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Chapter 1. The BaseOS repository
Content in the BaseOS repository is intended to provide a core set of the underlying OS functionality that provides the foundation for all installations. This content is available in the RPM format and is subject to support terms similar to those in previous releases of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For more information, see the Scope of Coverage Details document.
The following table lists all the packages in the BaseOS repository along with their license.
Package | License |
aajohan-comfortaa-fonts | OFL |
accel-config | GPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and MIT and CC0 |
accel-config-libs | LGPLv2+ and MIT and CC0 |
acl | GPLv2+ |
acpica-tools | GPLv2 |
adcli | LGPLv2+ |
adcli-doc | LGPLv2+ |
alsa-sof-firmware | BSD-3-Clause |
alsa-sof-firmware-debug | BSD |
arpwatch | BSD with advertising |
at | GPLv3+ and GPLv2+ and ISC and MIT and Public Domain |
atlas | BSD |
atlas-corei2 | BSD |
atlas-corei2-devel | BSD |
atlas-devel | BSD |
atlas-z14 | BSD |
atlas-z14-devel | BSD |
attr | GPLv2+ |
audispd-plugins | GPLv2+ |
audispd-plugins-zos | GPLv2+ |
audit | GPLv2+ |
audit-libs | LGPLv2+ |
audit-libs-devel | LGPLv2+ |
augeas | LGPLv2+ |
augeas-libs | LGPLv2+ |
authselect | GPLv3+ |
authselect-libs | GPLv3+ |
autofs | GPLv2+ |
avahi | LGPLv2+ |
avahi-autoipd | LGPLv2+ |
avahi-glib | LGPLv2+ |
avahi-gobject | LGPLv2+ |
avahi-libs | LGPLv2+ |
basesystem | Public Domain |
bash | GPLv3+ |
bash-completion | GPLv2+ |
bash-doc | GPLv3+ |
bc | GPLv2+ |
bind-export-devel | MPLv2.0 |
bind-export-libs | MPLv2.0 |
binutils | GPLv3+ |
biosdevname | GPLv2 |
blktrace | GPLv2+ |
bluez | GPLv2+ |
bluez-hid2hci | GPLv2+ |
bluez-libs | GPLv2+ |
bluez-obexd | GPLv2+ |
bolt | LGPLv2+ |
boom-boot | GPLv2 |
boom-boot-conf | GPLv2 |
boom-boot-grub2 | GPLv2 |
bpftool | GPLv2 |
brotli | MIT |
bsdtar | BSD |
bubblewrap | LGPLv2+ |
bzip2 | BSD |
bzip2-devel | BSD |
bzip2-libs | BSD |
c-ares | MIT |
c-ares-devel | MIT |
ca-certificates | Public Domain |
cachefilesd | GPLv2+ |
checkpolicy | GPLv2 |
chkconfig | GPLv2 |
chrony | GPLv2 |
chrpath | GPL+ |
cifs-utils | GPLv3 |
cockpit | LGPL-2.1-or-later |
cockpit-bridge | LGPL-2.1-or-later |
cockpit-doc | LGPL-2.1-or-later |
cockpit-system | LGPL-2.1-or-later |
cockpit-ws | LGPL-2.1-or-later |
compat-hwloc1 | BSD |
conntrack-tools | GPLv2 |
coreutils | GPLv3+ |
coreutils-common | GPLv3+ |
coreutils-single | GPLv3+ |
cpio | GPLv3+ |
cracklib | LGPLv2+ |
cracklib-dicts | LGPLv2+ |
crda | ISC |
cronie | MIT and BSD and ISC and GPLv2+ |
cronie-anacron | MIT and BSD and ISC and GPLv2+ |
cronie-noanacron | MIT and BSD and ISC and GPLv2+ |
crontabs | Public Domain and GPLv2 |
crypto-policies | LGPLv2+ |
crypto-policies-scripts | LGPLv2+ |
cryptsetup | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
cryptsetup-libs | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
cryptsetup-reencrypt | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
ctdb | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
cups-libs | LGPLv2 and zlib |
curl | MIT |
cyrus-sasl | BSD with advertising |
cyrus-sasl-devel | BSD with advertising |
cyrus-sasl-gs2 | BSD with advertising |
cyrus-sasl-gssapi | BSD with advertising |
cyrus-sasl-ldap | BSD with advertising |
cyrus-sasl-lib | BSD with advertising |
cyrus-sasl-md5 | BSD with advertising |
cyrus-sasl-ntlm | BSD with advertising |
cyrus-sasl-plain | BSD with advertising |
cyrus-sasl-scram | BSD with advertising |
daxctl | GPLv2 |
daxctl-libs | LGPLv2 |
dbus | (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ |
dbus-common | (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ |
dbus-daemon | (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ |
dbus-glib | AFL and GPLv2+ |
dbus-libs | (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ |
dbus-tools | (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ |
dbxtool | GPLv2 |
dejavu-fonts-common | Bitstream Vera and Public Domain |
dejavu-sans-fonts | Bitstream Vera and Public Domain |
dejavu-sans-mono-fonts | Bitstream Vera and Public Domain |
dejavu-serif-fonts | Bitstream Vera and Public Domain |
device-mapper | GPLv2 |
device-mapper-event | GPLv2 |
device-mapper-event-libs | LGPLv2 |
device-mapper-libs | LGPLv2 |
device-mapper-multipath | GPLv2 |
device-mapper-multipath-libs | GPLv2 and LGPLv2+ |
device-mapper-persistent-data | GPLv3+ |
dhcp-client | ISC |
dhcp-common | ISC |
dhcp-libs | ISC |
dhcp-relay | ISC |
dhcp-server | ISC |
diffutils | GPLv3+ |
dlm-lib | GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
dmidecode | GPLv2+ |
dnf | GPLv2+ |
dnf-automatic | GPLv2+ |
dnf-data | GPLv2+ |
dnf-plugin-subscription-manager | GPLv2 |
dnf-plugins-core | GPLv2+ |
dos2unix | BSD |
dosfstools | GPLv3+ |
dracut | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
dracut-caps | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
dracut-config-generic | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
dracut-config-rescue | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
dracut-live | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
dracut-network | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
dracut-squash | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
dracut-tools | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
dump | BSD |
e2fsprogs | GPLv2 |
e2fsprogs-devel | GPLv2 and LGPLv2 |
e2fsprogs-libs | GPLv2 and LGPLv2 |
ed | GPLv3+ and GFDL |
efi-filesystem | GPLv3+ |
efibootmgr | GPLv2+ |
efivar | LGPL-2.1 |
efivar-libs | LGPL-2.1 |
elfutils | GPLv3+ and (GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+) and GFDL |
elfutils-debuginfod | GPLv3+ |
elfutils-debuginfod-client | GPLv3+ and (GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+) |
elfutils-debuginfod-client-devel | GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+ |
elfutils-default-yama-scope | GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+ |
elfutils-devel | GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+ |
elfutils-libelf | GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+ |
elfutils-libelf-devel | GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+ |
elfutils-libs | GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+ |
emacs-filesystem | GPLv3+ and CC0-1.0 |
environment-modules | GPLv2+ |
ethtool | GPLv2 |
expat | MIT |
expat-devel | MIT |
expect | Public Domain |
fcoe-utils | GPLv2 |
file | BSD |
file-libs | BSD |
filesystem | Public Domain |
findutils | GPLv3+ |
fipscheck | BSD |
fipscheck-lib | BSD |
firewalld | GPLv2+ |
firewalld-filesystem | GPLv2+ |
fontconfig | MIT and Public Domain and UCD |
