log manager and dependent file, as shown below.

  9. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.xml configuration file. Ensure that the bootstrap class path start argument references the correct versions for the log manager and dependent file, as shown below.

  10. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\bootstrap.xml configuration file.

    In the web element, update the name of the .war file required by AMQ Management Console in 7.10.x.

    <web path="web">
        <binding uri="https://localhost:8161"
        <app url="console" war="hawtio.war"/>

    In the broker xmlns element, change the schema value from "http://activemq.org/schema" to "http://activemq.apache.org/schema".

    <broker xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/schema">
  11. Edit the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/management.xml file.

    In the management-context xmlns element, change the schema value from "http://activemq.org/schema" to "http://activemq.apache.org/schema".

    <management-context xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/schema">
  12. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  13. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.21.0.redhat-00025 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.10. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.10.x to 7.11.x

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.10.x broker instance to 7.11.x for different operating systems.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console.

2.10.1. Upgrading from 7.10.x to 7.11.x on Linux


The name of the archive that you download could differ from what is used in the following examples.


  • At a minimum, AMQ Broker 7.11.x requires Java version 11 to run. Ensure that each AMQ Broker host is running Java version 11 or higher. For more information on supported configurations, see Red Hat AMQ Broker 7 Supported Configurations.


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive that you downloaded to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded. The following example shows a user called amq-broker.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. The following example uses /opt/redhat.

    sudo mv amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip

    The contents of the latest archive are extracted to a directory called apache-artemis-2.28.0.redhat-00022 in your current directory.

  5. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.18.0.redhat-00010 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  7. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  8. Change to directory to which you extracted the contents of the compressed archive.

    cd /opt/redhat/apache-artemis-2.28.0.redhat-00022/bin
  9. Run the artemis upgrade command to upgrade your existing broker. The following example upgrades a broker instance in the /var/opt/amq-broker/mybroker directory.

    ./artemis upgrade /var/opt/amq-broker/mybroker

    The artemis upgrade command completes the following steps to upgrade the broker.

    • Makes a backup of each file it modifies in an old-config-bkp.<n> subdirectory of the broker instance directory for the broker that you are upgrading.
    • Sets the ARTEMIS_HOME property in the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file to the new directory created when you extracted the archive.
    • Updates the <broker_instance_dir>bin/artemis script to use the Apache Log4j 2 logging utility, which is bundled with AMQ Broker 7.11.x, instead of the the JBoss Logging framework used in previous versions.
    • Deletes the existing <broker_instance_dir>/etc/logging.properties file used by JBoss and creates a new <broker_instance_dir>/etc/log4j2.properties file for the Apache Log4j 2 logging utility.
  10. If the Prometheus metrics plugin included with AMQ Broker is enabled in 7.10.x, change the class name of the plugin from org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.metrics.plugins.ArtemisPrometheusMetricsPlugin to com.redhat.amq.broker.core.server.metrics.plugins.ArtemisPrometheusMetricsPlugin, which is the new class name of the plugin in AMQ Broker 7.11.x.

    1. Open the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/broker.xml configuration file.
    2. In the <plugin> sub-element of the <metrics> element, update the plugin class name to com.redhat.amq.broker.core.server.metrics.plugins.ArtemisPrometheusMetricsPlugin.

          <plugin class-name="com.redhat.amq.broker.core.server.metrics.plugins.ArtemisPrometheusMetricsPlugin"/>
    3. Save the broker.xml configuration file.
  11. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  12. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file. Find lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log after the broker starts.

    2023-02-08 20:53:50,128 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.integration.bootstrap] AMQ101000: Starting ActiveMQ Artemis Server version 2.28.0.redhat-00022
    2023-02-08 20:53:51,077 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.28.0.redhat-00022 [, nodeID=be02a2b2-3e42-11ec-9b8a-4c796e887ecb]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.10.2. Upgrading from 7.10.x to 7.11.x on Windows


  • At a minimum, AMQ Broker 7.11.x requires Java version 11 to run. Ensure that each AMQ Broker host is running Java version 11 or higher. For more information on supported configurations, see Red Hat AMQ Broker 7 Supported Configurations.


