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Chapter 3. Performing cross-site operations with the CLI

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Use the Data Grid command line interface (CLI) to connect to Data Grid Server clusters, manage sites, and push state transfer to backup locations.

3.1. Bringing backup locations offline and online

Take backup locations offline manually and bring them back online.


  • Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.


  1. Check if backup locations are online or offline with the site status command:

    site status --cache=cacheName --site=NYC

    --site is an optional argument. If not set, the CLI returns all backup locations.


    Use the --all-caches option to get the backup location status for all caches.

  2. Manage backup locations as follows:

    • Bring backup locations online with the bring-online command:

      site bring-online --cache=customers --site=NYC
    • Take backup locations offline with the take-offline command:

      site take-offline --cache=customers --site=NYC

Use the --all-caches option to bring a backup location online, or take a backup location offline, for all caches.

For more information and examples, run the help site command.

3.2. Configuring cross-site state transfer modes

You can configure cross-site state transfer operations to happen automatically when Data Grid detects that backup locations come online. Alternatively you can use the default mode, which is to manually perform state transfer.


  • Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.


  1. Use the site command to configure state transfer modes, as in the following examples:

    • Retrieve the current state transfer mode.

      site state-transfer-mode get --cache=cacheName --site=NYC
    • Configure automatic state transfer operations for a cache and backup location.

      site state-transfer-mode set --cache=cacheName --site=NYC --mode=AUTO

Run the help site command for more information and examples.

3.3. Pushing state to backup locations

Transfer cache state to backup locations.


  • Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.


  • Use the site push-site-state command to push state transfer, as in the following example:

    site push-site-state --cache=cacheName --site=NYC

Use the --all-caches option to push state transfer for all caches.

For more information and examples, run the help site command.

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