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Chapter 5. Deploying on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE

You can deploy OpenShift sandboxed containers or Confidential Containers on IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE.


OpenShift sandboxed containers on IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

Cluster requirements

  • You have installed Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.14 or later on the cluster where you are installing the OpenShift sandboxed containers Operator.
  • Your cluster has at least one worker node.

5.1. Peer pod resource requirements

You must ensure that your cluster has sufficient resources.

Peer pod virtual machines (VMs) require resources in two locations:

  • The worker node. The worker node stores metadata, Kata shim resources (containerd-shim-kata-v2), remote-hypervisor resources (cloud-api-adaptor), and the tunnel setup between the worker nodes and the peer pod VM.
  • The libvirt virtual machine instance. This is the actual peer pod VM running in the LPAR (KVM host).

The CPU and memory resources used in the Kubernetes worker node are handled by the pod overhead included in the RuntimeClass (kata-remote) definition used for creating peer pods.

The total number of peer pod VMs running in the cloud is defined as Kubernetes Node extended resources. This limit is per node and is set by the limit attribute in the peerpodConfig custom resource (CR).

The peerpodConfig CR, named peerpodconfig-openshift, is created when you create the kataConfig CR and enable peer pods, and is located in the openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator namespace.

The following peerpodConfig CR example displays the default spec values:

apiVersion: confidentialcontainers.org/v1alpha1
kind: PeerPodConfig
  name: peerpodconfig-openshift
  namespace: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
  cloudSecretName: peer-pods-secret
  configMapName: peer-pods-cm
  limit: "10" 1
    node-role.kubernetes.io/kata-oc: ""
The default limit is 10 VMs per node.

The extended resource is named kata.peerpods.io/vm, and enables the Kubernetes scheduler to handle capacity tracking and accounting.

You can edit the limit per node based on the requirements for your environment after you install the OpenShift sandboxed containers Operator.

A mutating webhook adds the extended resource kata.peerpods.io/vm to the pod specification. It also removes any resource-specific entries from the pod specification, if present. This enables the Kubernetes scheduler to account for these extended resources, ensuring the peer pod is only scheduled when resources are available.

The mutating webhook modifies a Kubernetes pod as follows:

  • The mutating webhook checks the pod for the expected RuntimeClassName value, specified in the TARGET_RUNTIME_CLASS environment variable. If the value in the pod specification does not match the value in the TARGET_RUNTIME_CLASS, the webhook exits without modifying the pod.
  • If the RuntimeClassName values match, the webhook makes the following changes to the pod spec:

    1. The webhook removes every resource specification from the resources field of all containers and init containers in the pod.
    2. The webhook adds the extended resource (kata.peerpods.io/vm) to the spec by modifying the resources field of the first container in the pod. The extended resource kata.peerpods.io/vm is used by the Kubernetes scheduler for accounting purposes.

The mutating webhook excludes specific system namespaces in OpenShift Container Platform from mutation. If a peer pod is created in those system namespaces, then resource accounting using Kubernetes extended resources does not work unless the pod spec includes the extended resource.

As a best practice, define a cluster-wide policy to only allow peer pod creation in specific namespaces.

5.2. Deploying OpenShift sandboxed containers on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE

You can deploy OpenShift sandboxed containers on IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE by using the command line interface (CLI) to perform the following tasks:

  1. Install the OpenShift sandboxed containers Operator.
  2. Optional: Change the number of virtual machines running on each worker node.
  3. Configure the libvirt volume.
  4. Optional: Create a custom peer pod VM image.
  5. Create the peer pods secret.
  6. Create the peer pods config map.
  7. Create the peer pod VM image config map.
  8. Create the KVM host secret.
  9. Create the KataConfig custom resource.
  10. Configure the OpenShift sandboxed containers workload objects.

5.2.1. Installing the OpenShift sandboxed containers Operator

You can install the OpenShift sandboxed containers Operator by using the CLI.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. Create an osc-namespace.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
  2. Create the namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f osc-namespace.yaml
  3. Create an osc-operatorgroup.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: sandboxed-containers-operator-group
      namespace: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
      - openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
  4. Create the operator group by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f osc-operatorgroup.yaml
  5. Create an osc-subscription.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: sandboxed-containers-operator
      namespace: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
      channel: stable
      installPlanApproval: Automatic
      name: sandboxed-containers-operator
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      startingCSV: sandboxed-containers-operator.v1.7.0
  6. Create the subscription by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f osc-subscription.yaml
  7. Verify that the Operator is correctly installed by running the following command:

    $ oc get csv -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator

    This command can take several minutes to complete.

  8. Watch the process by running the following command:

    $ watch oc get csv -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator

    Example output

    NAME                             DISPLAY                                  VERSION             REPLACES                   PHASE
    openshift-sandboxed-containers   openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator  1.7.0    1.6.0        Succeeded

5.2.2. Modifying the number of peer pod VMs per node

You can change the limit of peer pod virtual machines (VMs) per node by editing the peerpodConfig custom resource (CR).


  1. Check the current limit by running the following command:

    $ oc get peerpodconfig peerpodconfig-openshift -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator \
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.limit}{"\n"}'
  2. Modify the limit attribute of the peerpodConfig CR by running the following command:

    $ oc patch peerpodconfig peerpodconfig-openshift -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator \
    --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"limit":"<value>"}}' 1
    Replace <value> with the limit you want to define.

