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Chapter 35. System and Subscription Management

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Undercloud no longer fails on a system with no configured repositories

Previously, when the user tried to install the OpenStack Undercloud on a system with no configured repositories, the yum package manager required installation of MySQL dependencies which have been already installed. As a conseqence, the Undercloud install script failed. To fix the bug, yum has been fixed to correctly detect already installed MySQL dependencies. As a result, the Undercloud install script no longer fails on a system with no configured repositories. (BZ#1352585)

the yum commands provided by the yum-plugin-verify now set the exit status to 1 if any mismatches are found

The yum commands provided by the yum-plugin-verify plug-in returned exit code 0 for any discrepancies found in a package. The bug has been fixed, and the exit status is now set to 1 in case any mismatches are found. (BZ#1406891)
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