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Chapter 1. Overview of the sidecar container

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Cryostat supports sidecar containers, so you can use a sidecar container to generate automated analysis reports.

Before Cryostat 2.3, you had to rely on the main Cryostat container to generate automated analysis reports. This approach is resource intensive and could impact the performance of running your Cryostat application because you might need to provision additional resources for the main Cryostat container.

By generating automated analysis reports in the sidecar report container, you can efficiently use the Red Hat build of Cryostat Operator to provision resources for your Cryostat application. This provides your Cryostat container with a lower resource footprint, because the Cryostat instance that interacts with the target applications can focus on running low-overhead operations over HTTP and JMX connections.

Additionally, you can duplicate a sidecar report container and then configure this duplicated container to meet your needs.

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