5.2.3. Configuring the libvirt volume

You must configure the libvirt volume on your KVM host. Peer pods use the libvirt provider of the Cloud API Adaptor to create and manage virtual machines.


  • You have installed the OpenShift sandboxed containers Operator on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console or the command line.
  • You have administrator privileges for your KVM host.
  • You have installed podman on your KVM host.
  • You have installed virt-customize on your KVM host.


  1. Log in to the KVM host.
  2. Set the name of the libvirt pool by running the following command:

    $ export LIBVIRT_POOL=<libvirt_pool>

    You need the LIBVIRT_POOL value to create the secret for the libvirt provider.

  3. Set the name of the libvirt pool by running the following command:

    $ export LIBVIRT_VOL_NAME=<libvirt_volume>

    You need the LIBVIRT_VOL_NAME value to create the secret for the libvirt provider.

  4. Set the path of the default storage pool location, by running the following command:

    $ export LIBVIRT_POOL_DIRECTORY=<target_directory> 1
    To ensure libvirt has read and write access permissions, use a subdirectory of the libvirt storage directory. The default is /var/lib/libvirt/images/.
  5. Create a libvirt pool by running the following command:

    $ virsh pool-define-as $LIBVIRT_POOL --type dir --target "$LIBVIRT_POOL_DIRECTORY"
  6. Start the libvirt pool by running the following command:

    $ virsh pool-start $LIBVIRT_POOL
  7. Create a libvirt volume for the pool by running the following command:

    $ virsh -c qemu:///system \
      vol-create-as --pool $LIBVIRT_POOL \
      --name $LIBVIRT_VOL_NAME \
      --capacity 20G \
      --allocation 2G \
      --prealloc-metadata \
      --format qcow2

5.2.4. Creating a custom peer pod VM image

You can create a custom peer pod virtual machine (VM) image instead of using the default Operator-built image.

You build an Open Container Initiative (OCI) container with the peer pod QCOW2 image. Later, you add the container registry URL and the image path to the peer pod VM image config map.


  1. Create a Dockerfile.podvm-oci file:

    FROM scratch
    ENV PODVM_IMAGE_PATH="/image/podvm.qcow2"
  2. Build a container with the pod VM QCOW2 image by running the following command:

    $ docker build -t podvm-libvirt \
      --build-arg PODVM_IMAGE_SRC=<podvm_image_source> \ 1
      --build-arg PODVM_IMAGE_PATH=<podvm_image_path> \ 2
      -f Dockerfile.podvm-oci .
    Specify the QCOW2 image source on the host.
    Optional: Specify the path of the QCOW2 image if you do not use the default, /image/podvm.qcow2.

5.2.5. Creating the peer pods secret

You must create the peer pods secret for OpenShift sandboxed containers.

The secret stores credentials for creating the pod virtual machine (VM) image and peer pod instances.

By default, the OpenShift sandboxed containers Operator creates the secret based on the credentials used to create the cluster. However, you can manually create a secret that uses different credentials.


  • LIBVIRT_POOL. Use the value you set when you configured libvirt on the KVM host.
  • LIBVIRT_VOL_NAME. Use the value you set when you configured libvirt on the KVM host.
  • LIBVIRT_URI. This value is the default gateway IP address of the libvirt network. Check your libvirt network setup to obtain this value.


    If libvirt uses the default bridge virtual network, you can obtain the LIBVIRT_URI by running the following commands:

    $ virtint=$(bridge_line=$(virsh net-info default | grep Bridge);  echo "${bridge_line//Bridge:/}" | tr -d [:blank:])
    $ LIBVIRT_URI=$( ip -4 addr show $virtint | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}')
    $ LIBVIRT_GATEWAY_URI="qemu+ssh://root@${LIBVIRT_URI}/system?no_verify=1"
  • REDHAT_OFFLINE_TOKEN. You have generated this token to download the RHEL image at Red Hat API Tokens.


  1. Create a peer-pods-secret.yaml manifest file according to the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: peer-pods-secret
      namespace: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
    type: Opaque
      CLOUD_PROVIDER: "libvirt"
      LIBVIRT_URI: "<libvirt_gateway_uri>" 1
      LIBVIRT_POOL: "<libvirt_pool>" 2
      LIBVIRT_VOL_NAME: "<libvirt_volume>" 3
      REDHAT_OFFLINE_TOKEN: "<rh_offline_token>" 4
    Specify the libvirt URI.
    Specify the libvirt pool.
    Specify the libvirt volume name.
    Specify the Red Hat offline token, which is required for the Operator-built image.
  2. Create the secret by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f peer-pods-secret.yaml

5.2.6. Creating the peer pods config map

You must create the peer pods config map for OpenShift sandboxed containers.


  1. Create a peer-pods-cm.yaml manifest file according to the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: peer-pods-cm
      namespace: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
      CLOUD_PROVIDER: "libvirt"
      DISABLECVM: "true"
  2. Create the config map by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f peer-pods-cm.yaml

5.2.7. Creating the peer pod VM image config map

You must create the config map for the peer pod VM image.


