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Insights image builder provides the controls and information to keep your systems secure, available and operating efficiently. Update all your systems with secure, over the air updates. Organize your systems in groups that match your business and send updates that match your workflows. Use Red Hat Insights to find and fix potential vulnerabilities in your edge systems with one click.

With the Insights image builder application, you can create an image and manage the packages associated with an image. You can build an image, download it, install it on a system, and then register that system so it can receive updates.

Provisioning and registration involve the following high-level tasks:

  • Build a Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Edge image using the Insights image builder application.
  • Download the image and modify it with your organization credentials, using Podman and the fleet management ISO utility.
  • Deploy the image to systems.
  • View systems in the edge management and Red Hat Insights applications, in the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.
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