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Appendix B. S3 common response status codes
The following table lists the valid common HTTP response status and its corresponding code.
HTTP Status | Response Code |
| Continue |
| Success |
| Created |
| Accepted |
| NoContent |
| Partial content |
| NotModified |
| InvalidArgument |
| InvalidDigest |
| BadDigest |
| InvalidBucketName |
| InvalidObjectName |
| UnresolvableGrantByEmailAddress |
| InvalidPart |
| InvalidPartOrder |
| RequestTimeout |
| EntityTooLarge |
| AccessDenied |
| UserSuspended |
| RequestTimeTooSkewed |
| NoSuchKey |
| NoSuchBucket |
| NoSuchUpload |
| MethodNotAllowed |
| RequestTimeout |
| BucketAlreadyExists |
| BucketNotEmpty |
| MissingContentLength |
| PreconditionFailed |
| InvalidRange |
| UnprocessableEntity |
| InternalError |