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Chapter 7. Known issues
This section documents known issues found in this release of Red Hat Ceph Storage.
7.1. Ceph Management Dashboard
Disk AVG utilization panel shows N/A on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard
The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard displays a value of N/A on the Overall host performance AVG disk utilization panel thereby showing incorrect Grafana queries.
7.2. Ceph Object Gateway
Lifecycle processing stuck in “PROCESSING” state for a given bucket
If a Ceph Object Gateway server is unexpectedly restarted when the lifecycle processing is in progress for a given bucket, that bucket does not resume processing lifecycle work for at least two scheduling cycles and is stuck in “PROCESSING” state. This is an expected behavior as it is intended to avoid multiple Ceph Object gateway instances or threads from processing the same bucket simultaneously, especially when the debugging is in progress in production. For future releases, the lifecycle processing shall restart on the following day, when debugging is not enabled.
7.3. The Ceph Ansible utility
Ceph containers fails during startup
The new deployment of Red Hat Ceph Storage-4.3.z1 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux-8.7 (or higher) or Upgrade of Red Hat Ceph Storage-4.3.z1 to 5.X with host OS as Red Hat Enterprise Linux-8.7(or higher) fails at TASK [ceph-mgr : wait for all mgr to be up]
. The behavior of podman
released with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7 had changed with respect to SELinux relabeling. Due to this, depending on their startup order, some Ceph containers would fail to start as they would not have access to the files they needed.
As a workaround, refer to the knowledge base RHCS 4.3 installation fails while executing the command `ceph mgr dump`