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Chapter 2. Troubleshooting a cluster

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To begin troubleshooting a MicroShift cluster, first access the cluster status.

2.1. Checking the status of a cluster

You can check the status of a MicroShift cluster or see active pods. Given in the following procedure are three different commands you can use to check cluster status. You can choose to run one, two, or all commands to help you get the information you need to troubleshoot the cluster.


  • Check the system status, which returns the cluster status, by running the following command:

    $ sudo systemctl status microshift

    If MicroShift fails to start, this command returns the logs from the previous run.

    Example healthy output

    ● microshift.service - MicroShift
         Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/microshift.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
         Active: active (running) since <day> <date> 12:39:06 UTC; 47min ago
       Main PID: 20926 (microshift)
          Tasks: 14 (limit: 48063)
         Memory: 542.9M
            CPU: 2min 41.185s
         CGroup: /system.slice/microshift.service
                 └─20926 microshift run
    <Month-Day> 13:23:06 i-06166fbb376f14a8b.<hostname> microshift[20926]: kube-apiserver I0528 13:23:06.876001   20926 controll>
    <Month-Day> 13:23:06 i-06166fbb376f14a8b.<hostname> microshift[20926]: kube-apiserver I0528 13:23:06.876574   20926 controll>
    # ...

  • Optional: Get comprehensive logs by running the following command:

    $ sudo journalctl -u microshift

    The default configuration of the systemd journal service stores data in a volatile directory. To persist system logs across system starts and restarts, enable log persistence and set limits on the maximum journal data size.

  • Optional: If MicroShift is running, check the status of active pods by entering the following command:

    $ oc get pods -A

    Example output

    NAMESPACE                   NAME                                                     READY   STATUS   RESTARTS  AGE
    default                     i-06166fbb376f14a8bus-west-2computeinternal-debug-qtwcr  1/1     Running  0		    46m
    kube-system                 csi-snapshot-controller-5c6586d546-lprv4                 1/1     Running  0		    51m
    kube-system                 csi-snapshot-webhook-6bf8ddc7f5-kz6k9                    1/1     Running  0		    51m
    openshift-dns               dns-default-45jl7                                        2/2     Running  0		    50m
    openshift-dns               node-resolver-7wmzf                                      1/1     Running  0		    51m
    openshift-ingress           router-default-78b86fbf9d-qvj9s                          1/1     Running  0		    51m
    openshift-ovn-kubernetes    ovnkube-master-5rfhh                                     4/4     Running  0		    51m
    openshift-ovn-kubernetes    ovnkube-node-gcnt6                                       1/1     Running  0		    51m
    openshift-service-ca        service-ca-bf5b7c9f8-pn6rk                               1/1     Running  0		    51m
    openshift-storage           topolvm-controller-549f7fbdd5-7vrmv                      5/5     Running  0		    51m
    openshift-storage           topolvm-node-rht2m                                       3/3     Running  0		    50m


    This example output shows basic MicroShift. If you have installed optional RPMs, the status of pods running those services is also expected to be shown in your output.

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