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Chapter 11. Reference

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11.1. Custom Resource configuration reference

A Custom Resource Definition (CRD) is a schema of configuration items for a custom OpenShift object deployed with an Operator. By deploying a corresponding Custom Resource (CR) instance, you specify values for configuration items shown in the CRD.

The following sub-sections detail the configuration items that you can set in Custom Resource instances based on the main broker and addressing CRDs.

11.1.1. Broker Custom Resource configuration reference

A CR instance based on the main broker CRD enables you to configure brokers for deployment in an OpenShift project. The following table describes the items that you can configure in the CR instance.


Configuration items marked with an asterisk (*) are required in any corresponding Custom Resource (CR) that you deploy. If you do not explicitly specify a value for a non-required item, the configuration uses the default value.

EntrySub-entryDescription and usage



Administrator user name required for connecting to the broker and management console.

If you do not specify a value, the value is automatically generated and stored in a secret. The default secret name has a format of <custom_resource_name>-credentials-secret. For example, my-broker-deployment-credentials-secret.

Type: string

Example: my-user

Default value: Automatically-generated, random value



Administrator password required for connecting to the broker and management console.

If you do not specify a value, the value is automatically generated and stored in a secret. The default secret name has a format of <custom_resource_name>-credentials-secret. For example, my-broker-deployment-credentials-secret.

Type: string

Example: my-password

Default value: Automatically-generated, random value



Broker deployment configuration



Full path of the broker container image used for each broker in the deployment.

You do not need to explicitly specify a value for image in your CR. The default value of placeholder indicates that the Operator has not yet determined the appropriate image to use.

To learn how the Operator chooses a broker container image to use, see Section 2.4, “How the Operator chooses container images”.

Type: string


Default value: placeholder



Number of broker Pods to create in the deployment.

If you specify a value of 2 or greater, your broker deployment is clustered by default. The cluster user name and password are automatically generated and stored in the same secret as adminUser and adminPassword, by default.

Type: int

Example: 1

Default value: 2



Specify whether login credentials are required to connect to the broker.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Specify whether to use journal storage for each broker Pod in the deployment. If set to true, each broker Pod requires an available Persistent Volume (PV) that the Operator can claim using a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC).

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Init Container image used to configure the broker.

You do not need to explicitly specify a value for initImage in your CR, unless you want to provide a custom image.

To learn how the Operator chooses a built-in Init Container image to use, see Section 2.4, “How the Operator chooses container images”.

To learn how to specify a custom Init Container image, see Section 4.5, “Specifying a custom Init Container image”.

Type: string


Default value: Not specified



Specify whether to use asynchronous I/O (AIO) or non-blocking I/O (NIO).

Type: string

Example: aio

Default value: nio



When a broker Pod shuts down due to a failure or intentional scaledown of the broker deployment, specify whether to migrate messages to another broker Pod that is still running in the broker cluster.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Maximum amount of host-node CPU, in millicores, that each broker container running in a Pod in a deployment can consume.

Type: string

Example: "500m"

Default value: Uses the same default value that your version of OpenShift Container Platform uses. Consult a cluster administrator.



Maximum amount of host-node memory, in bytes, that each broker container running in a Pod in a deployment can consume. Supports byte notation (for example, K, M, G), or the binary equivalents (Ki, Mi, Gi).

Type: string

Example: "1024M"

Default value: Uses the same default value that your version of OpenShift Container Platform uses. Consult a cluster administrator.



Amount of host-node CPU, in millicores, that each broker container running in a Pod in a deployment explicitly requests.

Type: string

Example: "250m"

Default value: Uses the same default value that your version of OpenShift Container Platform uses. Consult a cluster administrator.



Amount of host-node memory, in bytes, that each broker container running in a Pod in a deployment explicitly requests. Supports byte notation (for example, K, M, G), or the binary equivalents (Ki, Mi, Gi).

Type: string

Example: "512M"

Default value: Uses the same default value that your version of OpenShift Container Platform uses. Consult a cluster administrator.



