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Chapter 2. Adding a User Storage Provider (LDAP/Kerberos) to Ansible Automation Platform Central Authentication

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Ansible Automation Platform Central Authentication comes with a built-in LDAP/AD provider. You can add your LDAP provider to central authentication to be able to import user attributes from your LDAP database.


  • You are logged in as an SSO admin user.


  1. Log in to Ansible Automation Platform Central Authentication as an SSO admin user.
  2. From the navigation panel, select Configure section User Federation.

When using an LDAP User Federation in RH-SSO, a group mapper must be added to the client configuration, ansible-automation-platform, to expose the identity provider (IDP) groups to the SAML authentication. Refer to OIDC Token and SAML Assertion Mappings for more information on SAML assertion mappers.

  1. From the Add provider list, select your LDAP provider to proceed to the LDAP configuration page.

The following table lists the available options for your LDAP configuration:

Configuration Option


Storage mode

Set to On if you want to import users into the central authentication user database. See Storage Mode for more information.

Edit mode

Determines the types of modifications that admins can make on user metadata. See Edit Mode for more information.

Console Display Name

Name used when this provider is referenced in the admin console


The priority of this provider when looking up users or adding a user

Sync Registrations

Enable if you want new users created by Ansible Automation Platform Central Authentication in the admin console or the registration page to be added to LDAP

Allow Kerberos authentication

Enable Kerberos/SPNEGO authentication in the realm with users data provisioned from LDAP. See Kerberos for more information.

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