  1. Create a libvirt-podvm-image-cm.yaml manifest according to the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: libvirt-podvm-image-cm
      namespace: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
      PODVM_DISTRO: "rhel"
      CAA_SRC: "https://github.com/confidential-containers/cloud-api-adaptor"
      CAA_REF: "<cloud_api_adaptor_version>" 1
      ORG_ID: "<rhel_organization_id>"
      ACTIVATION_KEY: "<rhel_activation_key>" 2
      IMAGE_NAME: "<podvm_libvirt_image>"
      PODVM_IMAGE_URI: "oci::<image_repo_url>:<image_tag>::<image_path>" 3
      SE_BOOT: "true" 4
      BASE_OS_VERSION: "<rhel_image_os_version>" 5
    Specify the latest version of the Cloud API Adaptor source.
    Specify your RHEL activation key.
    Optional: Specify the following values if you created a container image:
    • image_repo_url: Container registry URL.
    • image_tag: Image tag.
    • image_path: Image path. Default: /image/podvm.qcow2.
    SE_BOOT: "true" enables IBM Secure Execution for an Operator-built image. Set to false if you created a container image.
    Specify the RHEL image operating system version. IBM Z® Secure Execution supports RHEL 9.4 and later versions.
  2. Create the config map by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f libvirt-podvm-image-cm.yaml

    The libvirt pod VM image config map is created for your libvirt provider.

5.2.8. Creating the KVM host secret

You must create the secret for your KVM host.


  1. Generate an SSH key pair by running the following command:

    $ ssh-keygen -f ./id_rsa -N ""
  2. Copy the public SSH key to your KVM host:

    $ ssh-copy-id -i ./id_rsa.pub <KVM_HOST_IP>
  3. Create the Secret object by running the following command:

    $ oc create secret generic ssh-key-secret \
      -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator \
      --from-file=id_rsa.pub=./id_rsa.pub \
  4. Delete the SSH keys you created:

    $ shred --remove id_rsa.pub id_rsa

5.2.9. Creating the KataConfig custom resource

You must create the KataConfig custom resource (CR) to install kata-remote as a runtime class on your worker nodes.

Creating the KataConfig CR triggers the OpenShift sandboxed containers Operator to do the following:

  • Create a RuntimeClass CR named kata-remote with a default configuration. This enables users to configure workloads to use kata-remote as the runtime by referencing the CR in the RuntimeClassName field. This CR also specifies the resource overhead for the runtime.

OpenShift sandboxed containers installs kata-remote as a secondary, optional runtime on the cluster and not as the primary runtime.


Creating the KataConfig CR automatically reboots the worker nodes. The reboot can take from 10 to more than 60 minutes. Factors that impede reboot time are as follows:

  • A larger OpenShift Container Platform deployment with a greater number of worker nodes.
  • Activation of the BIOS and Diagnostics utility.
  • Deployment on a hard disk drive rather than an SSD.
  • Deployment on physical nodes such as bare metal, rather than on virtual nodes.
  • A slow CPU and network.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. Create an example-kataconfig.yaml manifest file according to the following example:

    apiVersion: kataconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
    kind: KataConfig
      name: example-kataconfig
      enablePeerPods: true
      logLevel: info
    #  kataConfigPoolSelector:
    #    matchLabels:
    #      <label_key>: '<label_value>' 1
    Optional: If you have applied node labels to install kata-remote on specific nodes, specify the key and value, for example, osc: 'true'.
  2. Create the KataConfig CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f example-kataconfig.yaml

    The new KataConfig CR is created and installs kata-remote as a runtime class on the worker nodes.

    Wait for the kata-remote installation to complete and the worker nodes to reboot before verifying the installation.

  3. Monitor the installation progress by running the following command:

    $ watch "oc describe kataconfig | sed -n /^Status:/,/^Events/p"

    When the status of all workers under kataNodes is installed and the condition InProgress is False without specifying a reason, the kata-remote is installed on the cluster.

  4. Verify that you have built the peer pod image and uploaded it to the libvirt volume by running the following command:

    $ oc describe configmap peer-pods-cm -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator

    Example output

    Name: peer-pods-cm
    Namespace: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
    Labels: <none>
    Annotations: <none>
    CLOUD_PROVIDER: libvirt
    Events: <none>

  5. Monitor the kata-oc machine config pool progress to ensure that it is in the UPDATED state, when UPDATEDMACHINECOUNT equals MACHINECOUNT, by running the following command:

    $ watch oc get mcp/kata-oc
  6. Verify the daemon set by running the following command:

    $ oc get -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator ds/peerpodconfig-ctrl-caa-daemon
  7. Verify the runtime classes by running the following command:

    $ oc get runtimeclass

    Example output

    NAME             HANDLER          AGE
    kata             kata             152m
    kata-remote      kata-remote      152m

5.2.10. Configuring workload objects

You must configure OpenShift sandboxed containers workload objects by setting kata-remote as the runtime class for the following pod-templated objects:

  • Pod objects
  • ReplicaSet objects
  • ReplicationController objects
  • StatefulSet objects
  • Deployment objects
  • DeploymentConfig objects

Do not deploy workloads in an Operator namespace. Create a dedicated namespace for these resources.


  • You have created the KataConfig custom resource (CR).