Size, in bytes, of the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) that each broker in a deployment requires for persistent storage. This property applies only when persistenceEnabled is set to true. The value that you specify must include a unit. Supports byte notation (for example, K, M, G), or the binary equivalents (Ki, Mi, Gi).

Type: string

Example: 4Gi

Default value: 2Gi



Specifies whether the Jolokia JVM Agent is enabled for the brokers in the deployment. If the value of this property is set to true, Fuse Console can discover and display runtime data for the brokers.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specifies whether role-based access control (RBAC) is enabled for the brokers in the deployment. To use Fuse Console, you must set the value to false, because Fuse Console uses its own role-based access control.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Configuration of broker management console.



Specify whether to expose the management console port for each broker in a deployment.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specify whether to use SSL on the management console port.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Secret where broker key store, trust store, and their corresponding passwords (all Base64-encoded) are stored. If you do not specify a value for sslSecret, the console uses a default secret name. The default secret name is in the form of <custom_resource_name>-console-secret.

Type: string

Example: my-broker-deployment-console-secret

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the management console requires client authorization.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



A single acceptor configuration instance.



Name of acceptor.

Type: string

Example: my-acceptor

Default value: Not applicable



Port number to use for the acceptor instance.

Type: int

Example: 5672

Default value: 61626 for the first acceptor that you define. The default value then increments by 10 for every subsequent acceptor that you define.



Messaging protocols to be enabled on the acceptor instance.

Type: string

Example: amqp,core

Default value: all



Specify whether SSL is enabled on the acceptor port. If set to true, look in the secret name specified in sslSecret for the credentials required by TLS/SSL.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Secret where broker key store, trust store, and their corresponding passwords (all Base64-encoded) are stored.

If you do not specify a custom secret name for sslSecret, the acceptor assumes a default secret name. The default secret name has a format of <custom_resource_name>-<acceptor_name>-secret.

You must always create this secret yourself, even when the acceptor assumes a default name.

Type: string

Example: my-broker-deployment-my-acceptor-secret

Default value: <custom_resource_name>-<acceptor_name>-secret



Comma-separated list of cipher suites to use for TLS/SSL communication.

Specify the most secure cipher suite(s) supported by your client application. If you use a comma-separated list to specify a set of cipher suites that is common to both the broker and the client, or you do not specify any cipher suites, the broker and client mutually negotiate a cipher suite to use. If you do not know which cipher suites to specify, it is recommended that you first establish a broker-client connection with your client running in debug mode, to verify the cipher suites that are common to both the broker and the client. Then, configure enabledCipherSuites on the broker.

Type: string

Default value: Not specified



Comma-separated list of protocols to use for TLS/SSL communication.

Type: string

Example: TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the broker informs clients that two-way TLS is required on the acceptor. This property overrides wantClientAuth.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the broker informs clients that two-way TLS is requested on the acceptor, but not required. This property is overridden by needClientAuth.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether to compare the Common Name (CN) of a client’s certificate to its host name, to verify that they match. This option applies only when two-way TLS is used.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the SSL provider is JDK or OPENSSL.

Type: string

Example: OPENSSL

Default value: JDK



Regular expression to match against the server_name extension on incoming connections. If the names don’t match, connection to the acceptor is rejected.

Type: string

Example: some_regular_expression

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether to expose the acceptor to clients outside OpenShift Container Platform.

When you expose an acceptor to clients outside OpenShift, the Operator automatically creates a dedicated Service and Route for each broker Pod in the deployment.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Prefix used by a client to specify that the anycast routing type should be used.

Type: string

Example: jms.queue

Default value: Not specified



Prefix used by a client to specify that the multicast routing type should be used.

Type: string

Example: /topic/

Default value: Not specified



Number of connections allowed on the acceptor. When this limit is reached, a DEBUG message is issued to the log, and the connection is refused. The type of client in use determines what happens when the connection is refused.

Type: integer

Example: 2

Default value: 0 (unlimited connections)



Minimum message size, in bytes, required for the broker to handle an AMQP message as a large message. If the size of an AMQP message is equal or greater to this value, the broker stores the message in a large messages directory (/opt/<custom_resource_name>/data/large-messages, by default) on the persistent volume (PV) used by the broker for message storage. Setting the value to -1 disables large message handling for AMQP messages.