fontconfig-devel | MIT and Public Domain and UCD |
fontpackages-filesystem | Public Domain |
freeipmi | GPLv3+ |
freeipmi-bmc-watchdog | GPLv3+ |
freeipmi-ipmidetectd | GPLv3+ |
freeipmi-ipmiseld | GPLv3+ |
freetype | (FTL or GPLv2+) and BSD and MIT and Public Domain and zlib with acknowledgement |
freetype-devel | (FTL or GPLv2+) and BSD and MIT and Public Domain and zlib with acknowledgement |
fuse | GPL+ |
fuse-common | GPL+ |
fuse-devel | LGPLv2+ |
fuse-libs | LGPLv2+ |
fuse3 | GPL+ |
fuse3-devel | LGPLv2+ |
fuse3-libs | LGPLv2+ |
fwupd | LGPLv2+ |
fwupdate | GPLv2+ |
fwupdate-efi | GPLv2+ |
fwupdate-libs | GPLv2+ |
fxload | GPLv2+ |
gamin | LGPLv2 |
gawk | GPLv3+ and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
gdbm | GPLv3+ |
gdbm-devel | GPLv3+ |
gdbm-libs | GPLv3+ |
gdisk | GPLv2 |
gdk-pixbuf2 | LGPLv2+ |
genwqe-tools | ASL 2.0 |
genwqe-vpd | ASL 2.0 |
genwqe-zlib | ASL 2.0 |
genwqe-zlib-devel | ASL 2.0 |
gettext | GPLv3+ and LGPLv2+ |
gettext-common-devel | GPLv3+ |
gettext-devel | LGPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
gettext-libs | LGPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
gfs2-utils | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
glib-networking | LGPLv2+ |
glib2 | LGPLv2+ |
glib2-devel | LGPLv2+ |
glib2-fam | LGPLv2+ |
glib2-tests | LGPLv2+ |
glibc | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-all-langpacks | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-common | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-devel | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-doc | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-gconv-extra | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-headers | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-aa | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-af | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-agr | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ak | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-am | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-an | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-anp | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ar | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-as | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ast | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ayc | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-az | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-be | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-bem | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ber | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-bg | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-bhb | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-bho | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-bi | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-bn | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-bo | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-br | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-brx | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-bs | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-byn | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ca | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ce | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-chr | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-cmn | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-crh | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-cs | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-csb | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-cv | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-cy | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-da | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-de | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-doi | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-dsb | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-dv | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-dz | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-el | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-en | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-eo | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-es | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-et | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-eu | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-fa | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ff | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-fi | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-fil | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-fo | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-fr | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-fur | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-fy | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ga | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-gd | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-gez | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-gl | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-gu | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-gv | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ha | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-hak | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-he | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-hi | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-hif | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-hne | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-hr | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-hsb | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ht | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-hu | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-hy | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ia | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-id | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ig | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ik | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-is | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-it | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-iu | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ja | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ka | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-kab | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-kk | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-kl | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-km | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-kn | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ko | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-kok | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ks | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ku | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-kw | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ky | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-lb | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-lg | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-li | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-lij | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ln | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-lo | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-lt | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-lv | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-lzh | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mag | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mai | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mfe | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mg | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mhr | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mi | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-miq | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mjw | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mk | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ml | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mn | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mni | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mr | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ms | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-mt | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-my | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-nan | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-nb | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-nds | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ne | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-nhn | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-niu | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-nl | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-nn | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-nr | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-nso | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-oc | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-om | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-or | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-os | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-pa | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-pap | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-pl | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ps | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-pt | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-quz | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-raj | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ro | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ru | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-rw | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sa | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sah | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sat | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sc | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sd | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-se | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sgs | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-shn | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-shs | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-si | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sid | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sk | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sl | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sm | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-so | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sq | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sr | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ss | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-st | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sv | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-sw | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-szl | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ta | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-tcy | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-te | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-tg | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-th | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-the | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ti | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-tig | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-tk | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-tl | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-tn | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-to | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-tpi | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-tr | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ts | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-tt | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ug | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-uk | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-unm | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ur | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-uz | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-ve | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-vi | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-wa | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-wae | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-wal | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-wo | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-xh | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-yi | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-yo | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-yue | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-yuw | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-zh | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-langpack-zu | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-locale-source | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glibc-minimal-langpack | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
glusterfs | GPLv2 or LGPLv3+ |
glusterfs-client-xlators | GPLv2 or LGPLv3+ |
glusterfs-fuse | GPLv2 or LGPLv3+ |
