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Chapter 11. Ansible Automation Platform Resource Operator

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11.1. Resource Operator overview

Resource Operator is a custom resource (CR) that you can deploy after you have created your automation controller deployment. With Resource Operator you can define projects, job templates, and inventories through the use of YAML files. These YAML files are then used by automation controller to create these resources. You can create the YAML through the Form view that prompts you for keys and values for your YAML code. Alternatively, to work with YAML directly, you can select YAML view.

There are currently two custom resources provided by the Resource Operator:

  • AnsibleJob: launches a job in the automation controller instance specified in the Kubernetes secret (automation controller host URL, token).
  • JobTemplate: creates a job template in the automation controller instance specified.

11.2. Using Resource Operator

The Resource Operator itself does not do anything until the user creates an object. As soon as the user creates an AutomationControllerProject or AnsibleJob resource, the Resource Operator will start processing that object.


  • Install the Kubernetes-based cluster of your choice.
  • Deploy automation controller using the automation-controller-operator.

After installing the automation-controller-resource-operator in your cluster, you must create a Kubernetes (k8s) secret with the connection information for your automation controller instance. Then you can use Resource Operator to create a k8s resource to manage your automation controller instance.

11.3. Connecting Resource Operator to automation controller

To connect Resource Operator with automation controller you need to create a k8s secret with the connection information for your automation controller instance.


To create an OAuth2 token for your user in the automation controller UI:

  1. In the navigation panel, select Access Users.
  2. Select the username you want to create a token for.
  3. Click on Tokens, then click Add.
  4. You can leave Applications empty. Add a description and select Read or Write for the Scope.

Alternatively, you can create a OAuth2 token at the command-line by using the create_oauth2_token manage command:

$ controller-manage create_oauth2_token --user example_user
New OAuth2 token for example_user: j89ia8OO79te6IAZ97L7E8bMgXCON2

Make sure you provide a valid user when creating tokens. Otherwise, you will get an error message that you tried to issue the command without specifying a user, or supplying a username that does not exist.

11.4. Creating a automation controller connection secret for Resource Operator

To make your connection information available to the Resource Operator, create a k8s secret with the token and host value.


  1. The following is an example of the YAML for the connection secret. Save the following example to a file, for example, automation-controller-connection-secret.yml.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: controller-access
      type: Opaque
      token: <generated-token>
  2. Edit the file with your host and token value.
  3. Apply it to your cluster by running the kubectl create command:
kubectl create -f controller-connection-secret.yml

11.5. Creating an AnsibleJob

Launch an automation job on automation controller by creating an AnsibleJob resource.


  1. Specify the connection secret and job template you want to launch.

    kind: AnsibleJob
      generateName: demo-job-1 # generate a unique suffix per 'kubectl create'
      connection_secret: controller-access
      job_template_name: Demo Job Template
  2. Configure features such as, inventory, extra variables, and time to live for the job.

      connection_secret: controller-access
      job_template_name: Demo Job Template
      inventory: Demo Inventory                    # Inventory prompt on launch needs to be enabled
      runner_version: latest
      job_ttl: 100
      extra_vars:                                  # Extra variables prompt on launch needs to be enabled
         test_var: test
      job_tags: "provision,install,configuration"  # Specify tags to run
      skip_tags: "configuration,restart"           # Skip tasks with a given tag

    You must enable prompt on launch for inventories and extra variables if you are configuring those. To enable Prompt on launch, within the automation controller UI: From the Resources Templates page, select your template and select the Prompt on launch checkbox next to Inventory and Variables sections.

  3. Launch a workflow job template with an AnsibleJob object by specifying the workflow_template_name instead of job_template_name:

    kind: AnsibleJob
      generateName: demo-job-1 # generate a unique suffix per 'kubectl create'
      connection_secret: controller-access
      workflow_template_name: Demo Workflow Template

11.6. Creating a JobTemplate

  • Create a job template on automation controller by creating a JobTemplate resource:

    kind: JobTemplate
      name: jobtemplate-4
      connection_secret: controller-access
      job_template_name: ExampleJobTemplate4
      job_template_project: Demo Project
      job_template_playbook: hello_world.yml
      job_template_inventory: Demo Inventory
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