
2.7. Migrating to MariaDB 10.5

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In RHEL 8, the MariaDB server is available in versions 10.3 and 10.5, each provided by a separate module stream. RHEL 9 provides MariaDB 10.5 and MySQL 8.0. This part describes migration from a RHEL 8 version of MariaDB 10.3 to RHEL 9 version of MariaDB 10.5.

2.7.1. Notable differences between MariaDB 10.3 and MariaDB 10.5

Significant changes between MariaDB 10.3 and MariaDB 10.5 include:

  • MariaDB now uses the unix_socket authentication plug-in by default. The plug-in enables users to use operating system credentials when connecting to MariaDB through the local UNIX socket file.
  • MariaDB adds mariadb-* named binaries and mysql* symbolic links pointing to the mariadb-* binaires. For example, the mysqladmin, mysqlaccess, and mysqlshow symlinks point to the mariadb-admin, mariadb-access, and mariadb-show binaries, respectively.
  • The SUPER privilege has been split into several privileges to better align with each user role. As a result, certain statements have changed required privileges.
  • In parallel replication, the slave_parallel_mode now defaults to optimistic.
  • In the InnoDB storage engine, defaults of the following variables have been changed: innodb_adaptive_hash_index to OFF and innodb_checksum_algorithm to full_crc32.
  • MariaDB now uses the libedit implementation of the underlying software managing the MariaDB command history (the .mysql_history file) instead of the previously used readline library. This change impacts users working directly with the .mysql_history file. Note that .mysql_history is a file managed by the MariaDB or MySQL applications, and users should not work with the file directly. The human-readable appearance is coincidental.


    To increase security, you can consider not maintaining a history file. To disable the command history recording:

    1. Remove the .mysql_history file if it exists.
    2. Use either of the following approaches:

      • Set the MYSQL_HISTFILE variable to /dev/null and include this setting in any of your shell’s startup files.
      • Change the .mysql_history file to a symbolic link to /dev/null:

        $ ln -s /dev/null $HOME/.mysql_history

MariaDB Galera Cluster has been upgraded to version 4 with the following notable changes:

  • Galera adds a new streaming replication feature, which supports replicating transactions of unlimited size. During an execution of streaming replication, a cluster replicates a transaction in small fragments.
  • Galera now fully supports Global Transaction ID (GTID).
  • The default value for the wsrep_on option in the /etc/my.cnf.d/galera.cnf file has changed from 1 to 0 to prevent end users from starting wsrep replication without configuring required additional options.

Changes to the PAM plug-in in MariaDB 10.5 include:

  • MariaDB 10.5 adds a new version of the Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) plug-in. The PAM plug-in version 2.0 performs PAM authentication using a separate setuid root helper binary, which enables MariaDB to use additional PAM modules.
  • The helper binary can be executed only by users in the mysql group. By default, the group contains only the mysql user. Red Hat recommends that administrators do not add more users to the mysql group to prevent password-guessing attacks without throttling or logging through this helper utility.
  • In MariaDB 10.5, the Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) plug-in and its related files have been moved to a new package, mariadb-pam. As a result, no new setuid root binary is introduced on systems that do not use PAM authentication for MariaDB.
  • The mariadb-pam package contains both PAM plug-in versions: version 2.0 is the default, and version 1.0 is available as the auth_pam_v1 shared object library.
  • The mariadb-pam package is not installed by default with the MariaDB server. To make the PAM authentication plug-in available in MariaDB 10.5, install the mariadb-pam package manually.

2.7.2. Migrating from a RHEL 8 version of MariaDB 10.3 to a RHEL 9 version of MariaDB 10.5

This procedure describes migrating from the MariaDB 10.3 to the MariaDB 10.5 using the mariadb-upgrade utility.

The mariadb-upgrade utility is provided by the mariadb-server-utils subpackage, which is installed as a dependency of the mariadb-server package.

Conditions préalables

  • Before performing the upgrade, back up all your data stored in the MariaDB databases.


  1. Ensure that the mariadb-server package is installed on the RHEL 9 system:

    # dnf install mariadb-server
  2. Ensure that the mariadb service is not running on either of the source and target systems at the time of copying data:

    # systemctl stop mariadb.service
  3. Copy the data from the source location to the /var/lib/mysql/ directory on the RHEL 9 target system.
  4. Set the appropriate permissions and SELinux context for copied files on the target system:

    # restorecon -vr /var/lib/mysql
  5. Ensure that mysql:mysql is owner of all data in the /var/lib/mysql directory:

    # chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
  6. Adjust configuration so that option files located in /etc/my.cnf.d/ include only options valid for MariaDB 10.5. For details, see upstream documentation for MariaDB 10.4 and MariaDB 10.5.
  7. Start the MariaDB server on the target system.

    • When upgrading a database running standalone:

      # systemctl start mariadb.service
    • When upgrading a Galera cluster node:

      # galera_new_cluster

      The mariadb service will be started automatically.

  8. Execute the mariadb-upgrade utility to check and repair internal tables.

    • When upgrading a database running standalone:

      $ mariadb-upgrade
    • When upgrading a Galera cluster node:

      $ mariadb-upgrade --skip-write-binlog

There are certain risks and known problems related to an in-place upgrade. For example, some queries might not work or they will be run in different order than before the upgrade. For more information about these risks and problems, and for general information about an in-place upgrade, see MariaDB 10.5 Release Notes.

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