  1. Add spec.runtimeClassName: kata-remote to the manifest of each pod-templated workload object as in the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: <object>
    # ...
      runtimeClassName: kata-remote
    # ...

    OpenShift Container Platform creates the workload object and begins scheduling it.


  • Inspect the spec.runtimeClassName field of a pod-templated object. If the value is kata-remote, then the workload is running on OpenShift sandboxed containers, using peer pods.

5.3. Deploying Confidential Containers on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE

You can deploy Confidential Containers on IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE after you deploy OpenShift sandboxed containers.


Confidential Containers on IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

Cluster requirements

  • You have installed Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.15 or later on the cluster where you are installing the Confidential compute attestation Operator.

You deploy Confidential Containers by performing the following steps:

  1. Install the Confidential compute attestation Operator.
  2. Create the route for Trustee.
  3. Enable the Confidential Containers feature gate.
  4. Update the peer pods config map.
  5. Delete the KataConfig custom resource (CR).
  6. Update the peer pods secret.
  7. Re-create the KataConfig CR.
  8. Create the Trustee authentication secret.
  9. Create the Trustee config map.
  10. Obtain the IBM Secure Execution (SE) header.
  11. Configure the SE certificates and keys.
  12. Create the persistent storage components.
  13. Configure attestation policies:

    1. Create reference values.
    2. Create secrets for attested clients.
    3. Create the resource access policy.
  14. Create the attestation policy for SE.
  15. Create the KbsConfig CR.
  16. Verify the attestation process.

5.3.1. Installing the Confidential compute attestation Operator

You can install the Confidential compute attestation Operator on IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE by using the CLI.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. Create a trustee-namespace.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: trustee-operator-system
  2. Create the trustee-operator-system namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f trustee-namespace.yaml
  3. Create a trustee-operatorgroup.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: trustee-operator-group
      namespace: trustee-operator-system
      - trustee-operator-system
  4. Create the operator group by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f trustee-operatorgroup.yaml
  5. Create a trustee-subscription.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: trustee-operator
      namespace: trustee-operator-system
      channel: stable
      installPlanApproval: Automatic
      name: trustee-operator
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      startingCSV: trustee-operator.v0.1.0
  6. Create the subscription by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f trustee-subscription.yaml
  7. Verify that the Operator is correctly installed by running the following command:

    $ oc get csv -n trustee-operator-system

    This command can take several minutes to complete.

  8. Watch the process by running the following command:

    $ watch oc get csv -n trustee-operator-system

    Example output

    NAME                      DISPLAY                        PHASE
    trustee-operator.v0.1.0   Trustee Operator  0.1.0        Succeeded

5.3.2. Creating the route for Trustee

You can create a secure route with edge TLS termination for Trustee. External ingress traffic reaches the router pods as HTTPS and passes on to the Trustee pods as HTTP.


  • You have enabled the Confidential Containers feature gate.
  • You have installed the Confidential compute attestation Operator.


  1. Create an edge route by running the following command:

    $ oc create route edge --service=kbs-service --port kbs-port \
      -n trustee-operator-system

    Note: Currently, only a route with a valid CA-signed certificate is supported. You cannot use a route with self-signed certificate.

  2. Set the TRUSTEE_HOST variable by running the following command:

    $ TRUSTEE_HOST=$(oc get route -n trustee-operator-system kbs-service \
      -o jsonpath={.spec.host})
  3. Verify the route by running the following command:

    $ echo $TRUSTEE_HOST

    Example output


5.3.3. Enabling the Confidential Containers feature gate

You must enable the Confidential Containers feature gate.


  1. Create a cc-feature-gate.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: osc-feature-gates
      namespace: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
      confidential: "true"
  2. Create the config map by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f cc-feature-gate.yaml

5.3.4. Updating the peer pods config map

You must update the peer pods config map for Confidential Containers.


Set Secure Boot to true to enable it by default. The default value is false, which presents a security risk.


  1. Create a peer-pods-cm.yaml manifest file according to the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: peer-pods-cm
      namespace: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
      CLOUD_PROVIDER: "libvirt"
      DISABLECVM: "false"
  2. Create the config map by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f peer-pods-cm.yaml
  3. Restart the peerpodconfig-ctrl-caa-daemon daemon set by running the following command:

    $ oc set env ds/peerpodconfig-ctrl-caa-daemon \
      -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator REBOOT="$(date)"

5.3.5. Deleting the KataConfig custom resource

You can delete the KataConfig custom resource (CR) by using the command line.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. Delete the KataConfig CR by running the following command:

    $ oc delete kataconfig example-kataconfig
  2. Verify that the custom resource was deleted by running the following command:

    $ oc get kataconfig example-kataconfig

    Example output

    No example-kataconfig instances exist

5.3.6. Updating the peer pods secret

You must update the peer pods secret for Confidential Containers.

The secret stores credentials for creating the pod virtual machine (VM) image and peer pod instances.

By default, the OpenShift sandboxed containers Operator creates the secret based on the credentials used to create the cluster. However, you can manually create a secret that uses different credentials.