glusterfs-libs | GPLv2 or LGPLv3+ |
glusterfs-rdma | GPLv2 or LGPLv3+ |
gmp | LGPLv3+ or GPLv2+ |
gmp-c++ | LGPLv3+ or GPLv2+ |
gmp-devel | LGPLv3+ or GPLv2+ |
gnupg2 | GPLv3+ |
gnupg2-smime | GPLv3+ |
gnutls | GPLv3+ and LGPLv2+ |
gobject-introspection | GPLv2+, LGPLv2+, MIT |
gpgme | LGPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
gpgmepp | LGPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
grep | GPLv3+ |
groff-base | GPLv3+ and GFDL and BSD and MIT |
grub2-common | GPLv3+ |
grub2-efi-aa64 | GPLv3+ |
grub2-efi-aa64-cdboot | GPLv3+ |
grub2-efi-aa64-modules | GPLv3+ |
grub2-efi-ia32 | GPLv3+ |
grub2-efi-ia32-cdboot | GPLv3+ |
grub2-efi-ia32-modules | GPLv3+ |
grub2-efi-x64 | GPLv3+ |
grub2-efi-x64-cdboot | GPLv3+ |
grub2-efi-x64-modules | GPLv3+ |
grub2-pc | GPLv3+ |
grub2-pc-modules | GPLv3+ |
grub2-ppc64le | GPLv3+ |
grub2-ppc64le-modules | GPLv3+ |
grub2-tools | GPLv3+ |
grub2-tools-efi | GPLv3+ |
grub2-tools-extra | GPLv3+ |
grub2-tools-minimal | GPLv3+ |
grubby | GPLv2+ |
gsettings-desktop-schemas | LGPLv2+ |
gssproxy | MIT |
gzip | GPLv3+ and GFDL |
hardlink | GPLv2+ |
hdparm | BSD |
hostname | GPLv2+ |
hwdata | GPLv2+ |
hwloc | BSD |
hwloc-libs | BSD |
ibacm | GPLv2 or BSD |
icu | MIT and UCD and Public Domain |
ima-evm-utils | GPLv2 |
ima-evm-utils0 | GPLv2 |
infiniband-diags | GPLv2 or BSD |
info | GPLv3+ |
initscripts | GPLv2 |
integritysetup | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
intel-cmt-cat | BSD-3-Clause |
iotop | GPLv2+ |
ipcalc | GPLv2+ |
iproute | GPL-2.0-or-later AND NIST-PD |
iproute-tc | GPL-2.0-or-later |
iprutils | CPL |
ipset | GPLv2 |
ipset-libs | GPLv2 |
ipset-service | GPLv2 |
iptables | GPLv2 and Artistic 2.0 and ISC |
iptables-arptables | GPLv2 and Artistic 2.0 and ISC |
iptables-devel | GPLv2 and Artistic 2.0 and ISC |
iptables-ebtables | GPLv2 and Artistic 2.0 and ISC |
iptables-libs | GPLv2 and Artistic 2.0 and ISC |
iptables-services | GPLv2 and Artistic 2.0 and ISC |
iptables-utils | GPLv2 and Artistic 2.0 and ISC |
iptraf-ng | GPLv2+ |
iptstate | zlib |
iputils | BSD and GPLv2+ |
iputils-ninfod | BSD and GPLv2+ |
irqbalance | GPLv2 |
iscsi-initiator-utils | GPLv2+ |
iscsi-initiator-utils-iscsiuio | BSD |
isns-utils | LGPLv2+ |
isns-utils-devel | LGPLv2+ |
isns-utils-libs | LGPLv2+ |
iw | ISC |
iwl100-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl1000-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl105-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl135-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl2000-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl2030-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl3160-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl3945-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl4965-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl5000-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl5150-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl6000-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl6000g2a-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl6000g2b-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl6050-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwl7260-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
iwpmd | GPLv2 or BSD |
jansson | MIT |
jimtcl | BSD |
json-c | MIT |
json-glib | LGPLv2+ |
kabi-dw | GPLv3+ |
kbd | GPLv2+ |
kbd-legacy | GPLv2+ |
kbd-misc | GPLv2+ |
kernel | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-abi-stablelists | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-core | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-cross-headers | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-debug | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-debug-core | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-debug-devel | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-debug-modules | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-debug-modules-extra | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-devel | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-doc | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-headers | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-modules | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-modules-extra | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-tools | GPLv2 |
kernel-tools-libs | GPLv2 |
kernel-zfcpdump | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-zfcpdump-core | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-zfcpdump-devel | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-zfcpdump-modules | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kernel-zfcpdump-modules-extra | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
kexec-tools | GPLv2 |
keyutils | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
keyutils-libs | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
keyutils-libs-devel | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
kmod | GPLv2+ |
kmod-kvdo | GPLv2+ |
kmod-libs | LGPLv2+ |
kmod-redhat-oracleasm | GPLv2 |
kpartx | GPLv2 |
kpatch | GPLv2 |
kpatch-dnf | GPLv2 |
krb5-devel | MIT |
krb5-libs | MIT |
krb5-pkinit | MIT |
krb5-server | MIT |
krb5-server-ldap | MIT |
krb5-workstation | MIT |
ksc | GPLv2+ |
ldb-tools | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
ledmon | GPLv2+ |
less | GPLv3+ or BSD |
libacl | LGPLv2+ |
libacl-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libaio | LGPLv2+ |
libaio-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libappstream-glib | LGPLv2+ |
libarchive | BSD |
libasan | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libassuan | LGPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
libatomic | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libatomic-static | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libattr | LGPLv2+ |
libattr-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libbabeltrace | MIT and GPLv2 |
libbasicobjects | GPLv3+ |
libblkid | LGPLv2+ |
libblkid-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libbpf | LGPLv2 or BSD |
libcap | BSD or GPLv2 |
libcap-devel | BSD or GPLv2 |
libcap-ng | LGPLv2+ |
libcap-ng-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libcap-ng-python3 | LGPLv2+ |
libcap-ng-utils | GPLv2+ |
libcgroup | LGPLv2+ |
libcgroup-pam | LGPLv2+ |
libcgroup-tools | LGPLv2+ |
libcollection | LGPLv3+ |
libcom_err | MIT |
libcom_err-devel | MIT |
libcomps | GPLv2+ |
libconfig | LGPLv2+ |
libcroco | LGPLv2 |
libcurl | MIT |
libcurl-devel | MIT |
libcurl-minimal | MIT |
libcxl | ASL 2.0 |
libdaemon | LGPLv2+ |
libdb | BSD and LGPLv2 and Sleepycat |
libdb-utils | BSD and LGPLv2 and Sleepycat |
libdhash | LGPLv3+ |
libdmmp | GPLv3+ |
