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Chapter 1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization 2.6

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You can use the Migration Toolkit for Virtualization (MTV) to migrate virtual machines from the following source providers to OpenShift Virtualization destination providers:

  • VMware vSphere
  • Red Hat Virtualization (RHV)
  • OpenStack
  • Open Virtual Appliances (OVAs) that were created by VMware vSphere
  • Remote OpenShift Virtualization clusters

The release notes describe technical changes, new features and enhancements, known issues, and resolved issues.

1.1. Technical changes

This release has the following technical changes:

Simplified the creation of vSphere providers

In earlier releases of MTV, users had to specify a fingerprint when creating a vSphere provider. This required users to retrieve the fingerprint from the server that vCenter runs on. MTV no longer requires this fingerprint as an input, but rather computes it from the specified certificate in the case of a secure connection or automatically retrieves it from the server that runs vCenter/ESXi in the case of an insecure connection.

Redesigned the migration plan creation dialog

The user interface console has improved the process of creating a migration plan. The new migration plan dialog enables faster creation of migration plans.

It includes only the minimal settings that are required, while you can confirgure advanced settings separately. The new dialog also provides defaults for network and storage mappings, where applicable. The new dialog can also be invoked from the the Provider > Virtual Machines tab, after selecting the virtual machines to migrate. It also better aligns with the user experience in the OCP console.

virtual machine preferences have replaced OpenShift templates

The virtual machine preferences have replaced OpenShift templates. MTV currently falls back to using OpenShift templates when a relevant preference is not available.

Custom mappings of guest operating system type to virtual machine preference can be configured using config maps. This is in order to use custom virtual machine preferences, or to support more guest operating system types.

Full support for migration from OVA

Migration from OVA moves from being a Technical Preview and is now a fully supported feature.

The VM is posted with its desired Running state

MTV creates the VM with its desired Running state on the target provider, instead of creating the VM and then running it as an additional operation. (MTV-794)

The must-gather logs can now be loaded only by using the CLI

The MTV web console can no longer download logs. With this update, you must download must-gather logs by using CLI commands. For more information, see Must Gather Operator.

MTV no longer runs pvc-init pods when migrating from vSphere

MTV no longer runs pvc-init pods during cold migration from a vSphere provider to the OpenShift cluster that MTV is deployed on. However, in other flows where data volumes are used, they are set with the annotation, and CDI runs first-consume pods for storage classes with volume binding mode WaitForFirstConsumer.

1.2. New features and enhancements

This part provides features and enhancements introduced in Migration Toolkit for Virtualization 2.6:

Migration from vSphere over a secure connection

You can now specify a CA certificate that can be used to authenticate the server that runs vCenter or ESXi, depending on the specified SDK endpoint of the vSphere provider. (MTV-530)

Migration to or from a remote OpenShift over a secure connection

You can now specify a CA certificate that can be used to authenticate the API server of a remote OpenShift cluster. (MTV-728)

Migration from an ESXi server without going through vCenter

MTV enables the configuration of vSphere providers with the SDK of ESXi. You need to select ESXi as the Endpoint type of the vSphere provider and specify the URL of the SDK of the ESXi server. (MTV-514)

Migration of image-based VMs from OpenStack

MTV supports the migration of VMs that were created from images in OpenStack. (MTV-644)

Migration of VMs with Fibre Channel LUNs from RHV

MTV supports migrations of VMs that are set with Fibre Channel (FC) LUNs from RHV. As with other LUN disks, you need to ensure the OpenShift nodes have access to the FC LUNs. During the migrations, the FC LUNs are detached from the source VMs in RHV and attached to the migrated VMs in OpenShift. (MTV-659)

Preserve CPU types of VMs that are migrated from RHV

MTV sets the CPU type of migrated VMs in OpenShift with their custom CPU type in RHV. In addition, a new option was added to migration plans that are set with RHV as a source provider to preserve the original CPU types of source VMs. When this option is selected, MTV identifies the CPU type based on the cluster configuration and sets this CPU type for the migrated VMs, for which the source VMs are not set with a custom CPU. (MTV-547)

Validation for RHEL 6 guest operating system is now available when migrating VMs with RHEL 6 guest operating system

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9 does not support RHEL 6 as a guest operating system. Therefore, RHEL 6 is not supported in OpenShift Virtualization. With this update, a validation of RHEL 6 guest operating system was added to OpenShift Virtualization. (MTV413)

