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Chapter 2. Setting up credentials for Event-Driven Ansible controller

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Credentials are used by Event-Driven Ansible for authentication when launching rulebooks.

2.1. Setting up credentials

Create a credential to use with a private repository (GitHub or GitLab) or a private container registry.


If you are using a GitHub or GitLab repository, use the basic auth method. Both SCM servers are officially supported. You can use any SCM provider that supports basic auth.


  1. Log in to the Event-Driven Ansible controller Dashboard.
  2. From the navigation panel, select Resources Credentials.
  3. Click Create credential.
  4. Insert the following:

    Insert the name.
    This field is optional.
    Credential type
    The options available are a GitHub personal access token, a GitLab personal access token, or a container registry.
    Insert the username.

    Insert a token that allows you to authenticate to your destination.


    If you are using a container registry, the token field can be a token or a password, depending on the registry provider. If you are using the Ansible Automation Platform hub registry, insert the password for that in the token field.

  5. Click Create credential.

After saving the credential, the credentials details page is displayed. From there or the Credentials list view, you can edit or delete it.

2.2. Credentials list view

On the Credentials page, you can view the list of created credentials that you have created along with the Type of credential.

From the menu bar, you can search for credentials in the Name field.

You also have the following options in the menu bar:

  • Choose which columns are shown in the list view by clicking Manage columns.
  • Choose between a List view or a Card view, by clicking the icons.

2.3. Editing a credential


  1. Edit the credential by using one of these methods:

    • From the Credentials list view, click the Edit credential icon next to the desired credential.
    • From the Credentials list view, select the name of the credential, click Edit credential.
  2. Edit the appropriate details and click Save credential.

2.4. Deleting a credential


  1. Delete the credential by using one of these methods:

    • From the Credentials list view, click the More Actions icon next to the desired credential and click Delete credential.
    • From the Credentials list view, select the name of the credential, click the More Actions icon next to Edit credential, and click Delete credential.
  2. In the pop-up window, select Yes, I confirm that I want to delete this credential.
  3. Click Delete credential.

You can delete multiple credentials at a time by selecting the checkbox next to each credential and clicking the More Actions icon in the menu bar and then clicking Delete selected credentials.

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