Type: integer

Example: 204800

Default value: 102400 (100 KB)



A single connector configuration instance.



Name of connector.

Type: string

Example: my-connector

Default value: Not applicable



The type of connector to create; tcp or vm.

Type: string

Example: vm

Default value: tcp



Host name or IP address to connect to.

Type: string


Default value: Not specified



Port number to be used for the connector instance.

Type: int

Example: 22222

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether SSL is enabled on the connector port. If set to true, look in the secret name specified in sslSecret for the credentials required by TLS/SSL.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Secret where broker key store, trust store, and their corresponding passwords (all Base64-encoded) are stored.

If you do not specify a custom secret name for sslSecret, the connector assumes a default secret name. The default secret name has a format of <custom_resource_name>-<connector_name>-secret.

You must always create this secret yourself, even when the connector assumes a default name.

Type: string

Example: my-broker-deployment-my-connector-secret

Default value: <custom_resource_name>-<connector_name>-secret



Comma-separated list of cipher suites to use for TLS/SSL communication.

Type: string

NOTE: For a connector, it is recommended that you do not specify a list of cipher suites.

Default value: Not specified



Comma-separated list of protocols to use for TLS/SSL communication.

Type: string

Example: TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the broker informs clients that two-way TLS is required on the connector. This property overrides wantClientAuth.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the broker informs clients that two-way TLS is requested on the connector, but not required. This property is overridden by needClientAuth.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether to compare the Common Name (CN) of client’s certificate to its host name, to verify that they match. This option applies only when two-way TLS is used.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether the SSL provider is JDK or OPENSSL.

Type: string

Example: OPENSSL

Default value: JDK



Regular expression to match against the server_name extension on outgoing connections. If the names don’t match, the connector connection is rejected.

Type: string

Example: some_regular_expression

Default value: Not specified



Specify whether to expose the connector to clients outside OpenShift Container Platform.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specifies how the Operator applies the configuration that you add to the CR for each matching address or set of addresses.

The values that you can specify are:


For address settings specified in both the CR and the default configuration that match the same address or set of addresses:

  • Replace any property values specified in the default configuration with those specified in the CR.
  • Keep any property values that are specified uniquely in the CR or the default configuration. Include each of these in the final, merged configuration.

For address settings specified in either the CR or the default configuration that uniquely match a particular address or set of addresses, include these in the final, merged configuration.


For address settings specified in both the CR and the default configuration that match the same address or set of addresses, include the settings specified in the CR in the final, merged configuration. Do not include any properties specified in the default configuration, even if these are not specified in the CR.

For address settings specified in either the CR or the default configuration that uniquely match a particular address or set of addresses, include these in the final, merged configuration.

Replace all address settings specified in the default configuration with those specified in the CR. The final, megred configuration corresponds exactly to that specified in the CR.

Type: string

Example: replace_all

Default value: merge_all



Address settings for a matching address or set of addresses.



Specify what happens when an address configured with maxSizeBytes becomes full. The available policies are:

Messages sent to a full address are paged to disk.
Messages sent to a full address are silently dropped.
Messages sent to a full address are dropped and the message producers receive an exception.

Message producers will block when they try to send any further messages.

The BLOCK policy works only for AMQP, OpenWire, and Core Protocol, because those protocols support flow control.

Type: string

Example: DROP

Default value: PAGE



Specify whether the broker automatically creates an address when a client sends a message to, or attempts to consume a message from, a queue that is bound to an address that does not exist.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Specify whether the broker automatically creates a dead letter address and queue to receive undelivered messages.

If the parameter is set to true, the broker automatically creates a dead letter address and an associated dead letter queue. The name of the automatically-created address matches the value that you specify for deadLetterAddress.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specify whether the broker automatically creates an address and queue to receive expired messages.

If the parameter is set to true, the broker automatically creates an expiry address and an associated expiry queue. The name of the automatically-created address matches the value that you specify for expiryAddress.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



This property is deprecated. Use autoCreateQueues instead.



This property is deprecated. Use autoCreateQueues instead.