  1. Create a peer-pods-secret.yaml manifest file according to the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: peer-pods-secret
      namespace: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
    type: Opaque
      REDHAT_OFFLINE_TOKEN: "<rh_offline_token>" 1
      HKD_CRT: "<hkd_crt_value>" 2
    Specify the Red Hat offline token, which is required for the Operator-built image.
    Specify the HKD certificate value to enable IBM Secure Execution for the Operator-built image.
  2. Create the secret by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f peer-pods-secret.yaml

5.3.7. Re-creating the KataConfig custom resource

You must re-create the KataConfig custom resource (CR) for Confidential Containers.


Creating the KataConfig CR automatically reboots the worker nodes. The reboot can take from 10 to more than 60 minutes. Factors that impede reboot time are as follows:

  • A larger OpenShift Container Platform deployment with a greater number of worker nodes.
  • Activation of the BIOS and Diagnostics utility.
  • Deployment on a hard disk drive rather than an SSD.
  • Deployment on physical nodes such as bare metal, rather than on virtual nodes.
  • A slow CPU and network.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. Create an example-kataconfig.yaml manifest file according to the following example:

    apiVersion: kataconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
    kind: KataConfig
      name: example-kataconfig
      enablePeerPods: true
      logLevel: info
    #  kataConfigPoolSelector:
    #    matchLabels:
    #      <label_key>: '<label_value>' 1
    Optional: If you have applied node labels to install kata-remote on specific nodes, specify the key and value, for example, cc: 'true'.
  2. Create the KataConfig CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f example-kataconfig.yaml

    The new KataConfig CR is created and installs kata-remote as a runtime class on the worker nodes.

    Wait for the kata-remote installation to complete and the worker nodes to reboot before verifying the installation.

  3. Monitor the installation progress by running the following command:

    $ watch "oc describe kataconfig | sed -n /^Status:/,/^Events/p"

    When the status of all workers under kataNodes is installed and the condition InProgress is False without specifying a reason, the kata-remote is installed on the cluster.

  4. Verify that you have built the peer pod image and uploaded it to the libvirt volume by running the following command:

    $ oc describe configmap peer-pods-cm -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator

    Example output

    Name: peer-pods-cm
    Namespace: openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
    Labels: <none>
    Annotations: <none>
    CLOUD_PROVIDER: libvirt
    DISABLECVM: false 1
    LIBVIRT_IMAGE_ID: fa-pp-vol 2
    Events: <none>

    Enables the Confidential VM during IBM Secure Execution for the Operator-built image.
    Contains a value if you have built the peer pod image and uploaded it to the libvirt volume.
  5. Monitor the kata-oc machine config pool progress to ensure that it is in the UPDATED state, when UPDATEDMACHINECOUNT equals MACHINECOUNT, by running the following command:

    $ watch oc get mcp/kata-oc
  6. Verify the daemon set by running the following command:

    $ oc get -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator ds/peerpodconfig-ctrl-caa-daemon
  7. Verify the runtime classes by running the following command:

    $ oc get runtimeclass

    Example output

    NAME             HANDLER          AGE
    kata             kata             152m
    kata-remote      kata-remote      152m

5.3.8. Creating the Trustee authentication secret

You must create the authentication secret for Trustee.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. Create a private key by running the following command:

    $ openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 > privateKey
  2. Create a public key by running the following command:

    $ openssl pkey -in privateKey -pubout -out publicKey
  3. Create a secret by running the following command:

    $ oc create secret generic kbs-auth-public-key --from-file=publicKey -n trustee-operator-system
  4. Verify the secret by running the following command:

    $ oc get secret -n trustee-operator-system

5.3.9. Creating the Trustee config map

You must create the config map to configure the Trustee server.


  • You have created a route for Trustee.


  1. Create a kbs-config-cm.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: kbs-config-cm
      namespace: trustee-operator-system
      kbs-config.json: |
          "insecure_http" : true,
          "sockets": [""],
          "auth_public_key": "/etc/auth-secret/publicKey",
          "attestation_token_config": {
            "attestation_token_type": "CoCo"
          "repository_config": {
            "type": "LocalFs",
            "dir_path": "/opt/confidential-containers/kbs/repository"
          "as_config": {
            "work_dir": "/opt/confidential-containers/attestation-service",
            "policy_engine": "opa",
            "attestation_token_broker": "Simple",
              "attestation_token_config": {
              "duration_min": 5
            "rvps_config": {
              "store_type": "LocalJson",
              "store_config": {
                "file_path": "/opt/confidential-containers/rvps/reference-values/reference-values.json"
          "policy_engine_config": {
            "policy_path": "/opt/confidential-containers/opa/policy.rego"
  2. Create the config map by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f kbs-config-cm.yaml

5.3.10. Obtaining the IBM Secure Execution header

You must obtain the IBM Secure Execution (SE) header.


  • You have a network block storage device to store the SE header temporarily.


