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Chapter 4. Basic configuration

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As a storage administrator, learning the basics of configuring the Ceph Object Gateway is important. You can learn about the defaults and the embedded web server called Beast. For troubleshooting issues with the Ceph Object Gateway, you can adjust the logging and debugging output generated by the Ceph Object Gateway. Also, you can provide a High-Availability proxy for storage cluster access using the Ceph Object Gateway.


  • A running, and healthy Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Installation of the Ceph Object Gateway software package.

4.1. Add a wildcard to the DNS

You can add the wildcard such as hostname to the DNS record of the DNS server.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Ceph Object Gateway installed.
  • Root-level access to the admin node.


  1. To use Ceph with S3-style subdomains, add a wildcard to the DNS record of the DNS server that the ceph-radosgw daemon uses to resolve domain names:


    For dnsmasq, add the following address setting with a dot (.) prepended to the host name:





    For bind, add a wildcard to the DNS record:


    $TTL    604800
    @       IN      SOA     gateway-host01. root.gateway-host01. (
                                  2         ; Serial
                             604800         ; Refresh
                              86400         ; Retry
                            2419200         ; Expire
                             604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
    @       IN      NS      gateway-host01.
    @       IN      A
    *       IN      CNAME   @

  2. Restart the DNS server and ping the server with a subdomain to ensure that the ceph-radosgw daemon can process the subdomain requests:


    ping mybucket.HOSTNAME


    [root@host01 ~]# ping mybucket.gateway-host01

  3. If the DNS server is on the local machine, you might need to modify /etc/resolv.conf by adding a nameserver entry for the local machine.
  4. Add the host name in the Ceph Object Gateway zone group:

    1. Get the zone group:


      radosgw-admin zonegroup get --rgw-zonegroup=ZONEGROUP_NAME > zonegroup.json


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zonegroup get --rgw-zonegroup=us > zonegroup.json

    2. Take a back-up of the JSON file:


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# cp zonegroup.json zonegroup.backup.json

    3. View the zonegroup.json file:


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# cat zonegroup.json
          "id": "d523b624-2fa5-4412-92d5-a739245f0451",
          "name": "asia",
          "api_name": "asia",
          "is_master": "true",
          "endpoints": [],
          "hostnames": [],
          "hostnames_s3website": [],
          "master_zone": "d2a3b90f-f4f3-4d38-ac1f-6463a2b93c32",
          "zones": [
                  "id": "d2a3b90f-f4f3-4d38-ac1f-6463a2b93c32",
                  "name": "india",
                  "endpoints": [],
                  "log_meta": "false",
                  "log_data": "false",
                  "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
                  "read_only": "false",
                  "tier_type": "",
                  "sync_from_all": "true",
                  "sync_from": [],
                  "redirect_zone": ""
          "placement_targets": [
                  "name": "default-placement",
                  "tags": [],
                  "storage_classes": [
          "default_placement": "default-placement",
          "realm_id": "d7e2ad25-1630-4aee-9627-84f24e13017f",
          "sync_policy": {
              "groups": []

    4. Update the zonegroup.json file with new host name:


      "hostnames": ["host01", "host02","host03"],

    5. Set the zone group back in the Ceph Object Gateway:


      radosgw-admin zonegroup set --rgw-zonegroup=ZONEGROUP_NAME --infile=zonegroup.json


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zonegroup set --rgw-zonegroup=us --infile=zonegroup.json

    6. Update the period:


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

    7. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway so that the DNS setting takes effect.

Additional Resources

4.2. The Beast front-end web server

The Ceph Object Gateway provides Beast, a C/C embedded front-end web server. Beast uses the `Boost.Beast` C library to parse HTTP, and Boost.Asio for asynchronous network I/O.

Additional Resources

4.3. Beast configuration options

The following Beast configuration options can be passed to the embedded web server in the Ceph configuration file for the RADOS Gateway. Each option has a default value. If a value is not specified, the default value is empty.


endpoint and ssl_endpoint

Sets the listening address in the form address[:port] where the address is an IPv4 address string in dotted decimal form, or an IPv6 address in hexadecimal notation surrounded by square brackets. The optional port defaults to 8080 for endpoint and 443 for ssl_endpoint. It can be specified multiple times as in endpoint=[::1] endpoint=



Path to the SSL certificate file used for SSL-enabled endpoints.



