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1.3. Getting Started

This section describes how to configure your OpenShift Enterprise environment and install JBoss A-MQ.

1.3.1. Install the xPaaS Gear Profile on OpenShift Enterprise Nodes

This section describes how to configure OpenShift Enterprise nodes to support JBoss A-MQ gear profiles after you install each node.
Alternatively, you can specify the xPaaS profile when you install each new node to configure the new node with the required gear properties.
You must install the xPaaS gear profile on each node where you intend to deploy the JBoss A-MQ cartridge. The nodes cannot be associated with districts or contain other gears.
  1. Edit the /etc/openshift/resource_limits.conf file.
    • Replace the contents of the file with the contents of the /etc/openshift/resource_limits.conf.xpaas.m3.xlarge file.
    • To prevent memory overcommit, set the maximum number of gears in the max_active_gears property to the number of gears that the node can support. The number of active gears needs to reflect the available RAM and disk space of the node.
  2. Edit the /etc/openshift/node.conf file.
    • Add the following property: PORTS_PER_USER=15
    • Add the following value to the OPENSHIFT_FRONTEND_HTTP_PLUGINS property:
  3. In the /etc/openshift/node-plugins.d/openshift-origin-frontend-haproxy-sni-proxy.conf file, update the list of the PROXY_PORTS property to include ten ports as follows:
  4. Configure your firewall to allow TCP/SSL traffic through the ports that you specified in the PROXY_PORTS property.
    For example, if you use the /etc/sysconfig/iptables to manage your firewall configuration, add the following line before the last instance of the -A INPUT rule:
    -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport <port_number>:<port_number> -j ACCEPT
    The following example shows the port configuration for the ports numbered 2303 to 2313:
    -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 2303:2312 -j ACCEPT
    After you edit this file, run the service iptables reload command to apply the change.
  5. Restart the openshift-sni-proxy service.

1.3.2. Install the JBoss A-MQ Cartridge on OpenShift Enterprise

This section describes how to install the JBoss A-MQ cartridge on OpenShift Enterprise. You must install the cartridge on each node in your OpenShift Enterprise domain, regardless of whether you intend to deploy JBoss A-MQ applications on that node.
The JBoss A-MQ cartridges is shipped as an RPM package in an erratum that you apply in the same way that you apply asynchronous errata updates to OpenShift Enterprise.
For general information about OpenShift errata updates, see the Asynchronous Errata Updates section of the OpenShift Enterprise documentation.
  1. Download the advisory that contains the JBoss A-MQ cartridge. See the OpenShift Enterprise 2 General Advisories page on the Red Hat Customer Portal for a list of all OpenShift Enterprise 2 errata.
  2. On each node, install the cartridge RPM package with yum in the same way you install other OpenShift Enterprise components.
  3. Restart each node with the following command:
    service ruby193-mcollective restart

1.3.3. Configure the OpenShift Enterprise Broker to Support xPaaS Gears

This section describes how to add the xPaaS gear profiles to the OpenShift Enterprise broker and how to create a district for the gear size.
For general information on districts in the OpenShift Enterprise broker, see the Managing Districts section in the OpenShift Enterprise Deployment Guide and Capacity Planning and Districts section in the OpenShift Enterprise Administration Guide.
  1. On the OpenShift Enterprise broker, import the installed cartridges with the following command:
    oo-admin-ctl-cartridge -c import-profile --activate
  2. Edit the /etc/openshift/broker.conf file.
    • Add the value xpaas to the VALID_GEAR_SIZES property.
    • Add the value xpaas to the DEFAULT_GEAR_CAPABILITIES property.
    You must restart the openshift-broker service after you edit this file.
  3. Run the following commands:
    oo-admin-ctl-user -c -l <user_name> --addgearsize xpaas
    Grants existing OpenShift Enterprise users permissions to create xPaaS gears.
    oo-admin-ctl-district -c create -n <district_name> -p xpaas
    Creates a district for the xPaaS nodes.
    oo-admin-ctl-district -c remove-capacity -n <district_name> -s 4000
    Sets the district capacity to a maximum of 2,000 gears.
    oo-admin-ctl-district -c add-node -n <district_name> -i <node_hostname>
    Adds the xPaaS nodes to the district.

1.3.4. Create the JBoss A-MQ Application

You create the JBoss A-MQ application from the OpenShift Enterprise management console or from the command line, in the same way that you create other applications on the node.
For general information on how to create applications in OpenShift Enterprise, see the Creating an Application section in the OpenShift Enterprise documentation.
After succussful creation of A-MQ Application, the terminal displays information for the newly created application. You can use the provided URL to access A-MQ web-based admin console. Enter the login credentials that are provided to you after the application creation.

Choosing the xPaaS gear profile

When you create the JBoss A-MQ application, make sure to specify the xPaaS gear profile:
  • If you create the application from the command line, include the -g xpaas option in the command. For example:
    rhc create-app <app_name> amq-6.2.0 -g xpaas
  • If you create the application from the OpenShift Enterprise management console, choose xPaaS from the Gear Size drop-down list.

1.3.5. Deploy Quickstarts

This section describes how to deploy a JBoss A-MQ quickstart to run in the OpenShift Enterprise domain. Normally, you run the mvn clean install command to build the quickstart. However, in the OpenShift Enterprise domain, you can deploy the quickstart by assigning the quickstart profile to the container. For example, the profile for cbr quickstart is located at:
After you assign the cbr profile, the Camel tab will be activated. You can view the quickstart attributes by clicking Camel tab. The Logs tab will show the messages related to cbr quickstart.
For more information regarding Profiles, see Management Console User Guide.
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