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Chapter 2. Known and fixed issues

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Learn about known issues for Data Grid Operator and find out which issues are fixed.

2.1. Known issues with Data Grid Operator deployments

This release does not include any known issues that affect Data Grid clusters that you manage with Data Grid Operator. For complete details about Data Grid, see the Data Grid 8.4 release notes.

2.2. Fixed in Data Grid Operator 8.4.14

Data Grid Operator 8.4.14 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-6904 Unreadable log timestamps
  • JDG-6451 Updates to ADDITIONAL_VARS are not applied to existing clusters
  • JDG-6760 Backup CR does not work when xsite replication is enabled
  • JDG-6860 [Operator] Indexed HotRod Rolling Upgrades fail when cache name is sorted before ___protobuf_metadata cache

2.3. Fixed in Data Grid Operator 8.4.12

Data Grid Operator 8.4.12 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-6544 Changing the service type from Cache to DataGrid does not result in automatic reconciliation
  • JDG-6574 Setting up a custom NodePort value for cross-site replication has no effect
  • JDG-6573 Deadlock occurs when creating caches with a zero-capacity node and a single stateful node
  • JDG-6425 Updates to podTargetLabel are not reflected in pods

2.4. Fixed in Data Grid Operator 8.4.11

Data Grid Operator 8.4.11 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-6584 Infinispan CR should fail if Encryption keystore/certs missing in Secret

2.5. Fixed in Data Grid Operator 8.4.9

Data Grid Operator 8.4.9 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-6549 Data Grid Server HEAD requests failing with End Of File (EOF)

2.6. Fixed in Data Grid Operator 8.4.8

Data Grid Operator 8.4.8 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-6412 Data Grid Operator crashes when Cache CR is missing the template definition
  • JDG-6373 FileAlreadyExistsException during dependency extraction after container restart
  • JDG-6304 Data Grid webhook allows incompatible TLS configuration

2.7. Fixed in Data Grid Operator 8.4.6

Data Grid Operator 8.4.6 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-6128 Data Grid Operator logs error message with stacktrace multiple times after cluster restart
  • JDG-6127 Data Grid Operator repeatedly logs error messages indicating missing secrets while waiting for OpenShift to create a secret
  • JDG-6207 spec.Image field is overwritten by Operand image for CVE releases
  • JDG-6204 status.Operand.Image field not updated when defining spec.Image
  • JDG-6107 Creating caches with authorization fails and produces output issues
  • JDG-6055 Changing memory or cpu values for spec.configListener has no effect on the ConfigListener deployment
  • JDG-5835 Scaling cluster down and up with purge-on-startup=false with one or more file-stores might result in stale entries

2.8. Fixed in Data Grid Operator 8.4.5

Data Grid Operator 8.4.5 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-6063 ConfigListener ignores the Cache CR metadata name when discovering existing Cache CRs
  • JDG-5986 DNS discovery fails when pods are not marked as ready
  • JDG-5935 Outdated names for metering labels
  • JDG-5936 and JDG-5931 Metering labels are not updated after Data Grid Operator upgrade
  • JDG-5939 Removal of the GracefulShutdownTask from Data Grid Operator

2.9. Fixed in Data Grid Operator 8.4.2

Data Grid Operator 8.4.2 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-5623 Gossip router fails to start with TLS configured on FIPS enabled OpenShift
  • JDG-5681 Incorrect Cache CR status when inmutable fields are modified
  • JDG-5577 Cache CR created by listener is not removed upon disabling the listener
  • JDG-5756 Users cannot configure LDAP because the authentication mechanisms of the default endpoint cannot be modified
  • JDG-5789 Infinispan.status.podStatus field shows incorrect pod names for existing deployment topology
  • JDG-5791 Data Grid Operator modifies the content of spec.template in the Cache CR after its creation
  • JDG-5794 ConfigListener log level cannot be modified
  • JDG-5818 OpenShift rolling upgrades with RollingMigration strategy result in Infinispan CR status as Pending
  • JDG-5820 Data Grid Operator fails when upgrading Data Grid Server from 8.3.1-1 to 8.4.0-x using the Hot Rod rolling migration strategy
  • JDG-5836 ConfigListener stale CR check only compares resource names

2.10. Fixed in Data Grid Operator 8.4.0

Data Grid Operator 8.4.0 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-5680 Default Anti-affinity strategy configuration with the Data Grid Operator is not valid
  • JDG-5650 configListener breaks with non-yaml Cache CRs template and large strings
  • JDG-5461 Server image doesn not enable Garbage collection (GC) logging by default
  • JDG-5459 Zero controller execute can hang indefinitely if Zero Pod is not immediately ready
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