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Chapter 11. Configuring project settings

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Starting with Red Hat Decision Manager 7.13, Business Central contains additional project setting categories in the new process designer.


  • You have created a Business Central project.


  1. To access the project Settings tab, in Business Central go to Menu Design Projects.
  2. Click the project name.
  3. Click Settings to view or modify the following project settings:

    • General Settings - Enables users to set the project’s Name, Description, Group ID, Artifact ID, Version (GAV), and Development Mode attributes. It also includes the following options:

      • URL - Use to specify a read-only URL for cloning a project as a git repository.
      • Disable GAV conflict check - Determines whether to enable or disable the GAV conflict check. Disabling this feature enables projects to have the same GAV values.
      • Allow child GAV edition - Allows GAV editions for sub-projects.
    • Dependencies - Used to add dependencies either manually, by entering the Group ID, Artifact ID, and Version or from a repository project in Business Central. For each dependency, set select All or None for the Package white list option.
    • KIE Bases - The new name for what was previously called Knowledge bases. You must specify a KIE base as the default. Provide the following details to add a Kie base:

      • Name
      • Included KIE bases
      • Package
      • Equal Behavior - Identity or Equality
      • Event Processing Model - Stream or Cloud
      • KIE sessions
    • External Data Objects - Data objects are not explicitly defined within a project or project dependencies that a rule author may require. External data objects are usually provided by the Java runtime, for example, java.util.List.
    • Validation - Maven repositories that are used to check the uniqueness of a project’s GAV when creating a new project or module or when installing or deploying a project to a Maven repository.
    • Service Tasks - The following service tasks can be added to a project:

      • BusinessRuleTask - Execute a business rule task
      • Decision Task - Execute a DMN decision task
      • Email - Send email
      • JMSSendTask - Send JMS Message
      • Rest - Perform a Rest call
      • ServiceTask - Execute a service task
      • WebService - Perform a web service call
    • Deployments - Deployments are divided in to the following categories:

      • General Settings - Runtime Strategy, Persistence Unit Name, Persistence Mode, Audit Persistence Unit Name, and Audit Mode
      • Marshalling strategies
      • Global
      • Event listeners
      • Required roles
      • Remoteable classes
      • Task event listeners
      • Configuration
      • Environment entries
      • Work item handlers
    • Persistence - Persistence is divided in to the following categories:

      • Persistence Unit
      • Persistence Provider
      • Data Source
      • Properties - Used to set values for the following properties and also to create new properties:

        • hibernate.dialect
        • hibernate.max_fetch_depth
        • hibernate.show_sql
        • hibernate.transaction.jta.platform
      • Project Persistable Data Objects
    • Branch Management - Provides branch role access based on the branch name and assigned user roles.
  4. Click Save.
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