Automatic retrieval of CA certificates for the provider’s URL in the console

The ability to retrieve CA certificates, which was available in previous versions, has been restored. The vSphere Verify certificate option is in the add-provider dialog. This option was removed in the transition to the Red Hat OpenShift console and has now been added to the console. This functionality is also available for RHV, OpenStack, and OpenShift providers now. (MTV-737)

Validation of a specified VDDK image

MTV validates the availability of a VDDK image that is specified for a vSphere provider on the target OpenShift name as part of the validation of a migration plan. MTV also checks whether the symbolic link (symlink) exists within the image. If the validation fails, the migration plan cannot be started. (MTV-618)

Add a warning and partial support for TPM

MTV presents a warning when attempting to migrate a VM that is set with a TPM device from RHV or vSphere. The migrated VM in OpenShift would be set with a TPM device but without the content of the TPM device on the source environment. (MTV-378)

Plans that failed to migrate VMs can now be edited

With this update, you can edit plans that have failed to migrate any VMs. Some plans fail or are canceled because of incorrect network and storage mappings. You can now edit these plans until they succeed. (MTV-779)

Validation rules are now available for OVA

The validation service includes default validation rules for virtual machines from the Open Virtual Appliance (OVA). (MTV-669)

1.3. Known issues

This release has the following known issues:

Unclear error status message for VM with no operating system

The error status message for a VM with no operating system on the Plans page of the web console does not describe the reason for the failure. (BZ#22008846)

Migration of virtual machines with encrypted partitions fails during a conversion (vSphere only)

vSphere only: Migrations from RHV and OpenStack do not fail, but the encryption key might be missing on the target Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

Migration fails during precopy/cutover while performing a snapshot operation on the source VM

Warm migration from RHV fails if a snapshot operation is triggered and running on the source VM at the same time as the migration is scheduled. The migration does not wait for the snapshot operation to finish. (MTV-456)

Unable to schedule migrated VM with multiple disks to more than one storage class of type hostPath

When migrating a VM with multiple disks to more than one storage class of type hostPath, it might happen that a VM cannot be scheduled. Workaround: Use shared storage on the target Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

Non-supported guest operating systems in warm migrations

Warm migrations and migrations to remote Red Hat OpenShift clusters from vSphere do not support the same guest operating systems that are supported in cold migrations and migrations to the local Red Hat OpenShift cluster. RHEL 8 and RHEL 9 might cause this limitation.

See Converting virtual machines from other hypervisors to KVM with virt-v2v in RHEL 7, RHEL 8, and RHEL 9 for the list of supported guest operating systems.

VMs from vSphere with RHEL 9 guest operating system can start with network interfaces that are down

When migrating VMs that are installed with RHEL 9 as a guest operating system from vSphere, the network interfaces of the VMs could be disabled when they start in OpenShift Virtualization. (MTV-491)

Migration of a VM with NVME disks from vSphere fails

When migrating a virtual machine (VM) with NVME disks from vSphere, the migration process fails, and the Web Console shows that the Convert image to kubevirt stage is running but did not finish successfully. (MTV-963)

Importing image-based VMs can fail

Migrating an image-based VM without the virtual_size field can fail on a block mode storage class. (MTV-946)

Deleting a migration plan does not remove temporary resources

Deleting a migration plan does not remove temporary resources such as importer pods, conversion pods, config maps, secrets, failed VMs, and data volumes. You must archive a migration plan before deleting it to clean up the temporary resources. (BZ#2018974)

Migrating VMs with independent persistent disks from VMware to OCP-V fails

Migrating VMs with independent persistent disks from VMware to OCP-V fails. (MTV-993)

Guest operating system from vSphere might be missing

When vSphere does not receive updates about the guest operating system from the VMware tools, it considers the information about the guest operating system to be outdated and ceases to report it. When this occurs, MTV is unaware of the guest operating system of the VM and is unable to associate it with the appropriate virtual machine preference or OpenShift template. (MTV-1046)

Failure to migrate an image-based VM from OpenStack to the default project

The migration process fails when migrating an image-based VM from OpenStack to the default project. (MTV-964)

For a complete list of all known issues in this release, see the list of Known Issues in Jira.