Optional path to the private key file used for SSL-enabled endpoints. If one is not given the file specified by ssl_certificate is used as the private key.



Performance optimization in some environments.


Example /etc/ceph/ceph.conf file with Beast options using SSL:


rgw frontends = beast ssl_endpoint= ssl_certificate=<path to SSL certificate>


By default, the Beast front end writes an access log line recording all requests processed by the server to the RADOS Gateway log file.

Additional Resources

4.4. Configuring SSL for Beast

You can configure the Beast front-end web server to use the OpenSSL library to provide Transport Layer Security (TLS). To use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) with Beast, you need to obtain a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA) that matches the hostname of the Ceph Object Gateway node. Beast also requires the secret key, server certificate, and any other CA in a single .pem file.


Prevent unauthorized access to the .pem file, because it contains the secret key hash.


Red Hat recommends obtaining a certificate from a CA with the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field, and a wildcard for use with S3-style subdomains.


Red Hat recommends only using SSL with the Beast front-end web server for small to medium sized test environments. For production environments, you must use HAProxy and keepalived to terminate the SSL connection at the HAProxy.

If the Ceph Object Gateway acts as a client and a custom certificate is used on the server, you can inject a custom CA by importing it on the node and then mapping the etc/pki directory into the container with the extra_container_args parameter in the Ceph Object Gateway specification file.


  • A running, and healthy Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Installation of the Ceph Object Gateway software package.
  • Installation of the OpenSSL software package.
  • Root-level access to the Ceph Object Gateway node.


  1. Create a new file named rgw.yml in the current directory:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# touch rgw.yml

  2. Open the rgw.yml file for editing, and customize it for the environment:


    service_type: rgw
    service_id: SERVICE_ID
    service_name: SERVICE_NAME
      - HOST_NAME
      ssl: true
      rgw_frontend_ssl_certificate: CERT_HASH


    service_type: rgw
    service_id: foo
      - host01
      ssl: true
      rgw_frontend_ssl_certificate: |
        -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----

  3. Deploy the Ceph Object Gateway using the service specification file:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch apply -i rgw.yml

4.5. D3N data cache

Datacenter-Data-Delivery Network (D3N) uses high-speed storage, such as NVMe, to cache datasets on the access side. Such caching allows big data jobs to use the compute and fast-storage resources available on each Rados Gateway node at the edge. The Rados Gateways act as cache servers for the back-end object store (OSDs), storing data locally for reuse.


Each time the Rados Gateway is restarted the content of the cache directory is purged.

4.5.1. Adding D3N cache directory

To enable D3N cache on RGW, you need to also include the D3N cache directory in podman


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Ceph Object Gateway installed.
  • Root-level access to the admin node.
  • A fast NVMe drive in each RGW node to serve as the local cache storage.


  1. Create a mount point for the NVMe drive.


    mkfs.ext4 nvme-drive-path


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1
    mount /dev/nvme0n1 /mnt/nvme0n1/

  2. Create a cache directory path.


    mkdir <nvme-mount-path>/cache-directory-name


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# mkdir /mnt/nvme0n1/rgw_datacache

  3. Provide a+rwx permission to nvme-mount-path and rgw_d3n_l1_datacache_persistent_path.


    chmod a+rwx nvme-mount-path ; chmod a+rwx rgw_d3n_l1_datacache_persistent_path


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# chmod a+rwx /mnt/nvme0n1 ; chmod a+rwx /mnt/nvme0n1/rgw_datacache/

  4. Create/Modify a RGW specification file with extra_container_args to add rgw_d3n_l1_datacache_persistent_path into podman




    [ceph: root@host01 /]# cat rgw-spec.yml
    	service_type: rgw
    	service_id: rgw.test


    If there are multiple instances of RGW in a single host, then a separate rgw_d3n_l1_datacache_persistent_path has to be created for each instance and add each path in extra_container_args.


