C.3. Selection Criteria Fields

This section describes the logical and physical volume selection criteria fields you can specify.
Table C.5, “Logical Volume Fields” describes the logical volume fields and their field types.
Table C.5. Logical Volume Fields
Logical Volume FieldDescriptionField Type
lv_uuid Unique identifier string
lv_name Name (logical volumes created for internal use are enclosed in brackets) string
lv_full_name Full name of logical volume including its volume group, namely VG/LV string
lv_path Full pathname for logical volume (blank for internal logical volumes) string
lv_dm_path Internal device mapper pathname for logical volume (in /dev/mapper directory) string
lv_parent For logical volumes that are components of another logical volume, the parent logical volume string
lv_layout logical volume layout string list
lv_role logical volume role string list
lv_initial_image_sync Set if mirror/RAID images underwent initial resynchronization number
lv_image_synced Set if mirror/RAID image is synchronized number
lv_merging Set if snapshot logical volume is being merged to origin number
lv_converting Set if logical volume is being converted number
lv_allocation_policy logical volume allocation policy string
lv_allocation_locked Set if logical volume is locked against allocation changes number
lv_fixed_minor Set if logical volume has fixed minor number assigned number
lv_merge_failed Set if snapshot merge failed number
lv_snapshot_invalid Set if snapshot logical volume is invalid number
lv_skip_activation Set if logical volume is skipped on activation number
lv_when_full For thin pools, behavior when full string
lv_active Active state of the logical volume string
lv_active_locally Set if the logical volume is active locally number
lv_active_remotely Set if the logical volume is active remotely number
lv_active_exclusively Set if the logical volume is active exclusively number
lv_major Persistent major number or -1 if not persistent number
lv_minor Persistent minor number or -1 if not persistent number
lv_read_ahead Read ahead setting in current units size
lv_size Size of logical volume in current units size
lv_metadata_size For thin and cache pools, the size of the logical volume that holds the metadata size
seg_count Number of segments in logical volume number
origin For snapshots, the origin device of this logical volume string
origin_size For snapshots, the size of the origin device of this logical volume size
data_percent For snapshot and thin pools and volumes, the percentage full if logical volume is active percent
snap_percent For snapshots, the percentage full if logical volume is active percent
metadata_percent For thin pools, the percentage of metadata full if logical volume is active percent
copy_percent For RAID, mirrors and pvmove, current percentage in-sync percent
sync_percent For RAID, mirrors and pvmove, current percentage in-sync percent
raid_mismatch_count For RAID, number of mismatches found or repaired number
raid_sync_action For RAID, the current synchronization action being performed string
raid_write_behind For RAID1, the number of outstanding writes allowed to writemostly devices number
raid_min_recovery_rate For RAID1, the minimum recovery I/O load in kiB/sec/disk number
raid_max_recovery_rate For RAID1, the maximum recovery I/O load in kiB/sec/disk number
move_pv For pvmove, source physical volume of temporary logical volume created by pvmove string
convert_lv For lvconvert, name of temporary logical volume created by lvconvert string
mirror_log For mirrors, the logical volume holding the synchronization log string
data_lv For thin and cache pools, the logical volume holding the associated data string
metadata_lv For thin and cache pools, the logical volume holding the associated metadata string
pool_lv For thin volumes, the thin pool logical volume for this volume string
lv_tags Tags, if any string list
lv_profile Configuration profile attached to this logical volume string
lv_time Creation time of the logical volume, if known string
lv_host Creation host of the logical volume, if known string
lv_modules Kernel device-mapper modules required for this logical volume string list
Table C.6, “Logical Volume Device Combined Info and Status Fields” describes the logical volume device fields that combine both logical device info and logical device status.
Table C.6. Logical Volume Device Combined Info and Status Fields
Logical Volume FieldDescriptionField Type
lv_attr Selects according to both logical volume device info as well as logical volume status. string
Table C.7, “Logical Volume Device Info Fields” describes the logical volume device info fields and their field types.
Table C.7. Logical Volume Device Info Fields
Logical Volume FieldDescriptionField Type
lv_kernel_major Currently assigned major number or -1 if logical volume is not active number
lv_kernel_minor Currently assigned minor number or -1 if logical volume is not active number
lv_kernel_read_ahead Currently-in-use read ahead setting in current units size
lv_permissions logical volume permissions string
lv_suspended Set if logical volume is suspended number
lv_live_table Set if logical volume has live table present number
lv_inactive_table Set if logical volume has inactive table present number
lv_device_open Set if logical volume device is open number
Table C.8, “Logical Volume Device Status Fields” describes the logical volume device status fields and their field types.
Table C.8. Logical Volume Device Status Fields
Logical Volume FieldDescriptionField Type
cache_total_blocks Total cache blocks number
cache_used_blocks Used cache blocks number
cache_dirty_blocks Dirty cache blocks number
cache_read_hits Cache read hits number
cache_read_misses Cache read misses number
cache_write_hits Cache write hits number
cache_write_misses Cache write misses number
lv_health_status logical volume health status string
Table C.9, “Physical Volume Label Fields” describes the physical volume label fields and their field types.
Table C.9. Physical Volume Label Fields
Physical Volume FieldDescriptionField Type
pv_fmt Type of metadata string
pv_uuid Unique identifier string
dev_size Size of underlying device in current units size
pv_name Name string
pv_mda_free Free metadata area space on this device in current units size
pv_mda_size Size of smallest metadata area on this device in current units size
Table C.5, “Logical Volume Fields” describes the physical volume fields and their field types.
Table C.10. Pysical Volume Fields
Physical Volume FieldDescriptionField Type
pe_start Offset to the start of data on the underlying device number
pv_size Size of physical volume in current units size
pv_free Total amount of unallocated space in current units size
pv_used Total amount of allocated space in current units size
pv_attr Various attributes string
pv_allocatable Set if this device can be used for allocation number
pv_exported Set if this device is exported number