  1. Create a temporary folder for the SE header by running the following command:

    $ mkdir -p /tmp/ibmse/hdr
  2. Download the pvextract-hdr tool from IBM s390 Linux repository by running the following command:

    $ wget https://github.com/ibm-s390-linux/s390-tools/raw/v2.33.1/rust/pvattest/tools/pvextract-hdr -O /tmp/pvextract-hdr
  3. Make the tool executable by running the following command:

    $ chmod +x /tmp/pvextract-hdr
  4. Set the $IMAGE_OUTPUT_DIR variable by running the following command:

    $ export IMAGE=$IMAGE_OUTPUT_DIR/se-podvm-commit-short-id.qcow2
  5. Set the $IMAGE variable by running the following command:

    $ export IMAGE=/root/rooo/se-podvm-d1fb986-dirty-s390x.qcow2
  6. Enable the nbd kernel module by running the following command:

    $ modprobe nbd
  7. Connect the SE image as a network block device (NBD) by running the following command:

    $ qemu-nbd --connect=/dev/nbd0 $IMAGE
  8. Create a mount directory for the SE image by running the following command:

    $ mkdir -p /mnt/se-image/
  9. Pause the process by running the following command:

    $ sleep 1
  10. List your block devices by running the following command:

    $ lsblk

    Example output

    nbd0                                           43:0    0  100G  0 disk
    ├─nbd0p1                                       43:1    0  255M  0 part
    ├─nbd0p2                                       43:2    0    6G  0 part
    │ └─luks-e23e15fa-9c2a-45a5-9275-aae9d8e709c3 253:2    0    6G  0 crypt
    └─nbd0p3                                       43:3    0 12.4G  0 part
    nbd1                                           43:32   0   20G  0 disk
    ├─nbd1p1                                       43:33   0  255M  0 part
    ├─nbd1p2                                       43:34   0    6G  0 part
    │ └─luks-5a540f7c-c0cb-419b-95e0-487670d91525 253:3    0    6G  0 crypt
    └─nbd1p3                                       43:35   0 86.9G  0 part
    nbd2                                           43:64   0    0B  0 disk
    nbd3                                           43:96   0    0B  0 disk
    nbd4                                           43:128  0    0B  0 disk
    nbd5                                           43:160  0    0B  0 disk
    nbd6                                           43:192  0    0B  0 disk
    nbd7                                           43:224  0    0B  0 disk
    nbd8                                           43:256  0    0B  0 disk
    nbd9                                           43:288  0    0B  0 disk
    nbd10                                          43:320  0    0B  0 disk

  11. Mount the SE image directory on an available NBD partition and extract the SE header by running the following command:

    $ mount /dev/<nbdXp1> /mnt/se-image/ /tmp/pvextract-hdr \
      -o /tmp/ibmse/hdr/hdr.bin /mnt/se-image/se.img

    Example output

    SE header found at offset 0x014000
    SE header written to '/tmp/ibmse/hdr/hdr.bin' (640 bytes)

    The following error is displayed if the NBD is unavailable:

    mount: /mnt/se-image: can't read superblock on /dev/nbd0p1
  12. Unmount the SE image directory by running the following command:

    $ umount /mnt/se-image/
  13. Disconnect the network block storage device by running the following command:

    $ qemu-nbd --disconnect /dev/nbd0

5.3.11. Configuring the IBM Secure Execution certificates and keys

You must configure the IBM Secure Execution (SE) certificates and keys for your worker nodes.


  • You have the IP address of the bastion node.
  • You have the internal IP addresses of the worker nodes.


  1. Obtain the attestation policy fields by performing the following steps:

    1. Download the se_parse_hdr.py script from the OpenShift Trustee repository by running the following command:

      $ wget https://github.com/openshift/trustee/raw/main/attestation-service/verifier/src/se/se_parse_hdr.py -O /tmp/se_parse_hdr.py
    2. Create a temporary directory for the SE Host Key Document (HKD) certificate by running the following command:

      $ mkdir /tmp/ibmse/hkds/
    3. Copy your Host Key Document (HKD) certificate to the temporary directory by running the following command:

      $ cp ~/path/to/<hkd_cert.crt> /tmp/ibmse/hkds/<hkd_cert.crt>

      The HKD certificate must be the same certificate that you downloaded when you created the peer pods secret.

    4. Obtain the attestation policy fields by running the se_parse_hdr.py script:

      $ python3 /tmp/se_parse_hdr.py /tmp/ibmse/hdr/hdr.bin /tmp/ibmse/hkds/<hkd_cert.crt>

      Example output

        se.image_phkh: xxx
        se.version: 256
        se.tag: xxx
        se.attestation_phkh: xxx

      Record these values for the SE attestation policy config map.

  2. Obtain the certificates and certificate revocation lists (CRLs) by performing the following steps:

    1. Create a temporary directory for certificates by running the following command:

      $ mkdir /tmp/ibmse/certs
    2. Download the ibm-z-host-key-signing-gen2.crt certificate by running the following command:

      $ wget https://www.ibm.com/support/resourcelink/api/content/public/ibm-z-host-key-signing-gen2.crt -O /tmp/ibmse/certs/ibm-z-host-key-signing-gen2.crt
    3. Download the DigiCertCA.crt certificate by running the following command:

      $ wget https://www.ibm.com/support/resourcelink/api/content/public/DigiCertCA.crt -O /tmp/ibmse/certs/DigiCertCA.crt
    4. Create a temporary directory for the CRLs by running the following command:

      $ mkdir /tmp/ibmse/crls
    5. Download the DigiCertTrustedRootG4.crl file by running the following command:

      $ wget http://crl3.digicert.com/DigiCertTrustedRootG4.crl -O /tmp/ibmse/crls/DigiCertTrustedRootG4.crl
    6. Download the DigiCertTrustedG4CodeSigningRSA4096SHA3842021CA1.crl file by running the following command:

      $ wget http://crl3.digicert.com/DigiCertTrustedG4CodeSigningRSA4096SHA3842021CA1.crl -O /tmp/ibmse/crls/DigiCertTrustedG4CodeSigningRSA4096SHA3842021CA1.crl
  3. Generate the RSA keys:

    1. Generate an RSA key pair by running the following command:

      $ openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:<password> -out /tmp/encrypt_key-psw.pem 4096 1
      Specify the RSA key password.
    2. Create a temporary directory for the RSA keys by running the following command:

      $ mkdir /tmp/ibmse/rsa
    3. Create an encrypt_key.pub key by running the following command:

      $ openssl rsa -in /tmp/encrypt_key-psw.pem -passin pass:<password> -pubout -out /tmp/ibmse/rsa/encrypt_key.pub
    4. Create an encrypt_key.pem key by running the following command:

      $ openssl rsa -in /tmp/encrypt_key-psw.pem -passin pass:<password> -out /tmp/ibmse/rsa/encrypt_key.pem
  4. Verify the structure of the /tmp/ibmse directory by running the following command:

    $ tree /tmp/ibmse

    Example output

    ├── certs
    │   ├── ibm-z-host-key-signing-gen2.crt
    |   └── DigiCertCA.crt
    ├── crls
    │   └── ibm-z-host-key-gen2.crl
    │   └── DigiCertTrustedRootG4.crl
    │   └── DigiCertTrustedG4CodeSigningRSA4096SHA3842021CA1.crl
    ├── hdr
    │   └── hdr.bin
    ├── hkds
    │   └── <hkd_cert.crt>
    └── rsa
        ├── encrypt_key.pem
        └── encrypt_key.pub

  5. Copy these files to the OpenShift Container Platform worker nodes by performing the following steps:

    1. Create a compressed file from the /tmp/ibmse directory by running the following command:

      $ tar -czf ibmse.tar.gz -C /tmp/ibmse
    2. Copy the .tar.gz file to the bastion node in your cluster by running the following command:

      $ scp /tmp/ibmse.tar.gz root@<ocp_bastion_ip>:/tmp 1
      Specify the IP address of the bastion node.
    3. Connect to the bastion node over SSH by running the following command:

      $ ssh root@<ocp_bastion_ip>
    4. Copy the .tar.gz file to each worker node by running the following command:

      $ scp /tmp/ibmse.tar.gz core@<worker_node_ip>:/tmp 1
      Specify the IP address of the worker node.
    5. Extract the .tar.gz on each worker node by running the following command:

      $ ssh core@<worker_node_ip> 'sudo mkdir -p /opt/confidential-containers/ && sudo tar -xzf /tmp/ibmse.tar.gz -C /opt/confidential-containers/'
    6. Update the ibmse folder permissions by running the following command:

      $ ssh core@<worker_node_ip> 'sudo chmod -R 755 /opt/confidential-containers/ibmse/'

5.3.12. Creating the persistent storage components

You must create persistent storage components, persistent volume (PV) and persistent volume claim (PVC) to mount the ibmse folder to the Trustee pod.


  1. Create a persistent-volume.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
      name: ibmse-pv
      namespace: trustee-operator-system
        storage: 100Mi
        - ReadOnlyMany
      storageClassName: ""
        path: /opt/confidential-containers/ibmse
            - matchExpressions:
                - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/worker
                  operator: Exists
  2. Create the persistent volume by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f persistent-volume.yaml
  3. Create a persistent-volume-claim.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: ibmse-pvc
      namespace: trustee-operator-system
        - ReadOnlyMany
      storageClassName: ""
          storage: 100Mi
  4. Create the persistent volume claim by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f persistent-volume-claim.yaml

5.3.13. Configuring attestation policies

You can configure the following attestation policy settings:

Reference values

You can configure reference values for the Reference Value Provider Service (RVPS) by specifying the trusted digests of your hardware platform.

The client collects measurements from the running software, the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) hardware and firmware and it submits a quote with the claims to the Attestation Server. These measurements must match the trusted digests registered to the Trustee. This process ensures that the confidential VM (CVM) is running the expected software stack and has not been tampered with.

Secrets for clients
You must create one or more secrets to share with attested clients.
Resource access policy

You must configure a policy for the Trustee policy engine to determine which resources to access.

Do not confuse the Trustee policy engine with the Attestation Service policy engine, which determines the validity of TEE evidence.

Attestation policy
You must create an attestation policy for IBM Secure Execution.


  1. Create an rvps-configmap.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: rvps-reference-values
      namespace: trustee-operator-system
      reference-values.json: |
        [ 1
    Leave this value empty.
  2. Create the RVPS config map by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f rvps-configmap.yaml
  3. Create one or more secrets to share with attested clients according to the following example:

    $ oc create secret generic kbsres1 --from-literal key1=<res1val1> \
      --from-literal key2=<res1val2> -n trustee-operator-system

    In this example, the kbsres1 secret has two entries (key1, key2), which the Trustee clients retrieve. You can add more secrets according to your requirements.

