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Chapter 4. Example applications with Red Hat build of Kogito microservices

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Red Hat build of Kogito microservices include example applications in the file. These example applications contain various types of services on Red Hat build of Quarkus or Spring Boot to help you develop your own applications. The services use one or more Decision Model and Notation (DMN) decision models, Drools Rule Language (DRL) rule units, Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) models, or Java classes to define the service logic.

For information about each example application and instructions for using them, see the README file in the relevant application folder.


When you run examples in a local environment, ensure that the environment matches the requirements that are listed in the README file of the relevant application folder. Also, this might require making the necessary network ports available, as configured for Red Hat build of Quarkus, Spring Boot, and docker-compose where applicable.

The following list describes some of the examples provided with Red Hat build of Kogito microservices:


These quick start examples showcase a supported setup. Other quickstarts not listed might use technology that is provided by the upstream community only and therefore not fully supported by Red Hat.

Decision services
  • dmn-quarkus-example and dmn-springboot-example: A decision service (on Red Hat build of Quarkus or Spring Boot) that uses DMN to determine driver penalty and suspension based on traffic violations.
  • rules-quarkus-helloworld: A Hello World decision service on Red Hat build of Quarkus with a single DRL rule unit.
  • ruleunit-quarkus-example and ruleunit-springboot-example: A decision service (on Red Hat build of Quarkus or Spring Boot) that uses DRL with rule units to validate a loan application and that exposes REST operations to view application status.
  • dmn-pmml-quarkus-example and dmn-pmml-springboot-example: A decision service (on Red Hat build of Quarkus or Spring Boot) that uses DMN and PMML to determine driver penalty and suspension based on traffic violations.
  • dmn-drools-quarkus-metrics and dmn-drools-springboot-metrics: A decision service (on Red Hat build of Quarkus or Spring Boot) that enables and consumes the runtime metrics monitoring feature in Red Hat build of Kogito.
  • pmml-quarkus-example and pmml-springboot-example: A decision service (on Red Hat build of Quarkus or Spring Boot) that uses PMML.

For more information, see Designing a decision service using DMN models, Designing a decision service using DRL rules, and Designing a decision service using PMML models.

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