    For two instances of RGW in each host, create two separate cache-directory under rgw_d3n_l1_datacache_persistent_path: /mnt/nvme0n1/rgw_datacache/rgw1 and /mnt/nvme0n1/rgw_datacache/rgw2

    Example for "extra_container_args" in rgw specification file:


    Example for rgw-spec.yml::

    [ceph: root@host01 /]# cat rgw-spec.yml
    	service_type: rgw
    		service_id: rgw.test
    			count_per_host: 2
  5. Redeploy the RGW service:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch apply -i rgw-spec.yml

4.5.2. Configuring D3N on rados gateway

You can configure the D3N data cache on an existing RGW to improve the performance of big-data jobs running in Red Hat Ceph Storage clusters.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Ceph Object Gateway installed.
  • Root-level access to the admin node.
  • A fast NVMe to serve as the cache storage.

Adding the required D3N-related configuration

To enable D3N on an existing RGW, the following configuration needs to be set for each Rados Gateways client :


# ceph config set <client.rgw> <CONF-OPTION> <VALUE>

  • rgw_d3n_l1_local_datacache_enabled=true
  • rgw_d3n_l1_datacache_persistent_path=path to the cache directory



  • rgw_d3n_l1_datacache_size=max_size_of_cache_in_bytes



Example procedure

  1. Create a test object:


    The test object needs to be larger than 4 MB to cache.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# fallocate -l 1G ./1G.dat
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# s3cmd mb s3://bkt
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# s3cmd put ./1G.dat s3://bkt

  2. Perform GET of an object:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# s3cmd get s3://bkt/1G.dat /dev/shm/1G_get.dat
    download: 's3://bkt/1G.dat' -> './1G_get.dat'  [1 of 1]
    1073741824 of 1073741824   100% in   13s    73.94 MB/s  done

  3. Verify cache creation. Cache will be created with the name consisting of object key-name within a configured rgw_d3n_l1_datacache_persistent_path.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ls -lh /mnt/nvme/rgw_datacache
    rw-rr. 1 ceph ceph 1.0M Jun  2 06:18 cc7f967c-0021-43b2-9fdf-23858e868663.615391.1_shadow.ZCiCtMWeu_19wb100JIEZ-o4tv2IyA_1

  4. Once the cache is created for an object, the next GET operation for that object will access from cache resulting in faster access.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# s3cmd get s3://bkt/1G.dat /dev/shm/1G_get.dat
    download: 's3://bkt/1G.dat' -> './1G_get.dat'  [1 of 1]
    1073741824 of 1073741824   100% in    6s   155.07 MB/s  done

    In the above example, to demonstrate the cache acceleration, we are writing to RAM drive (/dev/shm).

Additional Resources

4.6. Adjusting logging and debugging output

Once you finish the setup procedure, check your logging output to ensure it meets your needs. By default, the Ceph daemons log to journald, and you can view the logs using the journalctl command. Alternatively, you can also have the Ceph daemons log to files, which are located under the /var/log/ceph/CEPH_CLUSTER_ID/ directory.


Verbose logging can generate over 1 GB of data per hour. This type of logging can potentially fill up the operating system’s disk, causing the operating system to stop functioning.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Installation of the Ceph Object Gateway software.


  1. Set the following parameter to increase the Ceph Object Gateway logging output:


    ceph config set client.rgw debug_rgw VALUE


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw debug_rgw 20

    1. You can also modify these settings at runtime:


      ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-client.rgw.NAME.asok config set debug_rgw VALUE


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-client.rgw.rgw.asok config set debug_rgw 20

  2. Optionally, you can configure the Ceph daemons to log their output to files. Set the log_to_file, and mon_cluster_log_to_file options to true:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set global log_to_file true
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set global mon_cluster_log_to_file true

Additional Resources

4.7. Static web hosting

As a storage administrator, you can configure the Ceph Object Gateway to host static websites in S3 buckets. Traditional website hosting involves configuring a web server for each website, which can use resources inefficiently when content does not change dynamically. For example, sites that do not use server-side services like PHP, servlets, databases, nodejs, and the like. This approach is substantially more economical than setting up virtual machines with web servers for each site.


  • A healthy, running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.

4.7.1. Static web hosting assumptions

Static web hosting requires at least one running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, and at least two Ceph Object Gateway instances for the static web sites. Red Hat assumes that each zone will have multiple gateway instances using a load balancer, such as high-availability (HA) Proxy and keepalived.