  1. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive to download the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.


    The contents of the latest archive are extracted to a folder called apache-artemis-2.28.0.redhat-00022 in the current folder.

  4. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.18.0.redhat-00010[4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  6. Back up the broker using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  7. Change to directory to which you extracted the contents of the compressed archive. For example:

    cd \redhat\amq-broker\apache-artemis-2.28.0.redhat-00022\bin
  8. Run the artemis upgrade command to upgrade your existing broker. The following example upgrades the broker instance in the C:\redhat\amq-broker\mybroker directory.

    artemis upgrade C:\redhat\amq-broker\mybroker

    The artemis upgrade command completes the following steps to upgrade the broker.

    • Makes a backup of each file it modifies in an old-config-bkp.<n> subdirectory of the broker instance directory for the broker that you are upgrading.
    • Sets the ARTEMIS_HOME property in the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.cmd.profile file to the new directory created when you extracted the archive.
    • Updates the <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis.cmd script to use the Apache Log4j 2 logging utility, which is bundled with AMQ Broker 7.11.x, instead of the the JBoss Logging framework used in previous versions.
    • Deletes the existing <broker_instance_dir>\etc\logging.properties file used by JBoss and creates a new <broker_instance_dir>\etc\log4j2.properties file for the Apache Log4j 2 logging utility.
  9. If the Prometheus metrics plugin included with AMQ Broker was enabled in 7.10.x, change the class name of the plugin from org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.metrics.plugins.ArtemisPrometheusMetricsPlugin to com.redhat.amq.broker.core.server.metrics.plugins.ArtemisPrometheusMetricsPlugin, which is the new class name of the plugin in 7.11.x.

    1. Open the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\broker.xml configuration file.
    2. In the <plugin> sub-element of the <metrics> element, update the plugin class name to com.redhat.amq.broker.core.server.metrics.plugins.ArtemisPrometheusMetricsPlugin.

          <plugin class-name="com.redhat.amq.broker.core.server.metrics.plugins.ArtemisPrometheusMetricsPlugin"/>
    3. Save the broker.xml configuration file.
  10. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  11. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    2023-02-08 20:53:50,128 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.integration.bootstrap] AMQ101000: Starting ActiveMQ Artemis Server version 2.28.0.redhat-00022
    2023-02-08 20:53:51,077 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.28.0.redhat-00022 [, nodeID=be02a2b2-3e42-11ec-9b8a-4c796e887ecb]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.11. Upgrading a broker instance from 7.11.x to 7.12.x

The following subsections describe how to upgrade a 7.11.x broker instance to 7.12.x for different operating systems.


Starting with AMQ Broker 7.1.0, you can access AMQ Management Console only from the local host by default. To learn about configuring remote access to the console, see Configuring local and remote access to AMQ Management Console.

2.11.1. Upgrading from 7.11.x to 7.12.x on Linux


  • At a minimum, AMQ Broker 7.12.x requires Java version 11 to run. Ensure that each AMQ Broker host is running Java version 11 or higher. For more information on supported configurations, see Red Hat AMQ 7 Supported Configurations[Red Hat AMQ Broker 7 Supported Configurations].


  1. Download the desired archive from the Red Hat Customer Portal. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Change the owner of the archive that you downloaded to the same user that owns the AMQ Broker installation to be upgraded. The following example shows a user called amq-broker.

    sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip
  3. Move the archive to the directory created during the original installation of AMQ Broker. The following example uses /opt/redhat.

    sudo mv amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip /opt/redhat
  4. As the directory owner, extract the contents of the compressed archive. In the following example, the user amq-broker extracts the archive using the unzip command.

    su - amq-broker
    cd /opt/redhat
    unzip amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip

    The contents of the latest archive are extracted to a directory called apache-artemis-2.33.0.redhat-00013 in your current directory.

