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Chapter 15. Integration Options

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Red Hat Single Sign-On (RH-SSO) is a single sign-on solution that you can use to secure your browser applications with your REST web services and Git access.

When you integrate Red Hat Decision Manager with RH-SSO, you create an SSO and identity management (IDM) environment for Red Hat Decision Manager. The session management feature of RH-SSO enables you to use a single authentication for different Red Hat Decision Manager environments on the internet.

The following chapters describe how you can integrate RH-SSO with Red Hat Decision Manager:

  • Chapter 18, Authenticating Business Central through RH-SSO

    To authenticate Red Hat Decision Manager through an RH-SSO server, you must secure both the Red Hat Decision Manager web client (Business Central) and remote services through RH-SSO.This integration enables you to connect to Red Hat Decision Manager through RH-SSO using either Business Central or a remote service consumer.

  • Chapter 19, Authenticating KIE Server through RH-SSO

    To authenticate KIE Server through an RH-SSO server, you must secure the remote services provided by KIE Server. Doing this enables any remote Red Hat Decision Manager service consumer (user or a service) to authenticate through RH-SSO. Note that KIE Server does not have a web interface.

  • Chapter 20, Authenticating third-party clients through RH-SSO

    If Business Central or KIE Server are using RH-SSO, third-party clients must authenticate themselves using RH-SSO. After authentication, they can consume the remote service endpoints provided by Business Central and KIE Server, such as the REST API or remote file system services.

To facilitate LDAP integration with Red Hat Decision Manager, consider using RH-SSO with LDAP. For information, see the "LDAP and Active Directory" section of the Red Hat Single Sign-On Server Administration Guide.

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