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Chapter 5. Changes in microservices patterns

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This section explains the changes in microservices patterns.

5.1. Changes in Eclipse Vert.x circuit breaker

The following section describes the changes in Eclipse Vert.x circuit breaker.

5.1.1. Removed execute command methods in circuit breaker

The following methods have been removed from the CircuitBreaker class because they cannot be used with futures.

Removed methodsReplacing methods





5.2. Changes in Eclipse Vert.x service discovery

The following section describes the changes in Eclipse Vert.x service discovery.

5.2.1. Removed create methods from service discovery that contain ServiceDiscovery argument

The following create methods in service discovery that have Handler<AmqpMessage> as an argument have been removed. These methods cannot be used with futures.

Removed methodsReplacing methods

ServiceDiscovery.create(…​, Handler<ServiceDiscovery> completionHandler)


ServiceDiscovery.create(…​, Handler<ServiceDiscovery> completionHandler)

ServiceDiscovery.create(Vertx, ServiceDiscoveryOptions)

5.2.2. Service importer and exporter methods are no longer fluent

The ServiceDiscovery.registerServiceImporter() and ServiceDiscovery.registerServiceExporter() methods are no longer fluent. The methods return Future<Void>.

5.2.3. Kubernetes service importer is no longer registered automatically

The vertx-service-discovery-bridge-kubernetes adds the KubernetesServiceImporter discovery bridge. The bridge imports services from Kubernetes or Openshift into the Eclipse Vert.x service discovery.

From Eclipse Vert.x 4, this bridge is no longer registered automatically. Even if you have added the bridge in the classpath of your Maven project, it will not be automatically registered.

You must manually register the bridge after creating the ServiceDiscovery instance.

The following example shows you how to manually register the bridge.

JsonObject defaultConf = new JsonObject();
serviceDiscovery.registerServiceImporter(new KubernetesServiceImporter(), defaultConf);
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