Specify whether the broker automatically creates a queue when a client sends a message to, or attempts to consume a message from, a queue that does not yet exist.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Specify whether the broker automatically deletes automatically-created addresses when the broker no longer has any queues.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Time, in milliseconds, that the broker waits before automatically deleting an automatically-created address when the address has no queues.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: 0



This property is deprecated. Use autoDeleteQueues instead.



This property is deprecated. Use autoDeleteQueues instead.



Specify whether the broker automatically deletes an automatically-created queue when the queue has no consumers and no messages.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Specify whether the broker automatically deletes a manually-created queue when the queue has no consumers and no messages.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Time, in milliseconds, that the broker waits before automatically deleting an automatically-created queue when the queue has no consumers.

Type: integer

Example: 10

Default value: 0



Maximum number of messages that can be in a queue before the broker evaluates whether the queue can be automatically deleted.

Type: integer

Example: 5

Default value: 0



When the configuration file is reloaded, this parameter specifies how to handle an address (and its queues) that has been deleted from the configuration file. You can specify the following values:

The broker does not delete the address when the configuration file is reloaded.
The broker deletes the address and its queues when the configuration file is reloaded. If there are any messages in the queues, they are removed also.

Type: string

Example: FORCE

Default value: OFF



When the configuration file is reloaded, this setting specifies how the broker handles queues that have been deleted from the configuration file. You can specify the following values:

The broker does not delete the queue when the configuration file is reloaded.
The broker deletes the queue when the configuration file is reloaded. If there are any messages in the queue, they are removed also.

Type: string

Example: FORCE

Default value: OFF



The address to which the broker sends dead (that is, undelivered) messages.

Type: string

Example: DLA

Default value: None



Prefix that the broker applies to the name of an automatically-created dead letter queue.

Type: string

Example: myDLQ.

Default value: DLQ.



Suffix that the broker applies to an automatically-created dead letter queue.

Type: string

Example: .DLQ

Default value: None



Routing type used on automatically-created addresses.

Type: string

Example: ANYCAST

Default value: MULTICAST



Number of consumers needed before message dispatch can begin for queues on an address.

Type: integer

Example: 5

Default value: 0



Default window size, in bytes, for a consumer.

Type: integer

Example: 300000

Default value: 1048576 (1024*1024)



Default time, in milliseconds, that the broker waits before dispatching messages if the value specified for defaultConsumersBeforeDispatch has not been reached.

Type: integer

Example: 5

Default value: -1 (no delay)



Specifies whether all queues on an address are exclusive queues by default.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Number of buckets to use for message grouping.

Type: integer

Example: 0 (message grouping disabled)

Default value: -1 (no limit)



Key used to indicate to a consumer which message in a group is first.

Type: string

Example: firstMessageKey

Default value: None



Specifies whether to rebalance groups when a new consumer connects to the broker.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specifies whether to pause message dispatch while the broker is rebalancing groups.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specifies whether all queues on an address are last value queues by default.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Default key to use for a last value queue.

Type: string

Example: stock_ticker

Default value: None



Maximum number of consumers allowed on a queue at any time.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: -1 (no limit)



Specifies whether all queues on an address are non-destructive by default.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specifies whether the broker purges the contents of a queue once there are no consumers.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Routing type used on automatically-created queues. The default value is MULTICAST.

Type: string

Example: ANYCAST

Default value: MULTICAST



Default ring size for a matching queue that does not have a ring size explicitly set.

Type: integer

Example: 3

Default value: -1 (no size limit)



Specifies whether a configured metrics plugin such as the Prometheus plugin collects metrics for a matching address or set of addresses.

Type: Boolean

Example: false

Default value: true



Address that receives expired messages.

Type: string

Example: myExpiryAddress

Default value: None



Expiration time, in milliseconds, applied to messages that are using the default expiration time.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: -1 (no expiration time applied)



Prefix that the broker applies to the name of an automatically-created expiry queue.

Type: string

Example: myExp.

Default value: EXP.



Suffix that the broker applies to the name of an automatically-created expiry queue.

