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Chapter 1. Go Toolset

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Go Toolset is a Red Hat offering for developers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It provides the Go programming language tools and libraries. Note that Go is alternatively known as golang.

Go Toolset is distributed as a part of Red Hat Developer Tools for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Go Toolset is available as a module for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. Go Toolset is available as packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

1.1. Go Toolset components

The following components are available as a part of Go Toolset:



RHEL 7 — 1.19.6, RHEL 8 — 1.19.4, RHEL 9 — 1.19.6

A Go compiler.


RHEL 7 — 1.9.0, RHEL 8 — 1.9.0, RHEL 9 — 1.9.0

A Go debugger.

1.2. Go Toolset compatibility

Go Toolset is available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 on the following architectures:

  • AMD and Intel 64-bit
  • 64-bit ARM (RHEL 8 and RHEL 9)
  • IBM Power Systems, Little Endian
  • 64-bit IBM Z

1.3. Getting access to Go Toolset on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

To be able to install Go Toolset on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, you must access and enable Red Hat Developer Tools and Red Hat Software Collections repositories.
If these repositories are already attached to your system, see Installing Go Toolset.


  1. Install Wget by running:

    # yum install wget
  2. Download the latest subscription data by running:

    # subscription-manager refresh
  3. Register your system by running:

    # subscription-manager register

    To register your system using a graphical user interface (GUI), follow the Registering and Unregistering a System guide.

  4. Display a list of all available subscriptions and identify the pool ID by running:

    # subscription-manager list --available
  5. Find the pool ID on the line beginning with Pool ID.
  6. Attach the subscription that provides access to the Red Hat Developer Tools repository to your system by running:

    # subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool ID from the subscription>
    • Replace <pool ID from the subscription> with the pool ID you identified in the previous step.
  7. Verify which subscriptions are attached to your system by running:

    # sudo subscription-manager list --consumed
  8. Enable the rhel-7-variant-devtools-rpms repository by running:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-<variant>-devtools-rpms
    • Replace <variant> with your Red Hat Enterprise Linux system variant: server or workstation.

      Use server to access the widest range of development tools.

  9. Enable the rhel-variant-rhscl-7-rpms repository by running:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-<variant>-rhscl-7-rpms
    • Replace <variant> with your Red Hat Enterprise Linux system variant: server or workstation.
  10. Add the Red Hat Developer Tools GPG key to your system by running:

    # cd /etc/pki/rpm-gpg
    # wget -O RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-devel
    # rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-devel

Additional resources

1.4. Installing Go Toolset

Complete the following steps to install Go Toolset, including all dependent packages.



On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, install the go-toolset-1.19 collection by running:

# yum install go-toolset-1.19

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, install the go-toolset module by running:

# yum module install go-toolset

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, install the go-toolset package by running:

# dnf install go-toolset

1.5. Installing Go documentation

You can install documentation for the Go programming language on your local system.



To install the golang-docs package, run the following command:

  • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7:

    # yum install go-toolset-1.19-golang-docs

    You can find the documentation under the following path: /opt/rh/go-toolset-1.19/root/usr/lib/go-toolset-1.19-golang/doc/go_spec.html.

  • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8:

    # yum install golang-docs

    You can find the documentation under the following path: /usr/lib/golang/doc/go_spec.html.

  • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9:

    # dnf install golang-docs

    You can find the documentation under the following path: /usr/lib/golang/doc/go_spec.html.

1.6. Additional resources

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