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Chapter 10. Liquids: Email Templates

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3scale offers features to customize the email templates with your organization’s own messaging and terminology. You can also take advantage of liquid drops to display personalized information for each of your customers.

Similar to how liquid drops are used in the Developer Portal, every email template has its own context. This means that liquid drops available in one email template may not necessarily be available for other email templates.

This reference outlines which liquid drops are available where, with email templates grouped together by subject matter and the set of liquid drops that they support.

10.1. Account management

These email templates fall under the account management category:

  • Buyer Account confirmed.
  • Buyer Account approved.
  • Buyer account rejected.

For these templates, you can use the following liquid drops:

  • user ⇒ User
  • domain ⇒ String
  • account ⇒ Account
  • provider ⇒ Provider
  • support_email ⇒ String

Additionally, the following template:

  • Password recovery for buyer has access to the these liquid drops:
  • user ⇒ User
  • provider ⇒ Provider
  • url ⇒ url

The email to invite additional users to an account:

  • Invitation has access to:
  • account ⇒ Account
  • provider ⇒ Provider
  • url ⇒ url

10.2. Credit card notifications

  • Credit card expired notification for provider.
  • Credit Card expired notification for buyer.

You can use the following liquid drops:

  • user_account ⇒ Account
  • account ⇒ Account
  • provider_account ⇒ Provider
  • provider ⇒ Provider

10.3. Limit alerts

  • Alert notification for provider (>= 100%)
  • Alert notification for buyer (>= 100%)
  • Alert notification for provider (< 100%)
  • Alert notification for buyer (< 100%)

have access to:

  • application ⇒ Application
  • account ⇒ Account
  • provider ⇒ Provider
  • service ⇒ Service
  • alert ⇒ Alert

10.4. Applications

The following email templates all deal with application and application plan notifications.

  • Application created for provider has access to:
  • url ⇒ url

Application plan change request notification email templates:

  • Plan change request for buyer.
  • Plan change request for provider.

They have access to:

  • application ⇒ Application
  • provider ⇒ Provider
  • account ⇒ Account
  • user ⇒ User
  • plan ⇒ Plan
  • credit_card_url ⇒ credit_card_url

The following email templates contain a number of available drops, such as:

  • Application plan changed for buyer.
  • Application plan changed for provider.
  • Application trial period expired for buyer.

They have access to:

  • provider ⇒ Provider
  • account ⇒ Account
  • user ⇒ User
  • plan ⇒ Plan

As well as all of the above liquid drops, the following application plan messages:

  • Application suspended for buyer.
  • Application accepted for buyer.
  • Application rejected for buyer.
  • Application contract cancelled for provider.

have the additional liquid drops listed:

  • application ⇒ Application
  • service ⇒ Service

More liquid drops accumulate for the following email templates for application keys:

  • Application key created for buyer.
  • Application key deleted for buyer.
  • key ⇒ key

10.5. Invoicing

The following email template:

  • Review invoices prior to charging for provider has access to:
  • provider ⇒ Provider
  • url ⇒ String

Additionally, the following templates:

  • Invoice charge failure for provider without retry.
  • Invoice upcoming charge for buyer.
  • Invoice charge failure for provider with retry.
  • Invoice charge failure for buyer without retry.
  • Invoice charged successfully for buyer.
  • Invoice charge failure for buyer with retry.

share the following liquids:

  • account ⇒ Account
  • provider ⇒ Provider
  • cost ⇒ cost
  • invoice_url ⇒ invoice_url
  • payment_url ⇒ payment_url

10.6. Services

The following email templates:

  • Service contract cancelled for provider.
  • Service trial period expired for buyer.
  • Service plan changed for provider.
  • Service contract suspended for buyer.

have access to:

  • provider ⇒ Provider
  • account ⇒ Account
  • user ⇒ User
  • plan ⇒ Plan

As well as the above liquid drops, the following service templates:

  • Service created for provider.
  • Service accepted for buyer.
  • Service rejected for buyer.

have the additional liquid drops listed:

  • service ⇒ Service
  • service_contract ⇒ Contract
  • subscription ⇒ Contract

10.7. Signup

The following email templates:

  • Sign-up notification for provider.
  • Sign-up notification for buyer.

have access to:

  • user ⇒ User
  • provider ⇒ Provider
  • url ⇒ activate_url
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