  5. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis stop
  6. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.28.0.redhat-00019 [, nodeID=554cce00-63d9-11e8-9808-54ee759954c4]
  7. Back up the instance directory of the broker by copying it to the home directory of the current user.

    cp -r <broker_instance_dir> ~/
  8. Change to directory to which you extracted the contents of the compressed archive.

    cd /opt/redhat/apache-artemis-2.33.0.redhat-00013/bin
  9. Run the artemis upgrade command to upgrade your existing broker. The following example upgrades a broker instance in the /var/opt/amq-broker/mybroker directory.

    ./artemis upgrade /var/opt/amq-broker/mybroker

    The artemis upgrade command completes the following steps to upgrade the broker.

    • Makes a backup of each file it modifies in an old-config-bkp.<n> subdirectory of the broker instance directory for the broker that you are upgrading.
    • Sets the ARTEMIS_HOME property in the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file to the new directory created when you extracted the archive.
  10. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>/bin/artemis run
  11. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>/log/artemis.log file. Find lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log after the broker starts.

    2023-02-08 20:53:50,128 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.integration.bootstrap] AMQ101000: Starting ActiveMQ Artemis Server version 2.33.0.redhat-00013
    2023-02-08 20:53:51,077 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.33.0.redhat-00013 [, nodeID=be02a2b2-3e42-11ec-9b8a-4c796e887ecb]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>/etc/artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. In previous versions of AMQ Broker, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the etc/ and data/ directories within the broker instance’s directory.

2.11.2. Upgrading from 7.11.x to 7.12.x on Windows


  • At a minimum, AMQ Broker 7.12.x requires Java version 11 to run. Ensure that each AMQ Broker host is running Java version 11 or higher. For more information on supported configurations, see Red Hat AMQ Broker 7 Supported Configurations.


  1. Follow the instructions provided in Downloading the AMQ Broker archive to download the AMQ Broker archive.
  2. Use a file manager to move the archive to the folder you created during the last installation of AMQ Broker.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive. Right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.


    The contents of the latest archive are extracted to a folder called apache-artemis-2.33.0.redhat-00013 in the current folder.

  4. If the broker is running, stop it.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe stop
  5. (Optional) Note the current version of the broker. After the broker stops, you see a line similar to the one below at the end of the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file.

    INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221002: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.28.0.redhat-00019[4782d50d-47a2-11e7-a160-9801a793ea45] stopped, uptime 28 minutes
  6. Back up the broker using a file manager.

    1. Right-click the <broker_instance_dir> folder and select Copy.
    2. Right-click in the same window and select Paste.
  7. Change to directory to which you extracted the contents of the compressed archive. For example:

    cd \redhat\amq-broker\apache-artemis-2.33.0.redhat-00013\bin
  8. Run the artemis upgrade command to upgrade your existing broker. The following example upgrades the broker instance in the C:\redhat\amq-broker\mybroker directory.

    artemis upgrade C:\redhat\amq-broker\mybroker

    The artemis upgrade command completes the following steps to upgrade the broker.

    • Makes a backup of each file it modifies in an old-config-bkp.<n> subdirectory of the broker instance directory for the broker that you are upgrading.
    • Sets the ARTEMIS_HOME property in the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.cmd.profile file to the new directory created when you extracted the archive.
  9. Start the upgraded broker.

    <broker_instance_dir>\bin\artemis-service.exe start
  10. (Optional) Confirm that the broker is running and that the version has changed. After starting the broker, open the <broker_instance_dir>\log\artemis.log file. Find two lines similar to the ones below. Note the new version number that appears in the log when the broker is live.

    2023-02-08 20:53:50,128 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.integration.bootstrap] AMQ101000: Starting ActiveMQ Artemis Server version 2.33.0.redhat-00013
    2023-02-08 20:53:51,077 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.33.0.redhat-00013 [, nodeID=be02a2b2-3e42-11ec-9b8a-4c796e887ecb]

Additional Resources

  • For more information about creating an instance of the broker, see Creating a broker instance.
  • You can now store a broker instance’s configuration files and data in any custom directory, including locations outside of the broker instance’s directory. In the <broker_instance_dir>\etc\artemis.profile file, update the ARTEMIS_INSTANCE_ETC_URI property by specifying the location of the custom directory after creating the broker instance. Previously, these configuration files and data could only be stored in the \etc and \data directories within the broker instance’s directory.
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