1.4. Resolved issues

This release has the following resolved issues:

CVE-2023-45288: Golang net/http, x/net/http2: unlimited number of CONTINUATION frames can cause a denial-of-service (DoS) attack

A flaw was discovered with the implementation of the HTTP/2 protocol in the Go programming language, which impacts previous versions of MTV. There were insufficient limitations on the number of CONTINUATION frames sent within a single stream. An attacker could potentially exploit this to cause a denial-of-service (DoS) attack. This flaw has been resolved in MTV 2.6.2.

For more details, see (CVE-2023-45288).

CVE-2024-24785: mtv-api-container: Golang html/template: errors returned from MarshalJSON methods may break template escaping

A flaw was found in the html/template Golang standard library package, which impacts previous versions of MTV. If errors returned from MarshalJSON methods contain user-controlled data, they may be used to break the contextual auto-escaping behavior of the HTML/template package, allowing subsequent actions to inject unexpected content into the templates. This flaw has been resolved in MTV 2.6.2.

For more details, see (CVE-2024-24785).

CVE-2024-24784: mtv-validation-container: Golang net/mail: comments in display names are incorrectly handled

A flaw was found in the net/mail Golang standard library package, which impacts previous versions of MTV. The ParseAddressList function incorrectly handles comments, text in parentheses, and display names. As this is a misalignment with conforming address parsers, it can result in different trust decisions being made by programs using different parsers. This flaw has been resolved in MTV 2.6.2.

For more details, see (CVE-2024-24784).

CVE-2024-24783: mtv-api-container: Golang crypto/x509: Verify panics on certificates with an unknown public key algorithm

A flaw was found in the crypto/x509 Golang standard library package, which impacts previous versions of MTV. Verifying a certificate chain that contains a certificate with an unknown public key algorithm causes Certificate.Verify to panic. This affects all crypto/tls clients and servers that set Config.ClientAuth to VerifyClientCertIfGiven or RequireAndVerifyClientCert. The default behavior is for TLS servers to not verify client certificates. This flaw has been resolved in MTV 2.6.2.

For more details, see (CVE-2024-24783).

CVE-2023-45290: mtv-api-container: Golang net/http memory exhaustion in Request.ParseMultipartForm

A flaw was found in the net/http Golang standard library package, which impacts previous versions of MTV. When parsing a multipart form, either explicitly with Request.ParseMultipartForm or implicitly with Request.FormValue, Request.PostFormValue, or Request.FormFile, limits on the total size of the parsed form are not applied to the memory consumed while reading a single form line. This permits a maliciously crafted input containing long lines to cause the allocation of arbitrarily large amounts of memory, potentially leading to memory exhaustion. This flaw has been resolved in MTV 2.6.2.

For more details, see (CVE-2023-45290).

ImageConversion does not run when target storage is set with wait-for-first-consumer

In earlier releases of MTV, migration of VMs failed because the migration was stuck in the AllocateDisks phase. As a result of being stuck, the migration did not progress, and PVCs were not bound. The root cause of the problem was that ImageConversion did not run when target storage was set for wait-for-first-consumer. The problem was resolved in MTV 2.6.2. (MTV-1126)

forklift-controller panics when importing VMs with direct LUNs

In earlier releases of MTV, forklift-controller panicked when a user attempted to import VMs that had direct LUNs. The problem was resolved in MTV 2.6.2. (MTV-1134)

VMs with multiple disks that are migrated from vSphere and OVA files are not being fully copied

In MTV 2.6.0, there was a problem in copying VMs with multiple disks from VMware vSphere and from OVA files. The migrations appeared to succeed but all the disks were transferred to the same PV in the target environment while other disks were empty. In some cases, bootable disks were overridden, so the VM could not boot. In other cases, data from the other disks was missing. The problem was resolved in MTV 2.6.1. (MTV-1067)

Migrating VMs from one Red Hat OpenShift cluster to another fails due to a timeout

In MTV 2.6.0, migrations from one Red Hat OpenShift cluster to another failed when the time to transfer the disks of a VM exceeded the time to live (TTL) of the Export API in OpenShift, which was set to 2 hours by default. The problem was resolved in MTV 2.6.1 by setting the default TTL of the Export API to 12 hours, which greatly reduces the possibility of an expiration of the Export API. Additionally, you can increase or decrease the TTL setting as needed. (MTV-1052)