pv_missing Set if this device is missing in system number
pv_pe_count Total number of physical extents number
pv_pe_alloc_count Total number of allocated physical extents number
pv_tags Tags, if any string list
pv_mda_count Number of metadata areas on this device number
pv_mda_used_count Number of metadata areas in use on this device number
pv_ba_start Offset to the start of PV Bootloader Area on the underlying device in current units size
pv_ba_size Size of PV Bootloader Area in current units size
Table C.11, “Volume Group Fields” describes the volume group fields and their field types.
Table C.11. Volume Group Fields
Volume Group FieldDescriptionField Type
vg_fmt Type of metadata string
vg_uuid Unique identifier string
vg_name Name string
vg_attr Various attributes string
vg_permissions Volume group permissions string
vg_extendable Set if volume group is extendable number
vg_exported Set if volume group is exported number
vg_partial Set if volume group is partial number
vg_allocation_policy Volume group allocation policy string
vg_clustered Set if volume group is clustered number
vg_size Total size of volume group in current units size
vg_free Total amount of free space in current units size
vg_sysid System ID of the volume group indicating which host owns it string
vg_systemid System ID of the volume group indicating which host owns it string
vg_extent_size Size of physical extents in current units size
vg_extent_count Total number of physical extents number
vg_free_count Total number of unallocated physical extents number
max_lv Maximum number of logical volumes allowed in volume group or 0 if unlimited number
max_pv Maximum number of physical volumes allowed in volume group or 0 if unlimited number
pv_count Number of physical volumes number
lv_count Number of logical volumes number
snap_count Number of snapshots number
vg_seqno Revision number of internal metadata — incremented whenever it changes number
vg_tags Tags, if any string list
vg_profile Configuration profile attached to this volume group string
vg_mda_count Number of metadata areas on this volume group number
vg_mda_used_count Number of metadata areas in use on this volume group number
vg_mda_free Free metadata area space for this volume group in current units size
vg_mda_size Size of smallest metadata area for this volume group in current units size
vg_mda_copies Target number of in use metadata areas in the volume group number
Table C.12, “Logical Volume Segment Fields” describes the logical volume segment fields and their field types.
Table C.12. Logical Volume Segment Fields
Logical Volume Segment FieldDescriptionField Type
segtype Type of logical volume segment string
stripes Number of stripes or mirror legs number
stripesize For stripes, amount of data placed on one device before switching to the next size
stripe_size For stripes, amount of data placed on one device before switching to the next size
regionsize For mirrors, the unit of data copied when synchronizing devices size
region_size For mirrors, the unit of data copied when synchronizing devices size
chunksize For snapshots, the unit of data used when tracking changes size
chunk_size For snapshots, the unit of data used when tracking changes size
thin_count For thin pools, the number of thin volumes in this pool number
discards For thin pools, how discards are handled string
cachemode For cache pools, how writes are cached string
zero For thin pools, if zeroing is enabled number
transaction_id For thin pools, the transaction id number
thin_id For thin volumes, the thin device id number
seg_start Offset within the logical volume to the start of the segment in current units size
seg_start_pe Offset within the logical volume to the start of the segment in physical extents. number
seg_size Size of segment in current units size
seg_size_pe Size of segment in physical extents size
seg_tags Tags, if any string list
seg_pe_ranges Ranges of physical extents of underlying devices in command line format string
devices Underlying devices used with starting extent numbers string
seg_monitor dmeventd monitoring status of the segment string
cache_policy The cache policy (cached segments only) string
cache_settings Cache settings/parameters (cached segments only) string list
Table C.13, “Pysical Volume Segment Fields” describes the physical volume segment fields and their field types.
Table C.13. Pysical Volume Segment Fields
Physical Volume Segment FieldDescriptionField Type
pvseg_start Physical extent number of start of segment number
pvseg_size Number of extents in segment number
Table C.14, “Selection Criteria Synonyms” lists the synonyms you can use for field values. These synonyms can be used in selection criteria as well as for values just like their original values. In this table, a field value of "" indicates a blank string, which can be matched by specifying -S 'field_name=""'.
In this table, a field indicated by 0 or 1 indicates a binary value. You can specify a --binary option for reporting tools which causes binary fields to display 0 or 1 instead of what is indicated in this table as "some text" or "".
Table C.14. Selection Criteria Synonyms
FieldField ValueSynonyms
pv_allocatable allocatable 1
pv_allocatable "" 0
pv_exported exported 1
pv_exported "" 0
pv_missing missing 1
pv_missing "" 0
vg_extendable extendable 1
vg_extendable "" 0
vg_exported exported 1
vg_exported "" 0
vg_partial partial 1
vg_partial "" 0
vg_clustered clustered 1
vg_clustered "" 0
vg_permissions writeable rw, read-write
vg_permissions read-only r, ro
vg_mda_copies unmanaged unknown, undefined, undef, -1
lv_initial_image_sync initial image sync sync, 1
lv_initial_image_sync "" 0
lv_image_synced image synced synced, 1
lv_image_synce "" 0
lv_merging merging 1
lv_merging "" 0
lv_converting converting 1
lv_converting "" 0
lv_allocation_locked allocation locked locked, 1
lv_allocation_locked "" 0
lv_fixed_minor fixed minor fixed, 1
lv_fixed_minor "" 0
lv_active_locally active locally active, locally, 1
lv_active_locally "" 0
lv_active_remotely active remotely active, remotely, 1
lv_active_remotely "" 0
lv_active_exclusively active exclusively active, exclusively, 1
lv_active_exclusively "" 0
lv_merge_failed merge failed failed, 1
lv_merge_failed "" 0
lv_snapshot_invalid snapshot invalid invalid, 1
lv_snapshot_invalid "" 0
lv_suspended suspended 1
lv_suspended "" 0
lv_live_table live table present live table, live, 1
lv_live_table "" 0
lv_inactive_table inactive table present inactive table, inactive, 1
lv_inactive_table "" 0
lv_device_open open 1
lv_device_open "" 0
lv_skip_activation skip activation skip, 1
lv_skip_activation "" 0
zero zero 1
zero "" 0
lv_permissions writeable rw, read-write
lv_permissions read-only r, ro
lv_permissions read-only-override ro-override, r-override, R
lv_when_full error error when full, error if no space
lv_when_full queue queue when full, queue if no space
lv_when_full "" undefined
cache_policy "" undefined
seg_monitor "" undefined
lv_health_status "" undefined

