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Chapter 5. Configuring network access

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Configure network access for your Data Grid deployment and find out about internal network services.

5.1. Exposing Data Grid clusters on the network

Make Data Grid clusters available on the network so you can access Data Grid Console as well as REST and Hot Rod endpoints. By default, the Data Grid chart exposes deployments through a Route but you can configure it to expose clusters via Load Balancer or Node Port. You can also configure the Data Grid chart so that deployments are not exposed on the network and only available internally to the OpenShift cluster.


  1. Specify one of the following for the deploy.expose.type field:



    Exposes Data Grid through a route. This is the default value.


    Exposes Data Grid through a load balancer service.


    Exposes Data Grid through a node port service.

    "" (empty value)

    Disables exposing Data Grid on the network.

  2. Optionally specify a hostname with the field if you expose Data Grid through a route.
  3. Optionally specify a port with the deploy.expose.nodePort field if you expose Data Grid through a node port service.
  4. Install or upgrade your Data Grid Helm release.

5.2. Retrieving network service details

Get network service details so you can connect to Data Grid clusters.


  • Expose your Data Grid cluster on the network.
  • Have an oc client.


Use one of the following commands to retrieve network service details:

  • If you expose Data Grid through a route:

    $ oc get routes
  • If you expose Data Grid through a load balancer or node port service:

    $ oc get services

5.3. Network services

The Data Grid chart creates default network services for internal access.





Provides access to Data Grid Hot Rod and REST endpoints.




Provides access to Data Grid metrics.




Allows Data Grid pods to discover each other and form clusters.

You can retrieve details about internal network services as follows:

$ oc get services

NAME              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)
infinispan        ClusterIP        <none>        11222/TCP,11223/TCP
infinispan-ping   ClusterIP   None             <none>        8888/TCP
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