libdnf | LGPLv2+ |
libedit | BSD |
liberation-fonts | OFL |
liberation-fonts-common | OFL |
liberation-mono-fonts | OFL |
liberation-narrow-fonts | Liberation |
liberation-sans-fonts | OFL |
liberation-serif-fonts | OFL |
libertas-sd8686-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
libertas-sd8787-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
libertas-usb8388-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
libertas-usb8388-olpc-firmware | Redistributable, no modification permitted |
libevent | BSD and ISC |
libevent-doc | BSD and MIT |
libfabric | BSD or GPLv2 |
libfdisk | LGPLv2+ |
libfdisk-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libffi | MIT |
libffi-devel | MIT |
libgcab1 | LGPLv2+ |
libgcc | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libgcrypt | LGPLv2+ |
libgcrypt-devel | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ |
libgfortran | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libgomp | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libgomp-offload-nvptx | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libgpg-error | LGPLv2+ |
libgpg-error-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libgudev | LGPLv2+ |
libgusb | LGPLv2+ |
libhbaapi | SNIA |
libhbalinux | LGPLv2 |
libhbalinux-devel | LGPLv2 |
libhugetlbfs | LGPLv2+ |
libhugetlbfs-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libhugetlbfs-utils | LGPLv2+ |
libibumad | GPLv2 or BSD |
libibverbs | GPLv2 or BSD |
libibverbs-utils | GPLv2 or BSD |
libica | CPL |
libica-devel | CPL |
libical | LGPLv2 or MPLv2.0 |
libicu | MIT and UCD and Public Domain |
libicu-devel | MIT and UCD and Public Domain |
libicu-doc | MIT and UCD and Public Domain |
libidn2 | (GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+) and GPLv3+ |
libini_config | LGPLv3+ |
libipa_hbac | LGPLv3+ |
libitm | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libkadm5 | MIT |
libkcapi | BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only |
libkcapi-hmaccalc | BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only |
libkeepalive | MIT |
libksba | (LGPLv3+ or GPLv2+) and GPLv3+ |
libldb | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
libldb-devel | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
liblockfile | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
liblsan | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libmbim | LGPLv2+ |
libmbim-utils | GPLv2+ |
libmetalink | MIT |
libmicrohttpd | LGPLv2+ |
libmnl | LGPLv2+ |
libmodman | LGPLv2+ |
libmodulemd | MIT |
libmodulemd1 | MIT |
libmount | LGPLv2+ |
libndp | LGPLv2+ |
libnetapi | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
libnetfilter_conntrack | GPLv2+ |
libnetfilter_cthelper | GPLv2 |
libnetfilter_cttimeout | GPLv2+ |
libnetfilter_queue | GPLv2 |
libnfnetlink | GPLv2+ |
libnfsidmap | BSD |
libnftnl | GPLv2+ |
libnghttp2 | MIT |
libnl3 | LGPLv2 |
libnl3-cli | LGPLv2 |
libnl3-devel | LGPLv2 |
libnl3-doc | LGPLv2 |
libnsl | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
libnsl2 | BSD and LGPLv2+ |
libocxl | ASL 2.0 |
libpath_utils | LGPLv3+ |
libpcap | BSD with advertising |
libpciaccess | MIT |
libpeas | LGPLv2+ |
libpipeline | GPLv3+ |
libpkgconf | ISC |
libpng | zlib |
libpng-devel | zlib |
libproxy | LGPLv2+ |
libpsl | MIT |
libpsm2 | BSD or GPLv2 |
libpsm2-compat | BSD or GPLv2 |
libpwquality | BSD or GPLv2+ |
libqb | LGPLv2+ |
libqb-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libqmi | LGPLv2+ |
libqmi-utils | GPLv2+ |
libquadmath | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
librabbitmq | MIT |
librdmacm | GPLv2 or BSD |
librdmacm-utils | GPLv2 or BSD |
libref_array | LGPLv3+ |
librepo | LGPLv2+ |
libreport-filesystem | GPLv2+ |
librhsm | LGPLv2+ |
librtas | LGPL |
librtas-devel | LGPL |
libseccomp | LGPLv2 |
libsecret | LGPLv2+ |
libsecret-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libselinux | Public Domain |
libselinux-devel | Public Domain |
libselinux-utils | Public Domain |
libsemanage | LGPLv2+ |
libsepol | LGPLv2+ |
libsepol-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libservicelog | LGPLv2 and GPLv2+ |
libservicelog-devel | LGPLv2 and GPLv2+ |
libsigsegv | GPLv2+ |
libsmartcols | LGPLv2+ |
libsmartcols-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libsmbclient | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
libsmbios | GPLv2+ or OSL 2.1 |
libsolv | BSD |
libsoup | LGPLv2 |
libss | MIT |
libssh | LGPLv2+ |
libssh-config | LGPLv2+ |
libsss_autofs | LGPLv3+ |
libsss_certmap | LGPLv3+ |
libsss_idmap | LGPLv3+ |
libsss_nss_idmap | LGPLv3+ |
libsss_simpleifp | GPLv3+ |
libsss_sudo | LGPLv3+ |
libstdc++ | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libstemmer | BSD |
libstoragemgmt | LGPLv2+ |
libstoragemgmt-arcconf-plugin | LGPLv2+ |
libstoragemgmt-hpsa-plugin | LGPLv2+ |
libstoragemgmt-local-plugin | LGPLv2+ |
libstoragemgmt-megaraid-plugin | LGPLv2+ |
libstoragemgmt-smis-plugin | LGPLv2+ |
libstoragemgmt-udev | LGPLv2+ |
libsysfs | LGPLv2+ |
libtalloc | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
libtalloc-devel | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
libtasn1 | GPLv3+ and LGPLv2+ |
libtdb | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
libtdb-devel | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
libteam | LGPLv2+ |
libteam-doc | LGPLv2+ |
libtevent | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
libtevent-devel | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
libtirpc | SISSL and BSD |
libtirpc-devel | SISSL and BSD |
libtool-ltdl | LGPLv2+ |
libtraceevent | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ |
libtracefs | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ |
libtsan | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libubsan | GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD |
libunistring | GPLv2+ or LGPLv3+ |
liburing | LGPLv2+ |
libusb | LGPLv2+ |
libusbx | LGPLv2+ |
libusbx-devel | LGPLv2+ |
libusbx-devel-doc | LGPLv2+ |
libuser | LGPLv2+ |
libutempter | LGPLv2+ |
libuuid | BSD |
libuuid-devel | BSD |
libvarlink | ASL 2.0 |
libvarlink-util | ASL 2.0 |
libverto | MIT |
libverto-devel | MIT |
libverto-libevent | MIT |
libvpd | LGPLv2+ |
libwbclient | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
libxcrypt | LGPLv2+ and BSD and Public Domain |
libxcrypt-devel | LGPLv2+ and BSD and Public Domain |
libxml2 | MIT |
libxmlb | LGPLv2+ |
libxslt | MIT |
libyaml | MIT |
libzfcphbaapi | CPL |
libzfcphbaapi-docs | CPL |
libzstd | BSD and GPLv2 |
libzstd-devel | BSD and GPLv2 |
linux-firmware | GPL+ and GPLv2+ and MIT and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
lksctp-tools | GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2 and MIT |
