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2.3.2. Disabling ACPI Soft-Off with the BIOS

The preferred method of disabling ACPI Soft-Off is with chkconfig management (Section 2.3.1, “Disabling ACPI Soft-Off with chkconfig Management”). However, if the preferred method is not effective for your cluster, follow the procedure in this section.


Disabling ACPI Soft-Off with the BIOS may not be possible with some computers.
You can disable ACPI Soft-Off by configuring the BIOS of each cluster node as follows:
  1. Reboot the node and start the BIOS CMOS Setup Utility program.
  2. Navigate to the Power menu (or equivalent power management menu).
  3. At the Power menu, set the Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN function (or equivalent) to Instant-Off (or the equivalent setting that turns off the node via the power button without delay). Example 2.11, “BIOS CMOS Setup Utility: Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN set to Instant-Off shows a Power menu with ACPI Function set to Enabled and Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN set to Instant-Off.


    The equivalents to ACPI Function, Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN, and Instant-Off may vary among computers. However, the objective of this procedure is to configure the BIOS so that the computer is turned off via the power button without delay.
  4. Exit the BIOS CMOS Setup Utility program, saving the BIOS configuration.
  5. When the cluster is configured and running, verify that the node turns off immediately when fenced.


    You can fence the node with the fence_node command or Conga.

Example 2.11. BIOS CMOS Setup Utility: Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN set to Instant-Off

|    ACPI Function             [Enabled]          |         Item Help      |
|    ACPI Suspend Type         [S1(POS)]          |------------------------|
|  x Run VGABIOS if S3 Resume   Auto              | Menu Level   *         |
|    Suspend Mode              [Disabled]         |                        |
|    HDD Power Down            [Disabled]         |                        |
|    Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN      [Instant-Off]      |                        |
|    CPU THRM-Throttling       [50.0%]            |                        |
|    Wake-Up by PCI card       [Enabled]          |                        |
|    Power On by Ring          [Enabled]          |                        |
|    Wake Up On LAN            [Enabled]          |                        |
|  x USB KB Wake-Up From S3     Disabled          |                        |
|    Resume by Alarm           [Disabled]         |                        |
|  x  Date(of Month) Alarm       0                |                        |
|  x  Time(hh:mm:ss) Alarm       0 :  0 :  0      |                        |
|    POWER ON Function         [BUTTON ONLY]      |                        |
|  x KB Power ON Password       Enter             |                        |
|  x Hot Key Power ON           Ctrl-F1           |                        |
|                                                 |                        |
|                                                 |                        |
This example shows ACPI Function set to Enabled, and Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN set to Instant-Off.
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