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Chapter 4. Setting up the test environment

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The first step towards certifying your product is setting up the environment where you can run the tests.

The test environment consists of one system:

4.1. Setting up a system that acts as a host under test

A system on which the product that needs certification is installed or configured is referred to as the host under test (HUT).


  • The HUT has RHEL version 8 or 9 installed. For convenience, Red Hat provides kickstart files to install the HUT’s operating system. Follow the instructions in the file that is appropriate for your system before launching the installation process.


  1. Configure the Red Hat Certification repository:

    1. Use your RHN credentials to register your system using Red Hat Subscription Management:

      # subscription-manager register
    2. Display the list of available subscriptions for your system:

      # subscription-manager list --available*
    3. Search for the subscription which provides the Red Hat Certification (for RHEL Server) repository and make a note of the subscription and its Pool ID.
    4. Attach the subscription to your system:

      # subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool_ID>

      Replace the pool_ID with the Pool ID of the subscription.


You don’t have to attach the subscription to your system, if you enable the option Simple content access for Red Hat Subscription Management. For more details, see How do I enable Simple Content Access for Red Hat Subscription Management?

  1. Subscribe to the Red Hat Certification channel:

    • On RHEL 8:

      # subscription-manager repos --enable=cert-1-for-rhel-8-<HOSTTYPE>-rpms

      Replace HOSTTYPE with the system architecture. To find out the system architecture, run

      uname -m


      # subscription-manager repos --enable=cert-1-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
    • On RHEL 9:

      # subscription-manager repos --enable=cert-1-for-rhel-9-<HOSTTYPE>-rpms

      Replace HOSTTYPE with the system architecture. To find out the system architecture, run

      uname -m


      # subscription-manager repos --enable=cert-1-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms
  2. Install cloud test suite package:

    # yum install redhat-certification-cloud-sap
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