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Chapter 18. Contacting Global Support Services

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Unless you have a Self-Support subscription, when both the Red Hat Documentation website and Customer Portal fail to provide the answers to your questions, you can contact Global Support Services (GSS).

18.1. Gathering Required Information

Several items of information should be gathered before contacting GSS.

Background Information

Ensure you have the following background information at hand before calling GSS:

  • Hardware type, make, and model on which the product runs
  • Software version
  • Latest upgrades
  • Any recent changes to the system
  • An explanation of the problem and the symptoms
  • Any messages or significant information about the issue

If you ever forget your Red Hat login information, it can be recovered at


The diagnostics report for Red Hat Enterprise Linux is required as well. This report is also known as a sosreport and the program to create the report is provided by the sos package. To install the sos package and all its dependencies on your system:

# yum install sos

To generate the report:

# sosreport

For more information, access the Knowledgebase article at

Account and Contact Information

In order to help you, GSS requires your account information to customize their support, as well contact information to get back to you. When you contact GSS ensure you have your:

  • Red Hat customer number or Red Hat Network (RHN) login name
  • Company name
  • Contact name
  • Preferred method of contact (phone or email) and contact information (phone number or email address)

Issue Severity

Determining an issue’s severity is important to allow the GSS team to prioritize their work. There are four levels of severity.

Severity 1 (urgent)
A problem that severely impacts your use of the software for production purposes. It halts your business operations and has no procedural workaround.
Severity 2 (high)
A problem where the software is functioning, but production is severely reduced. It causes a high impact to business operations, and no workaround exists.
Severity 3 (medium)
A problem that involves partial, non-critical loss of the use of the software. There is a medium to low impact on your business, and business continues to function by utilizing a workaround.
Severity 4 (low)
A general usage question, report of a documentation error, or a recommendation for a future product improvement.

For more information on determining the severity level of an issue, see

Once the issue severity has been determined, submit a service request through the Customer Portal under the Connect option, or at Note that you need your Red Hat login details in order to submit service requests.

If the severity is level 1 or 2, then follow up your service request with a phone call. Contact information and business hours are found at

If you have a premium subscription, then after hours support is available for Severity 1 and 2 cases.

Turn-around rates for both premium subscriptions and standard subscription can be found at

18.2. Escalating an Issue

If you feel an issue is not being handled correctly or adequately, you can escalate it. There are two types of escalations:

Technical escalation
If an issue is not being resolved appropriately or if you need a more senior resource to attend to it.
Management escalation
If the issue has become more severe or you believe it requires a higher priority.

More information on escalation, including contacts, is available at

18.3. Re-opening a Service Request

If there is more relevant information regarding a closed service request (such as the problem reoccurring), you can re-open the request via the Red Hat Customer Portal at or by calling your local support center, the details of which can be found at


In order to re-open a service request, you need the original service-request number.

18.4. Additional Resources

For more information, see the resources listed below.

Online Documentation

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