Red Hat DOES NOT support using a Ceph Object Gateway instance to deploy both standard S3/Swift APIs and static web hosting simultaneously.

Additional Resources

  • See the High availability service section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Object Gateway Guide for additional details on using high availability.

4.7.2. Static web hosting requirements

Static web hosting functionality uses its own API, so configuring a gateway to use static web sites in S3 buckets requires the following:

  1. S3 static web hosting uses Ceph Object Gateway instances that are separate and distinct from instances used for standard S3/Swift API use cases.
  2. Gateway instances hosting S3 static web sites should have separate, non-overlapping domain names from the standard S3/Swift API gateway instances.
  3. Gateway instances hosting S3 static web sites should use separate public-facing IP addresses from the standard S3/Swift API gateway instances.
  4. Gateway instances hosting S3 static web sites load balance, and if necessary terminate SSL, using HAProxy/keepalived.

4.7.3. Static web hosting gateway setup

To enable a Ceph Object Gateway for static web hosting, set the following options:


ceph config set client.rgw OPTION VALUE


[ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw rgw_enable_static_website true
[ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw rgw_enable_apis s3,s3website
[ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw rgw_dns_name
[ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw rgw_dns_s3website_name
[ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw rgw_resolve_cname true

The rgw_enable_static_website setting MUST be true. The rgw_enable_apis setting MUST enable the s3website API. The rgw_dns_name and rgw_dns_s3website_name settings must provide their fully qualified domains. If the site uses canonical name extensions, then set the rgw_resolve_cname option to true.


The FQDNs of rgw_dns_name and rgw_dns_s3website_name MUST NOT overlap.

4.7.4. Static web hosting DNS configuration

The following is an example of assumed DNS settings, where the first two lines specify the domains of the gateway instance using a standard S3 interface and point to the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The third line provides a wildcard CNAME setting for S3 buckets using canonical name extensions. The fourth and fifth lines specify the domains for the gateway instance using the S3 website interface and point to their IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. IN    A IN AAAA 2001:DB8::192:0:2:10
* IN CNAME IN    A IN AAAA 2001:DB8::192:0:2:20

The IP addresses in the first two lines differ from the IP addresses in the fourth and fifth lines.

If using Ceph Object Gateway in a multi-site configuration, consider using a routing solution to route traffic to the gateway closest to the client.

The Amazon Web Service (AWS) requires static web host buckets to match the host name. Ceph provides a few different ways to configure the DNS, and HTTPS will work if the proxy has a matching certificate.

Hostname to a Bucket on a Subdomain

To use AWS-style S3 subdomains, use a wildcard in the DNS entry which can redirect requests to any bucket. A DNS entry might look like the following:


Access the bucket name, where the bucket name is bucket1, in the following manner:

Hostname to Non-Matching Bucket

Ceph supports mapping domain names to buckets without including the bucket name in the request, which is unique to Ceph Object Gateway. To use a domain name to access a bucket, map the domain name to the bucket name. A DNS entry might look like the following: IN CNAME

Where the bucket name is bucket2.

Access the bucket in the following manner:

Hostname to Long Bucket with CNAME

AWS typically requires the bucket name to match the domain name. To configure the DNS for static web hosting using CNAME, the DNS entry might look like the following: IN CNAME

Access the bucket in the following manner:

Hostname to Long Bucket without CNAME

If the DNS name contains other non-CNAME records, such as SOA, NS, MX or TXT, the DNS record must map the domain name directly to the IP address. For example: IN A IN AAAA 2001:DB8::192:0:2:20

Access the bucket in the following manner:

4.7.5. Creating a static web hosting site

To create a static website, perform the following steps:

  1. Create an S3 bucket. The bucket name MIGHT be the same as the website’s domain name. For example, may have a bucket name of This is required for AWS, but it is NOT required for Ceph.

  2. Upload the static website content to the bucket. Contents may include HTML, CSS, client-side JavaScript, images, audio/video content, and other downloadable files. A website MUST have an index.html file and might have an error.html file.
  3. Verify the website’s contents. At this point, only the creator of the bucket has access to the contents.
  4. Set permissions on the files so that they are publicly readable.