C.3.1. Specifying Time Values

When specifying time values for LVM selection, you can use either a standardized time specification format or a more free-form specification, as described in Section C.3.1.1, “Standard time selection format” and Section C.3.1.2, “Freeform time selection format”.
You can specify the way time values are displayed with the report/time format configuration option in the /etc/lvm/lvm.conf configuration file. Information on specifying this option is provided in the lvm.conf file.
When specifying time values, you can use the comparison operator aliases since, after, until, and before, as described in Table C.3, “Selection Criteria Comparison Operators”.

C.3.1.1. Standard time selection format

You can specify time values for LVM selection in the following format.
date time timezone
Table C.15, “Time Specification Formats” summarizes the formats you can use when specifying these time values.
Table C.15. Time Specification Formats
FieldField Value
YYYY-MM, auto DD=1
YYYY, auto MM=01 and DD=01
hh:mm, auto ss=0
hh, auto mm=0, auto ss=0
timezone (always with + or - sign)
+hh:mm or -hh:mm
+hh or -hh
The full date/time specification is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Users are able to leave date/time parts from right to left. Whenever these parts are left out, a range is assumed automatically with second granularity. For example:
  • "2015-07-07 9:51" means range of "2015-07-07 9:51:00" - "2015-07-07 9:51:59"
  • "2015-07" means range of "2015-07-01 0:00:00" - "2015-07-31 23:59:59"
  • "2015" means range of "2015-01-01 0:00:00" - "2015-12-31 23:59:59"
The following examples show the date/time specification as used in selection criteria.
lvs -S 'time since "2015-07-07 9:51"'
lvs -S 'time = "2015-07""
lvs -S 'time = "2015"'

C.3.1.2. Freeform time selection format

You can specify the date/time specification in LVM selection criteria using the following entitles.
  • weekday names ("Sunday" - "Saturday" or abbreviated as "Sun" - "Sat")
  • labels for points in time ("noon", "midnight")
  • labels for a day relative to current day ("today", "yesterday")
  • points back in time with relative offset from today (N is a number)
  • ( "N" "seconds"/"minutes"/"hours"/"days"/"weeks"/"years" "ago")
  • ( "N" "secs"/"mins"/"hrs" ... "ago")
  • ( "N" "s"/"m"/"h" ... "ago")
  • time specification either in hh:mm:ss format or with AM/PM suffixes
  • month names ("January" - "December" or abbreviated as "Jan" - "Dec")
The following examples the show the freeform date/time specificaiton as used in selection criteria.
lvs -S 'time since "yesterday 9AM"'
lvs -S 'time since "Feb 3 years 2 months ago"'
lvs -S 'time = "February 2015"'
lvs -S 'time since "Jan 15 2015" &&  time until yesterday'
lvs -S 'time since "today 6AM"'
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