Type: string

Example: .EXP

Default value: None



Specify whether a queue uses only last values or not.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specify how many messages a management resource can browse.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: 200



String that matches address settings to addresses configured on the broker. You can specify an exact address name or use a wildcard expression to match the address settings to a set of addresses.

If you use a wildcard expression as a value for the match property, you must enclose the value in single quotation marks, for example, 'myAddresses*'.

Type: string

Example: 'myAddresses*'

Default value: None



Specifies how many times the broker attempts to deliver a message before sending the message to the configured dead letter address.

Type: integer

Example: 20

Default value: 10



Expiration time, in milliseconds, applied to messages that are using an expiration time greater than this value.

Type: integer

Example: 20

Default value: -1 (no maximum expiration time applied)



Maximum value, in milliseconds, between message redelivery attempts made by the broker.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: The default value is ten times the value of redeliveryDelay, which has a default value of 0.



Maximum memory size, in bytes, for an address. Used when addressFullPolicy is set to PAGING, BLOCK, or FAIL. Also supports byte notation such as "K", "Mb", and "GB".

Type: string

Example: 10Mb

Default value: -1 (no limit)



Maximum size, in bytes, that an address can reach before the broker begins to reject messages. Used when the address-full-policy is set to BLOCK. Works in combination with maxSizeBytes for the AMQP protocol only.

Type: integer

Example: 500

Default value: -1 (no maximum size)



Number of days for which a broker keeps a message counter history for an address.

Type: integer

Example: 5

Default value: 0



Expiration time, in milliseconds, applied to messages that are using an expiration time lower than this value.

Type: integer

Example: 20

Default value: -1 (no minimum expiration time applied)



Number of page files to keep in memory to optimize I/O during paging navigation.

Type: integer

Example: 10

Default value: 5



Paging size in bytes. Also supports byte notation such as K, Mb, and GB.

Type: string

Example: 20971520

Default value: 10485760 (approximately 10.5 MB)



Time, in milliseconds, that the broker waits before redelivering a cancelled message.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: 0



Multiplying factor to apply to the value of redeliveryDelay.

Type: number

Example: 5

Default value: 1



Multiplying factor to apply to the value of redeliveryDelay to avoid collisions.

Type: number

Example: 1.1

Default value: 0



Time, in milliseconds, that the broker waits after the last consumer is closed on a queue before redistributing any remaining messages.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: -1 (not set)



Number of messages to keep for future queues created on an address.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: 0



Specify whether a message will be sent to the configured dead letter address if it cannot be routed to any queues.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



How often, in seconds, that the broker checks for slow consumers.

Type: integer

Example: 15

Default value: 5



Specifies what happens when a slow consumer is identified. Valid options are KILL or NOTIFY. KILL kills the consumer’s connection, which impacts any client threads using that same connection. NOTIFY sends a CONSUMER_SLOW management notification to the client.

Type: string

Example: KILL

Default value: NOTIFY



Minimum rate of message consumption, in messages per second, before a consumer is considered slow.

Type: integer

Example: 100

Default value: -1 (not set)




When you update the value of version to specify a new target version of AMQ Broker, specify whether to allow the Operator to automatically update the deploymentPlan.image value to a broker container image that corresponds to that version of AMQ Broker.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specify whether to allow the Operator to automatically update the deploymentPlan.image value when you update the value of version from one minor version of AMQ Broker to another, for example, from 7.6.0 to 7.8.5.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false



Specify a target minor version of AMQ Broker for which you want the Operator to automatically update the CR to use a corresponding broker container image. For example, if you change the value of version from 7.6.0 to 7.7.0 (and upgrades.enabled and upgrades.minor are both set to true), then the Operator updates deploymentPlan.image to a broker image of the form

Type: string

Example: 7.7.0

Default value: Current version of AMQ Broker

11.1.2. Address Custom Resource configuration reference

A CR instance based on the address CRD enables you to define addresses and queues for the brokers in your deployment. The following table details the items that you can configure.


Configuration items marked with an asterisk (*) are required in any corresponding Custom Resource (CR) that you deploy. If you do not explicitly specify a value for a non-required item, the configuration uses the default value.