4.8. High availability for the Ceph Object Gateway

As a storage administrator, you can assign many instances of the Ceph Object Gateway to a single zone. This allows you to scale out as the load increases, that is, the same zone group and zone; however, you do not need a federated architecture to use a highly available proxy. Since each Ceph Object Gateway daemon has its own IP address, you can use the ingress service to balance the load across many Ceph Object Gateway daemons or nodes. The ingress service manages HAProxy and keepalived daemons for the Ceph Object Gateway environment. You can also terminate HTTPS traffic at the HAProxy server, and use HTTP between the HAProxy server and the Beast front-end web server instances for the Ceph Object Gateway.


  • At least two Ceph Object Gateway daemons running on different hosts.
  • Capacity for at least two instances of the ingress service running on different hosts.

4.8.1. High availability service

The ingress service provides a highly available endpoint for the Ceph Object Gateway. The ingress service can be deployed to any number of hosts as needed. Red Hat recommends having at least two supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers, each server configured with the ingress service. You can run a high availability (HA) service with a minimum set of configuration options. The Ceph orchestrator deploys the ingress service, which manages the haproxy and keepalived daemons, by providing load balancing with a floating virtual IP address. The active haproxy distributes all Ceph Object Gateway requests to all the available Ceph Object Gateway daemons.

A virtual IP address is automatically configured on one of the ingress hosts at a time, known as the primary host. The Ceph orchestrator selects the first network interface based on existing IP addresses that are configured as part of the same subnet. In cases where the virtual IP address does not belong to the same subnet, you can define a list of subnets for the Ceph orchestrator to match with existing IP addresses. If the keepalived daemon and the active haproxy are not responding on the primary host, then the virtual IP address moves to a backup host. This backup host becomes the new primary host.


Currently, you can not configure a virtual IP address on a network interface that does not have a configured IP address.


To use the secure socket layer (SSL), SSL must be terminated by the ingress service and not at the Ceph Object Gateway.

High Availability Architecture Diagram

4.8.2. Configuring high availability for the Ceph Object Gateway

To configure high availability (HA) for the Ceph Object Gateway you write a YAML configuation file, and the Ceph orchestrator does the installation, configuraton, and management of the ingress service. The ingress service uses the haproxy and keepalived daemons to provide high availability for the Ceph Object Gateway.


  • A minimum of two hosts running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, or higher, for installing the ingress service on.
  • A healthy running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • A minimum of two Ceph Object Gateway daemons running on different hosts.
  • Root-level access to the host running the ingress service.
  • If using a firewall, then open port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS traffic.


  1. Create a new ingress.yaml file:


    [root@host01 ~] touch ingress.yaml

  2. Open the ingress.yaml file for editing. Added the following options, and add values applicable to the environment:


    service_type: ingress 1
    service_id: SERVICE_ID 2
    placement: 3
        - HOST1
        - HOST2
        - HOST3
      backend_service: SERVICE_ID
      virtual_ip: IP_ADDRESS/CIDR 4
      frontend_port: INTEGER 5
      monitor_port: INTEGER 6
      virtual_interface_networks: 7
      ssl_cert: | 8

    Must be set to ingress.
    Must match the existing Ceph Object Gateway service name.
    Where to deploy the haproxy and keepalived containers.
    The virtual IP address where the ingress service is available.
    The port to access the ingress service.
    The port to access the haproxy load balancer status.
    Optional list of available subnets.
    Optional SSL certificate and private key.


    service_type: ingress
      frontend_port: 8080
      monitor_port: 1967
      ssl_cert: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

  3. Launch the Cephadm shell:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell --mount ingress.yaml:/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ingress.yaml

  4. Configure the latest haproxy and keepalived images:


    ceph config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_haproxy HAPROXY_IMAGE_ID
    ceph config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_keepalived KEEPALIVED_IMAGE_ID

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9

    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_haproxy
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set mgr mgr/cephadm/container_image_keepalived

  5. Install and configure the new ingress service using the Ceph orchestrator:

    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch apply -i /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ingress.yaml
  6. After the Ceph orchestrator completes, verify the HA configuration.

