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Chapter 2. New features

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Cryostat 2.3 introduces new features that enhance your use of the Cryostat product.

Connection to GraalVM Native Images

From Cryostat 2.3.1 onward, Cryostat can connect to GraalVM Native Images over Java Management Extensions (JMX). This feature requires that the target applications are built with GraalVM or Mandrel 23.0 or later. You must also ensure that the target applications are correctly configured to support connections to Cryostat over JMX.

Cross-namespace target application discovery

In Cryostat 2.3, you can deploy a Cryostat instance that services multiple Red Hat OpenShift namespaces. The Red Hat build of Cryostat Operator introduces the Cluster Cryostat API, which you can use to create Cryostat instances that work across multiple namespaces.

Users who can access the multi-namespace Cryostat instance have access to all target applications in any namespace that is visible to that Cryostat instance. Therefore, when you deploy a multi-namespace Cryostat instance, you must consider which namespaces to select for monitoring, which namespace to install Cryostat into, and the users to which you want to grant access.

Topology view

In Cryostat 2.3, a new view is introduced to help you view and perform actions on your target Java Virtual Machines (JVM)s. The Topology view provides a visual representation of the target JVMs and all the resources that are associated with those JVMs. You can view your deployment scenarios on Cryostat and verify that your deployments are as you expect.

You can customize the Topology view according to your requirements. For example, you can switch from a graph display to a list display and use filters to specify the information that you want to show.

You can also use the Topology view to perform actions on one or more target applications at the same time. You can select a pod or a deployment and, by clicking the Actions menu, you can run various actions, for example, starting or stopping recordings, on all target applications in the selection.

QuickStart guides and guided tour

In Cryostat 2.3, Quick Start guides and an interactive guided tour are delivered to help you get started with Cryostat and learn more about its features and capabilities.

The Quick Start guides provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform tasks, such as starting a recording, using the Cryostat dashboard, or getting started with automated rules.

Cryostat 2.3 also delivers an interactive guided tour to help you navigate the Cryostat user interface (UI) and learn how to perform specific tasks. The tour guides you through the Cryostat UI, the navigation menus and the available functions. The tour opens automatically the first time you start Cryostat 2.3, however, you can skip or restart the tour at any time.

You access the Quick Start guides and the guided tour from the upper right corner of the Cryostat UI by clicking the "?" icon.

Cryostat agent

Cryostat 2.3 introduces a new Java instrumentation agent to help you detect and monitor your target JVM applications. The Cryostat agent is an HTTP API that acts as a plug-in for applications that run on the JVM and retrieves a wide range of information from the applications for analysis by Cryostat.

Previously, Cryostat required target applications to expose a Java Management Extensions (JMX) port. Cryostat then communicated with the application JVMs over this JMX port to start and stop Java Flight Recorder (JFR) recordings and to pull JFR data over the network.

The new Cryostat agent retrieves JFR data from the JVM and sends it back to Cryostat over HTTP. The agent exposes only a small, read-only HTTP API, making it easier to audit and secure than a JMX port.

Customizable features on the Cryostat dashboard

Cryostat 2.3 introduces several new features to enhance the Cryostat dashboard to help users view important information about their target JVMs. The following new features are delivered:

  • Dashboard cards to display information and metrics about your connected JVMs in a chart format. You can switch between different card configurations, which enable you to quickly access and analyze the most relevant data.
  • Layout templates to help you customize the dashboard layout according to your requirements. You can create custom views that highlight the specific metrics or information that you want to focus on. You can also switch between different views and do not need to modify your dashboard each time you want to view different information.
  • Ability to view static and dynamic information about your connected JVMs
  • New dashboard card view for displaying and accessing Automated analysis reports.

With these new features, you can better customize the dashboard to suit your requirements and have more flexibility in monitoring and analyzing your Java applications.

Label to denote beta features

In Cryostat 2.3, a new label is available to highlight beta features. You can use this label if you want to be aware of and preview any beta features. A beta feature might not yet be functionally complete and ready to use in production.

To be able to preview beta features, you can set this flag from the Settings view. On the Settings view, click Advanced and, from the Feature level menu, select Beta.

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