EntryDescription and usage


Address name to be created on broker.

Type: string

Example: address0

Default value: Not specified


Queue name to be created on broker.

Type: string

Example: queue0

Default value: Not specified


Specify whether the Operator removes existing addresses for all brokers in a deployment when you remove the address CR instance for that deployment. The default value is false, which means the Operator does not delete existing addresses when you remove the CR.

Type: Boolean

Example: true

Default value: false


Routing type to be used; anycast or multicast.

Type: string

Example: anycast

Default value: Not specified

11.2. Application template parameters

Configuration of the AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform image is performed by specifying values of application template parameters. You can configure the following parameters:

Table 11.1. Application template parameters


Specifies the addresses available by default on the broker on its startup, in a comma-separated list.


Specifies the anycast prefix applied to the multiplexed protocol ports 61616 and 61617.


Enables clustering.


Specifies the password to use for clustering. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the cluster user to use for clustering. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the secret in which sensitive credentials such as broker user name/password, cluster user name/password, and truststore and keystore passwords are stored.


Specifies the directory for the data. Used in StatefulSets.


Specifies the directory for the data directory logging.


Specifies additional arguments to pass to artemis create.


Specifies the maximum amount of memory that message data can consume. If no value is specified, half of the system’s memory is allocated.


Specifies the SSL keystore file name. If no value is specified, a random password is generated but SSL will not be configured.


(Optional) Specifies the password used to decrypt the SSL keystore. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the directory where the secrets are mounted. The default value is /etc/amq-secret-volume.


For SSL only, specifies the maximum number of connections that an acceptor will accept.


Specifies the multicast prefix applied to the multiplexed protocol ports 61616 and 61617.


Specifies the name of the broker instance. The default value is amq-broker.


Specifies the password used for authentication to the broker. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the messaging protocols used by the broker in a comma-separated list. Available options are amqp, mqtt, openwire, stomp, and hornetq. If none are specified, all protocols are available. Note that for integration of the image with Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, the OpenWire protocol must be specified, while other protocols can be optionally specified as well.


Specifies the queues available by default on the broker on its startup, in a comma-separated list.


If set to true, login is required. If not specified, or set to false, anonymous access is permitted. By default, the value of this parameter is not specified.


Specifies the name for the role created. The default value is amq.


Specifies the SSL truststore file name. If no value is specified, a random password is generated but SSL will not be configured.


(Optional) Specifies the password used to decrypt the SSL truststore. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the user name used for authentication to the broker. The AMQ Broker application templates use the value of this parameter stored in the secret named in AMQ_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.


Specifies the name of the application used internally within OpenShift. It is used in names of services, pods, and other objects within the application.


Specifies the image. Used in the persistence, persistent-ssl, and statefulset-clustered templates.


Specifies the image stream name space. Used in the ssl and basic templates.


Specifies the port number for the OpenShift DNS ping service.


Specifies the name of the OpenShift DNS ping service. The default value is $APPLICATION_NAME-ping if you have specified a value for APPLICATION_NAME. Otherwise, the default value is ping. If you specify a custom value for PING_SVC_NAME, this value overrides the default value. If you want to use templates to deploy multiple broker clusters in the same OpenShift project namespace, you must ensure that PING_SVC_NAME has a unique value for each deployment.


Specifies the size of the persistent storage for database volumes.


If you use broker.xml for a custom configuration, any values specified in that file for the following parameters will override values specified for the same parameters in the your application templates.


11.3. Logging

In addition to viewing the OpenShift logs, you can troubleshoot a running AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform image by viewing the AMQ logs that are output to the container’s console.


  • At the command line, run the following command:
$ oc logs -f <pass:quotes[<pod-name>]> <pass:quotes[<container-name>]>

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Rendre l’open source plus inclusif

Red Hat s'engage à remplacer le langage problématique dans notre code, notre documentation et nos propriétés Web. Pour plus de détails, consultez leBlog Red Hat.

À propos de Red Hat

Nous proposons des solutions renforcées qui facilitent le travail des entreprises sur plusieurs plates-formes et environnements, du centre de données central à la périphérie du réseau.

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