    1. On the host running the ingress service, check that the virtual IP address appears:


      [root@host01 ~]# ip addr show

    2. Try reaching the Ceph Object Gateway from a Ceph client:


      wget HOST_NAME


      [root@client ~]# wget

      If this returns an index.html with similar content as in the example below, then the HA configuration for the Ceph Object Gateway is working properly.


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      	<ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns="">

Additional resources

4.9. Configuring NFS with Ceph Object gateway


NFS with the Ceph Object Storage backend is not a comprehensive NFS service. Its primary purpose is to assist in the seamless migration of legacy applications that use file to object storage with Ceph object storage by ingesting data through NFS file systems. The data is subsequently accessible through the S3 endpoint as an S3 bucket. For a complete NFS solution with features such as high availability and transparent failover, you should use NFS with CephFS backend.

The NFS service is deployed with Ceph Object Storage backend using Cephadm. The configuration for NFS is stored in the nfs-ganesha pool and exports are managed via the Command-Line-interface (CLI) commands and through the Ceph dashboard. See Deploying NFS service with Ceph Object Storage backend, Exporting the namespace to NFS-Ganesha, and Managing NFS Ganesha exports for more information.

Ceph Object Gateway namespaces can be exported over the file-based NFSv4 protocols, alongside traditional HTTP access protocols (S3 and Swift). In particular, the Ceph Object Gateway can now be configured to provide file-based access when embedded in the NFS-Ganesha NFS server.


Only the NFSv4 protocol is supported when using a Cephadm-based or Rook-based deployment.

Namespace Conventions

NFS conforms to Amazon Web Services (AWS) hierarchical namespace conventions which map UNIX-style path names onto S3 buckets and objects.

The top level of the attached namespace consists of S3 buckets, represented as NFS directories. Files and directories, subordinate to buckets, are each represented as objects, following S3 prefix, and delimiter conventions. / is the only supported path delimiter.

For example, if a NFS client has mounted a RGW namespace at /nfs, then a file /nfs/mybucket/www/index.html in the NFS namespace corresponds to an RGW object www/index.html in a bucket/container mybucket.

Limitations on supported operations

The Ceph Object Storage NFS interface supports most operations on files and directories, with the following restrictions:

  • Links, including symlinks, are not supported.
  • NFS ACLs are not supported.

    • Unix user and group ownership and permissions are supported.
  • Directories may not be moved/renamed.

    • Files may be moved between directories.
  • Only full, sequential write I/O is supported

    • Write operations are constrained to be uploads.
    • Many typical I/O operations, such as editing files in place will fail as they perform non-sequential stores.
    • Some file utilities writing sequentially, for example, some versions of GNU tar, may fail due to infrequent non-sequential stores.
    • When mounting via NFS, sequential application I/O can generally be constrained to be written sequentially to the NFS server via a synchronous mount option. For example, -osync in Linux.
    • NFS clients which cannot mount synchronously, for example, MS Windows, will not be able to upload files.

4.9.1. Exporting the namespace to NFS-Ganesha

To configure new NFS Ganesha exports for use with the Ceph Object Gateway, you have to use the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. See the Managing NFS Ganesha exports on the Ceph dashboard section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for more details.


For existing NFS environments using the Ceph Object Gateway, upgrading from Red Hat Ceph Storage 4 to Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 is not supported at this time.


Red Hat supports only NFS version 4 exports using the Ceph Object Gateway.

You can create user-level NFS Ganesha exports by using the command-line-interface (CLI) only.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage.
  • A user created. For more information, see Create a user.


  1. Log in to the Cephadm shell.


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell

  2. Create the user-level export in the root directory.


    ceph nfs export create rgw --cluster-id NFS_CLUSTER_NAME --pseudo-path PATH_FROM_ROOT --user-id USER_ID


    [ceph:root@host01 /]# ceph nfs export create rgw --cluster-id cluster1 --pseudo-path root/testnfs1/ --user-id nfsuser

  3. Mount the NFS.




    [ceph:root@host01 /]# mount -t nfs -osync /mnt/mount1


For large uploads >200 GB, mounting with -osync might affect the input/output operations. Use S3 with multi-part to upload such objects.


If you run setattr on the buckets, it silently prevents setting attributes on paths representing buckets.

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