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Chapter 4. Deprecated features

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This section describes features that are supported, but have been deprecated from AMQ Broker.

ActiveMQArtemisAddress CRD
Starting in 7.12, the ActiveMQArtemisAddress CRD is deprecated. Use the spec.brokerProperties attribute in the ActiveMQArtemis CR to create addresses and queues for your deployment.
ActiveMQArtemisSecurity CRD
Starting in 7.12, the ActiveMQArtemisSecurity CRD is deprecated. Use the spec.brokerProperties attribute in the ActiveMQArtemis CR to configure security for your deployment.
ActiveMQArtemisScaledown CRD
Starting in 7.12, the ActiveMQArtemisScaledown CRD is deprecated. The ActiveMQArtemisScaledown CRD is used internally by the broker, so this change is transparent to AMQ Broker administrators.
Connection pooling for LDAP queries
Starting in 7.12, the connectionPool parameter, which enables connection pooling for LDAP queries, is deprecated. The built-in authorization and authentication caches provide an alternative way to optimize the performance of LDAP queries. For information on customizing the built-in caches, see Configuring authentication and authorization caching.
upgrade attribute in Custom Resource
Starting in 7.11, the upgrade attribute and the associated enabled and minor attributes are deprecated because they cannot work as originally designed. Use the image or version attributes to deploy specific broker container images.
queues configuration element
Starting in 7.10, the <queues> configuration element is deprecated. You can use the <addresses> configuration element to create addresses and associated queues. The <queues> configuration element will be removed in a future release.
getAddressesSettings method
Starting in 7.10, the getAddressesSettings method, which is included in the org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.config.Configuration interface, is deprecated. Use the getAddressSettings method to configure addresses and queues for the broker programatically.
OpenWire protocol
Starting in 7.9, the OpenWire protocol is a deprecated feature. If you are creating a new AMQ Broker-based system, use one of the other supported protocols. Starting with the 8.0 release, the Openwire protocol will be removed from AMQ Broker.
Adding users when broker instance is not running
Starting in 7.8, when an AMQ Broker instance is not running, the ability to add users to the broker from the CLI interface is removed.
Network pinger
Starting in 7.5, network pinging is a deprecated feature. Network pinging cannot protect a broker cluster from network isolation issues that can lead to irrecoverable message loss. This feature will be removed in a future release. Red Hat continues to support existing AMQ Broker deployments that use network pinging. However, Red Hat no longer recommends use of network pinging in new deployments. For guidance on configuring a broker cluster for high availability and to avoid network isolation issues, see Implementing high availability in Configuring AMQ Broker.
Hawtio dispatch console plugin
Starting in 7.3, AMQ Broker no longer ships with the Hawtio dispatch console plugin, dispatch-hawtio-console.war. Previously, the dispatch console was used to manage AMQ Interconnect. However, AMQ Interconnect now uses its own, standalone web console.
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