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6.2. Using the Plain JDBC Adapter


This section describes how to use the plain JDBC adapter, which is the recommended adapter to use for most applications.


Example 6.3, “Configuring Red Hat JBoss A-MQ to use the Plain JDBC Persistence Adapter” shows a configuration fragment that configures the plain JDBC adapter to use the Apache Derby database.

Example 6.3. Configuring Red Hat JBoss A-MQ to use the Plain JDBC Persistence Adapter

<beans ... >
  <broker ...>
1  <persistenceAdapter>
2    <jdbcPersistenceAdapter dataSource="#derby-ds" />
3<bean id="derby-ds" class="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDataSource">
    <property name="databaseName" value="derbydb"/>
    <property name="createDatabase" value="create"/>
The persistenceAdapter element wraps the configuration for the JDBC persistence adapter.
The jdbcPersistenceAdapter element specifies that the broker will use the plain JDBC persistence adapter and that the JDBC driver's configuration is specified in a bean element with the ID, derby-ds.
The bean element specified the configuration for the Derby JDBC driver.


Table 6.1, “Attributes for Configuring the Plain JDBC Persistence Adapter” describes the attributes used to configure the plain JDBC persistence adapter.
Table 6.1. Attributes for Configuring the Plain JDBC Persistence Adapter
AttributeDefault ValueDescription
adapter  Specifies the strategy to use when accessing a non-supported database. For more information see the section called “Using generic JDBC providers”.
cleanupPeriod 300000Specifies, in milliseconds, the interval at which acknowledged messages are deleted.
createTablesOnStartup trueSpecifies whether or not new database tables are created when the broker starts. If the database tables already exist, the existing tables are reused.
dataDirectory activemq-dataSpecifies the directory into which the default Derby database writes its files.
dataSource #derbySpecifies the id of the Spring bean storing the JDBC driver's configuration. For more information see the section called “Configuring your JDBC driver”.
transactionIsolationConnection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTEDSpecifies the required transaction isolation level. For allowed values, see java.sql.Connection.
useLocktrueSpecifies in the adapter uses file locking.
lockKeepAlivePeriod30000Specifies the time period, in milliseconds, at which the current time is saved in the locker table to ensure that the lock does not timeout. 0 specifies unlimited time.
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