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Chapter 1. Introduction to Red Hat Certified Cloud and Service Provider Certification for Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP images policies

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1.1. Audience

Use this guide to understand the technical and operational certification requirements for CCSP Partners who want to offer Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) for SAP with High Availability and Update Services in Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), or a managed service offerings.

1.2. Create value for our joint customers

As a Certified Cloud and Service Provider (CCSP), you are required to certify images that you publish in a catalog. The RHEL for SAP with High Availability and Update Services image certification process includes a series of tests that provide your Red Hat customers an assurance that they will have a consistent experience across cloud providers.

You are expected to have entered into certifications in good faith and for the interest of our joint customers. Customers will also have the confidence that their deployments are jointly supported by Red Hat and your organization ensuring the customer’s experience comes with the highest level of support and good security practices.

1.3. Additional resources

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