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Chapter 1. Apicurio Registry Operator quickstart

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You can quickly install the Apicurio Registry Operator on the command line by using Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs).

The quickstart example deploys your Apicurio Registry instance with storage in an SQL database:


The recommended installation option for production environments is the OpenShift OperatorHub. The recommended storage option is an SQL database for performance, stability, and data management.

1.1. Quickstart Apicurio Registry Operator installation

You can quickly install and deploy the Apicurio Registry Operator on the command line, without the Operator Lifecycle Manager, by using a downloaded set of installation files and example CRDs.


  • You are logged in to an OpenShift cluster with administrator access.
  • You have the OpenShift oc command-line client installed. For more details, see the OpenShift CLI documentation.


  1. Browse to Red Hat Software Downloads, select the product version, and download the examples in the Apicurio Registry CRDs .zip file.
  2. Extract the downloaded CRDs .zip file and change to the apicurio-registry-install-examples directory.
  3. Create an OpenShift project for the Apicurio Registry Operator installation, for example:

    export NAMESPACE="apicurio-registry"
    oc new-project "$NAMESPACE"
  4. Enter the following command to apply the example CRD in the install/install.yaml file:

    cat install/install.yaml | sed "s/apicurio-registry-operator-namespace/$NAMESPACE/g" | oc apply -f -
  5. Enter oc get deployment to check the readiness of the Apicurio Registry Operator. For example, the output should be as follows:

    NAME                     	READY   UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE   AGE
    apicurio-registry-operator  1/1 	1        	1       	XmYs

1.2. Quickstart Apicurio Registry instance deployment

To create your Apicurio Registry instance deployment, use the SQL database storage option to connect to an existing PostgreSQL database.


  • Ensure that the Apicurio Registry Operator is installed.
  • You have a PostgreSQL database that is reachable from your OpenShift cluster.


  1. Open the examples/apicurioregistry_sql_cr.yaml file in an editor and view the ApicurioRegistry custom resource (CR):

    Example CR for SQL storage

    kind: ApicurioRegistry
      name: example-apicurioregistry-sql
        persistence: "sql"
            url: "jdbc:postgresql://<service name>.<namespace>.svc:5432/<database name>"
            userName: "postgres"
            password: "<password>" # Optional

  2. In the dataSource section, replace the example settings with your database connection details. For example:

        url: "jdbc:postgresql://postgresql.apicurio-registry.svc:5432/registry"
        userName: "pgadmin"
        password: "pgpass"
  3. Enter the following commands to apply the updated ApicurioRegistry CR in the namespace with the Apicurio Registry Operator, and wait for the Apicurio Registry instance to deploy:

    oc project "$NAMESPACE"
    oc apply -f ./examples/apicurioregistry_sql_cr.yaml
  4. Enter oc get deployment to check the readiness of the Apicurio Registry instance. For example, the output should be as follows:

    NAME                     	        READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE
    example-apicurioregistry-sql-deployment 1/1   1          1         XmYs
  5. Enter oc get routes to get the HOST/PORT URL to launch the Apicurio Registry web console in your browser. For example:
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