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Chapter 10. Enabling and configuring Data Grid OpenTelemetry tracing

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Data Grid generates tracing spans compatible with the OpenTelemetry standard, allowing you to export, visualize, and analyze tracing data related to the most important cache operations.

10.1. Enabling Data Grid tracing

Configure OpenTelemetry tracing, to enable monitoring and tracing of cache operations.


  • Pass the system properties to Data Grid Server at startup.

    Use -D<property-name>=<property-value> arguments like in the following example:

    bin/ -Dinfinispan.tracing.enabled=true -Dotel.traces.exporter=otlp -Dotel.exporter.otlp.endpoint=http://otlp-collector-host:4318

Next steps

To apply any configuration changes, stop the server and repeat the procedure.

Tracing configuration

Data Grid applies the tracing configuration globally to all caches.

infinispan.tracing.enabled = true 1
otel.traces.exporter = otlp 2 = <my-infinispan-server> 3
otel.exporter.otlp.endpoint = http://otlp-collector-host:4318 4

Enables tracing for all cache operations.
Sets the exporter format. The OTLP (OpenTelemetry protocol) exporter is the recommended format to export tracing data.
Specifies the service name associated with the generated tracing spans. The default name is Infinispan Server.
Specifies the endpoint URL of the OpenTelemetry collector where the tracing data is sent. 4318 is typically the http/protobuf OTLP standard port.

Additional resources

Tracing data format

The Data Grid Server, by default, exports tracing data using the OTLP http/protobuf protocol.

otel.exporter.otlp.protocol = http/protobuf

To use a different protocol, you must copy JAR files or dependencies to the $ISPN_HOME/server/lib directory of your Data Grid Server installation.

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