MTV forklift-controller pod crashes when receiving a disk without a datastore

Previously, if a VM was configured with a disk that was on a datastore that was no longer available in vSphere at the time a migration was attempted, the forklift-controller crashed, rendering MTV unusable. In MTV 2.6.1, MTV presents a critical validation for VMs with such disks, informing users of the problem, and the forklift-controller no longer crashes, although it cannot transfer the disk. (MTV-1029)

Deleting an OVA provider automatically also deletes the PV

In the earlier versions of MTV, the PV was not removed when the OVA provider was deleted. This has been resolved in MTV 2.6.0, and the PV is automatically deleted when the OVA provider is deleted. (MTV-848)

Fix for data being lost when migrating VMware VMs with snapshots

In the earlier versions of MTV, when migrating a VM that has a snapshot from VMware, the VM that was created in OpenShift Virtualization contained the data in the snapshot but not the latest data of the VM. This has been resolved in MTV 2.6.0. (MTV-447)

Canceling and deleting a failed migration plan does not clean up the populate pods and PVC

In earlier releases of MTV, when you canceled and deleted a failed migration plan, and after creating a PVC and spawning the populate pods, the populate pods and PVC were not deleted. You had to delete the pods and PVC manually. This issue has been resolved in MTV 2.6.0. (MTV-678)

Red Hat OpenShift to Red Hat OpenShift migrations require the cluster version to be 4.13 or later

In earlier releases of MTV, when migrating from Red Hat OpenShift to Red Hat OpenShift, the version of the source provider cluster had to be Red Hat OpenShift version 4.13 or later. This issue has been resolved in MTV 2.6.0, with validation being shown when migrating from versions of OpenShift before 4.13. (MTV-734)

Multiple storage domains from RHV were always mapped to a single storage class

In earlier releases of MTV, multiple disks from different storage domains were always mapped to a single storage class, regardless of the storage mapping that was configured. This issue has been resolved in MTV 2.6.0. (MTV-1008)

Firmware detection by virt-v2v

In earlier releases of MTV, a VM that was migrated from an OVA that did not include the firmware type in its OVF configuration was set with UEFI. This was incorrect for VMs that were configured with BIOS. This issue has been resolved in MTV 2.6.0, as MTV now consumes the firmware that is detected by virt-v2v during the conversion of the disks. (MTV-759)

Creating a host secret requires validation of the secret before creation of the host

In earlier releases of MTV, when configuring a transfer network for vSphere hosts, the console plugin created the Host CR before creating its secret. The secret should be specified first in order to validate it before the Host CR is posted. This issue has been resolved in MTV 2.6.0. (MTV-868)

When adding OVA provider a ConnectionTestFailed message appears

In earlier releases of MTV, when adding an OVA provider, the error message ConnectionTestFailed instantly appeared, although the provider had been created successfully. This issue has been resolved in MTV 2.6.0. (MTV-671)

RHV provider ConnectionTestSucceeded True response from the wrong URL

In earlier releases of MTV, the ConnectionTestSucceeded condition was set to True even when the URL was different than the API endpoint for the RHV Manager. This issue has been resolved in MTV 2.6.0. (MTV-740)

Migration does not fail when a vSphere Data Center is nested inside a folder

In earlier releases of MTV, migrating a VM that is placed in a Data Center that is stored directly under the /vcenter in vSphere succeeded. However, it failed when the Data Center was stored inside a folder. This issue was resolved in MTV 2.6.0. (MTV-796)

The OVA inventory watcher detects deleted files

The OVA inventory watcher detects files changes, including deleted files. Updates from the ova-provider-server pod are now sent every five minutes to the forklift-controller pod that updates the inventory. (MTV-733)

Unclear error message when Forklift fails to build or create a PVC

In earlier releases of MTV, the error logs lacked clear information to identify the reason for a failure to create a PV on a destination storage class that does not have a configured storage profile. This issue was resolved in MTV 2.6.0. (MTV-928)

Plans stay indefinitely in the CopyDisks phase when there is an outdated ovirtvolumepopulator

In earlier releases of MTV, an earlier failed migration could have left an outdated ovirtvolumepopulator. When starting a new plan for the same VM to the same project, the CreateDataVolumes phase did not create populator PVCs when transitioning to CopyDisks, causing the CopyDisks phase to stay indefinitely. This issue was resolved in MTV 2.6.0. (MTV-929)

For a complete list of all resolved issues in this release, see the list of Resolved Issues in Jira.

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