lksctp-tools-devel | GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2 and MIT |
lksctp-tools-doc | GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2 and MIT |
lldpad | GPLv2 |
lm_sensors | GPLv2+ and Verbatim and MIT |
lm_sensors-devel | LGPLv2+ and Verbatim |
lm_sensors-libs | LGPLv2+ |
lmdb-libs | OpenLDAP |
lockdev | LGPLv2 |
logrotate | GPLv2+ |
logwatch | MIT |
lrzsz | GPLv2+ |
lshw | GPLv2 |
lsof | zlib and Sendmail and LGPLv2+ |
lsscsi | GPLv2+ |
lsvpd | GPLv2+ |
lua-libs | MIT |
lvm2 | GPLv2 |
lvm2-dbusd | GPLv2 |
lvm2-libs | LGPLv2 |
lvm2-lockd | GPLv2 |
lz4 | GPLv2+ and BSD |
lz4-devel | GPLv2+ and BSD |
lz4-libs | GPLv2+ and BSD |
lzo | GPLv2+ |
lzo-devel | GPLv2+ |
lzo-minilzo | GPLv2+ |
lzop | GPLv2+ |
m4 | GPLv3+ |
mailcap | Public Domain and MIT |
mailx | BSD with advertising and MPLv1.1 |
make | GPLv3+ |
make-devel | GPLv3+ |
man-db | GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
man-db-cron | GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
man-pages | GPL+ and GPLv2+ and BSD and MIT and Copyright only and IEEE |
mcelog | GPLv2 |
mcstrans | GPL+ |
mdadm | GPLv2+ |
memstrack | GPLv3 |
memtest86+ | GPLv2 |
microcode_ctl | CC0 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
microdnf | GPLv2+ |
minicom | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and Public Domain |
mksh | MirOS and ISC and BSD |
mlocate | GPLv2 |
mobile-broadband-provider-info | Public Domain |
ModemManager | GPLv2+ |
ModemManager-glib | GPLv2+ |
mokutil | GPLv3+ |
mozjs52 | MPLv2.0 and MPLv1.1 and BSD and GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and LGPLv2.1 and LGPLv2.1+ and AFL and ASL 2.0 |
mozjs60 | MPLv2.0 and MPLv1.1 and BSD and GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and LGPLv2+ and AFL and ASL 2.0 |
mpfr | LGPLv3+ and GPLv3+ and GFDL |
mtools | GPLv3+ |
mtr | GPLv2 |
nano | GPLv3+ |
ncurses | MIT |
ncurses-base | MIT |
ncurses-c++-libs | MIT |
ncurses-compat-libs | MIT |
ncurses-devel | MIT |
ncurses-libs | MIT |
ncurses-term | MIT |
ndctl | GPLv2 |
ndctl-libs | LGPLv2 |
net-snmp-libs | BSD |
net-tools | GPLv2+ |
netconsole-service | GPLv2 |
netlabel_tools | GPLv2 |
nettle | LGPLv3+ or GPLv2+ |
network-scripts | GPLv2 |
network-scripts-team | LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-adsl | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-bluetooth | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-config-connectivity-redhat | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-config-server | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-dispatcher-routing-rules | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-initscripts-updown | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-libnm | LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-ovs | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-ppp | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-team | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-tui | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-wifi | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
NetworkManager-wwan | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
newt | LGPLv2 |
nfs-utils | MIT and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and BSD |
nfs4-acl-tools | BSD |
nftables | GPLv2 |
npth | LGPLv2+ |
nscd | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
nss_db | LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDL |
nss_nis | LGPLv2+ |
ntsysv | GPLv2 |
numactl | GPLv2 |
numactl-devel | LGPLv2 and GPLv2 |
numactl-libs | LGPLv2 and GPLv2 |
numad | LGPLv2 |
numatop | BSD |
nvme-cli | GPLv2+ |
nvmetcli | ASL 2.0 |
opa-address-resolution | BSD or GPLv2 |
opa-basic-tools | BSD or GPLv2 |
opa-fastfabric | BSD or GPLv2 |
opa-fm | GPLv2 or BSD |
opa-libopamgt | BSD or GPLv2 |
opal-firmware | ASL 2.0 |
opal-prd | ASL 2.0 |
opal-utils | ASL 2.0 |
opencryptoki | CPL |
opencryptoki-ccatok | CPL |
opencryptoki-ep11tok | CPL |
opencryptoki-icatok | CPL |
opencryptoki-icsftok | CPL |
opencryptoki-libs | CPL |
opencryptoki-swtok | CPL |
opencryptoki-tpmtok | CPL |
opencsd | BSD |
openhpi | BSD |
openhpi-libs | BSD |
OpenIPMI | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ or BSD |
OpenIPMI-lanserv | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ or BSD |
OpenIPMI-libs | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ or BSD |
OpenIPMI-perl | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ or BSD |
openldap | OpenLDAP |
openldap-clients | OpenLDAP |
openldap-devel | OpenLDAP |
opensc | LGPLv2+ |
opensm | GPLv2 or BSD |
opensm-libs | GPLv2 or BSD |
openssh | BSD |
openssh-cavs | BSD |
openssh-clients | BSD |
openssh-keycat | BSD |
openssh-ldap | BSD |
openssh-server | BSD |
openssl | OpenSSL and ASL 2.0 |
openssl-devel | OpenSSL and ASL 2.0 |
openssl-ibmca | ASL 2.0 |
openssl-ibmpkcs11 | OpenSSL |
openssl-libs | OpenSSL and ASL 2.0 |
openssl-perl | OpenSSL and ASL 2.0 |
openssl-pkcs11 | LGPLv2+ and BSD |
os-prober | GPLv2+ and GPL+ |
p11-kit | BSD-3-Clause |
p11-kit-devel | BSD-3-Clause |
p11-kit-server | BSD-3-Clause |
p11-kit-trust | BSD-3-Clause |
pam | BSD and GPLv2+ |
pam-devel | BSD and GPLv2+ |
pam_cifscreds | GPLv3 |
pam_ssh_agent_auth | BSD |
parted | GPLv3+ |
passwd | BSD or GPL+ |
patch | GPLv3+ |
pciutils | GPLv2+ |
pciutils-devel | GPLv2+ |
pciutils-libs | GPLv2+ |
pcre | BSD |
pcre-cpp | BSD |
pcre-devel | BSD |
pcre-utf16 | BSD |
pcre-utf32 | BSD |
pcre2 | BSD |
pcre2-devel | BSD |
pcre2-utf16 | BSD |
pcre2-utf32 | BSD |
pcsc-lite | BSD |
pcsc-lite-ccid | LGPLv2+ |
pcsc-lite-doc | BSD |
pcsc-lite-libs | BSD |
perf | GPLv2 |
perftest | GPLv2 or BSD |
perl-Algorithm-Diff | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Archive-Tar | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Carp | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib | (GPL+ or Artistic) and zlib |
perl-constant | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Data-Dumper | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Date-Manip | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-DBD-SQLite | (GPL+ or Artistic) and Public Domain |
perl-DBI | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Digest | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Digest-MD5 | (GPL+ or Artistic) and BSD |
perl-Encode | (GPL+ or Artistic) and Artistic 2.0 and UCD |
perl-Errno | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Exporter | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-File-Path | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-File-Temp | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Getopt-Long | GPLv2+ or Artistic |
