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Chapter 6. Dynamic storage using the LVMS plugin

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MicroShift enables dynamic storage provisioning that is ready for immediate use with the logical volume manager storage (LVMS) Container Storage Interface (CSI) provider. The LVMS plugin is the Red Hat downstream version of TopoLVM, a CSI plugin for managing logical volume management (LVM) logical volumes (LVs) for Kubernetes.

LVMS provisions new LVM logical volumes for container workloads with appropriately configured persistent volume claims (PVCs). Each PVC references a storage class that represents an LVM Volume Group (VG) on the host node. LVs are only provisioned for scheduled pods.

6.1. LVMS system requirements

Using LVMS in MicroShift requires the following system specifications.

6.1.1. Volume group name

If you did not configure LVMS in an lvmd.yaml file placed in the /etc/microshift/ directory, MicroShift attempts to assign a default volume group (VG) dynamically by running the vgs command.

  • MicroShift assigns a default VG when only one VG is found.
  • If more than one VG is present, the VG named microshift is assigned as the default.
  • If a VG named microshift does not exist, LVMS is not deployed.

If there are no volume groups on the MicroShift host, LVMS is disabled.

If you want to use a specific VG, LVMS must be configured to select that VG. You can change the default name of the VG in the configuration file. For details, read the "Configuring the LVMS" section of this document.

You can change the default name of the VG in the configuration file. For details, read the "Configuring the LVMS" section of this document.

After MicroShift starts, you can update the lvmd.yaml to include or remove VGs. To implement changes, you must restart MicroShift. If the lvmd.yaml is deleted, MicroShift attempts to find a default VG again.

6.1.2. Volume size increments

The LVMS provisions storage in increments of 1 gigabyte (GB). Storage requests are rounded up to the nearest GB. When the capacity of a VG is less than 1 GB, the PersistentVolumeClaim registers a ProvisioningFailed event, for example:

Example output

Warning  ProvisioningFailed    3s (x2 over 5s)  topolvm.cybozu.com_topolvm-controller-858c78d96c-xttzp_0fa83aef-2070-4ae2-bcb9-163f818dcd9f failed to provision volume with
StorageClass "topolvm-provisioner": rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = no enough space left on VG: free=(BYTES_INT), requested=(BYTES_INT)

6.2. LVMS deployment

LVMS is automatically deployed on to the cluster in the openshift-storage namespace after MicroShift starts.

LVMS uses StorageCapacity tracking to ensure that pods with an LVMS PVC are not scheduled if the requested storage is greater than the free storage of the volume group. For more information about StorageCapacity tracking, read Storage Capacity.

6.3. Limitations to configure the size of the devices used in LVM Storage

The limitations to configure the size of the devices that you can use to provision storage using LVM Storage are as follows:

  • The total storage size that you can provision is limited by the size of the underlying Logical Volume Manager (LVM) thin pool and the over-provisioning factor.
  • The size of the logical volume depends on the size of the Physical Extent (PE) and the Logical Extent (LE).

    • You can define the size of PE and LE during the physical and logical device creation.
    • The default PE and LE size is 4 MB.
    • If the size of the PE is increased, the maximum size of the LVM is determined by the kernel limits and your disk space.
    • The size limit for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9 using the default PE and LE size is 8 EB.
    • The following are the minimum storage sizes that you can request for each file system type:

      • block: 8 MiB
      • xfs: 300 MiB
      • ext4: 32 MiB

6.4. Creating an LVMS configuration file

When MicroShift runs, it uses LVMS configuration from /etc/microshift/lvmd.yaml, if provided. You must place any configuration files that you create into the /etc/microshift/ directory.


  • To create the lvmd.yaml configuration file, run the following command:

    $ sudo cp /etc/microshift/lvmd.yaml.default /etc/microshift/lvmd.yaml

6.5. Basic LVMS configuration example

MicroShift supports passing through your LVM configuration and allows you to specify custom volume groups, thin volume provisioning parameters, and reserved unallocated volume group space. You can edit the LVMS configuration file you created at any time. You must restart MicroShift to deploy configuration changes after editing the file.


If you need to take volume snapshots, you must use thin provisioning in your lvmd.conf file. If you do not need to take volume snapshots, you can use thick volumes.

The following lvmd.yaml example file shows a basic LVMS configuration:

LVMS configuration example

socket-name: 1
device-classes: 2
  - name: "default" 3
    volume-group: "VGNAMEHERE" 4
    spare-gb: 0 5
    default: 6

String. The UNIX domain socket endpoint of gRPC. Defaults to '/run/lvmd/lvmd.socket'.
A list of maps for the settings for each device-class.
String. The name of the device-class.
String. The group where the device-class creates the logical volumes.
Unsigned 64-bit integer. Storage capacity in GB to be left unallocated in the volume group. Defaults to 0.
Boolean. Indicates that the device-class is used by default. Defaults to false. At least one value must be entered in the YAML file values when this is set to true.

A race condition prevents LVMS from accurately tracking the allocated space and preserving the spare-gb for a device class when multiple PVCs are created simultaneously. Use separate volume groups and device classes to protect the storage of highly dynamic workloads from each other.

6.6. Using the LVMS

The LVMS StorageClass is deployed with a default StorageClass. Any PersistentVolumeClaim objects without a .spec.storageClassName defined automatically has a PersistentVolume provisioned from the default StorageClass. Use the following procedure to provision and mount a logical volume to a pod.


  • To provision and mount a logical volume to a pod, run the following command:

    $ cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
      name: my-lv-pvc
      - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 1G
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: my-pod
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx
        command: ["/usr/bin/sh", "-c"]
        args: ["sleep", "1h"]
        - mountPath: /mnt
          name: my-volume
          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
              - ALL
          runAsNonRoot: true
            type: RuntimeDefault
        - name: my-volume
            claimName: my-lv-pvc

6.6.1. Device classes

You can create custom device classes by adding a device-classes array to your logical volume manager storage (LVMS) configuration. Add the array to the /etc/microshift/lvmd.yaml configuration file. A single device class must be set as the default. You must restart MicroShift for configuration changes to take effect.


Removing a device class while there are still persistent volumes or VolumeSnapshotContent objects connected to that device class breaks both thick and thin provisioning.

You can define multiple device classes in the device-classes array. These classes can be a mix of thick and thin volume configurations.

Example of a mixed device-class array

socket-name: /run/topolvm/lvmd.sock
  - name: ssd
    volume-group: ssd-vg
    spare-gb: 0 1
    default: true
  - name: hdd
    volume-group: hdd-vg
    spare-gb: 0
  - name: thin
    spare-gb: 0
      name: thin
      overprovision-ratio: 10
    type: thin
    volume-group: ssd
  - name: striped
    volume-group: multi-pv-vg
    spare-gb: 0
    stripe: 2
    stripe-size: "64"

When you set the spare capacity to anything other than 0, more space can be allocated than expected.
Extra arguments to pass to the lvcreate command, such as --type=<type>. Neither MicroShift nor the LVMS verifies lvcreate-options values. These optional values are passed as is to the lvcreate command. Ensure that the options specified here are correct.
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