  4. Create a resourcepolicy-configmap.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: resource-policy
      namespace: trustee-operator-system
      policy.rego: | 1
        package policy 2
        path := split(data["resource-path"], "/")
        default allow = false
        allow {
          count(path) == 3
          input["tee"] == "se"
    The name of the resource policy, policy.rego, must match the resource policy defined in the Trustee config map.
    The resource policy follows the Open Policy Agent specification. This example allows the retrieval of all resources when the TEE is not the sample attester.
  5. Create the resource policy config map by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f resourcepolicy-configmap.yaml
  6. Create an attestation-policy.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: attestation-policy
      namespace: trustee-operator-system
      default.rego: | 1
        package policy
        import rego.v1
        default allow = false
        converted_version := sprintf("%v", [input["se.version"]])
        allow if {
            input["se.attestation_phkh"] == "<se.attestation_phkh>" 2
            input["se.image_phkh"] == "<se.image_phkh>"
            input["se.tag"] == "<se.tag>"
            converted_version == "256"
    Do not modify the policy name.
    Specify the attestation policy fields you obtained by running the se_parse_hdr.py script.
  7. Create the attestation policy config map by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f attestation-policy.yaml

5.3.14. Creating the KbsConfig custom resource

You must create the KbsConfig custom resource (CR) to launch Trustee.

Then, you check the Trustee pods and pod logs to verify the configuration.


  1. Create a kbsconfig-cr.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: confidentialcontainers.org/v1alpha1
    kind: KbsConfig
        app.kubernetes.io/name: kbsconfig
        app.kubernetes.io/instance: kbsconfig
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: trustee-operator
        app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: kustomize
        app.kubernetes.io/created-by: trustee-operator
      name: kbsconfig
      namespace: trustee-operator-system
      kbsConfigMapName: kbs-config-cm
      kbsAuthSecretName: kbs-auth-public-key
      kbsDeploymentType: AllInOneDeployment
      kbsRvpsRefValuesConfigMapName: rvps-reference-values
      kbsSecretResources: ["kbsres1"]
      kbsResourcePolicyConfigMapName: resource-policy
      kbsAttestationPolicyConfigMapName: attestation-policy
      kbsServiceType: NodePort
        certStorePvc: ibmse-pvc
  2. Create the KbsConfig CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f kbsconfig-cr.yaml


  1. Set the default project by running the following command:

    $ oc project trustee-operator-system
  2. Check the pods by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n trustee-operator-system

    Example output

    NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    trustee-deployment-8585f98449-9bbgl                    1/1     Running   0          22m
    trustee-operator-controller-manager-5fbd44cd97-55dlh   2/2     Running   0          59m

  3. Set the POD_NAME environmental variable by running the following command:

    $ POD_NAME=$(oc get pods -l app=kbs -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}' -n trustee-operator-system)
  4. Check the pod logs by running the following command:

    $ oc logs -n trustee-operator-system $POD_NAME

    Example output

    [2024-05-30T13:44:24Z INFO  kbs] Using config file /etc/kbs-config/kbs-config.json
    [2024-05-30T13:44:24Z WARN  attestation_service::rvps] No RVPS address provided and will launch a built-in rvps
    [2024-05-30T13:44:24Z INFO  attestation_service::token::simple] No Token Signer key in config file, create an ephemeral key and without CA pubkey cert
    [2024-05-30T13:44:24Z INFO  api_server] Starting HTTPS server at []
    [2024-05-30T13:44:24Z INFO  actix_server::builder] starting 12 workers
    [2024-05-30T13:44:24Z INFO  actix_server::server] Tokio runtime found; starting in existing Tokio runtime

  5. Expose the ibmse-pvc persistent volume claim to the Trustee pods by running the following command:

    $ oc patch deployment trustee-deployment --namespace=trustee-operator-system --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/volumes/5/persistentVolumeClaim/readOnly"}]'
  6. Verify that the kbs-service is exposed on a node port by running the following command:

    $ oc get svc kbs-service -n trustee-operator-system

    Example output

    NAME          TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
    kbs-service   NodePort   <none>        8080:31862/TCP   23h

    The kbs-service URL is https://<worker_node_ip>:<node_port>, for example,

5.3.15. Verifying the attestation process

You can verify the attestation process by creating a test pod and retrieving its secret. The pod image deploys the KBS client, a tool for testing the Key Broker Service and basic attestation flows.


This procedure is an example to verify that attestation is working. Do not write sensitive data to standard I/O because the data can be captured by using a memory dump. Only data written to memory is encrypted.


  • You have created a route if the Trustee server and the test pod are not running in the same cluster.


  1. Create a verification-pod.yaml manifest file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: kbs-client
      - name: kbs-client
        image: quay.io/confidential-containers/kbs-client:latest
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          - sleep
          - "360000"
          - name: RUST_LOG
            value:  none
  2. Create the pod by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f verification-pod.yaml
  3. Copy the https.crt file to the kbs-client pod by running the following command:

    $ oc cp https.crt kbs-client:/
  4. Fetch the pod secret by running the following command:

    $ oc exec -it kbs-client -- kbs-client --cert-file https.crt \
      --url https://kbs-service:8080 get-resource \
      --path default/kbsres1/key1

    Example output


    The Trustee server returns the secret only if the attestation is successful.

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