perl-HTTP-Tiny | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-interpreter | (GPL+ or Artistic) and (GPLv2+ or Artistic) and BSD and Public Domain and UCD |
perl-IO | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-IO-Compress | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-IO-Socket-IP | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-IO-Socket-SSL | (GPL+ or Artistic) and MPLv2.0 |
perl-IO-Zlib | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-libnet | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-libs | (GPL+ or Artistic) and HSRL and MIT and UCD |
perl-macros | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Math-BigInt | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Math-Complex | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-MIME-Base64 | (GPL+ or Artistic) and MIT |
perl-Mozilla-CA | MPLv2.0 |
perl-Net-SSLeay | Artistic 2.0 |
perl-parent | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Parse-Yapp | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-PathTools | (GPL+ or Artistic) and BSD |
perl-Pod-Escapes | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Pod-Perldoc | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Pod-Simple | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Pod-Usage | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-podlators | (GPL+ or Artistic) and FSFAP |
perl-Scalar-List-Utils | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Socket | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Storable | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Sys-CPU | (GPL+ or Artistic) and (LGPLv3 or Artistic 2.0) |
perl-Sys-MemInfo | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Term-ANSIColor | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Term-Cap | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Text-Diff | (GPL+ or Artistic) and (GPLv2+ or Artistic) and MIT |
perl-Text-ParseWords | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap | TTWL |
perl-threads | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-threads-shared | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Time-Local | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-Unicode-Normalize | GPL+ or Artistic |
perl-URI | GPL+ or Artistic |
pigz | zlib |
pkgconf | ISC |
pkgconf-m4 | GPLv2+ with exceptions |
pkgconf-pkg-config | ISC |
platform-python | Python |
platform-python-pip | MIT and Python and ASL 2.0 and BSD and ISC and LGPLv2 and MPLv2.0 and (ASL 2.0 or BSD) |
platform-python-setuptools | MIT |
policycoreutils | GPLv2 |
policycoreutils-dbus | GPLv2 |
policycoreutils-devel | GPLv2 |
policycoreutils-newrole | GPLv2 |
policycoreutils-python-utils | GPLv2 |
policycoreutils-restorecond | GPLv2 |
polkit | LGPLv2+ |
polkit-devel | LGPLv2+ |
polkit-docs | LGPLv2+ |
polkit-libs | LGPLv2+ |
polkit-pkla-compat | LGPLv2+ |
popt | MIT |
popt-devel | MIT |
portreserve | GPLv2+ |
postfix | (IBM and GPLv2+) or (EPL-2.0 and GPLv2+) |
powerpc-utils | GPLv2 |
powerpc-utils-core | GPLv2 |
ppc64-diag | GPLv2 |
ppc64-diag-rtas | GPLv2 |
ppp | BSD and LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ and Public Domain |
prefixdevname | MIT |
procps-ng | GPL+ and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and LGPLv2+ |
procps-ng-i18n | GPL+ and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and LGPLv2+ |
ps_mem | LGPLv2 |
psacct | GPLv3+ |
psmisc | GPLv2+ |
publicsuffix-list | MPLv2.0 |
publicsuffix-list-dafsa | MPLv2.0 |
python3-asn1crypto | MIT |
python3-audit | LGPLv2+ |
python3-avahi | LGPLv2+ |
python3-boom | GPLv2 |
python3-cffi | MIT |
python3-chardet | LGPLv2 |
python3-cloud-what | GPLv2 |
python3-configobj | BSD |
python3-configshell | ASL 2.0 |
python3-cryptography | ASL 2.0 or BSD |
python3-dateutil | BSD |
python3-dbus | MIT |
python3-decorator | BSD |
python3-dmidecode | GPLv2 |
python3-dnf | GPLv2+ |
python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions | GPLv2+ |
python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock | GPLv2+ |
python3-dnf-plugins-core | GPLv2+ |
python3-dns | MIT |
python3-ethtool | GPLv2 |
python3-firewall | GPLv2+ |
python3-gobject-base | LGPLv2+ and MIT |
python3-gpg | LGPLv2+ and GPLv3+ |
python3-hawkey | LGPLv2+ |
python3-idna | BSD and Python and Unicode |
python3-iniparse | MIT and Python |
python3-inotify | MIT |
python3-iscsi-initiator-utils | GPLv2+ |
python3-jwt | MIT |
python3-kmod | LGPLv2+ |
python3-ldb | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
python3-libcomps | GPLv2+ |
python3-libdnf | LGPLv2+ |
python3-libipa_hbac | LGPLv3+ |
python3-libnl3 | LGPLv2 |
python3-libproxy | LGPLv2+ |
python3-librepo | LGPLv2+ |
python3-libs | Python |
python3-libselinux | Public Domain |
python3-libsemanage | LGPLv2+ |
python3-libsss_nss_idmap | LGPLv3+ |
python3-libstoragemgmt | LGPLv2+ |
python3-libuser | LGPLv2+ |
python3-libxml2 | MIT |
python3-linux-procfs | GPLv2 |
python3-magic | BSD |
python3-markdown | BSD |
python3-nftables | GPLv2 |
python3-oauthlib | BSD |
python3-openipmi | LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ or BSD |
python3-perf | GPLv2 and Redistributable, no modification permitted |
python3-pip-wheel | MIT and Python and ASL 2.0 and BSD and ISC and LGPLv2 and MPLv2.0 and (ASL 2.0 or BSD) |
python3-ply | BSD |
python3-policycoreutils | GPLv2 |
python3-pwquality | BSD or GPLv2+ |
python3-pycparser | BSD |
python3-pyparsing | MIT |
python3-pysocks | BSD |
python3-pyudev | LGPLv2+ |
python3-pyverbs | GPLv2 or BSD |
python3-pywbem | LGPLv2 |
python3-pyyaml | MIT |
python3-requests | ASL 2.0 |
python3-requests-oauthlib | ISC |
python3-rpm | GPLv2+ |
python3-rtslib | ASL 2.0 |
python3-samba | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
python3-samba-dc | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
python3-samba-test | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
python3-schedutils | GPLv2 |
python3-setools | GPLv2 |
python3-setuptools | MIT |
python3-setuptools-wheel | MIT |
python3-six | MIT |
python3-slip | GPLv2+ |
python3-slip-dbus | GPLv2+ |
python3-solv | BSD |
python3-sss | LGPLv3+ |
python3-sss-murmur | LGPLv3+ |
python3-sssdconfig | GPLv3+ |
python3-subscription-manager-rhsm | GPLv2 |
python3-syspurpose | GPLv2 |
python3-systemd | LGPLv2+ |
python3-talloc | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
python3-tdb | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
python3-test | Python |
python3-tevent | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
python3-urllib3 | MIT |
python3-urwid | LGPLv2+ |
python3-varlink | ASL 2.0 |
qclib | BSD |
qclib-devel | BSD |
quota | BSD and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ |
quota-doc | BSD and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ |
