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Chapter 9. Fixed issues in Red Hat Decision Manager 7.13.1

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Red Hat Decision Manager 7.13.1 provides increased stability and fixed issues listed in this section.

9.1. Business Central

  • The test scenario returns an error when it is executed in the mvn test command [RHDM-1539]

9.2. KIE Server

  • A ClassCastException occurs if you submit a form in a kie-server that contains the date process variable [RHPAM-4326]
  • The EJB service saveContentFromUser method does not works with the custom usercallback and you receive an error message [RHPAM-4234]
  • The custom query response does not return the SLAdueDate with the UserTasksWithCustomVariables mapper [RHPAM-4232]
  • The EventEmitter returns wrong task statuses [RHPAM-4091]
  • The properties on custom settings are not available on the KIE Server deployments [RHPAM-3976]
  • Class retention by JSONMashaller ObjectMapper._typeFactory._typeCache [RHDM-1933]
  • The class retention by JSONMashaller ObjectMapper._typeFactory._typeCache and you receive OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace error [RHDM-1933]

9.3. Red Hat build of Kogito

  • Kogito aligned with non supported Spring Boot version [RHPAM-4419]

9.4. DMN designer

  • In the DMN designer, a text annotation is not saved correctly if it created by copying and pasting [RHDM-1890]
  • Unable to include the DMN model [RHDM-1850]

9.5. Configuration

  • Wrong managed version of Spring Boot dependencies [RHPAM-4413]

9.6. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

  • Upgrade Red Hat JBoss EAP version to 7.4.6 on RHPAM image [RHPAM-4481]
  • Sensitive information such as user names and passwords are exposed in environment variables and pod logs [RHPAM-4438]
  • The Kie Server OpenShift startup strategy watcher is closed and the DeploymentConfig is not updated [RHPAM-3333]

9.7. Decision engine

  • When you are using generics in accumulate inline code, you receive an error with the ClassNotFoundException exception [RHPAM-4444]
  • The metrics of rule execution must include the rules fired from a BPMN process [RHPAM-4248]
  • The kie-server-client fails to unmarshall a response suddenly with the NumberFormatException [RHDM-1942]
  • The build fails with a "_this cannot be resolved" message during the compilation of a generated executable model [RHDM-1940]
  • In an executable model, you receive a NullPointerException in LambdaConsequence error with global variable [RHDM-1920]
  • Fails to parse a constraint connected with OR with a bind variable on right side in an executable model [RHDM-1910]
  • In an executable model, when a BigDecimal literal is set to a variable with a MVEL dialect, you receive the ClassCastException exception [RHDM-1908]
  • In an executable model, a prop with method invocation is not recognized in a modify block [RHDM-1907]
  • In an executable model, an arithmetic operation with a String coercion in constraint fails to execute [RHDM-1905]
  • In an executable model, an arithmetic operation with a BigDecimal in constraint fails [RHDM-1904]
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