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Appendix B. Using Red Hat Maven repositories

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This section describes how to use Red Hat-provided Maven repositories in your software.

B.1. Using the online repository

Red Hat maintains a central Maven repository for use with your Maven-based projects. For more information, see the repository welcome page.

There are two ways to configure Maven to use the Red Hat repository:

Adding the repository to your Maven settings

This method of configuration applies to all Maven projects owned by your user, as long as your POM file does not override the repository configuration and the included profile is enabled.


  1. Locate the Maven settings.xml file. It is usually inside the .m2 directory in the user home directory. If the file does not exist, use a text editor to create it.

    On Linux or UNIX:


    On Windows:

  2. Add a new profile containing the Red Hat repository to the profiles element of the settings.xml file, as in the following example:

    Example: A Maven settings.xml file containing the Red Hat repository


For more information about Maven configuration, see the Maven settings reference.

Adding the repository to your POM file

To configure a repository directly in your project, add a new entry to the repositories element of your POM file, as in the following example:

Example: A Maven pom.xml file containing the Red Hat repository




For more information about POM file configuration, see the Maven POM reference.

B.2. Using a local repository

Red Hat provides file-based Maven repositories for some of its components. These are delivered as downloadable archives that you can extract to your local filesystem.

To configure Maven to use a locally extracted repository, apply the following XML in your Maven settings or POM file:


${repository-url} must be a file URL containing the local filesystem path of the extracted repository.

Table B.1. Example URLs for local Maven repositories
Operating systemFilesystem pathURL

Linux or UNIX






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