quota-nld | BSD and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ |
quota-nls | BSD and LGPLv2+ and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ |
quota-rpc | BSD and LGPLv2+ and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ |
quota-warnquota | BSD and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ |
rasdaemon | GPLv2 |
rdma-core | GPLv2 or BSD |
rdma-core-devel | GPLv2 or BSD |
readline | GPLv3+ |
readline-devel | GPLv3+ |
readonly-root | GPLv2 |
realmd | LGPL-2.1-or-later |
redhat-indexhtml | Distributable |
redhat-logos | Licensed only for approved usage, see COPYING for details. |
redhat-logos-httpd | Licensed only for approved usage, see COPYING for details. |
redhat-release | GPLv2 |
redhat-release-eula | GPLv2 |
rhsm-icons | GPLv2 |
rmt | CDDL |
rng-tools | GPLv2+ |
rootfiles | Public Domain |
rpcbind | BSD |
rpm | GPLv2+ |
rpm-apidocs | GPLv2+ |
rpm-build-libs | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
rpm-cron | GPLv2+ |
rpm-devel | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
rpm-libs | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions |
rpm-plugin-ima | GPLv2+ |
rpm-plugin-prioreset | GPLv2+ |
rpm-plugin-selinux | GPLv2+ |
rpm-plugin-syslog | GPLv2+ |
rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit | GPLv2+ |
rpm-sign | GPLv2+ |
rsync | GPLv3+ |
rsync-daemon | GPLv3+ |
s390utils-base | MIT and CPL |
s390utils-core | MIT |
s390utils-se-data | MIT |
samba | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-client | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-client-libs | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-common | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-common-libs | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-common-tools | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-dc-libs | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-dcerpc | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-krb5-printing | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-ldb-ldap-modules | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-libs | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-pidl | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-test | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-test-libs | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-tools | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-usershares | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-winbind | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-winbind-clients | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-winbind-krb5-locator | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-winbind-modules | GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-3.0-or-later |
samba-winexe | GPL-3.0-only |
sanlock-lib | GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
sed | GPLv3+ |
selinux-policy | GPLv2+ |
selinux-policy-devel | GPLv2+ |
selinux-policy-doc | GPLv2+ |
selinux-policy-minimum | GPLv2+ |
selinux-policy-mls | GPLv2+ |
selinux-policy-sandbox | GPLv2+ |
selinux-policy-targeted | GPLv2+ |
servicelog | GPLv2 |
setools-console | GPLv2 |
setserial | GPL+ |
setup | Public Domain |
sg3_utils | GPLv2+ and BSD |
sg3_utils-libs | GPLv2+ and BSD |
sgml-common | GPL+ |
sgpio | GPLv2+ |
shadow-utils | BSD and GPLv2+ |
shadow-utils-subid | BSD and GPLv2+ |
shared-mime-info | GPLv2+ |
shim-aa64 | BSD |
shim-ia32 | BSD |
shim-x64 | BSD |
slang | GPLv2+ |
smartmontools | GPLv2+ |
smc-tools | EPL |
snappy | BSD |
sos | GPL-2.0-or-later |
sos-audit | GPLv2+ |
spax | CDDL |
sqlite | Public Domain |
sqlite-devel | Public Domain |
sqlite-doc | Public Domain |
sqlite-libs | Public Domain |
squashfs-tools | GPLv2+ |
srp_daemon | GPLv2 or BSD |
sssd | GPLv3+ |
sssd-ad | GPLv3+ |
sssd-client | LGPLv3+ |
sssd-common | GPLv3+ |
sssd-common-pac | GPLv3+ |
sssd-dbus | GPLv3+ |
sssd-ipa | GPLv3+ |
sssd-kcm | GPLv3+ |
sssd-krb5 | GPLv3+ |
sssd-krb5-common | GPLv3+ |
sssd-ldap | GPLv3+ |
sssd-nfs-idmap | GPLv3+ |
sssd-polkit-rules | GPLv3+ |
sssd-proxy | GPLv3+ |
sssd-tools | GPLv3+ |
sssd-winbind-idmap | GPLv3+ and LGPLv3+ |
star | CDDL |
strace | LGPL-2.1+ and GPL-2.0+ |
stunnel | GPLv2 |
subscription-manager | GPLv2 |
subscription-manager-cockpit | GPLv2 |
subscription-manager-plugin-ostree | GPLv2 |
subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates | GPLv2 |
sudo | ISC |
symlinks | Copyright only |
sysfsutils | GPLv2 |
syslinux | GPLv2+ |
syslinux-extlinux | GPLv2+ |
syslinux-extlinux-nonlinux | GPLv2+ |
syslinux-nonlinux | GPLv2+ |
syslinux-tftpboot | GPLv2+ |
system-storage-manager | GPLv2+ |
systemd | LGPLv2+ and MIT and GPLv2+ |
systemd-container | LGPLv2+ |
systemd-devel | LGPLv2+ and MIT |
systemd-journal-remote | LGPLv2+ |
systemd-libs | LGPLv2+ and MIT |
systemd-pam | LGPLv2+ and MIT and GPLv2+ |
systemd-tests | LGPLv2+ |
systemd-udev | LGPLv2+ |
tar | GPLv3+ |
target-restore | ASL 2.0 |
tboot | BSD |
tcl | TCL |
tcl-devel | TCL |
tcl-doc | TCL |
tdb-tools | LGPL-3.0-or-later |
teamd | LGPLv2+ |
time | GPLv3+ and GFDL |
timedatex | GPLv2+ |
tmpwatch | GPLv2 |
tmux | ISC and BSD |
tpm-quote-tools | BSD |
tpm-tools | CPL |
tpm-tools-pkcs11 | CPL |
tpm2-abrmd | BSD |
tpm2-abrmd-selinux | BSD |
tpm2-tools | BSD |
tpm2-tss | BSD |
tpm2-tss-devel | BSD |
trace-cmd | GPLv2 and LGPLv2 |
traceroute | GPLv2+ |
tree | GPLv2+ |
trousers | BSD |
trousers-lib | BSD |
tss2 | BSD |
tuna | GPL-2.0-only AND LGPL-2.1-only |
tuned | GPLv2+ |
tuned-profiles-atomic | GPLv2+ |
tuned-profiles-compat | GPLv2+ |
tuned-profiles-cpu-partitioning | GPLv2+ |
tuned-profiles-mssql | GPLv2+ |
tuned-profiles-oracle | GPLv2+ |
tzdata | Public Domain |
units | GPLv3+ |
unzip | BSD |
usb_modeswitch | GPLv2+ |
usb_modeswitch-data | GPLv2+ |
usbutils | GPLv2+ |
usermode | GPLv2+ |
userspace-rcu | LGPLv2+ |
util-linux | GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD with advertising and Public Domain |
util-linux-user | GPLv2 |
uuidd | GPLv2 |
vdo | GPLv2 |
vdo-support | GPLv2 |
veritysetup | GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ |
vim-minimal | Vim and MIT |
virt-what | GPLv2+ |
vm-dump-metrics | GPLv2+ |
vm-dump-metrics-devel | GPLv2+ |
watchdog | GPLv2+ |
which | GPLv3 |
words | Public Domain |
wpa_supplicant | BSD |
x3270 | BSD |
x3270-text | BSD |
xdelta | ASL 2.0 |
xfsdump | GPL+ |
xfsprogs | GPL+ and LGPLv2+ |
xfsprogs-devel | GPL+ and LGPLv2+ |
xml-common | GPL+ |
xmlrpc-c | BSD and MIT |
xmlrpc-c-client | BSD and MIT |
xz | GPLv2+ and Public Domain |
xz-devel | Public Domain |
xz-libs | Public Domain |
yum | GPLv2+ |
yum-utils | GPLv2+ |
zip | BSD |
zlib | zlib and Boost |
zlib-devel | zlib and Boost |
zsh | MIT |